Show Tablet Placed At Mountain Meadows l L i By fly Trails Association tion The dedication of the tablet at nt the Mountain Meadows was h held ld Saturday Saturday Satur Satur- day September r with Oe George rge Al Albert Albert Al- Al bert Smith president of the Utah Pi Pioneer Pioneer PI Pi- Trails TraUs and Landmarks Association Association Association tion presiding and acting as master cf of ceremonies and ond wl with h over two hundred hundred hun hun- I dred IrEd people from southern Utah to towns I resent emt President nt Anthony W. W Ivins who was wat scheduled to appear as the principal speaker was detained in Salt Snit Lake Lale City because of the Illness I cf of t President Heber J J. J Grant and Dr I Geo W. W Middleton member of the Trails and Landmarks Association took i his place on the program Invocation was pronounced by John T. T Woodbury Jr of 01 St. St George and Luther M. M Terry of Enterprise offered benediction The musical numbers of 01 the services were by a double double dou dou- I dou-I ble mixed quartet from Cedar City composed of Mrs Annette Bettenson Mrs Frank B. B Wood Mrs McNone Perr Perry Miss Alice Allee Williams Lelar Lela l Perry Scott Matheson M M. J. J Uric Urie and Sam Cam B B. Jones John D. D Giles general secretary of the Landmarks association was Voa the first speaker and explained the wark of cf the organization in placing of markers markers mar mu- kers at historic spots and stated that the one at Mountain Meadows was the seventeenth marker placed so far He expressed pleasure in being able to cooperate with the people of southern Utah Utah In this endeavor Wm R. R Palmer the work of all who had contributed to the building of the monument and anc expressed the appreciation of the theM M southern Utah people for the cooperation cooperation cooperation coop coop- of the association and for lor the beautiful tablet and ae accepted it on behalf of the people Mr Palmer explained explained explained ex ex- that the purpose cf of the movement movement move moye- ment had been first to protect the graves of human beings by the erection erection erection tion of the wall and second to mark marka a historic spot M. M J. J Ur Uric Urie e pre president dent of the Cedar City chamber of commerce and end Frank Beckwith publisher of Delta also gave gate short talks The inscription on 01 the tabet tablet at the mo monument is as follows Mountain Meadows a favorite re recruiting re- re place of the Old OM Spanish Trail In this vicinity September 11 1857 oc- oc cured one of the most lamentable tragedies in the annals ennals of the West A company of about Arkansas and Missouri emigrants led by Captain Charles Fancher to California Califor nia was attacked by white men and Indians All but 17 17 being small children children child child- ren were ere killed John D. D Lee who confessed participation as leader was as legally executed here March 23 1877 Most of the emigrants were ere buried burled in I their ovo own 1 defense pits This monument monument monument ment reverently dedicated September 1 10 1932 by the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks Association and the people of 01 Southern Utah I I I 1 I I i I I I I I i j i |