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Show THE TIMES-NEW- HEPHI, UTAH. S, though it may entail an increase in This the present rate of taxation. paper also advocates that whereever improvePublished every Friday by The Times the individual can make ments, this year is a good time to News Publishing Company do it. The Your Family Will Thank You Times-New- s Shock Until the present unsettled conditEditor ions in Europe are adjusted and the Manager people of that Continent can again become normal customers for our pro ducts, it is the patriotic duty of every Subscription Rates red blooded American citizen to strain $2.00 every effort to make the domestic One Year 1.00 market for supplies of all kinds, as Six Months What is needed big as possible. now among the people of this State, THE AXE APPLIED and indeed throughout the country, DENNIS WOOD A. B. GIBSON .' is a wave of optimism. The order sent out yesterday by Lincoln G. Kelly, state .commissioner of finance and purchase, that all State employees must turn in their State owned autos by May 10th, Is a step in the right direction to cut down expenses. There are about 76 of these luxuries now in operation by the State and Mr. Kelly, states that th elimination of these machines will save the taxpayers at least $50,000 per annum, quite a snug sum for a starter. Let the axe be applied good and plenty until the expenses of government are reduced to a minimum. Possibly, when this time eomes the State may be able to help Juab County In its road building program, as we understand that the State owes this county about $34,000 at the present time, Your wife and family will be comforted by the thought that you have appointed this bank to carry out the provisions of your will. Our reputation rests on the to execute your wishes partially and wisely. "Business as usual" should be the slogan, and this cannot be put Into full force and effect unless all the people become imbued with the idea that the boycott on buying, building, and public improvements should come to an end, and in its place an acceptance of the present day prices and conditions, and determination to go forward and make the best of it. llou Mike MOTHERHOOD TO BE HONORED NEXT SUNDAY. We not only carry many exclusive brands of "Mother's Day" will be observed cigars, but we keep them in proper condition. This throughout the United States on Sunday, May 8th. On that day the white keeps the flavor rich. carnation, symbol of purity, will be ' worn by sons and daughters, and hus Buy your cigars by the BOX and SAVE bands, in honor of "mother." la America the day has become one MONEY, and when your friends come in have our of the most sacred in the affairs of PESSIMISM VS. OPTIMISM good smokers for them. men. It is one of the newer designated days for special observance and is We are careful druggists not hedged about with legend and traOne of the causes that is going to dition. It is a spontaneous outgrowth retard the return of normal condit- of the sentiment of a nation of people ions in this country, and this State to whom, motherhood is emblematic is the undue pessimism and panicky of love, honor, devotion, sacrifice and feeling of a large number of citizens security. But because it is new it is The idea that some people may have, none the less hallowed. that all public work should stop, Mother's day was first generally obthat all people should stop buying, served in America in 1910, after it WE ARE HERE TO SERVE and live only from hand to mouth. had been suggested at a public meetThat no improvements should be in Miss Anna by Philadelphia ing by the individual because it Jarvis of that city, vho perhaps little will cost money, are Just the very suspected tbat ahe had created a cusideas tbat will bring about hard tom destined to make an indelible im- lean flag be displayed on all governWhile the day had its origin in times and mighty poor business con- pression upon the thought and history ment buildings and private homes. America and was first observed only ditions, both for the farmer and for of ttfe world. The first proclamation was issued in this country, it has become in late everyone else. On May 14, 1913, ccngress passed a May 9, 1914, by President Wilson. years as sacred to other countries, not This paper is not advocating any resolution commending observance of Observance of the day has found ably in England, where services and wild cat speculation, or extravagant the day by congress and the executive ready response in the hearts of Amer- customs similar to those of America waste of money for public improve- departments of the government. In ican men and women, and ,no day is are followed. The Mother's Day Inments, but we are advocating the 19.14 the president was instructed by honored with more sincerity and ap- ternational association, with headconstruction of worthy and legitimate congress to annually proclaim Moth- preciation of its significance. With quarters in Philadelphia, has organizenterprises that the people need even er's day and request that the Amer- - few exceptions, every church throu- ed for the purpose of prepetuating the the country devotes at least one day, and is dilligently engaged in inCharter No. 8508. Reserve District N . 12. ghout service during the day to "Mother." stituting it in all civilized countries, REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP Public schools pay tribute to her in where the plan is being received with whose honor the day is set on the enthusiastic welcome. Bank of Friday preceding, and in business cirWE PRINT BUTTER WRAPPERS cles it is observed on Saturday. In the State of Utah, at the close of business on April 28th, 1921. ty im- Nephi Drug Co. The First National Bank en Nephi, tah Maid . What I Need The Nephi National This Spring LEES LICE KILLER MAKE THE AMMONIA CHICKENS Nephi, . EE RESOURCES Loans and discounts, including rediscounts (except those shown in b and.c) 275,769.60 LAY 275,769.60 2.930.62 50,000.00 62,350.00 2,100.00 7,310.00 1.925.00 778.00 11.714.15 4,759.30 Overdrafts, secured NONE; unsecured 2,930.62 Deposited to secured circulation (U. S. bonds par value) All other United States Government 'Securities ' Other bonds, stocks, securities etc Banking House, 4,700.00; Furniture and fixtures 2,810.00 , Real Estate owned otier than banking house ' Cash in Vault Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Net amounts due from national banks Total of Items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14 4,759.30 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash items Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. FOR CLEANING MAKES THE HOUSE WORK EASY SPERM OIL MAKES THE SEWING MACHINE RUN LIKE NEW OUl LINE OP SOAP IS COMPLETE Total 50,000.00 25,000.00 1,655.77 50,000.00 911.49 116,208.90 t 22.00 94.00 . - 566.60 123,623.51 y I FULL STOCK OF n 55,000.00 Total $423,082.27 State of Utah. County of Juab ss, above-named I, J. W Boud, Cashier of the bank, do solemly swear that the above statement is true to tha best of my knowledge and belief. J. W. BOUD, Cashier Corr.t-Aue- t: I. H. CRACK T. A. FOOTE, J. E. OSTLER, Directors Subscribed and sworn to before me thU 4tt day of May, 1921 P. V. ANDERSON Notary Public l ommlsnion expires Mar. 13, 1923. EE New RUGS Arriving Daily Prices Right BAILEY FURNITURE SUPPLY CO. Womens Strap $423,082.27 LIABILITIES Lurit Pharmacy Co. IN ALL LINES Styles in 2,500.00 Capital Stock paid in Surplus fund Undivided profits 9,759.15 Less current expenses. Interest and taxes paid 8,103.33 . . . . . Circulating notes outstanding Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding Total of Items 22, 23, 24, 25, and. 26 9U49 Individaul deosits subject to check RPBCXAli ATTENTION GIVEN ALL MAIL ORDERS Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days (oBier than for "IT PLEASES U3 TO PLEASES YOU" money borrowed) Dividends unpaid Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve, Items 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, & 32.. 116,324.90 Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) UIm Genie Candlaad, uoj iir Miss Oneita Rees, spent Sunday Other time deposits Total of time deposits subject to reserve, tlems 33, 34, 35 Katie CnciIuOQ, returned home Suo-ds- and Monday vialtlng her parents here and 36 124,190.11 after tutting with relative Id Alt. returning to Salt Lake City Tuesday for a few dU5b. where she Is attending the 17. of U. Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank FURNITURE Another lot of the newest 945.60 Treasurer FOR TOILET GOODS OCR LINE IS UNSURPASSED Just Arrived J Slippers Ak New Plaid Ginghams and Organdes in all the Newest and Most wanted patterns. See them. New Waists and Blouses arriv- We have all the ing daily. Good Vacuum Cleaner Latest at Lowest Prices. For Rent or Sale. GROCERY PRICES We cany Paints,-Oil- s and Varnishes, also the famous Eden Washer Everything In Hardware. Cooper, Pyper Co. SMALL SALMON TOMATOES PEAS . . I5c LARGE SALMON 2 ran .. 12 COKN 8.1c 10c He 15c 5c TOILET SOAP WHITE LACNIKY SOAP 5c I.OO UllAM ItIXE CAN COFKKK 1 lb Hr,r. : lb COINTIIY CLl'll FFKE 45c PHIM HOME TEA .. 25c 2 Lit IiAitD 45c ft Lit LA lift fl.lO. 10 LH LARD $2.10 10 LIJ. . . . S5c 25c ft Lit , , . .45c 2H Lit HYItl P ICOIIONI 2 PACKAGES FOIl KICK M IMVT PAV MOKE. C.KT OL'U PHICKS AND HAVE lO TO 25 PF.H CENT GHI15. FOOTE & 15c 7 He Lit. sa |