Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE of 12 to 18 inches piled on top the previous snow Money clothing and food for livestock are the immediate needs and H J Hagerman special commissioner to 0 the Navajoa last night requested clothing and supplies from the army surplus for needy Indians and 50 cars of cotton seed cake and hay for livestock from the United States bureau of Indian affairs NAVAJOS GAIN STORM RELIEF $40-00- Indian Officials Agree on Emergency Program to Aid Redmen u 1 BANK AGAIN BOBBED MODESTO CaL Dec 11 WV-F- or the second time this year the First National bank at Crow's Landing 15 miles west of here was held up toGALLUP N AL Dec 11 (P)— Con day A man locked Charles Fink fronted by their most difficult Navajo president and Charles Fillippini cashier into a vault and relief problem in more than a quar- assistantwith about $2000 The bank escaped ter of a century Indian officials and executives were released by a traders moved back to their posts from Gallup today to place into effect n upon emergency program WOMAN FALLS TO DEATH Their first new difficulty however MV-Mr- s 11 Dec CHICAGO Was reopening the roads closed again Matilda Crocombe 48 wife of Wilyesterday by the second severe snow- liam E Crocombe president of the storm to strike the reservation within American Forge company plunged four weeks Crown Point Fort to death from their ninth floor apartand Zum were snowbound last ment today while her husband and night but the storm had abated A three children were asleep Crocombe sun bright shown today as a snow said his wife had been ill 8rd Sweet FRESH Cream EQUALITY BILL GAINS OKEH OF BRITISH KING Measure Permits Dominions Independence in Forming Laws a 11 (AV-KiLONDON Dec George today gave his assent to the statute of Westminster bill which creates a status of equality between Great Britain and her dominions giving the latter full power to enact legislation independent of the government at London The royal assent makes the measure a part of the law of the land It was previously adopted by both houses of parliament The king also assented to the horticultural products bill which establishes customs duties on imports of such produca as may compete in the domestic markets of Great Britain with homegrown commodities emThe statute of Westminster powering the British dominions to conduct their own internal and affairs without reference to the policies of the United Kingdom was years in the making and in effect it repeals the colonial laws validity act of 1865 leaving the dominions free to determine for them' selves whether they will accept legislation passed by the British parla ng LONDON Dec lLOPH The British government ha sent a note to France asking for a reply to representations previously made regarding the 15 per cent French surtax on imported goods That tax affects British coal particularly In the house of commons last week Walter Runciman president of the board of trade pointed out that it was imposed before the new British tariff was established table In fact Banquet Is made from cream that’s rich enough to whip! Mahatma Gandhi Ends Stay in Switzerland Churned dally and livered promptly to your grocer Banquet Is ALalWAYS FRESH ways delicious Just be sure you get Banquet de- McAdoo Calls on Garner To Render Felicitations WASHINGTON Dec Salt Laka city VILLENUEVE Switzerland Dec Mahatma Gandhi said goodbye to his friend Remain Rolland today and started for Rome on the way back to Bombay If he is invited members of his party said he will visit Pope Pius nd Premier Mussolini On Sunday he leaves Rome for Brindisi where he will embark for India traveling by steerage and reaching Bombay December 28 BETTER BUTTER Salt Lake City Bread Fresh from the oven 3 while or health every day I LS 10c Jam 15-o- s S0 le 34c Pint 23c Clorox 15c tree Jar and Oquirrh (wort rrrfcmery Maid o’ Clover In sanitary container Whipping Cream Assorted berry fruit Utah pack December 12 1931 SATURDAY Store 1 For the laundry and deodorizes BleachesBottle An Aa V V Star Lard 8-l- b Armour’s fancy pure snow-whi- te Par new concentrated la ted soap large A gran-p- c lard 89c Pail None better Rice 39c Blue Bose choice rice 3 lbs 14c Peanut Butter An excellent filler for sandwiches Dates G Two-poun- tary of the treasury and mentioned e 1 d e n Hallowil to sugar for stuffing etc quality boxes Oranges ft 4 Good size VllZje SunkistM Oranges attractively priced t Medium size ripe olive buffet tins a bargain AC Can o Vegetables LdJj New carrots beet nips bunched 6c 79c Box lbs each 2 and Uv tur-Bun- for the presidential nomination called at the Capitol today to congratulate Speaker Garner on his election McAdoo also visited Chairman Collier of the ways and means committee He said he was en route to Dallas Texas to speak on MACHADO WANTS OFFICE HAVANA Dec 11 (J?) —President Gerardo Machado told a large group of membera of congress and others last night he believes he ought to be permitted to remain in office until 1935 Instead of resigning in 1933 as' originally planned by the constitutional reform project Chickens Lard Wiggly’s own special slice Rind removed Plffly LI hn® Pound 16c 25c IOC wry Roast - nt Lb 12c beef Fancy baby only best quality Standing oven roast 12c Lb IOEIZII 'VtSJZ 20C S js SHOP— SAVE Prices Effective Till Midnight Saturday BUTTER Banquet Fresh Dally EGGS— Pullet strictly fresh DOZ MILK Tall all brands SUGAR Fine Beet cloth bag FLOUR Sperry’a Drifted Snow COFFEE M Sc J TEA Hewlett’s Japan NAVY BEANS great Northern NOODLES MACARONI SPAGHETTI Golden Age 7-- 24s LB 23— 2 43-L- B 4-L- B 31 45 4 Cans 25 10 LBS 52 BAG 99 LB 23 PEG 17 1ft LBS 25 DOZ PEG EACH 5 5 39 79 CARTON 12 LARGE SIZE 32 10 BARS 28 PUMPKIN Dinnerette Large 24 3 CANS 21 PORK AND BEANS Dinnerette 24s 4 CANS 21 TOMATO JUICE Dinnerette TALL CANS 7 SALAD DRESSING Dinnerette full pints 2 for 25 JELL-All Flavors S Molds FREE 3 for 19 GRAPEFRUIT (Sealdsweet) large size 2 CANS 25 WALNUT MEATS New CANS PAIL 8-- O Stock CARROTS BEETS STRING BEANS APPLES Fancy Jonathan BANANAS Golden Ripe ORANGES Sweet and Juidy LEMONS Full of Juice LETTUCE Solid Heads CELERY Crisp and White 43 LB CAN Pierce’s 5 10 LPS 25 LB 5 2 DOZ DOZ 2 for BUNCH MEAT DEPT RUMP AND ROUND ROAST OF BFKF only CHOICE BFFF POT ROAST Special PLATE BOILING! BFEF only SHOULDER MUTTON ROAST Yonn( Tender LOIN AND LEO MUTTON ROAST SpKial LOIN PORK ROAST only tB Pineapple Tomatoes White King Soap Beil0n Flour 3 3 iQg for 25s large pkgs SBarsiSg bag 958 48-I- b lbs Fine Sugar gj 100 lbs Fine $509 Sugar 7 Good Brooms v each 25c Mixed Nuts Peanut 3 lbs 50c Peanuts Jumbo 2 lbs 259 Libby’s Pineapple 7ooc 5e Bob While Soap 10 Bars 25c Navy Beans largt! 8ibs25e Corn No 2 cans 11355m-- for 25s 19 : No Drive lnside—No Parking Problems 25 15 15 5 10 I B Bo LB 7o 3 Pcas°’?rc“ Strtnglcss Beans "V Tfssue Paper Pop Com Beanty Candy Xmas Mixed 7 Bacon Fancy Sliced r Bean Hole Beans0!' Peaches Buckwheat Flour 3 for 25s 3 for 25s 5 lor 25s 5 lbs 25c 2 lbs 25c y Ib 20c ’" IQs IQ pieg Pure Lard UCUuup Van Camp' Malt Syrup 3 10c Celery I Cant pAnr 1 vdS Extra Sifted cans Raiiicr Pails b 69c Figs 1 58 IB So LB fOo LB 16o pt § 2 Old Mill Mayonnaise Relish picture in tmi SUGAR Cloth Bags that snapshot taken a few years ago? You’ve changed a good bit since then IIow will you look in 1911? REMEMBER 52c Ten bags pound cloth of granulated beet sugar will sell in our store all day Saturday for 52c Be sure and take advantage' of this unusual price We also have a won-- d e r f u 1 offering in canned vegetables for yon Saturday Large cans of standard cut green beans will sell for 5e per can Woods Cross Catsup 5c per can and Fierce’a diced or sliced Beets 5c per That depends on how well you guard your good looks today So many women and men allow their beauty and opportunities to fade through neglect o constipation Tliis widespread ailment 1 a persistent enemy of enthusiasm and personality It often brings headaches loss of appetite and energy Eyes lose their sparkle Wrinkles and pimples frequently appear can Vby endanger your youth and health — when there is an easy way to avoid constipation? Just eat a delicious cereal t Two tablespoonfuls Kellogg’s will daily promote regularity If you suffer from intestinal trouble not relieved this way consult your doctor ALL-BRA- GRANGES 3 Dozen 25c This Ift the first of Navel Kellogg’s have comparing Oranges we N ALL-BRA- supplies three N es- “bulk” Vitamin B and iron The Is “bulk” much like the “hulk” in lettuce sentials ed favorably In sweetness and Juice eon-ten- t with the Valencia Oranges In buying these I i and gently exercises the intestines Vitamin B tones them up Iron builds blood which helps make red cheeks and lips ed ALL-BRA- dozen for is far pleasanter than taking pills and drugs — so often Serve as a cereal or use in cooking Appetizing recipes on the package Sold by all grocers Be sure yon get the orig-- inal IEMB§ lln Y and ang 7c W a FIT Mllllvii IVNSIlKAItO :o: j £ All-Bra- n Made by Kellogg in Battle Creek ALL-BRA- N f V HtO Hi---1- was K IE IE IP YdDEJ Perk Chops Fenler cuts rib pig pork or Thousand Island Dressing 259 H Pint Relish or Thonssnd Island Dressln FRFF Wliem yon sit for your best shipment 50s SI This Is one of the bargains we for have offered some time and the quality o f Swift’s Silver Leaf Lard Is known by everyone Extra fancy baby beef pot roasts will sell in our market all day 10cSaturdaylb for To only per be assured of the best in meat visit our market 10-l- b IQw No LARD 8-l- 15§ Ibio" pln Sniffs Silver Leaf Pound 9c Prime Rib Small lean well Dimmed Serve baked or boiled The unusual bargains found at the Grand Central Market are not to be equaled by any store in the city Our regular prices on most merchandise are lower than most s t o r es’ advertised prices and there are always many very good bargains to be found in our store every day of the week One of our unusual bargains for Saturday will be 3 lb cans of M J B Cof- Operated f From! Our Friend the Bait Bnyi In the History of This Store SEE OUR PRICKS BP LOW—THE V SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES ENOUGH SAID— THIS SALE STRICTLY CASH habit-formin- g 15c Picnic Hams BARGAINS price of Pound Government inspected white pure lard Sliced Bacon STOP Horn Owned and SOUTH MAIil TOMATOES Woods Cross Large LARD Cudahy’s Rex MATCHES Buffalo WHITE KING SOAP POWDER LAUNDRY SOAP P Sc G Naptha UIIUSUAL thin-skinn- Any size piece young lean pork youn? for fricassee 810 Open Dally W Oranges at the remarkably low Wiggly tViggly IIIputt Boneless Pork Leg! OrocMT SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPECIALS OUR GREATEST SALE EVER Sweat Navel Olives 2 lbs 25c Parfay Chocolates Finest assorted attractive 29c Jar d WV-W- m E3aue waEieG UTAH GROCERY COMPANY 13th Anniversary Cash Sale 11 (A5)— IUvS-v- a I CO 11 G McAdoo former Democratic secre- fee for 93c KELSON-RICK- S CREAMERY n j: -- British Quiz France Regarding Coal Surtax It takes good cream to make good butter Banquet Is made only of the highest grade cream the same quality cream that you enjoy so much on your 15 1931' BillSEATTLE Dec 11 V-TIOWA CITY Iowa Dee 11 m LOS ANGELES Dec 11 (UP) Montana prohibition agents filed Sixteen cases of trichinosis rare dis- ings esHarold Q Ferguson wealthy real the Seattle ease affecting the eyelids and neck tate broker today was found guilty suits for libel against here today asking muscles and causing a high tempera-- 1 of 16 counts of grand theft and nine 000 each ture have been reported among unicounts of violation of the corporate $25The damages agents Orville Jones and John versity students securities act in connection with pro- L Fletcher asserted the newspaper The trichinosis has been traced to a motion of his $60000000 realty syndi- on December 15 1929 published a wiener roast two weeks ago It has cate a under Washington D C date been found that all the victims ate1 His assistant Clayton Luckey was story line in which they were libeled The wiener at that affair The disease is acquitted on all 31 counts of grand dispatch was a purported review of contracted chiefly by eating un- theft against him deaths incurred enforcement cooked pork The verdict was rendered by Sir of the Volstead through act B and Schauer Rey perior Judge Nothing in itself is good or evil Ferguson immediately congratulated Small service is true service while But only In its use before to his cell Luckey it lasts— Wadsworth returning Southey in the county Jail Arguments for a new trial will be held December 14 transition period before India receives full dominion status fine rich flavor! DECEMBER 12 Montana Dry Agents Disease Grips Students Wealthy Realty Man Convicted on 25 Counts After Wiener Roast Sue Seattle Newspaper ment It applies fully to the Irish free state but there are certain reservations with regard to India during the gives to this Butter SATURDAY MORNING lOOO fOMBAMV |