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Show V V THK TIMES-NEW- ) vr HI CIRCTJLAT-E- 8 S ':9: THE TIMES-NEW- S IS A BOOST-EFOR THE A RICULTURAL AND MINING INTERESTS OF THROUGHOUT EAST JUAB COUNTY AND 13 A VALUABLE : ADVERTISING MEDIUM. : 4 UAH COUNTY .THE TIMES, VOL. 12, NO. 29. ELIZABETH i mm nil UMLLLU IU NEP1II, JUAB COUNTY, UTAH, FRIDAY, RECEIVES LETTER BURTON Resident of.NephiFor Many a V- i vai s, ir asses itwuy i1 Noon. Funeral Ser day Held vices Sunday. 1- .V( HlGfiHN BEYOND .Elizabeth Burton, resident of Ne-p- hi Swce 1890 passed away, Friday, following a long illness. Born Dec. Yorkshire, 7th, 1850 in Keighley, States in the year 1887 and settled in Racine, Winconsin, later moving to Utah in 1890 where she has lived ever since. She was never married, and has lived with her sister Mrs. Heber Ockey, during her residence in this city, Mrs. Ockey being the only one left of the family now living. Funeral services were held Sunday aneiuoou iroui lue rvurip waru mooting house, A. J. Gowers being in charge. The opening number "Rock of Ages" was rendered by the choir. Prayer was offered by Nephl Jackson. Other musical numbers were "Oh My Father" and "Sometime Somewhere" by Mrs. Ralph Belliston, accompanied by Mrs. Diane G. Booth, and a duet "I Know That My Redeemer Lives" and "Jeus Lover of My Soul" by Mrs. Ed. Carter and L. P. Anderson, acc ompanied by Miss Norma Bigler. V The speakers were Robert Winn, Ja"5. W. Paxman, J. E. Lunt and A. J Gowers, all of whom paid tribute to the good life the deceased had led Benediction was pronounced by S. G Ord. Beautiful wreaths of flowers covered the casket. Interment took place in the city cemetery. DAYS 1021 LEWD PICTURES OF THE HEPHI HIGH SCHOOL Friday of last week the High ''school double mixed- - glee club- - took their annual trip. There were 27 members present on the trip. Friday night they sang to a very appreciative audience in Manti, and Saturday night the Kinema theatre building of Monroe was crowded to its capacity. From the crowds to which they sang in each town we feel that our glee club Is known and appreciated quite extensively. We feel that we have an organization of which the school Is justly proud. Monday the grades combined with the students nf the Hieh school in giv lng a program in commemoration of Roosevelt Day. A very fitting program composed of the following 'num- bers was given, Last Address of ExPres. Roosevelt by Aletha Booth, Ad MOTHER'S DAY PROGRAM SUN dress on of life of Theodore Roosevelt Dr. T. D. Rees, Song. N. H. S. Glee DAY EVENING AT TABERNACLE Salute to the Flag by Boy Club. Scouts, under the direction of Mr. Durham. The regular conjoint session of the M. I. A. will be held Sunday evening devotional The Freshmen gave the in the Tabernacle to commence at 8 Wesdnesday. They furnished a very p. m. The services will be in honor splendid program. of Mother's Day. and the officers of the North ward M. I. A. will preside Preparations are now fully under The following Is the program. way for the annual canyon trip which School Chorus. will be taken Friday if the weather Prayer will favor us with a little sunshine School Chorus. Maude Settle , and a calm day. Reading Mildred Ellison By Rheta Kay, Reporter Vocal Solo Sentiment "To Mother" .J. W. Boud K. J. Bird Vocal Solo EXCURSION TO THE Loretta Sparks Reading Arvllla Lunt Solo MANTI TEMPLE THURS Vocal Diane G. Booth Piano Solo Benediction The general public invited to at Under the direction of the Nephl tend. ward genealogy committee, there will be an excursion to the Manti Temple next Thursday, May 12th. All car BOND ELECTION CALLED owners are expected to fill their cars and report to one of the committee BY COUNTY COMMISSIONER on or before May 8th, that they are decontemplating going. Everyone airing to go should see someone own In another part of this paper will lng a car and make reservations ear Eeverybody in all the wards are be found the notice calling for an ly. invited to go. The members of the election of the taxpayers of Juab committee are. Mr. and .Mrs. Alfred County, to ascertain their position Orme, Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Bowles whether the county shall bond In the Mrs. Marion E. Dunn, and Mr. Elliot sum of $225,000.00 for the building Miller. of concrete and such other highways as may be determined. The election will be held June 7th I. H. Grace, who has been spend ing the past winter In Ocean Park and only those voters who paid California, returned to this city Tuns property tax last year will be eligible day making the trip by auto. He to vote. Taxpayers should read the was accompanied home by C. II notice for themselves, the voting Grace, who has been enjoying a vac places and all particulars relating to ation there for the past two weeks the election being given '.n the notice, Mrs. I. H. Grace, will return by train The Juab County Farmers assoria- Mrs. Lester Belliston, left Monday, tlon have Improved the front of their for Overton. Nevada, where she will place of business this wock with spend a month visiting with her par coat of paint. Merlon Wilkinson doing the work. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Howell. PBt SENT A STRENUOUS LIFE' t BIDS FOB. SCHOOL BONDS REJECTED The "Nephl High school dramatic club will present one of the best plays that has been seen here in a Highest Bid Offered Only long time, next Thursday evening, Per One Hundred May 12ba at the Venice Theatre, the Dollars.--Budg- et title of the play is "A Strenuous Life" For Next in three acts of screaming comedy and School ' Year Is Passed. hair splitting fun. About twenty-on- e people make the entire cast, an insight into the leading characters The Board of Education 'of Juab follows, District held a special meeting "Tom Harrington Is compelled to School b rlday evening, there being present. become a liar of the first water by as. Garrett Jr. J. H. Lunt. Harrv force of clrcumstunces, but who reLorenzo Mangelson, and Jos. pents when he sees the truth is a F.oote, Newton. batter plan. He is aided and abet The purposeof the meeting was to ted J)y his chum Reginald Black, who is more sober and truthful than Tom. receive bids on the bond issue voted He helps Tom. Tho victim of their for over a year ago, to erect a High building in this district. Four plotting and conspiracy is James Rob school erts, Freshman, who is not the ordin bond companies filed bids for the is- which amounts to $175,000, but He is bright ue ary dude of the stage. 11 bids were rejected by the board as but has been reared a "Mama's boy" and has not gotten over it. Prof. being too low. The following Is a list of the bids James an is also victim of unwilling i the chums, he is a man about 30 and the company who made it. years old and seems to be void of any Banker's Trust Co, Denver, $86.32 sense of humor.' He acts the way per one hundred dollars of bonds. he does, not from eny choice but be Palmer Bond Co. of Salt Lake, $84.45 cause he is compelled to. per hundred, International Trust Co, Bryon Harrington, and Dulcie Denver, $82.10 per hundred and the Louis, father and sister, on whose Bosworth Chanute Co. of Denver. CYRUS R. FOOTE account Tom and Reginald lie so $81.80 per hundred. glibly and get into such deep water. One reason for the low is the Dan Davenant, and his daughter fact that these bonds onlyprice five carry Marion who turn up at a most unop- - per cent interest, and it may be a PIONEER OF NEPHI FATALLY long moment which portune compels Tom time before the market for securities to add more lies to his already long carrying this low rate can be sold. The budget of expense STRUCK BY AUTO list.Mrs. INJURED for the Wigginton Wiggins, the land school year of 1921-192- 2 was passed lady at whose boarding house it all by the Board, and certified to the happens, has seen better days and is county commissioners. The estimates CYRUS H. FOOTE, ONLY LIVING SURVIVOR OF FIRST FAMILY TO continually bemoaning the fact, "If call for $51,000. Wiggins were only alive" like 'all SETTLE HERE MEETS DEATH IX SALT LAKE CITY FUNERRelative to the High school com women however she is not Immune mencement AL SERVICES HELD FROM TABERNACLE TUESDAY AFT-- i exercises. Principal Geo. to the influence of love. Ruth Thor A. ERNOON. Sper"ry, was authorized to secure nton, Mrs. Wiggins niece, also be for holding same, also to comes involved in the net of untruths building for the occasion. engage speaker which Tom and are forced While on his way home Friday valley of which his earliest recollect to tell. She is aReginald lovable The Levan High school were auth quiet, girl orized to use the Levan school car to have been nothing but evening, C. R. Foote, life long resi brush waste, grown into one of ana is not tond of any display or take the school opera company to dent of this city was fatally Injured show when Reginald is invol Holden Wednesday evening where when struck by an auto driven by the most beautiful in all of Utah, and ved. except Roy Emerson, a seventeen year old in this growth he helped to pioneer they will present th opera "The Wind Prof. in is Louis' athletic Magee, Mills of Holland" boy at Second South and Ninth East the way to a greater and better civ structor and friend. streets. Salt Lake City, where Mr. ilization, and we regret that he could After transacting some other minMrs. and both are Foote has resided thejgast year since not hav been spared to take part in after theMaguire whichDawley or business the meeting adjourned. Tom and -money Reg ' home-cominthat tlrtTTiateraplated leavihgTCeplil. seems fo bfe wlthoutr.y," Mr. Foote, was removed to the this city expects to have this fall, to inard the Japanese servant girl Nugata, he which would have been an honor an in Cross unconscious Holy hospital who knows what it is all about, but as ed of one its first revealed an FIELD DAY SPORTS examination guest pioneers condition, of the funeral services unfortunately her knowledge to Very impressive that his right leg had been fractured on is confined English language in two places, and the left leg In one were held Tuesday afternoon from word "yes" OF GRADE place. lie also sustained a fracture the Tabernacle, Bishop Thomas Bail Popular prices will prevail at the of the hip and other wounds, from ey being in charge. Prayer was of performance, fered by P. P. Christison. Music was matinee and evening tftiieh he succumbed the next day. The deceased was born September furnished by the following. Solo by Watch ffr window cards giving fur ther particulars of this big attraction The grade schools of Juab School 16th, 1848 in the mountains east of Arthur Pyper, "My Faith in Thee Salt Lake, while his parents were on Solo by Melba Hague, "A Perfect district held their annual field day their way to Utah. On September Day" with Viola Worthington accomsports Friday afternoon which were NEPHITES ATTENO STATE a big success throughout. The Ne-p- ht i, panist. Solo, by Alice Ord, "Face to 12th, 1351, his parents moved to schools came out victorious on this being the first white family Face" and duet by Mrs. Ed. Carter ENCAMPMENT AT PROVO points the result being as follows. Ne-p- hi to settle here, and Mr. Foote, was and L. P. Anderson, "Rock of Ages" 5 7 points, Levan 19 and Mona 2. the only surviving member of that accompanied by Norma Bigler. The speakers were J. S. Cooper, The events in detail follows. family at his death. For a number 50 yard dash of years he engaged In farming and W. A. C. Bryan, President T. D. Rees 1st Merl Lunt, 2nd The members and wives of the loca stork raising owning a ranch out to and the closing remarks by Bishop Larson, 3rd, Parley Ralph Jackman. four mile creek, which he sold some Bailey, all of whom dwelt on the life Modern W.oodmen of America Lodg 8S0 yards run. 1st Bryon Taylor, of a this outin fine very city enjoyed 2nd Sheldon Broadhead, 3rd John years ago to J. E. Ingram of this city. of the deceased, and their former After closing out his farming inter- association with him, paying tribute Wednesday, when they attended the Cowan. State of at the encampment logde 100 dash. 1st Glen Worthingests, he devoted his time to the man- to him as a pioneer, also speaking Provo. At noon a fine banquet was ton. yard 2nd Merl Lunt, 3rd Parley Lar- agement of the Arlington theatre of consoling words to the family. The floral offerings were beauti- served, and In the evening a grand sen. which he was part owner, closing out these interests about a year ago when ful and profuse the casket being lit- ball was given, eveything being free Shot Put 1st Glen Worthington, 2nd The party arrived home again in th Clarence he moved to Salt Lake City. erally banked with flowers. Wilkey, 3rd Paul Grace. He is survived by his wife, Eliza-bet- a Those attending from out of town wee small hours of yesterday morn High Jump 1st Glen Worthington, all expressing themselves as hav 2nd Foote, and the following child- were, L. J. Foote, Mr. and Mrs. T. ing, bad 3rd Elroy Chris-tense- n. Ralph Jackman, one of the best times of the ren. Ernest Foote, Charles Foote, L. Foote, Claud Taylor, Miss Mina Ing Those who enjoyed the aff- Pole vault 1st Mrs. lives. and Mrs. T. W. Miller, of this city, Taylor, Mrs. Rose McNally, Parley Larsen, 2nd follows. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Reid Mrs. J. A. Cottreil of Draper, L. J. Warren Brady, Arthur Self, Jackman. Billy air Ralph Foote and Leslie Foote of Salt Lake Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Foote, Mr. and Mrs. George Bigler, Mr. an Broad Jump. 1st Glen Worthington, Mrs. L. M. Pexton, Mr. and Mrs 2nd City. He also leaves two brothers Mr. Thomas Pass, Miss Fay Jackson, John Parley Larsen, 3rd Paul Grace. Mr. T. Mrs. and Robertson, and one sister to mourn his depart- all of Salt Lake, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 220 yard run. 1st Glen WorthingMrs. Mr. and Bowers Oscar ure. Mr. T. L. Foote, and Mrs. Lois Cottreil of Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, ton, 2nd Paul Grace, 3rd Ralph Jack-ma- n. Mrs. Alfred Warner, Mr. an Mr. Taylor of Salt Lake and Mr. John Ellis, and Mr. John Foote of Provo, Mrs. and Frank Warner, Mr. and Mrs Girls, 30 Foote of Provo. Mrs. Jabez Nowlin, of Idaho Falls. yard dash. 1st Winnie Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. W. Mr. Foote, was well respected In Interment took place In Vine Bluff Smith Mr. Nielson, 2nd Eva Sperry, 3rd Loretta Mrs. Otto Sudweeks and Gadd, the community, and lived to see the Cemetery. V. M. Foote, C. E. Stephenson, and Young. Girls base ball throw. 1st Winnie Miss Celia Stephenson. Nielson, 2nd Eva Sperry, 3rd Lois OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT MAUE OF COMMUNITY CAMP BROUND Lunt. Girls relay race. 1st Nephi team, Miss Edna Scorup of Provo, was in Nephl Tuesday meeting with Supt 2nd Levan team, 3rd Mona team. District Forester R. H. Ru Hedge, To the south and west the moun- Stewart, and before leaving signed Bicycle relay race. 1st Nephl team. at Ogden, Utah, has announced the tains and valleys of southern Utah up as domestic science teacher in the Claude Neilson, Horace Candland, Issuance of a permit to the City of and Nevada are plainly visible. The local high school for next season Ray Beane, Theron Ockey, and GorNephl to establish a public camp on rugged outlines of Mt. Wheeler in .Miss scorup is very highly recom don Wood. 1st Nephl. Salt Creek at the base of Mt. Nebo. Nevada can be seen. To the north, mended and will no doubt give satis Broad Jump relay. Under the agreement the wita Ttmpanogoft standing sentinel, faction here. Miss Mary Wooley also 2 20 yard relay race. Hi Nephl team Elroy Christensen, Tom Kendall, Gorcity Hccures. a beautiful camp site beautiful Utah lake reminds one of of the IS. V .U. recently signed without charge .under the understan- a magnificent jewel sparkling in the contract as oral expression teache don Wood and Merl Lunt. ding that the city authorities and the nun. Easterly the view reaches the for next season at the local high The school. The teaching force at th Nephl Commercial Club will install rugged cliffs of Castle Valley. ramp facilities, fireplaces, table, landscape ranges from barren desf rt high school is now filled 'and th OIL MAGNATE VISITS toilets and equipment, to the most beautiful and productive faculty Is considered as one of the WELL IN JUAB VALLEY and take care of the area. The camp valleys on earth. The top is readily strongest In recent years. is reached quickly by auto from Ne- accessible to people of all ages, and phl and is situated on a clear moun- the climb Is In no sense a test of enMr. and Mrs. L,. A. liailoy sr, re Henry Docher, of New York, owner tain stream at the foot of the f irest durance. turned home Tuesday from Salt Lak norvire trail leading to Nebo's crest. Forest officials state that there are whore they have been visiting tli of the oil prospects In the south end of Juab Valley was In Nephl 8unday. Thousands of visitors are expected many similar opportunities In Utah past month. They were accompanle to visit the camp each season. The for local communities to select and home by Mrs. Fred Beck, who has al going out to the wells In the afterclimb to the "top" will be a popular develop a most pleasant numnipr so been spending a few days in th noon with his manager Mr. Wheeler. Mr. Docher, was pleased to find the hike, acrording to foreBt officers and camp where loeal people would enjoy above city. work progressing so the Nphl enthusiasts. Nebo Is one inexpensive vacations and whi'h development well, and there Is no doubt but what of the most beautiful peaks In the would lengthen the stay of visitors Allan Golden, returned to Provo operations will still continue there. State. It r'ses abruptly from the In Utah. "This step by the reople i'oor of Juab Valley to an elevation of Nephl led by the city authorities Monday, after a couple of days visit Mr. Docher has shown unlimited Mr. Golden Is faith In this section as an oil region of nearly 12,000 feet. From the crest and the Commercial Club, is well with relatives here. a vrw of unexcelled grandeur and worth Imitation by other Utah cities" employed In the railroad shops in tho having financed tho work of drilling above city . for oil for several years. Interest Is obtained. sayi District Forester Rutledge. f if $86.32 r j 1EN I ion-woul- Sheriff Dan Martin, and County Attorney T. H. Burton, brought H. M. Scbofield, over from Mammoth, Wednesday where he was sentenced Tuesday by Justice Creighton of that precinct to sarve ax' days in . the l ne case was prosecu county jan. ted by the county attorney, the char ge being the exhibition of lewd pict ures, and the writing of indecent let ters. It was about the worse case that has been tried in the courts of this county for years, the pictures and letters being too filthy and vile for any decent person to look at. The sentence imposed on this young man should be a warning to any person who is inclined to any mania for this kind of stuff. This paper commends the officers for their prompt action in The place for these kind the case. of offenders is either behind prison bars, or in an insane asylum. lit THE NEWS, VOU 5, NO. 40 L TO STUDENT IN COUNTY JAIL FOR EXHIBITING ACTIVITIES OTH, F Mrs. Mary Sutton of this city re ceived a letter this week from a Hungarian student thanking her for two pair of socks which Mrs. Sutton knit during the war and gave to the local Red Cross society, which were tagged with the names of the donor by the Red Cross committee. The letter is dated Budapest, Hun gary, Europe, February ,7, 1921 and is as follows. Dear Mary. I was so lucky as to get those two pairs of stockings you've give for the poor Hungarian students. Hungarians were the most proud people of all nations in the worjd and were chevaliers in the noblest senseof the word, only a few years ago. And now we are so deep deep down, that we must be too happy to receive a gift of two pairs of stockings. The monthly income of a student for instance, is the tenCh part of that he used to have in peace time. I dont know how old and how rich tnat you gave zuuu you are. May-b- e pairs for Hungarians, maybe that you gave my two pairs only. That's quite the same Your gift is of a grandious valour for me; because it shows that the hearts of the Americans Is open for the poor and destitute, which now we are. I hope this will soon be otherwise. If you've got a bit of time, could write once a letter. I intend to go to America, having ended my studies. Maybe that we'll see each other once. un Many thanks and greetings known, from. LEWIS MOSKOVSZKY 90 7r MAY ' U sa-g- g, Ne-ph- play-groun- d |