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Show THE TIMES-NEW- NEPIII, UTAH. S, 5!J 51 ome FACTS A bout ver Road" running South from Silver City, Juab County, TO CLEAN MOTOR CYLINDERS Utah to the Millard County line. Also the public road running west the town of Levan to the Levan Plan to Keep Oily Water From Form. from Switch. Ing While Carbon Deposit Also the public road known as the Nephi-Uta- h Koad" running north Being Removed. from Nephi to the Utah County line. 2. That notice of such special When the cylinder head of a motor is detached for the purpose of re- bond election shall be prepared and given by the County Clerk of said moving the carbon deposit It will be Juab County, by publishing the same noticed that during the process of In the Eureka the Nephi scraping the piston, etc., the tapped Reporter and the Mammoth Record, holes on the top of the cylinder cast newspapers of general circulation. ing soon get full of oily carbon wa- printed and published in said Juab ter, etc., causing trouble to remove County, State of Utah, for four full when It la decided to insert the hold weeks prior to said election, the same set screws, writes R. O. Al- to be published in each of said news len In American Motorist. To obviate papers during said period in each this I have used short screws without ergular and seccessive issue there heads on, but with a screwdriver slot of; The first publication ot said notice In them, and screw them in flush with s to be made on the the top of the cylinder casting before n the of May 1921 and the last to 6th day scraping operations are commenced. made on the 3rd day of June, 1921 After the decarbonizing Is completed be the first publication of said notice in the grub screws can be removed, when the Eureka Reporter to be made on holes will be found free from dirt. the 6th day of May, 1921, and the last publication to be made on the 3rd day of June, 1921; the first TO FIX BATTERY TERMINALS of said notice in the Mammoth Record to be made on the 7 th Removing With Hammer Endangers day of May, 1921 and the last to be made on the 4th day of Plates, but a "C" Clamp May Be June, 1921, each of said publications Used With Safety. being for a period of lour full weens to the said 7th day of June, Storage battery terminals are often prior 1921. the date hereinbefore designat difficult to remove, especially after the ed for the holding of said special ele battery bas been on the car so long ction, which said notice shall be sub that they are corroded. Removing stantially as follows, City-Champ- I ITNJ VKKSAXi CAB s, Here are authentic figures from the Ford factory at Detroit. They show you just how many Ford cars and trucks have been built each month since January 1, 1921 and how many have been sold to retail customers, In the United States. , c JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH pun-licati- Delivered to pub-licat- Retail Customers 57,208 63,603 87,221 29,883 35,305 61,886 Total Retail Sales Total Production 127,074 208,032 in to-w- it: them with a hammer endangers the plates, but a C clamp may be used with safety and with dispatch. Place the clamp with the Hp resting against the terminal and the screw against the connector. After a couple of turns with the wrench the cable comes out easily. showing tat actual sales for the first three months of 1921 exceeded production by 80,958 Ford cars and trucks. April requisitions already specify 107,719 additional cars and trucks and the estimated April out. put of the factory and assembly plants combined calls for only 90,000! These facts clearly show that toe demand for Ford products is growing much faster than manfact-urin- g facilities to produce and were it not for the dealers' limited stocks, which are now being rapidly depleated, many more customers would have been compelled to wait for their cars. It will be only a matter of weeks, therefore, until a big surplus or orders will prevent anything like prompt If you would be sure of having your Ford car or truck when you want it, you should place yo ur order now. Don't delay. Phone us or drop us a card. JUDD'S GARAGE to-w- it: City-Chapl- in Nephi, Utah. 33 Ancient jSymbol. The Initials I. H. S., appearing on Estate of Johanne N. Lundsteen, grave stones, in churches, etc.--. are the deceased. Credtiors will present Initial letters of the Latin phrase which claims with Touchers to the under- "Jesus Hotiiltiuin Sulvator," Man." of signed at their residence at Lev an, means "Jesus die Savior Juab County, Utah, on or before, the Tills was originally written in Greek and was the first three letters of the 1st day of July, A. D. 1921. C. Chrlstensen, Ray Francom, Ei- - name Jesns. but its origin was lost ecutors of Estate of Johanne N. sight of through substituting the "S" for the Greek sign slgma. Then by Lundsteen deceased. mistaking the Greek H for the Latin Date of First pub. April 29, 1921. H a significance was found for each Last publication May 20th, 1921 letter. Thos. H. Burton, atty for Estate. NOTICE TO CREITORS His Reason. She was teaching the fourth grade in one of the ward schools and had Just finisher) the explanation of fractions. In order to see if the class understood her. she asked Willie Brown or which he would prefer, of a pie. Willie said be preferred the quarter, and when asked his reason, "Because It replied: wouldn't look so hoggish." one-fourt- h one-thir- XOTICE OP SPECIAL ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thai a special election has been oidered and called by the Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, and will be held in said Juab County, Utah, on the 7th day of June, 1921, to determine the question whether or not bonds of said Juab County, Utah, Good Art. in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty- Good art always consists of two five Thousand Dollars ($225,000.00) things: First, the observation of fact) bearing interest at the rate of not to tecondly the manifesting of human exceed six (6) per cent per annum, said bonds design and authority In the way that payable fact Is told. Great and good art must made payable in not to exceed twenty unite the two; If cannot erlst for a years from the date of this issuance, moment but In their unity; It consists shall be issued and sold by the Board of the two as essentially as water con- of County Commissioners of saidofJuab de purpose sists of oxygen and hydrogen, or mar County, Utah, for the of laying out, fraying the expense ble of lime and carbonic acid. erecting, constructing, improving and maintaining the following specific ally described public roads and high MINUTES OP SPECIAL MEETING ways within said Juab County, State OP THE BOARD OP COUNTY of Utah, outside of incorporated cit COMMISSIONERS OP JUAB CO- ies and including the expense of ere UNTY, UTAH. REALATING TO cting all necessary culverts and brid BOX I) ELECTION ges therein and thereon, which said public roads and highways are des The Board of County Commission cribed as follows ers of Juab County, State of Utah The public road known as the "Sil met in special session on Saturday ver Road" running south the 30th day of April, 1921, at the from Silver City, in Juab County, Ut hour of 8 o'clock p. m. due, legal and ah, to the Millard County line. Also, the public road running west timely notice of the time, place and purpose of said special session having from the Town of Levan, to Levan been given to all members as requir Switch; ed by law. Also, the public road known as the The meeting was called to order by "Nephi-Uta- h Road" running north Chairman W. G. Orme presiding. On from Nephi to the Utah County line were roll call the following members At said election the form of ballot shall be as follows: present: G. BOND ELECTION BALIOT Chairman: W. Orme, Commissioner: John G. Bunnell To vote for the issuance of bonds Commissioner: George Francom place an X in the space after the Also present: Earl S. Hoyt, County word "Yes" Clerk. To vote against the issuance of Commissioner George Francom in bonds, place an X in the space after troduced and moved the adoption of the word "No". the following resolution: Yes RESOLUTION A resolution calling, providing for For the issue of Bonds and ordering a special election in Juab County, State of Utah, for the NO purpose of submitting to the qualified electors of said County who have That on the reverse side thereof paid a property tax therein in the pro ceeding year, the question of incur- shall be printed the following ring a bonded indebtedness in the OFFICIAL BALLOT FOR sum of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e D1STICT NO. Thousand (225,000.00) Dollars, for Juab County, Utah, Special Bond the purpose of raising funds to defray Election, June 7th, 1921. (Fac-simithe expense of laying out, erecting Signature) constructing, improving and main in roads and County Clerk taining public highways, Said election shall be held as near eluding culverts and bridges, within said County, outside of incorporate ly as possible in conformity with the cities. general election laws of the State of WHEREAS, there is an immediate Utah, except as otherwise provided by and pressing need of raising funds Section 1414; Compiley Laws of Utah to the amount of (225,000.00) to be 1917, and at such election every used in the laying out, erecting, con qualified voter of said County who structing, improving and maintain shall have paid a property tax in the ing public roads and highways in County in the year 19 20 shall be enJuab County, Utah, outside of incor titled to vote. ated cities, including the building of The polls will remain open during culverts and bridges therein and the time from seven o'clock a. m. until seven o'clock p. m. thereon; and BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF WHEREAS, in order to raise said funds It will be necessary for said COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF JU Juab County to Issue and sell its AB COUNTY, UTAH. bonds to the amount of 1225,000.00 Commissioner, XV. G. Orme Chairman Commissioner George Francom, as. If and when the Issuance of said bonds Is approved and a legally called Commissioner John G. Bunnell. and held election by the qualified vot Attest: Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. ers of Juab County, who shall have (Seal) AND HE IT FURTHER RESOLpaid a property tax in said Juab VED, that the voting or polling places County In the year 1920. and WHEREAS, the Interests of Juab for each special bond election be and t ounty require it and the Board o: the same are hereby established at, County Commissioners of said County and the Judges of such election in the deems it to be expedient and nec various precinct in said County tthall cessary at this time and for tho nub he as follows: lie good, to iKstie the bonds of said Voting precinct, Eureka No. 1. TolCounty lu the sum of $225,000.00 for ling I'lare, The building known as the the purpose aforesaid. "Court House" Judge of Election, Allen Ivey, Frank Bacon, John O. NOWTHEREFOflK HE IT RESOl r.. uy mo nonra ot l ounty comm Freckleton. lHHioncrs of tho County of Juab. State Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 2. Poloi i tan, an follows: ling place, Eureka City Hall, Judges That a special election be, and of Election, T. L. Sullivan. Edward the same U hereby called and ordered Fox, Edward McUormick. t be held in Juab Voting Precinct, Eureka No. 3. PolCounty, Stale of l la,i, on Tuesday, the 7th of June ling Place, Eureka High School Buildday A. D. 1921 for the purpose of sub- ing. Judges of Election, Edward V. mitting to audi qualified voters of Redmond, Jospeh Ferguson, .Mrs. said County as shall have paid a Agnes Knight. Voting Precinct, Mammoth, No. 1. property tux therein In the year next precoeding such election, the follow- Polling Place, The Building known us the "Court House" Judges of Election ing proposition, "Shall bonds of Juab County, State Karl Dunn, Martin Gunderson,, Lynn of Utah, in the sum of $225.nMt.00 be Andrus. issued a:id sold by thj Board of Voting Precinct. Calloa, Polling County Commissioner for the partic- Place, The building known as the ular purposo of defraying the expen- residence of E. VV. Tripp. Judges of se of laying out. erecting, construct- Election, O. W. Morehouse, Roy Ranion. Improving end Tripp. maintaining the kin, V. A.Precinct, Silver City, No. 1. Voting following roads ami highways within the County of Juab. Klat of Utah, Polling Place, Building known us the outside of Incorporated cities, Inclu- "Court House" Judges o Election, Lyman Baker, W. E. Potts, Atiner T. ding the expense of erecting all culverts and bridges therein, Bigier. ami thereon, Voting Precinct, .Motia District No. The public road knuwo aa the "Sil- - 1. Pojling Place, Building known as d WE PRINT BUTTER WRAPPERS le A pipe's a pal packed with P. A.! Seven days out of every week you'll get real smoke joy and real smoke contentment If you'll get close-u- p I to a jimmy pipe I Buy one and know that for yoursell Packed with cool, delightful, fragrant Prince Albert, a pipe's the greatest treat, the happiest and most appe tizing smokeslant you ever had handed out! You can chum it with a pipe and you will once you know that Prince Albert is free from bite and parch! (Cut out by our exclusive patented process!) rhy every puff of P. A. makes you want two more; every puff hits the bullseye harder and truer than the last! You can't resist such delight! Say, you go on and stock up with a pipe and some Prince Albert and get to talking turkey in real and true smoke language! mi albert tht national joy $moh Atttrt It Frln mold In tmppy rod bmtm, tidy red tine, kmndemmm pmmnd mnd hall pmmnd Urn kmmidmre mnd in the pwwnd mryetmt glee kmmldor milk Imp. t: OpyrlfM I0 VVU ""' N.G. Case 15-2- 7 Tractor Yon want a sturdy, pmwtrfull and economical tractor to tare you time, labor and money, YV7E believe that this Case is the best tractor of its size manufactured and that's ' why we decided to handle it. The Case pulls three plows in hard soil and under favorable conditions handles 4 bottoms. It operates a double action disc harrow, or two grain drills, two binders, and does other jobs requiring similar power. On the belt it drives a Case 26x46 thresher with feeder and silo wind stacker, a Case blower pipe, filler, with six roll husker shredder or other belt driven machinery. At general hauling this tractor pulls from 10 to 15 tons depending on grade ana condition of footing. Pulls a Case No. 2 road grader or two or three road drags. Drives an 8x15 rock crusher with elevator and revolving screen. Does the work ordinarily requiring from 6 to 10 horses. 15-2- 7 15-2- 7 14-in- 10-fo- e h 40-fo- J. W. SUMMERHAYS AND SONS CO. Nephi, Utah, AGENTS semi-annuall- y, deliveries. Q R. JTDD, MANAGE" mWmmmmmmmWmmmmmmWmmmmmWmm4r ing-dow- n Times-New- Produced TRACTORS - Times-New- TJJTE KEROSENE to-wi- t: the "Court Housa" Judges of Election LeRoy Ellertson, Reuben Kay, Earl Newton. Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 1, Pol- ling Place, Odd Fellows Building, Judges of Election, Wm. Burton, Geo- rge O. Ostler, Robert Lomax. Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 2. Polling Place, County Court House. Judges of Election, V. A. Starr, James And- rews, Lisle Bigier. Voting Precinct, Nephi No. 3. Polling Place, North Ward Amusement Hall. Judges of Election. Mat. T. Howard, N. A. Neilson, Stephen Bos-we- ' . ll. 1. No. Voting Precinct, Levan Polling Place, Building known as the "Court Douse'" Judges of Election, L. H. Mortensen, R. H. Gardner, J. L. Francom. Voting Precinct, Mills No. 1, Polling Place, Building known as the "School House". Judges of Election, John Williams O. Dunyon, S.N. Fileds AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and instructed to notify said persons of their appointment to serve as judges of said election and to furnish instructions and directions, deliver ballots and stationery and procure and take such other steps as may be neccessary in carrying out those resolutions to the end that said election may bs held in accordance with law. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLED, that the Board of County Commissioners meet as a Board of canvas- -' sers at the hour of 12 o'clock noon on Monday, the 13th day of June, A. D. 1921, for the pupose of canvassing the returns of said election and of officially declaring the result thereof." Commissioner John Bunnell secon- ded the adoption of the foregoing resolution and the same on being put to a vote was unanimously carried by the affirmative vote of all commissioners present, the vote being as follows: Commissioner W. G. Orme, Chairman "Aye" Commissioner George Francom "Aye" Commissioner John Bunnell, "Aye" W. O. ORME, Chairman Board of County Commissioners of Juab County, Utah, Attast, Earl S. Hoyt, County Clerk. State of Utah, County of Juab J SS. the duly chosen, qualified and acting County Clerk, Clerk of the Board of and County Commissioners of Juab, State of Utah, do hereby certify that the and foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the minutes of a special meeting of the Board of CounI, Earl S. Hoyt, ve ty Commissioners of said County, held piiisiuwU to due, legal and timely notice served upon all members at the regular meeting place of said Board at Nephi, Juab County, Utah, said Board being convened in session at said meeting the 30th day of April, 1921. at which said date said resolution was adopted, insofar as said minutes refer to or concern the issuance of Two Hundred Twenty-fiv- e Thousand ($225,000.00) road bonds of said County, as the same appears of record In my office la Volume 3 at page 460 to 464 both inclusive: that I personally attended at said meeting and that the foregoing proceedings were in fact held as In said minutes specified. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County this 2nd day of May. A. D. 1921. (S-a- l) Earl S. Hoyt. Clerk County Clerk and Of the Board of County Commissioners ot Juab County I tail. |