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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH. S, THE WEEK'S LOCAL HAPPENINGS J. S. Ostler, is down from Salt Setting Hens For Sale at 90c each See E. L. Guyld, 8th east 1st South, Lake this week attending to his business interests in this city. Phone 168, Nephi, Utah. PLENTY OF Carnations for Mothers Day OURS WILL BE HERE SATURDAY MORNING Call and get yours ENTERPRISE GROCERY CO. Let me do your light carpenter Flowers for Mother's Day will be on sale at both drug stores under the work, and fix your screen doors. auspices of the young ladles of the See Henry Knowles. M. I. A. an dthe Ladies Literary ciuD. H. A. White Jr. deputy Internal Wm. Smith of Salt Lake City, a revenue collector for this section was former resident of this city, and Mrs. in Nephi Wednesday visiting the local Jane Moore of Provo, were In Nephl. business houses. Sunday attending the funeral of Eli J. H. Horning, the genial agent of zabeth Burton. the Denver and Rio Grande railway A soecal Mother's Day program at Manti, spent Wednesday in Nephi will be given by the Nephi Ward shaking hands with old friends. Sunday afternoon in the Tabernacle, My Dog Valley Farm of 160 acres o commence at 2 p. ni. The general Sale 40 acres wheat, 60 to 70 for to attend. invited cordially public acres rye. 40 acres summer fallow. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett, were Well fenced all around Isaac Gadd. down from Sandy Sunday and Mon The E. J. S. club met at the home day, returning home Tuesday morn int. Mrs. W. A. Garrett Sr, accom of Miss Loretta Sarks Monday evenpanied them back and will visit witn ing, the time being spent in music them for some time before returning and sewing. A delicious luncheon was served to the following members. to Nephi. Eva Olpin, Melba Hague, Ophelia to Jennings, Edna Haynes, Florence G. M. Whitmore. went over Fountain Green Wednesday to assist Riches, Mrs. Fontella Boswell, Mrs. in checking out Cashier J. T. Oldroyd Walter Olpin, Mrs. Clarence Foote, who will shortly assume charge of his Mrs. Bertram Foote, and the hostess new duties as State land commission Miss, Sparks. The wool sales at Jericho Monday er of Utah. Under Mr. Oldroyd's flourisih was attended by some of the sheepmanagement the bank has ed and is now one of the strong men from this place, but the highest country banks of the State. Mr. Geo bid was less than 17 cents and nothrge Collard, also of Fountain Green ing was done. The managers of the wool pool expect to get other bids will be the new cashier. soon, when It is likely a sale may be made at somewhat higher figures. According to report about 650,000 pounds of good wool is being held at the Jericho corrals, a great deal of this amount belonging to Fountain Green parties. 31 North Main Street NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Go-car- ts Lawn Mowers d. sharpened. (Publisher) rr? DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, April 11, 1921 NOTICE is hereby given that Shed-rac- k A. Lunt, of Nephi, Utah, who, on April 25th, 1916, made Homestead entry No. 017336, for Wtt SW hi. Section 1; W NW, Sec. 12; Section 11, Township 12 NE4 South, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intentino to make five-yeProof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the District Court, at Nephi, Utah, on the 25th day of May 1921. names as Jlalmant Morgan, witnesses: Owen Boswell, Alonzo Lorraine Lunt, Floyd C. Lunt all of Nephl, Utah, GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register First pub. April 15th, 1921. Last Pub. May 20th, 1921,. NE, ar He Bui) J Wisely Who Bui Well." Be a wise and thoughtful buyer When your'e picking out a tire. TO BUILD WELL Nephi Plaster HAS NO EQUAL lue Largest and of Natural Deposit the World. PurfHl Gypsum la NEPHI PASTEK AND MFG, safet- y-first CITY MEAT MARKET Geo. W. Garrett Prop Reserve. District No. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank B1MK Btran-gt- h building nourishment of Their wholesome meats. sense directs them to the santary shop whose quality meats and courteous service encourage their appetites and whose punctual service does not delay their dinner. GRACE GARAGE CO. Utah Nephl Charter No. 3537 an and women know of the Let Grace's Auto Doctor look after your car's health COMPANY OPM6AT CUT IN THIS , MARKET S AS FRESH AND A3 SWEPT AS A NOT ALL INTELLIGENT, ENERGETIC MEN THE way to judge a brand of tires is by its past performance! Tiiere are tires for different purposes, there are tires for different cars and we think the best way out is to talk it over with us. .Mileage is what you want come In and buy it. Ranges, Garden Tools Lawn Hose Paints, Boilers Buckets Barbed Wire Bolts Nails Oils Kalsomine Sporting Goods Electrical Goods Kendall Bros. v. a Tii in 7 - Takes The Place Of A Day Book OR JOURNAL IN YOUR ACCOUNTING SYSTEM. USE YOUR CHECK BOOK SUPPLIED UV THIS BANK, AND LET THE STUBS SHOW HOW .MUCH YOU HAVE PAID OUT AND TAKEN IN. YOU CAN POST YOUR LEDGER DIRECT FROM THE STUBS OF YO'UR CHECK BOOK. OUR OFFICIAL WILL EXPLAIN FURTHER. Nephi National Bank of Nephi, Utah SALE. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale on the 21st day of May, A. D. 1921 at the front door of the County Court House in Nephi City, Juab County, State of Utah, the following described real property situated in Juab County State of Utah, and described as fol t: lows Commencing nineteen (19) rods and five (5) links South and twenty-thre- e (23) rods and thirteen (13) links West of the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Nor theast Quarter of Section Nine(9) in Township thirteen (13) South, Range one (1) East of the Salt Lake Meridian; thence running South six (6) rods and eight (8) links; thence 12 West Twenty-on- e (21) rods and fourteen (14) links, to the East bank of the water ditch; thence North 26 degrees. East six (6) rods and twenty to-wi- (20)links; thence East eighteen'(18) Catarrli Can Be Cured Catarrh is Influenced It tions. n by loetil disease, greatly condiconstitutional therefore requires constitu-tionitreatment. HALL'S CATARRH LIABILITIES Capital Stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits Reserved for interest and taxed accrued Reserved Lss Buy International machines for the most successful operation of your farm, then keep them 100 per cent International as long as they last by using only genuine I H C Be an International Farmer, and we will back Repairs. you up by International Service, which is prompt, dependable and permanent. What an experienced farmer knows Any farmer of experience can tell about how long his farm machinery will run before parts that need replacement will wear out. These include, with many others, shares, shovels, guards, knives, sections, blades, teeth, etc. for, Order Repairs Early 50,000.00 60,000.00 25,669.03. 2,500.00 28,169.03 15,328.91 . . current "expenses and taxes paid Circulating notf.s outstanding Net amounts due to national banks Not amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies in the U. S. & foreign countries (other than incl- - In items 22or23) Certified Checks outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding 80,095.64 Total of items 22, 23, 24, 25, and 26 Individual deposit subject to check . Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed ) Dividends unpaid Other dernaml depoHlts Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve. Items 27,, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 272.875.63 Certificate of deposit (other than for money borrowed) Other time deposits Postal Savings deposit Total of time deposits subject to Reserve Items 33, 34, 35 168,902.99 and 36 U. S. Government Securities borrowed (See Note) Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank .... 12.840.12 47,597.50 14,071.65 All these Items should be listed and ordered early, far You will in advance of the time when they will be needed. save time and money by ordering all the repairs at one time. 64,656.07 This will save you money late in the season, when you may be obliged to pay lor long distance telephone calls, and express or parcel post charges on numerous small orders. 260,244.54 When Delays' Are Expensive 577.10 890.82 7,354.32 5,000.00 276.77 18.579.84 140,028.59 294.56 And, what may later prove much more costly than these charges. Is the time lost "waiting for repairs Just when the implement should be working to capacity in the field. As tlio Intermit foiial Denier, We Maintain an International Stat Ion for Your Convenience Heilc 13.000.00 136,000.00 PKOI IT BY IT 821,311.88 Total ss. Slate of Utah, County of Juah bank do solemnly' I. O. M. Whitmore, (ashler of the swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and O. M. WHITMORE, Cashier, belief. Directors W. W. Armstrong. J. W; Whitmore Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of May. 1921 THOS H. BURTON, Notary rubllc above-name- d PLUMBERS Correct-AUes- f. My Commission expires August 27th, 1921, il MEDICINE is taken internally and nets tnroujili ttie i.ioon on tne mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, gives the patient Kirenjrih by improving the general health and assists nature in doing its work. All druggists. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney Co., Toledo, Ohio. Be An International Farmer 821,311.88 Total I rods and fourteen (14) links to the place of beginning, and containing 126 rods, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining. Dated at Nephi, Utah, this 28th, day, of April A. D. 1921. DAN MARTIN, Sheriff of Juab County By P. P. CHRISTISON, Deputy Sheriff First Publication April 29th, 19 21. Last Publication May 20th, 1921 tie Stale ... Tubs ..I c'heckI A BOOK ;j IFF'S . We are enlarging our stork of Hardware every day. Call and see our goods and prices when in need of .. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR JUAB COUNTY, STATE OF UTAH. BENEFICIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, A Corporation, Plaintiff, Vs. Alvah Stout and Annie C. Stout, NOTICE OF SHERDefendants, of Utah, at the close of business on April 28th, 1921. RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those 569,599.58 shown in b and c) 569.599,53 Total Loans Notes and bills rediscounted with Federal Reserve Bank (other than bank acceptances sold) 82,000.00 487.599.58 82,000.00 694.69 694.69. unsecured secured NONE; Overdrafts, U. S. Government securities owned: 2 per cent 50,000.00 Deposited to secure circulation U. S. Bonds par val. .160,460.74 All other United States Government Securities 48,462.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc 1,500.00 Hanking House, NONE ; Furniture and fixtures, 1,500.00 1.00 Real Estate owned other than banking house 2,341.50 Cash in Vault 35,873.83 Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 18,083.33 Net amounts due from national banks Net amount due from banks, bankers, and truse companies in 13,075.84 the United States (other than includ. in Items 9,10orll) Checks on other banks in the same city of town as reporting 475.28 bank, (other than' Item 13) Total of items 99, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 .. 31,634.45 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting 244.04 bank and other cash items U. S. and due from U. S. Treasurer with fund Redemption 2,500.00 ; Treasurer lu if ANDORBUT every piece 5Si KENDALL BROS. Ml JUAB COUNTY FARMERS ASSOCIATION |