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Show THE TlMEJvNEWS, NEPHI, UTAH. LOCAL Commencing Saturday, May 7th we will clean up all our SPRING SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES Will trade a good hayloader for or cattle. See Thomas hogs at greatly reduced prices Extra fine Stop! strain S. C. White Leghorn Chicks for sale. $11.50 per 100. Why pay more E. L. Guyld Agency, 8th East 1st South, Phone 168, Nephi, Utah. Look! Listen! It is our established policy not to carry over our garments from Season to Season Mrs. R. J. Henriod, and daughter Lyle, came down from Garfield, Mon day and will visit here for a short time. She was accompanied by her mother Mrs. R. H. Patten, who has been visiting with her for a few days Reduction will run from $5 to $20 on each garment TO THE TRADE 8 . Old Auto Top Look Like New We have just received a good Roger Downs, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Downs, met with a painful accident Sunday afternoon in falling from a tree in which he was climbing, breaking his arm just above the wrist. Medical aid was secured and the injured member set. Wm. C. Orgill, was up from Mills Tuesday, attending to soma business matters here. Mrs. Grace Sowby, returned to her home in Garfield, Utah, after several weeks visit with her daughter Mrg, George Malloy. Reduction in prices by agricultural implement and steel manufacturers was anticipated by us early in January last. At that time we adjusted pri ces on our entire line. We are again making an adjustment in line with the reduction recently announced. This last adjustment brings the prices on our entire stock in line on a basis of the latest raw material and transportation costs. Quality of goods, service and the advantage of quick delivery on com plete goods and extra parts consider ed, warrant us in asking for a contin uation of your much appreciated bus Dry land farm for sale. 240 acres five per cent in winter wheat also 2 40 acres pasture land all near Levan. Horses and implements can be had with the place. Modern home included with 14 acres of land & wat er near town. For particulars write to Hans Anderson, 453 North Ave, Pro- vo, your new top or make your old one look like new Call and ask us about it Central Motor Company Our Motto Service and Satisfaction 2E 3E DIRECT- - FROM NEW YORK AT THE NEW LOW PRICES, THAT WILL SURPRISE AS WELL AS PLEASE YOU. LET US SHOW YOU THE GOODS SO WE ALL WILL BE PLEASED AT THE Nephi Mer. Co, Where Good Merchandise Is Cheaper Utah. Fine Watch Jewelry' Repairing CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We take this opportunity of expressing our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our friends and relatives for the assistance given at the death and funeral of husband and father. Mrs. E. A. Foote and family. We wish to sincerely thank all those who so kindly assisted us dur ing the illness and death of Elizabeth Burtop, and those who took part at the funeral services. Mrs. Heber Ockey and family your grocer for Cal- umet Baking Powder and be sure that you get it the Indian head on the orange labeL Then forget about bake "ECONOMY" IN BUYING CLOTHES, DO YOU MEAN "IX) W PRICES" OR DO YOU MEAN "GREATEST VALUE FOR YOUR THERE IS A VAST DIFFERENCE. MONEY?" WHAT YOU REALLY WANT IS "GREATEST VAL- day failures. For you will never have any. Calumet always produces the sweetest and most palatable foods. And now remember, you ' always use less than of most other brands because it poss- B m GOOD VALUE IS ECONOMY WHEN YOU TALK VE FOR YOUR MONEY, AT REASONABLE PRICES" AND TjJIAT IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU GET esses greater leavening strength. save Laces and Embroideries rd Dressing & Body WHIZ will Spring and Summer Lines The Social Neighbors' Club met at the hqme of Mrs. R. W. McMullin Friday afternoon. The time was spent SHOE REPAIRING Clock & in sewing, social chat and cards. Dur PRE WAR PRICES ing the afternoon an organization BEST OF LEATHER USED was effected with Mrs. R. J. Huntin IN ALL OUR WORK. OUR gton as president of the club. Dainty All Work Guaranteed PRICES DEFY ALL COMPErefreshments were servedl to the fol :: :: TITION :: :: lowing members and guests. Mrs. E. L. BOUCHER J. W. Boud, Mrs. Harry Foote, Mrs J. A. CHRISTEN8BN Alain St. Nephi, Utah Frank Taylor, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mrs Geo. D. Haymond, Mrs. I. M. Petty, Mrs. A. F. Bracken, Mrs. V. M. Foote V now have a Government Licen We can't sell all the Paint, so we iness. CONSOLIDATED WAGON & Mrs. R. J. Huntington, and the host MACHINE COMPANY, G. G. Wright, ess Mrs. McMullin. Next week the se on Automobiles for Hire. If at sell the best Lowe Bros. High Stan-flaPaint. Ask for It. Kendall any time you need Automobile SerVice Pres. & Gen'l Manager. club will meet at Mrs. I. M. Petty's. vice, call 77. CENTRAL MOTOR Co Bros. Whiz Auto Top coat of ALSO OUR seventy REMEMBER to ask A PRICES YOU CAN AFFORD. to-da- y, supply of the well known brand Polish OP SILKS, VOILES AND ORGANDY'S IN THE NEW SPRING PATTERNS AND COLORS. BEAUTIFUL FABRICS AT SHIPMENT J. W. Whltmore and to Salt Lake yester read the following telegram from the day for a couple of days visit in the company. "Any statement that above city. Dodge Brothers have reduced prices Ellas Worwood, was taken to the is absolutely false. Advise your dealLn Salt Lake yesterday after W. J. Case, district hospital ers accordingly. noon with an attack of apsuffering GRACE GARAGE CO. manager. pendicitis, and will be operated upon Agents on arrival at the above city. He was accompanied by Dr. N. J. Rees, and Watch for "The Two Burglars" his sister Mrs. Whittaker. L. FRANK, Manager Your OUST RECEIVED ANOTHER BIG Any prospective purchaser of Dod THE GOLDEN RULE STORE The Time To Make SPRING DRESS GOODS Mr. and Mrs. ge Brothers cars holding oft anticipat motored family will a in reduction ing please price NEW SPRING SLIPPERS for ' Ladies, Misses and Children arriving daily Is .v MARRIED IX SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY A wedding of local interest took place Wednesday in Salt Lake City, when Miss Wllma Gibson, of the ICE FOR SALE E. TANNER. above city was joined in marriage to Tiie Mr. Walter Bailey of Nephi. Watch for "The Two Burglars" young man is the adopted son of Mr. and Is well reand Mr. Wm. Plenty of carnations for Mother's spected In the Bailey, The young community. Co. Day at the Enterprise Grocery couple will make their home in Salt Fertilizer for Lake, where Mr. Bailey has been "Use Cottonseed and Globe employed the past year. fields orchards beet your Grain and Milling Co, Ogden Utah." QUARTERLY CONFERENCE For Sale Two sets harness. One MAY 14TH AND 15TH riding saddle, and One farm wagon. See Mrs. E. H. Kay, Mona, Utah. The Quarterely Conference of Juab Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Forrest, W. Stake of Zion will convene in the A. C. Bryan, and Margaret Bryan, Tabernacle, Saturday, May 14th at 2 motored to Mt. Pleasant Monday, p. m. with the closing session Sunwhere they attended the funeral of day afternoon, May 15th. A general priesthood meeting will be held in Neils Rolfsen, a relative. the Tabernale Saturday evening at 8 ' Airs. J. A Stallings and children, p. m. came down from Salt Lake Monday, They wll bo the guests of Dr. and FALLS FROM TREE AND Mrs. D. O. Miner, for a short time. BREAKS HIS ARM LADIES ATTENTION Now HAPPENINGS HERE IN Now Remembe-r- Hart Schaffner & Always Use Marx Clothes J There is no waste. If a recipe calls for one egg two cups of flour half a cup of milk that's all you use. You never have to Contains only such ingredients as have been officially approved by U. S. Food Authorities, is the product of the largest; most modern and sanitary Baking Powder Factories in existence. Pound can of Calumet contains fall 16 ot. Some baking powde rgcome in 12 ot. inwte ad of 16 os. cans. lie sure you get s pound when you want it GIVE THAT PHYSICAL COMFORT THAT BRINGS Columbia Muffia Recip re-bak- e. LOVERS WILL FIND, AWAITING THEIR INSPECTION, A SELECTION OF MODELS THAT ARE DESIGNED AND TAILORED TO R MENTAL EASE AND SATISFACTION. 4 cupt sifted flour, 4 level tea-apoo- Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon su- gar, 1 teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 2 cup of sweet milk. Then mix in the regular wJ. The Toggery . |