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Show THU THURSDAY, JUNE I .EHI FREE PRESS 22, 1933 4 . a Vjtvc 1 ... .1 'n2 lne Mr- - and Mrs Thomas Powell and Hr-eneMrs. Vtola Dee! and daughter, Gi: in Emily, spent Thursday daughter, Everett of Las egas. x and Zimmerman garet on business. Mrand Mrs. Sait Lake City, Nevada, vUited with ineoaore Barman a- -j 4 :i Lehi :: WednesMrs. Sarah FoC J'humas Powell and family, Ur, j Worlton D. Mrsentertained at F. were motoring to their Mrs. June Mr. and Mrs- - Arthur Olsen of day. They dinner, Friday, for Mrs. Fred Wood Zobel, Twin Falls, Idaho. in home t! Mr. Fred BusLl of weekend Smith, were visiurs Roof of MrsPearl Riverton, of iluntsville, 1. 11 - tTt-Mrs. Olsen 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Salt Lake City, Mrs. W. L-- Worlton, Fox, Mrs. ManMr- and Mrs. James Cummings and Mrs. R- - B. Worlton, Mrs. Marie Emma Kesler. Mr. George E- - Russon. "ltI r.n. Dp'os. of Burley. Idaho, were Ross, Mrs. Josf-n:: Lehi :: Austin, and Mrs. Mary Woolston. EA. Mrs. Adams, New House Druses This Week Bradshaw, Mr. and guests of Mr. and adv. Tuesday. Mrs. Cummings is a sister . Powers Shoe Store- Mrs. J- T. Winn and Mrs. Maude Hayes, Mrs. Charl f Mr. Adams. :: Lehl :: Adams spent Sunday in Salt Lake Salt Lake Citvi v- V. 3 rs- Dorothy Gray returned home Satcl " City, visiting relatives. Dora Adams Mr- and Mrs- - J. T. Harwood andjwho nas At urday from a ten day visit with Mr. visiting in Salt Lake Mrs. David Grant, Mr lrl -- i0and Mrs- Samuel Crane and family at daughter, Lai k, and Mr. and Mrs. W. fof tne p3St week returned home with aivert BerV Edna Hindley, Mr. and v and R. Hardwrod of Salt Lake City, werthenv Draper. :: Lehl :: h Dickerson. Mrs nf .. guests of Mr- - and Mrs- A. E. Adams, Willa Crane of Draper, who has Thursday. Mrs. William B. Hayward of Mrs. Willes Fredrkks, spent the past ten days here with her Washington, D. C- is visiting here want, airs- Ray Shelley grand-parentMr. and Mrs James Mrs. Heber C. Webb entertained at with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. phries, rs. Don Barrett !j ?' l4 of H. Gray, returned home Saturday. dinner SAlfonzo Davis- - Enroute here she Fork; Mrs. Rose Haves V. T?-5- 1 Monday in honor of Mrs. : : : : Lehl San of Holmstead the World's Fair at Chicago. Curtis Young, Mr. and MrTv visited Evans and Mrs. Julia Anderson and children Elmer Smith Mrs. Mrs. and California, Hayward was formerly Miss Meredith of Pleasant GrZ . Francisco, of Rexburg, Idaho, are visiting Mrs. Peterson and daughter, Freda of Los Donna Davis. Mrs. isc Bert oouinwicK, t i Anderson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. boat or Covers were ii Lehl : Angeles, California. L. Wilcox. D. Huish Evans Mrsof C. of E. MrsMr G. McFarlane Maw.. S. and laid Young, ""ft". W M, peter : : Lehl : : Los Mrsin Elmer Peterson, Peterson, Lehi, Bluffdale, spent Monday Angeles and Mr. VI of 0? Holmstead, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Call of Salt Miss Freda Mrs- - A. J. visiting with Mrs. McFarlane's par- - Younsr of San Fmr,.;-.- . boot, oi Peterson, LaU''.' . Lake City, Mrs. Sarah I- - Call and f.or.A fr and MrMrsCharles Turner, and n.v. n unajjj Obotj' two'ents, Evans, Mrs. Booth Sorenson daughter, Mable of Logan, were children, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Webb Their son, Buddy, who has been visit-an- d Union. guests of .Mr. and Mrs. Heber OF daughter, Shirley, Mr- - and Mrs. ;n? at the Turner home for the past on Saturday. Heber J. Webb and son, Wayne, and!nl0nth returned home with them. :: Lehl :: : : Lehl ii the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jones and Lsvin; Lehl ii Mr- - and Mrs. Morris Jones left i: 10 Mrs. Jones of Salt Lake City, were n and Wednesday morning for their home in Bone Eldon Mrs. and Mr. guests of Mr- and Mrs. Jesse Patrick family are invited to attend the Royal Salinas, California, where Morris is Sunday. Theatre as guests of the Lehi Free special chemist for the Spreckles : : Lehl : : iber 1' on Mon- Sugar Co- They have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. James Comer and Press and the Royal Theatre, ndC Bring your for the past two months with Mr. and Mr- - and Mrs. R. B. Worlton were day or Tuesday evening. jenth Mrs. E. M. Jones. paper with you. Salt Lake visitors, Monday. aking ii Lehl i : it-Mr. :: Lehl Week-This Week House Dresses New New House Dresses This ad and Mrs. John Peck entertainv. Powers Shoe Store. adv. Store- ed at dinner Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Powers Shoe ?6 she i Lehl i Lehl ii ii Roy Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Lon 8-,ent to PHONE Lehi relatives who attended the Mrs. James II. Gray entertained at Simpson of Salt Lake City, Mr. and home; services for Mrs. Lavina funeral a at her home, Malan. R. Peck and son, Thursday Mrs. I. quilting her d afterat Midvale, Tuesday Thayne, afternoon. Those present werei :: Lehl :: If yon hav any newt of the i Durrant of Amercan Fork, noon, were: Mr. and Mrs. James C. Mr. and Mrs. Armond Webb and terest, any advertising, an; Jol ITU. sons and Miss Zada Webb returned Mrs. William Hadfield, Mrs. Basil Gough. Mrs. James Carter, Mr. and or want anything a trs. i"' Mrs- John Price, Mrs. John Mrs. William Hadfield, Mrs. T. A. printing in from visit a Dorton, Wednesday evening Lesli R. Bone, Mrs. Ruel Evans, Mrs- - Wjm. Taylor, Mr. Soren Sorenson, Mrs. C the printing line. Idaho with relatives. fray: Webb, Mrs. Eldon Bone, Mrs- - Herman C. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Servkt with a milt. CUf Mrs. Cecil Dale, and Johnson, Miss the Florence Johnson, Elvera Swenson, Gray Misses Pauline Goates and lertTl Hadfield, Mrs. L. I. Wardle, Mr. and Dansie, are spending two weeks with hostess. thters, Mrs. Alma Edwards, Mrs. George P. ii Lehl their aunt, Mrs. Verlne Loveless on J tray, Mr. Mrs. Price and and For Efficient Printing Provo Benchfl. Among the people at- Price, Roger Mrs Lehl it-- Mr. tending the funeral services of Mrs. Ray Carter. See Jian, a ' and Mrs, Guy Walker and Alverina Wilcox werei Mrs- - Barbara ale; CEDAR VALLEY NEWS LEHI FREE PRESS sons Junior' and Dell and Mrs.. Orren Bagley of Fredonia, California, Mr. dchilc Walker and daughter, were guests of and Mrs Roy Wilcox and daughter, Mrs. James, Laura and Glen Telephone 8-Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bone on Friday. Verna, of Los Angeles, California; Iraim in Lehi on Mr. Wilcox of Mrs. spent and Monday :: :: Lehl Sylvester a da; Mrs. Fred Merrill and Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, California; Mr- and Mrs. J. I' s, Kadio :ray, Leland Merrill and family of San B. Nelson of Teton, Idaho; Mrs. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson, are visitng Green, sons Alfus and daughters, Francisco, palifornia, Ila Ault and Arvilla Hacking spent and Alice. friends and relatives in Lehi and Virgie Imas : : in Lehi on business. Lehl Saturday 227 ..45c dfield; Alpine. 280. : : ..50c 245 uneri mart ' ' The young girls of Cedar Valley 171 Tk. 224 ..50c Mr. W S. Evans and Mrs Juliette esday are picking berries on Provo Bench. KENTUCKY Goates returned home Wednesday Others vortlonately low. 0. S. BURLEY TOBACCO from a week's visit at Layton with Your Old Tubes Tested FREE. lert ( Mrs. Bob Roberts and two children and Mr. and Mrs. G- - M. Adams ma'i Free calls avd deliveries. "Direct From Grower To You" !are visiting at the home of Mr. and family. Old Kentucky Burley Tobacco Is the :: Leh! : cream of the finest crops Kentucky's Mrs. Ole Peterson. Just Arrived New Work and bountiful soil enn produce - ripe, rich PHONE 47-LEHI, UTAH I jjust leaves - smooth and mellow - with Dress Shoes Powers Shoe Store. Mr. and Mrs- Ernest Cook and son, rare that flavor and :: Lehl :: Build Lehl, not another town. fragrance that only proper "agingr" Richard, have returned to their home Mr. Elias M. Jones left Tuesday can produce. We bank on It you have after being gone for the past month. A laugh will get more business tin DEI for Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he ex- never tasted or smoked a finer flavormore ed, a In tobacco all serious, heavy attempt to gain satisfying your Artie Cook has been taken to the pects to be employed for about one life. tentlon. month. Mrs. E. M. Jones and Mr. hospital in Salt Lake to undergo an and Mrs. Morris Jones accompanied operation. him as far as Salt Lake City. : : Lehl : : FIVE POUNDS Mr. James E. Peterson spent MonEarl Taylor who has been a guest in Alpine on business. day SMOKING at the F. D. Worlton home for the TOBACCO past two weeks returned home to FATAL AUTO ACCIDENTS Idaho Falls, Idaho, Monday, accomSHOW ALARMING INpanied by Dan Worlton who will visit CREASE IN COUNTY home.. at the Taylor : : Lehl : : "Rich, Ripe, Old Fashioned Leaf Automobile accidents in Utah Mr. and Mrs- - Elisha Peck, Mr. and Our Old Kentucky Burley la no more have increased by leaps and Mrs. Lionel Larsen and family and county like manufactured tobacco than day Is bounds this year over last, it is seen Miss LaVee Bateman furnished the like night - guaranteed free from at sacrament the chemicals at all and other adulterations in. the accident reports of Sheriff E. meeting program that conceal Imperfections, delude the G. Durnell and Chief Otto Birk of Fairfield. Sunday evening. sense of taste and undermine tne Provo. :: Lehl :. health. I most Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bone and Already this year there have been i. I We use the same method our grandycen: children were Pleasant Grove visitors, fathers used in preparing tobacco for eight fatal automobile accidents in jSerii their own use - every trace of harsh- the county, one more than there were Sunday. ? Mr. John Hutchings gave an illu ness leaves it - nothing to "bite'' all yaar in 1932. The appalling total or parch your taste. tongue your strated lecture on "Bird Life" at the Thousands ot tobacco lovers the world 01 car crashes reached a new high Alpine Stake Union meeting Sunday. over swear by its inmitable smoking during the past tto weeks when there were nearly a dozen collisions, one of and chewing qualities, :: Lehl it-- Mrs. INSURANCE COUNSELOR which resulted in two deaths. Heber C Webb, Mrs. S. I. REDUCE TOUR We sell di12 Sold Goodwin, Mrs. Annie Fyffe, spent TOBACCO BILL Figures compiled in the office of Cheapest and Best Insurance rect from the. ffrnwAr Sherff Durnell show that there have Friday in Salt Lake on Relief Society LEHI, UTAH business. Mr. and Mrs. Heber J. this eliminates the eighteen cents a been more than 30 major crashes in Revenue Tax all manufacWebb and son, Wayne, accompanied pound turers' and middlemen's profit thereby the first five months this year, more than a dozen more than them. during the or saving 10 you of 50 : : Lehl : : same period last year. more. No fancy nnoknirpa nn A group of girls surprised Mrs. rations, just quality and lots of It. The element of time matters little, it can eb seen in the accidents Cecil Ash at her home Monday evenhapMONEY SAVING PRICE RABBITS FOR SALE-- Jw pen in the morning or afternoon as ing. Dainty refreshments and social Collwg 5 lbs. right size for eating. Thomas Send us One at night, it is revealed. A chat were enjoyed by Misses Arleen SMOKING of maioritv for lm Dollar Cash the crashes Goodwin, Norine Fox. Reva Goates, CHEWING have occurred, however, 2 month old Pullets and Cocke $1.00 P. O. or ExThelma Goodwin, Lexie Bateman, Gail either at dusk or after' dark. For Sale S. W. Clark. press Money Order (no pprsnnal checks) and we Webb and the guest of honor. Next to Provo, Spanish Fork canwill promptly ship you a five TYPEWRITER No. 5 Under I :: Lehl tt-- New pound yon, Orem and Lehi seem to be the at package of "Burley Tobacco.'' Good Condition. Priced to sell House Dresses This Week Five pounds of Old' Kentucky Burley spots chosen for crashes. A peculiar adv. will make 40 A Real bargain. Powers Shoe Store- lar?e packages of smok-ln- ? angle of the accidents is that they Call or 5' twists of chewing. seem to go in cycles like :i Lehi :: depressions. Paper Hanging, Paper u The Second W"ard M. I. A. presidBoth the police of Provo, the Calsomining and Painting don 35 cents ency entertained in honor of the ward sI,ver an1 sheriffs and the state motrcycle reasonable prices. Ralph Hutdunj-Statworkers Tuesday jTCS9nd M. I. A. contest wp will ship Postpaid - one patrolman are keeping a watchful eye Street, LehUtah of pound Tobacco Burley as a trial for speedsters and for at Saratoga. Luncheon, evening reckless drivers offer. A trial will convince you. were and but although they are swimming enjoyed by games me Jjeni ree i resa We have thousand of requests' continually sea daily J about 43 guests. which for 'Sample9' Our margin of profit bringing traffic violators into courts, paper printed in Lehi LeU- i i Is so small we cannot Lehl the accidents in still persist. comply with prints their ads, etc., Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Davis accom- these requests. Butter Wrappers printed at " We do not ship C. O. D. orders to do Mr. and Mrs. Afton panied by their grandson, Eldon Peterson and so would require a larg staff 0f clerks are invited to 100. Anytime. Why be Schow, returned from a trip through attend the show at the Orders must In be English language anything but the best Oregon, Idaho and northern Utah Koyal Theatre Friday or Saturday as INDEPENDENT this week. They spent the past two TABACC9 fruests of the Lehi Free Press and weeks in Oregon,, guests of Mr. and The selling urge of good bqv Koyal Theater managers. Brine GROWERS ASS0CIATI8N your Mrs. Davis' daughter, Mrs. Hazel influences people whether paper with you. MeCLURE BLDG., FRANKFORT, KY. Wjlcox and family. and where to buy. what to oui-of-t- e, Iluward Gray spent Draper. TIIE LEHI FREE PRESS Published by Saturday in :: Lehl :: Donald Wilcox has gone to Delco, Idah j, for a month's visit. Phone 8-Lehi, Utah : : Lehl : : Mrs. George P. Price and IvD, George P. Price, Manager Roger were Provo visitors, Thursday. Office, 32 West, Main Street :: Lehl :: Residence, 2nd West and Street, Russon joined the Mrs. Eni-Lehi, Utah Kolob Stake Temple excursion to Salt Lake, Tuesday. Entered at the posUiffice at : : Lehl : : Lthl, Utah, an second Mr. Thomas Yates of Midvale, and class matter Charles Winn of Bingham, were business visitors in Lehi, Monday. ADVERTISING RATES :: Lehl :: Display ,..30c per inch R. L. Mrs. Garrety and famly of 10c line Readers THE LEHI FREE Pi1ES3 Every Thursday W iSt-it- e per Eureka, are guests of Mrs- - Garretys parents, Mr. and Mrs- Alma Beck. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : Lehi : One year in advance $1.00 : : Lehl : : Want Ada 10c Per Line For Mrs. Norma Stewart of Hinckley, First Insertion and 5c per line is a guest at the William Davis home. Lehl for each additional insertion. - Mrs. Eunice Hutchings and son; Harold, were Provo visitors, Satur day. LOCAL ITEMS Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey of Provo, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orsen Godfrey. :: Lehi :: Mrs. Bernell Bateman entertained Mr. and Mrs. Elisha Peck at dinner, Sunday. : Lehl : Mr. and Mrs- Roy Walker of Star, were Lehi visitors, Sunday. :: Lehl :: . Dean Worlton entertained a group of his classmates from the University of Utah at a week-en- d party. :: Lehi :: Miss Dorothy Saderup of Salt Lake City, s a guest of Miss Lucille Hutching, this week. Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. William Hutchings, Mr. Roy Penrod and children and Mrs. Hole of Ogden, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, Tuesday. - :: Lehl:: Just Arrived New Work and Dress Shoes Powers Shoe Store. Lehl : :: The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Anderson received a broken The arm was set by arm, Friday. Dr. Sundwall. : : Lehl Ir. Everett Garn : : has Lehl : : New Work and Powers Shoe Store. :: Just returned home from Wyoming, where he has been shearing sheep. Arrived Dress Shoes .Lehl: : Berniece Anderson : Miss of Eureka, is a guest of Ruth and Doris Taylor this week. :: Lehi :: Miss Edith Call was a week-en- d visitor of Mr. and Mrs- - Heber . : : Lehl : : Mrs. James H. Gray, Mrs. John Bone and Miss Florence Gray spent Saturday in Salt Lake City. : : Leh : : Miss Nora Brown of Salt Lake City, is visiting with Mrs. Eunice Gray this week. : : Lehl : : Mrs. Fred Carter and baby of Provo, were guests of Mrs. Carter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Fjield. : : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Fred May and baby, of Huntington, Park, Calfornia, are visiting Lehi relatives. :: Lehl :: Mrs. F. J. Nicholes of Salt Lake, spent Sunday and Monday visiting with her father, Mr- - W. S. Evans- Lehl Mr. and Mrs. William Hadfield and family were Salt Lake visitors, Sunday. : : Lehl : : Mr. and Mrs. Fred May and baby of Huntington Park, California, were dinner guests of Mrs. Vaness Lott. : -- Lehi: : Yo'a Anderson arrived home Wednesday following a stay of eight months in Fort Collins, Colorado. Mi-- I s p. - tPi SnT 'r'' - - j j?1 - - If - - - . - - s, i i fr ! - - LH VTti'' i ,71 -- T 1 It-,,- - j U - - Mrs-Sterlin- r - 1 1 out-of-to- - guaranteed Tubes 1 1 Get a Free Family ticket to Lehi's Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dale and daughfinest theatre, the Royal Theatre, with ters, Billie and Bobbie, of Salt Lake each 50c paid on subscription of the City, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Lehl Free Press. adv. Mrs. Ralph Hutchings. : : :: Lehl :: Lehi : : It Glenn Wing BATTERY - Rebuilding and Recharging A- - All Work Guaranteed ' Special Offer! TERMINALS, CABLES and GROUND STRAPS . Ray's Battery Shop HAMMER BUILDING, MAIN STREET, LEHI, UTAH Professional Permanent Waving A wave love that you'll and want to tell your friends about, Provo Beauty Salon ANN MACKAY, Operator 11 EAST 1ST NORTH PROVO, UTAH Waves given by students $1 at the Provo School of Beauty culture at ttas same address, 11 East 1st North. I mtt" i""'""ilir'"iMWir': t. sm,.. isn m. i M Is your investment protected L. I. Wardle WANT HURTING LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES FORM LETTERS CIRCULARS HANDBILLS BUSINESS CARDS STATEMENTS ADS 1 1 1 Lehi Free Press Set and Printed in Lehi Build Lehi, Not Another Town buy |