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Show THE Inter-Mounta- TIMES-NEW- NKPIII, UTAH. S, in Editorial Hilites "1 m (tw "AFTER EUERV MEAL 1 Mint leaf, peppermint or lus- - treat for Nobody fares if tin" man who invented jazz, is crazy, hut why sliiml l lie have tried to mala: all lh rest of the world crazy. ("ar.-o-n City (Nev.) . ' News. It And now the (Jcmmns presume to ask i he president of the Vniiod States to lntereeile with the allies on their lif'.mlf. What colossal nerve! I!ois (Idaho) Statesman. h your sweet toctn. i From nil indications there will 'e need of l"ncle Siiin floating loan fur i American citizens bet'oro ton;:. Sentinel. (Xev.) j cious Juicy fruit, either flavor (s a fi! And ait are equally cood for I you. Teeth, appetite and digestion aii benefit. There seems to he a feeling on the part of most people, there are a few exceptions, that public property to sowebody else and we have no concern whatever about it. Urlg hum City (Utah) News. Oil, Paregoric, Drops Soothing Syrups were the remedies in common use for Infants and Children; Castor Oil so nauseating as to bo almost impossible and the others all containing Opium in one form or another, but so disguised as to make them pleasant to the taste, yet really to stupify the child and give the appearance of relief from pain. It required years of research to find a purely vegetable combination that would take the place of these disagreeable, unpleasant and vicious remedies that from habit had become almost universal. This was the inception of, and the reason for, the introduction of Fletcher's Castoria, and for over 30 years it has proven its worth, received the praise of Physicians everywhere and become a household word among mothers. A remedv ESPECIALLY prepared for Infants and Children and no mother would think of giving to her baby a remedy that she would use for herself, ' without consulting a physician. , s I Your nerves will say "thank you." your vim wii! respond. WRiG LEY'S is (iked YEARS ago Castor Selected for Western Newspaper t'uioD Service by H. A. C. and C. I. W. 1 U Why Castoria? and Children Cry Fop Net Contents 15TluidDraorm It thus 'been figured out that er's wife earns $4004 n year. she seldom collects it, there is a fannHut as no danger of all the city wives insisting on their hubbies going "hack to the land." YViiinemueea (Nov.) Star. ! for what it docs as wed as for Its BIG value at the small cost of 5c ttftrri mmmsm A southern editor says lie Is au tltority on bog jewels, turnip greens at and pot likker, but knows nothing about grand opera. There are others. Ilrigham City (Utah) Journal. The Flavor Lasts noHOL-- 3 PER CENT, t 4 nhle Prenaration&rAs AbiflodtheFood bv Reula- - ImethcStomadisandBow. Two college professors have clared that either "drive slow" or "drive slowly" is correct. At any rate, either Is much safer than the was some drive. Goldtield (Xev t Tribune. de- 1' V ,y r TIGHT RIGHT ll ii And if rlie Panamun government thinks to argue the matter of that there boundary with Uncle Sam or oppose this nation's decision regarding the proposition, it well might considered to be talking through its I'uuaina hat. Itutte (Mont.) Miner. X? 'm frrryT i?, in in mi in in mill r' iNT-- Ml lSK HORSES COITGHIXGT Spohn's Compound Distemper to break It up and them back In condition. prt Twenty-seve- n years' use has made "SPOHN'S" Indispensable In treating with their resulting Coughs and Colds, Inftuensa and riftt.pip and alt dlaeases of the throat, nose and lungs. complications, Acts marvelously as preventive; acts equally well as cure. 60 cents and f 1.15 per bottle. At all drug stores. SPOHX MEDICAL COMT.4XY, GOSHEN, IXD. It has Jeen suggested that another rery good reason Vl'.y all should jump onto the railroads is because they are getting so voracious and greedy that ihey refuse to carry children free any longer that five or six yours after they have passed Mip free use limit. (Idaho) Tribune. I him I1 W ClarifudSrnr San Francisco man wants n divorve because his wife hit him on the heao" with a curtain pole when he coiildu'1 button the back of her dress fast enough. He might piead that the reason for his inefficiency was because he lacked practi-celsewhere. Carson City (Nev.) News. ft- I Everybody has read the above headline; how many believe it? Have you a little-on- e in the home, and has that dear little mite when its stomach was not just right felt the comforts that come with the use of Fletcher's Castoria? You have heard the cry of pain. Have you heard them cry for Fletcher's Castoria? Try it. mpkinSmtt JtodmlltSalt A KMt' Have You Tried It? tfiererjy Promoting Digestion Cheerfulness and RestContains either Onium.Morplune nor f hnlnfiil Remedy tot Diarrhoea I Constipation and una revmsniie3 tceopSLEEP "resullinlhercfrc&ncjr- - Just help baby out of its trouble tomorrow with a taste of Castoria. Watch the difference in the tone of the cry, the look in the eye, the wiggle in the tiny fingers. The transformation is complete from pain to pleasure. Try it. You'U find a wonderful lot of information about Baby in tht booklet that is wrapped around every bottle of Fletcher's Castoria. ALWAY GENUINE-CASTORIjBECEtrrwmCoMPfiOB. i: 'r y- mkttii s . r f Exact Copy of Wrapper. . Bears the Signature of eiNTAUS COMPANY, NIW YOMK CITY. Ira Absence snt Every blue Sunday law that Is enforced makes another small army of officials with, hands In the taxpayers pockets. Some day we hope some venturesome nnd Inr sighted person will start a crusade to give us less government, more liberty and fewer public parasites. Caldwell (Idaho) Tribune. lsease Health; You Need Vitality, Energy Too may have no particular disease, and yet fall far short of enjoying: real health. Tp be actually alert, healthy you nuaT"'Tdyf ' enthus, '".': vigorous, iasm and the j6y bubbling; over with vitality and energy. Are you thus? If you are well, yet listless and unambitious, it is because you lack some quality that would fill you with vim and drive, and nine times out of ten the sole cause of this lack is found to be disordered; weak blood. Wholesome blood is the, very fountain source of that energy which puts spring into your muscles, snap into your step and spar- af kle into your eyes. If you want all this, begin right now to enrich your blood stream. You will find, as thousands of others have found in the last fifty years, that S.S.S. is an excellent remedy to do this for you, one that removes the poisonous impurities and helps build your blood into a rich, nourishing supply. S.S.S. is an herb compound, discovered by the Indians, and still made as they made it. Get S.S.S. from your druggist today. Start taking, and then if you want expert medical advice free, write in detail about your condition to Chief Medical Advisor, 862 Swift Laboratoiy, Atlanta, Georgia. 1 Swift BsweMIe C... FOR HIE BLOOD C 12. Dept PkaM seas' Atlanta, ex row free bentlit ea 8 I.i. Ksatt r. it. b Standard for over Tw GO d ITTLE IVEH PILLS I,, Take a good dose of Carter's Little Liver Pills then take 2 or 3 for a lew nights after. A few doses restore your organs to their proper functions and the Headache and the causes of it pass away. In the same manner l hey Genuine ivnstun regulate the Bowels 'wf Let Cuticura Be Ycur Beauty Doctor Was 25c, Onttssewl 25 ami 50cv Takm ZSc fiscating IJecord. jMilnt.-r- r.rk Lest you forget, Mr. I'.ootlegger. the fellow with the big nnd Ui smelly contents Is as pernicious ns a wart or an Ingrowing toenail. No matter how desirous nn Individual may be of ridding himself if this festering pest It enn't tie done. Hurn 'em off with vltrol or cut them out with a corn knife, they grow imck, as happy and as troublesome ns ever. KIko (Nev.) Independent. por-Ve- t s and prevent ji . r-- Horidn Oyfr f tilt n re to nun rnii-ntor rsin, hnetng. r!3ln m a. rm a Lnntli pa I ion. d: in rm. I Ife-TiIn Hhimt lrunser r, Fr infcT o InrlU'ling 1. 8 OtTor fpr'Ui-- mat Inn I 000 tIp ernment quotnMonn, Oorrtmfnt HO.ftfts ir ver. eworn limirers ( Iim ton Apalachfrola, Florida epr4lve A fjrer Xnw Mltf ProrMjlt ton InwlM - t Mk ette (we withhold the name out of respect for the splendid mother wl-died many years ago), who serve I'ny. ette evaporated prunes on their tble fully us often a they do oranges or bananns. They also frequently have spple xRiiee on the table and some times apple p!e. While Ihey tuny bp A little' freakish mentally, th? whole family sieui to be In exeellent physical condition, tt Is a verv t range nnd Interesting case. I'nvelte (Idaho) Catarrh e The Breath of Their Life. . "Is It true thut all theatricul stars Cloomy penitence is only madness turned upside down. Dr. Johnson. crave publicity." "Have you ever noticed a fish out of water, Rasping and flopping about the crotinj?" "Of course." "Well, that fish doesn't yearn for Its native element any more than the avji v erage theatrical star craves publicity." lllriiiliighura won . Age-Heral- NPICST70J No Discharge in That War. Tl.cre Is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power In the day of death; and there Is no discharge in that war. Kcclesiastes VIII, 8. 126 MAKniOTn JAOS I bsvs bmrmtn fr yon, r.ca qnirk. W, 1- - FRECKLES IM MrVTH JACK Cedar lisiplds, lows riHAl gfS Kndurnticp Is nobler than strength, ind patience thnn beimty. Ituskiu. ASPIRIN Name "Bayer" on Genuine Bellans Hot water Jure Relief LL-AI.E FOR INDIGESTION IS But Seldom Are. Cnlil) "Does he consider himself a IiIk sriin?" Webb "Yea. Men of small r.rii.j-hUM- nmn who carves Inscriptions tombstones is alunys In bard lines. The in the Cause! Find dr.ia along feeling miserable baif sick. Find out what ia making you feci to badly and try to correct it. Ferh;ips your kidneyi are ciiing that throbbing backache or thone fharp, stabbing paiDS. Yoa may have mcrning lament-sitoo. headaches, dizzy jells and imiular kidney action. t"e wm'f Kitlnry They have hrl."d thousand of ailing folks. Atk your neighbor! , nil. An Idaho Case John HKent, Ann. Idaho, aiivs; "I bid quite a, little trouble from my Mjf fclOney. me the worst bv It was p. iff ting. alwnys weak and mn Inme and at ttmea. 1 could It. stand hnrdly Tlen the kidney serrpMons raied tro freely and were f hlehlv colored n.-a few box of Donn'e Kidney Tiii and they gave me very good - -- el Airy Stare, AOe e Bo DOAN'SAV N. V., stops CO, BUFFALO, N. Y. Salt Lake City, No. 19 1921 troubles and gets horse going sound. It acts mildly but cmickly and good remit are Luting. Does not blister or remov the hair and hone eaa be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet witJl each bottle tells how. tl. 0 a bottle delivered. Horse Book 9 R f ABSORBINE, JR the antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings, Enlarged Glands, Wens, Bruises, Varicose Veins beals Sores. Allays Pain. Will tell yo more if you write. fl.2S a bottle at dealers 4rawi!d. Liberal trill bonis tar IK soup. W. f. YOUNd. Inc., JIT) tail tt . Iprlnif.sld, Im, re. It ifn't right to Cet Dean j from a Bone Spavin, Ring Bon, Splint, Curb, Sid Bone, or similar caliber usually do." F03TLR-M1LBUR- tt,AO stand strict and) t boron tnvNtliratton. Particular without abiicntmn H. M. llaverbcM A Co.. ! V way, Nw tort m A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate fascinat Ing influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin. Adv. Catarrh la local diseaae grrenriy Influenced conditions. constitutional by Is a HALL'S CATAHRM MEDICINE Tonic and Blood Purifier. By cleanaing-thblood and tuillrtlnir up the SyHtem, HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE rentorea normal conditions and allows Nature to do Its work. All DrucKtata. Circulars free. y. i. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. b'l " i anti-tobacc- Warning I Liiiesa you see the name "liayer" on package or on tablets you are not (retting genuine Aspirin pre scribed by physicians for twenty-on- e years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told In the liayer package for Colds, Headache. NeuralThe thing the workltigmin dread gia. Hbeumatlsin, Karache, Toothache. and for I'aln. Handy tin most is unemployment. Here I the Lumbago of twelve Ilayer Tablets of Asiioxeg weakest point of the present social pirin cost few cents. Druggists alo tystein. There Is something radically sell larger packages. Aspirin Is the wrong w hen Industrious men w ho want trade mark, of Hayer Manufacture of to work, enn't find any to di Okr Monoacetlcacldester af Sallcycacld. W. O'cv.) Vrvr l'lva 4 (It. Several Nevada towns have Investl-irnte- d the operations of the beggars, who are liecomlng rm numerous, and as a result no "stop o privileges are extended to vlttor of that class. Virginia City (Nev.) Chronicle. ni Relief (Utah) City i Sure Blue laws against baseball, thenties, We hnve discovered a family In Pay- years cigarette movies, lancing, skating, smoking, etc., are noing enforced In South Dakota, and some American cities. One thing about the movement. It will give employment to more officlnls, niak more people dissatisfied with our government and raise taxes to the con- . What to Take for SICK MEAHMCHE CARTER'S The people of Ida'lio owe the Idaho State Motion I'lcture F.xbn.itors' a vote of thanks for their action at Idaho Falls last week, when they passed a resolution ngains--t showing the motion pictures featuring Clara Ilatnon Smith, the woman who was tried In Oklahoma for the murder of Jame H anion. Hooding (Idaho) Leader. UCKy T RIKE n Jud Tunkins. Requirementa. "It requires dollars to get Into the Jud Tunkins says since be looked fast set." "And sense to keep out into a Jewelry store window and saw of It." pipes for lady smokers he's about o crusade. ready to join the ' ' i Um Life for Ssok Eatonis IVcrks Hade "I have taken only two boxes of Kntonlc and feel like a new man. It lius done tue nmre gmJ than anything else," writes C. O. Krapplr. Kntonlc Is the modern remedy for acid stomach, blunting, food repeating and .Indigestion. It quickly takes up and carries out the acidity and gsa and enables the stomach to digest the food nntiirnlly. Thut mean not only relief from pnln and discomfort but yotl get the full strength from the foKl you eat. Hlg box only costs a trifles with jour druggist's guarantee. |