Show Advanced Market 1 For Lambs Predicts John M. M Brown Stressing the importance of the sheep Industry in Southern Utah John M. M Brown BrO gave gae an interesting tang before the Lions Club of Cedar at the regular weekly luncheon Monday Monday Mon Mon- day noon The talk was as given ghen as a stimulus to Eat More Lamb week which is being observed this week Mr Brown DrO pointed out that because of the over supply of feeds in Southern Utah this year it should be an opportune opportune opportune tune time for tor feeding to supply finIshed finished fin fin- finished lambs for a later market which from all indications he stated willbe will willbe be an advanced market Following the talk some time was spent in a round roundtable roundtable roundtable table table- discussion of ot the Industry A committee consisting of Wm Maack I I. I E. E Riddle and O. O D. D Lombardi Lom- Lom bardi bardl was appointed to make arrangements arrangements arrangements arrange arrange- ments for the staging of a minstrel show by the club in the near future The support of the entire membership membership membership member member- ship was vouched and preparations I for tor the affair will start Immediately Lester Ford and George Blacket were voted to membership in the club at the meeting |