Show ” alrv ff fyftjfiff rcjjgy THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE FASHION WORLD S 4 ( t An interesting winter wedding was solemnized Friday evening at 7 p m at the home o f Mr and Mrs E M Weller Jr when their daughter Katherine became the bride of John J William Sharpnack The ceremony was performed by Levi Edgar Young in the presence of the relatives and close friends of the couple ard was followed by a reception in the lounge at the Belvedere The bride was very attractive in lovely wedding gown of iher laceandandshenet with peail carried a bouquet of pink roses and lilies of the valley Miss Virginia Weller was bridesmaid and was frocked in Nile green satin and net She carried a cluster of Claudius Pernet roses A Wells Mor rison was best man I The bridal party stood in front of fireplace on either side of which ( the were large floor baskets filled with Japanese chrysanthemums in shades of pink and white Mrs Weller mother of the bride wore a handsome model of black lace and chiffon and Mrs Philip M Sharpnack of Spokane mother of the bridegroom Wore a smart model of cream lace 4Irs Elias A Smith aunt of the bride who assisted in receiving wore a chic model of crimson chiffon with crystal beads The bridal party was assisted in receiving by Mr and Mrs E M Weller Jr Mrs Philip M Sharpnack Judge and Mrs Elias A Smith Carl Weller and Russell Weiler brothers of the bride assisted in the general entertaining of the guests The serving table was covered with a handsome lace cloth and centered with a silver basket of pink roses At either end of the table were silver candlesticks with ivory Princess tapers Mrs Carl Weller and Mrs Russell Weiler were in charge of the dining room and were assisted in serving by Miss Bessie Jones Miss Clara Middlemiss Mi's Dorothv Pitts Mrs A Isom Mrs Frank B McLat-che- y Mrs A Wells Morrison Miss r' Furniture Storage Keyser Fireproof Private Rooms offer doable security because tbey are fireproof rooms buUt in a fireproof warehouse and are safer than many safety deposit vaults Furniture Packing TV I ( i pert Packers of rut glass china household goods and Onr packers go to anv point in or I tab surrounding states on short notice F bric-a-br- Furniture Shipping Furniture Shipped at Reduced A phone call will Freight Rates bring a representative to your home who will give yon Information In regard to freight rates storThis age packing and shipping servlet is tree M k KEYSER Fireproof Storage Co West 2nd South Street Sait Lake Cltv Utah Phones— Wasatch 5722 and 572 328 Events of the Day SATURDAY MORNING DECEMBER 12 1931 KEEP WELL HOW TO DR Horoscope By for Today W A EVANS THE CRITICAL AGE IN WOMEN Sir Arbuthnot Lane says this Is the time when a woman’s sins against the ‘laws of health find her out So far as this fortunate world Is concerned It Is woman’s greatest Judgment day He yesterday’s says those who have been must now step up1 Matron Presides At Luncheon in Honor of Friends Today furnishes more conditions with most of power Life will be surrounded with to the window and pay the check Iff more concord and the disposition sinned In the matter of eating possible for a person with gall stones ’ will probably be more genial kindly they bladder trouble and indigestion and sociable The pursuits will be they get fat and lose their figure gall Regulation reasonably comfortable ornamental and aesthetic and pos If they have Indulged in liquor their of easing can keep the weight about success financial in hostresult was Mrs Robinson Homer may coarseness F becomes sibly appar- where It should be Systematic exphysical Sorosts sorority luncheon 1 ess at a piettily apivointed luncheon in any case the life will be pleas- ent and the nose may light up If ercise can help Massaging the face lounge p m Belvedere ' Thursdav afternoon at her home In ant and to a considerable degree for- they have been smoking they get out with Ice will tend to remove some An tunate the Buckingham apartments of breath on slight exertion If they wrinkles and other blemishes Women’s auxiliary to RailTODAY’S BIRTHDAYS Oriental theme was used with a as regards We need a living manual for wo- -i have been way Mall association ChristlaN of William Doak secretary crimson and green color scheme The their intestinal functions they will men of fifty When sent a stamped mas party 1‘30 p m Mrs C 49 born years ago table was centered with a miniature bor D Bagley 205 East Twenty-fir- st get liverish their complexions will addressed envelope and request I More Princeton N J coarsen and Bouth street Japanese garden with a tmy bridge Paul Elmore they will become espe- supply a booklet on the subject but and editor teacher author critic and lake Japanese ladies holding cially susceptible to germ diseases It is only a primer We need a larger Franklin P -- T A card party parasols at each place born at St Louis 67 years ago according to Sir Arbuthnot text columnist Brisbane noted Arthur added to the effect Green princess 2 p m Civic Center This for them is the season of can67 N Y Buffalo at born ago years were In silver holders candles cer and neglect of some sort h often OFFICE COLD FEET placed on the four corners Covers were Arthur Garfield Hays noted New a cause though only a contributing J P T writes: You Implied reSigma Theta Phi sorority Christmas party Mrs Hortense laid for Mrs Earl Plnney Mrs Maud York lawyer born at Rochester N cause of that disease that there wasn’t any handy Major 1622 Harvard avenue It Is In this critical age that wo- cently Chegwldden Mrs Margaret Brooks Y 50 years ago cure for cold feet in the office Now Karl C Parrish noted mining en- man’s mental and emotional Miss Isabel Hoggan and elns I wonder Delta Zeta Mothers’ club interests in South gineer with-vaon her face If she has in How Electricity la fairly cheap An Alaskan Idea was artistically America born at Leon Iowa 54 years register in the sin of bridge luncheon 130 p m 144 anxdulged worry and about putting a big fan or two In East First South street developed at the annual formal din- ago transverse wrinkles are recorded iety places on the floor and ner dance given Friday evening by on her brow If she has Indulged In strategic shooting a heavy stream of cold foot the alumnae active and pledge memdown come the melancholy thoughts air up Into the celling of hot Miss Diana 8trong bers of Alpha Sigma Delta In the comers of her mouth This Is the air? right Lois Oswald Wouldn't it spread and crowd In women which from Mrs Elmer Bacon and Miss Esther Tose room of the Newhouse hotel suffer period downward the hot air there? It ocAt one end of the room reflected By Katherine De Peyster not flashes a form of dizziness and curred to me theoretically that this Clawson In were a vari large mirror arranged emotional storms This group of dis- might be more effective than putt'ng Mr and Mrs Sharpnack will leave lights lending an aurora bo- Dear Miss De Peyster: orders results from changes that are the fan overhead and blowing the by plane at 7 a m Saturday for San colored seated were realis The effect guests 1 Francisco where they will spend their What is the correct position ol Incident to the period whereas those hot air down as the foot cushion of at one was table which cleverly a gentleman when riding with two recorded In earlier paragraphs are cold air long honeymoon and will be at home might dam that off the floor after January 1 In the Barbara Worth decorated with Eskimo Igloos and ladies In an automobile? sequent to the habits of a lifetime Then too If the apartment below sleds white with and tapers lighted 2 In For 'this second group there is re- admits how about a couple of gratand descending apartments in crystal candelcbra The dance stairways ascending what is the correct posi- lief There are many preparations ings in the floor to let the warm air programs further carried out the tion of a gentleman? of ovarian extract on the market and up through and the cold air down Matrons Honored Alaskan theme Fifty couples were 3 Should peas be eaten with a any woman can escape the disagree- through? to oresent were Toasts Folresponded to Mrs Frank In compliment fork? "J” able sensations that characterize the Condemn a few architects to do Miss Helen Seeley Miss Elsie ANSWERS These preparations are their office work In Just such a room menopause land and Mrs Isaac Russell of Chi- by Keller and Miss Edith Hummel Miss 1 He may sit between them or op- gradually being standardized and In and wear slinpers and It’s dollars to cago Mrs Claribel W Wallace en- Jutta Englehardt was the committee most cases one can get what she pays doughnuts they would find a cure posite them on the small seat that tertained at an attractively arranged chairman for the affair for The preparations can be used As it Is ‘tls not their feet that get folds down In In one Is The 2 of no at least three ways this country There living any evening party Thursday cold home on Highrooms were decorated with ferns and The HyrumwasJensenscene about this I agree The outbreaks of a perverted tranIn- definite rule an land of drive the sitional can rule be flowers and games were played fol formal that controlled PEROXIDE BLOND AND the with the personality dancing party Friday eve- gentleman European the lady when by the exercise of patience and the lowed by a late suppsr 'Covers were INSANITY precedes active alumni the bv given are going upstairs and whin cultivation of tranquillity laid for Mri J H McCowan Mrs ning As to Mrs I A S writes: they members and of Pi Kappa pledge A W Leggett Mrs Parley G James those developments at the menoare coming downstairs 1 Does bleaching the hair with Holiday decorations were they 3 Yes Mrs Emma D Best and Mrs J Alpha pause which result from bad habits peroxide of hydrogen cause Insanity? was served late used a and supper ' not be much Brown cure can done of by way 2 Docs it cause headache? to sixty couples The arranging com(Copyright 1931 Premier Syndicate The effect is too firmly rooted REPLY mittee included Don Folland RobIs possible to make reasonably Inc) It 1 No ert Caldwell and Rex Gleaves University Notes In and good that 2 compromises way No v The pledge members of Delta Zeta The Christmas party of Phi Mu Great joys like griefs are silent — save something For instance care Marmion ful regulation of eating will make it (Copyright 1931 Chicago Tribune) honored the alumnae and active was held Friday evening in the labob- dies’ lounge of the Union building members at an evening for the active and for the alumnae active and pledge urday members followed The arrangements sleigh party Friday evening members of the sorority A beauti pledge are being made by Leslie Bishop by a dancing party at the home of fully decorated Christmas tree was James Olsen and John Beck Miss Rosellnd Fldge on Twelfth East placed In front of the fireplace and street A buffet supper was served holiday decorations were arranged An informal dancing party will the table being artistically decorated Light refreshments were served to be given Saturday evening by Beta In Theta PI at the fraternity house on with Christmas colors featuring hol- thirty couples The committee Red tapers In charge of arrangements included Mi's Thirteenth East street Alumni are By JOSEPHINE HUDDLESTON ’fore check up your physical condi-- 1 ly with red berries silver holders were placed on the Thelma Le°s Miss Louise Emmett invited The committee chairman Is My my! Everyone seems to be tlon carefully to see whether you four corners of the table Thirty and Miss Elinor Newton Robert H Klrkman complaining about falling hair! One have developed a nervous condition couples were present The chaperones might think from the personal In- or whether you are worrying about1 n InterThe sophomore-freshmawere Mr and Mrs L S Wootten Miss Luclle Scowcroft and Rich- quiries as well as from the multitude more things than usual The committee In charge of the ar- class prom will be held Saturday ard Scowcroft who are attending of letters that a full fledged epidemic Bni'hlng and Massage rangements Included Miss Mildred evening In the ballroom of the Union school In California will arrive the of baldness was about to descend Lots of sleep a long dally walk building for members of A 8 U U early part of next week to spend the upon us Wolters and Miss Beth Jex and their friends Members of the holidays with thir mother Mrs He-band the drinking of Falling hair can result from ro deep breathing A Christmas Idea featuring a bril- two classes who are making the arScowcroft 24 South Wolcott ave many different things that It Is al- at least eight glasses of clear cool liantly decorated Christmas tree was rangements Include Richard Froi-set- h nue most Impossible for me to be specific water each day will help to correct nervous state The worrying used at the Spur-BluKey dance held Ford Barlow Miss Helen SkidHowever I can set down some of the the Friday evening In the Little Theater more Miss Lois Keddington Miss The Saturday Night club will be reasons and some of the general business you’ll have to fight out by of the Union building It's far easier to sug-- 1 Newly initi- Irene Lund Miss Annie Ross Ray- entertained by Mr and Mrs C E and It's possible that many yourself one cease ated members of the two organiza- mond Hunt Garfield Anderson John Richards at 6 45 p m Saturday at remedies this useless occu- gest that will of solution a find for you your tions were the honored guests Light Ward and Morris Guss their home 217 South Eleventh East own than It Is to follow the advice prtlon In this way problem particular refreshments were served at midstreet But the remedy Is the same First of all let me remind you once stop A formal dancing party celebrating night to sixty couples The commitworrying whether you can or so often that all every will healthy again Mr and Mrs J Forbes Campbell tee In charge Included Miss Beth the founding of Kappa Sigma not! Every try will bring you nearer takes of a out hair It falling spell Bel on are in the the Cotterell Miss Maurine McKenzie be held Saturday evening receiving congratulations the goal vedere lounge for the alumni active birth of a daughter December 11 Is nature's method of ridding the Applications of warm o'lve oil and Frank Taylor of an accumulation of hair scalp are was Plans Mrs members Miss and pledge Campbell formerly into the scalp at night and Clara M Clawson has Just received being made by John Whalan and Dorothy Ball daughter of Mr and which has served Its purpose and to masaged to remain on until shammake way for the new vital growth permitted a shipment of “Alr dark” and Sun- Frank Me A tee Mrs James T Ball out the next morning frehow- pooed out This seanatural for the frocks process falling holiday day night quently stvp live hair from falling Mr and Mrs Lewis G Nccr of ever should not last longer than a out Members of Psl Rho Lambda will son Smart and distinctive models 38 North State apt 4 (Adv ) entertain at a party Sat- - San Francisco are receiving congrat- week or so the hair night and mornNervousness and worry often show Brushing ulations on the birth of a daughter ing for five minutes each time stim111 6 Marlene Helen December Mrs their effect the — upon by body awwrw wk a t" nr rrvSg' circulation throughout the Neer was formerly Miss Leora Smith causing the hair to fall out There- - ulates and often scalp proves an effective ? remedy Ladles’ club annual charity ball Newhouse hotel Salt Lake Mothers’ club Christmas party county infirmary 1 30 p m Elks’ rvs w ¥Wm rig HINTS FOR THOSE WHO BUDGET THE HOME OCl'ETY® Wedding Proves Swart Event of Winter Season y ' i omen- - LATEST MODES OF V wf w? mm ggp nt Large Size 200’s tD® Doz This Orange sells regularly for 25c dozen It is a nice Juicy Navel Orange of unusual quality Buy for the holiday as we believe you will not buy them again at this low price For health's sake eat Oranges On sale at the Front Fruit Stand nt ed st ETIQUETTE EVEN HEALTHY HAIR FALLS OUT AT TIMES MACARONI SPECIAL QUEEN’S TASTE SHELL MACARONI & nfcoo Free Macaroni Demonstration M4CAROVI 8T4ND Home-Mad- CANDY KISSES lb 22fi e CANDY STAND ffU SLICED BACON— Reg 29c lb WISCONSIN BRICK CHEESE— Reg 35c FRANKFURTERS— Found SAUERKRAUT— fcleva iwe I £ Pint WHIPPING CREAM— Reg 40c pint ftE fcVb DFLICATESSEN UNION KNITTING MILLS CO of Logan Utah are here again with the beat bargains In Knitted Hear for In their history Everything the whole famliy a and Suite from— Ladles’ S2J3IdS5Gj Girls’ Dresses and 51 ol Sweaters Bovs' Sweaters A big stock of Men's Sweaters and Overcoats 8 O HUNTER Sales Agent 51 53 53 Standard Market FOODSTUFFS' er e i 916 East 712 Community Market 9th South Business Is Good at the East 1st South Standard— There's a Rea 4 fall 25c MILK Horning Whipping Cream 25c full cl Fanry W hole bob-slei- ftffmnurrtfrf nrvgW" DO YOU PLAY BRIDGE? By MILTON C WORK 1 Studebalcer Automatic Ride Control j I 5 J ' i isrirs-isi- s siissf deal teaches a to Of at “ Shampoo Finger Wave Manicure Marcel Hair Cut Permanent Wave Complete 50 50 50 75 50 " $500 DAY and NIGHT BEAUTY SALON Oprn John F Dllle o ( lock 1931 ) Students Arrange Party for Blind lol-emln- you No 2 Vs 15c that The Modern Coffee Ik 33s Del Monte SPINACH Del Monte Do Luxe Plums A Just Heat and Serva Breakfait Delicti! 2'2’s 17c Tomato Jtrlca China Herb Co W B f 4000 tun Reliable Herb Specialist Jon the ro beof worth pure herbs of different kind need for the relief of dieavet of etomarh liver kldneva heart ronstlnation indigestion lungs rheumatism skin diseases (all bladder piles ulera cough aslhma neuralgia catarrh high or law blood nervousness weakness pressure dtvrlness headache lost of vitality and female complaints Simple and easy to take When vour case has been given up fcy others give Uf a trial llerh prices reasonable 2H SOUTH THIRD FAST Salt Lake Utah Phone Was 754 Hours daily 7 Sun IS to 12 noon hind 2 for CELERY- ”-- 4c 15c lb SWEET POTATOES Kraft Phila Cream Cheese The largest selling package Cheese in the world French Dressing Dfllrloui on Lrtturt WHITE KING in ZEE TOILET TISSUE mm SPJAE 2pkgs17c Kraft tBftKilNGY Large 29c pkg3 for SI 5 pkgs 23c PRq FOR OVER $0 Members of the Utah Association of the Blind will be entertained at a Guaranteed pure Christmas party to be held In The and efficient Tribune-Telegraauditorium Saturday at 8 p m Students of St USE college will present a program followed by a dance and less than of high Chrltmas The students who will take part priced biands are Mary Treloar Dolores Roek Catherine O Connor Virginia McHugh Miry O Carroll I vrretia Ivt-to- n Nanrv Maik Betty Henicheld and Collette llcilel m Wasatch 4566 207 MAIN Fvrnlnti TUI IS (Copyright well the hair thrives on excess circulation Therefore to have a luxurious growth of healthy beautiful hair circulation must be stimulated by artificial means such as brushing and massage If the hair Is excessively dry use the olive oil treatment once each week In connection with dally brushing until the natural oils are brought bark to the scalp and hair In my next article I'll set down the dandruff formula which has been successful and which should be used If this condition Is present jack of diamonds If East played good small South would play the ten Concerning the correct bidding of When the diamond nine was led to todays hand there would be some the next trick South would play the At contract bridge little question if East again played small This some Souths with ample strength eight would result In a third lead of dla three suits stopped and three cards monels and the capture of East s king to a Jack In the fourth suit would After South’s diamonds were exhaust bid one no trump others would bid ed it would be to put dummy In one diamond If South should bid a with the ace ofeasy cash the thirspades diamond North would “assist" and it teenth diamond and secure a total of seen will be that declarer would find one two hearts five diamonds it impossible against sound defense and Bpade one club 11 diamonds tricks with to take the trump: but If South started with one A superb new bridge booklet “Cele no trump North would bid three brated Contract Hands" with their At no trump game would depend auction bidding— and play —and “The which the card upon dummy plaved Forcing Two Club Bid" contracts on the first trick Wests opcnlnglnfWP!lt convention by Milton C lead would be the six of clubs and Work contract’s greatebt authority North should play the trev If South This 48 page booklet Is packed with had held no club strength playing the Innermost secrets of contract— and auction Send 8 cents in stamps or coin (wrap carefully) to pay printFnclose stamped self ing costs addressed return envelope addressed Milton C Work care of The Salt Lake Tribune POPULAR PRICES I (dummy's king would give the only chance to win a trick In that suit but with South holding the Jack and two others a trick Is assured If dummy plays small and it may not be If dummy plays the king If the king should be played from dummy East would win with the ace and lead back the ten Whether South covered with the Jack or ducked the adversaries would save the game by taking the first five (club) tricks but with a small club played from dummy It would make no difference whether East played the ace or ten of clubs on the first trick as declarer would take one club trick In either event If the first trick was won by South declarer would lead a heart from the South hand winning with North’s It might be Slice! 25 Ounces for refro-hment- 25' MMMSS lUtODF IM INI) RFD lb 22V?s |