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Show fSSL r, vcv iii-'- SARA- - -' 01 t - j .3 . -- ..rwctlinc with l r.f i ? -- FOUR II CLUB NOTES a tni. CaiJ The- 'fl 90 lCrty',s M,inl Bill Fred and Spiers t Lake V v.. in the 150 pound class U. Champion, and 'Sri. 'of the University of 90 mmute wrestle for a W .... f t, fa 1. uut Kid and person of Logan m a will feature Opden ia" " jout. cne DUST! i j The Merry Cookers met at th home of Mrs. Maude Adams and received a valuable demonstration on meat The Happy Health 411 Club met with their leaders Mrs. L. I. Wardle and Lela Coates at the Wardle home Friday afternoon and worked on their sewing projects. - to in Plumbing Fixtures eon. J,. . A New Day - e class Senior Double D. Club n el The BjsvTJee 4H Club enjoyed an outing up the creek Wednesday after-- ; under the leadership of Miss Phvllis Smith. The eirls enjoyed games, w ading in the creek and lunch- - TTTfL... .E.,.,.,WS )j their rtga'ar meeting on Wednesday, June 11. The new member were pledtred into the club then Mrs. De&n Udell gave a lesson on table etiquette and service, illustrating the correct setting f the table for breakfast and luncheon- f,-.- Arena at J- 4-- in si-- ew the 215 ! a.MUcl Rur-- A Pas. u-a- r srena IS 8:45 the big at 22, June ith Pat m be introduced time 1 v. lu S t V bais- !'i Miu-hell- - Mr. inu s Sessional wrestlers out i . ,u; time they be very "Sli Saratoga has been LCC' ,rr6 tin 01 1 the P'ace J Utah f r this Eummer" 7 il a Inhe t and man ol Uie big league. 11 TGia, we Lcti relatives. While here uie champion tairr ar.d Leg-ur- n e A Mr. and Mrs. !repfr. H.a Cocksur.r; .tss makes "i'lmn Mr. urul Mrs a:id ti'j;.c him the butt of innumerable . jukes bv Otto vwiei memoers ol his :: Lent :: Joe, as Elmer the Great, Incomes Everett Ar.ders.jn of involved in a 1 ve Morgan, tangle whkh f rnier'v (.f I 4,i e:veu the hnor eventually lands him in jail, and very of being nearly loses the World's Series cham- the Lions eiectrd district president of Clubs at the convention at pionship f,r his team. HJS he extricates himself and finally wins both yden. Tuesday. Mr. Anders, .n is th of Mrs. Rachel Anderson of Lebi the frame and the girl is one of the and a graduate f Lhi High School. most exciting as well as the most In District 2s are fifty-tw- o laughable incidents in a c mK-.active Lions Clubs and nine inactive of riotous situations and fast action. There is a strong supporting cat Anders n's many Lehi friends with Patricia Ellis, the new sensa-- ; tion of the screen, playing the leading congratulate him and wish him success in this position. feminine role opposite Others Lions Leo Hansen, Thomas Powers, include Frank McHugh, Claire Dodd E. X. Webb and Edward Larsen with Preston S. Foster and Russell Hod- their wives attended the convention. tcnThe screen play is by Tom Mr. Powers was named chairman Geraghty and the direction by Mer-- 1 of the activities commitee, Mr. Hanwyn Leuoy. sen chairman of the resolution comRemember Sunday. Monday and mittee and Mr. Webb a member of Tuesday, only 10c admission. the nominating committee for the con- 0 Is Far cutnt-rn- Who OtrVtnups lUMUiii TOGA 4 me piut WREST-b.v- c ..THURSDAY. JUN'E 22, 193 FREE PRESS THE LEHI vention. The next Every care that has gone to modern designing In the fields of architecture and home furnishings has been matched by that designing of modern plumbthere ing fixtures. In the smarter type of home to the will be found plumbing furnishings that give bathroom an impression of surprising charm, where w e have been accustomed to accept utility. . A visit to our store will be of interest as indicating the newer fashions in plumbing. PRICES LOWEST NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Let Us Give You An Estimate Cm Your Plumbing or Repair Work It's FREE. ML . LflDTT PLUMBING and HEATING PHONE 23 LEHI. UTAH STATE STREET district convention will be The U. and I 4H Club men with their f held at Idaho Falls, Idaho. leader Mrs. Wallace Jenknson at the nmrnm' the quoroum to put forth an extra What has become of our sprinkling !tr OF LEHI RESIDENTS home of their Club Reporter, Miss QUORUM MELCHISEDEK effort this month to beautify his home wagon? We have a good sprinkling Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Barnes and lleen Sunderland, Friday June 16. COMMITTEES and surroundings, and above all wagon and plenty of water but no family are invited to attend the show They discussed club business carried 67, LavtaTcough Thayne, things, endeavor to make and to keep sprinkling, what's going wrong? We at the Royal Theatre, Friday or Sat- over from last meeting. Inez Powell them Saturday Brethren: Dear sanitary and wholesome. With hospital have paid the usual tax levy for urday evening as guests of the man- was elected secretary and treasurer , local local in view urge each one to of idea our this ailments. Through the kindness streets upkeep and sprinkling. What agers of the Roval Theatre and Lehi and Donna Ostler chairman of the of intestinal method of eradicate m this trash, and rubbish, weeds, Lehi, we are taking was born papers has become of it? This is the first Free Press. Bring your paper with refreshment committee. Clean kinds. of Droiects of all for up side walks. with the the daughter I"MVUU..v...& J i4 1866, :: Lehi :: in twenty years our streets have you. year rfit-vou RftWted bank. Die- -Dens, chicken coops, t..i -for r......... w. hav -' uijr ..i.;k been sprinkled. No worse thing ind Charlotte ;not YOUTHS LEHI FIVE these back take Cow yards, in yaras, nu n iu.w to work upon. Kindly her childhood and youth could happen than our people be com- - '42XD STREET" MUSIC BY CAMPS croiects un in your group and quorum where garbage and rubbish may FOREST ENTER in the tive part an to eat the dubt that is flying ACE SONG WRITERS such waste matter, then the IpeUed meetings next Sunday, June 25, 1933, gather. Haul all ivities of what was Our city fathers should around. in enlisted be cannot now which burned, are right out oi Five Lehi boys that no time may be lost ace song think some little about the health of Branch now me Two of Broadway's north of are the Forest town to grounds States Army. these United garbage feel W the that projects . orriPd Moroni Thayne 'our tax Can we have some writers were imported from New payers. made Harvel Trinnaman reported for duty worthy of your best thought and ef the city. A vigorous campaign should to Midvale where they sprinkling done Mr- Mayor, and our York to do the songs and lyrics for one week ago last Saturday at the be waged against that numerout fort M committee on streets? We are entitled "42nd Street," Warner Bros.' mam home, wnere nraHer of disease, the fly, by setting Monday Last Your brethren, Fork American Camp. a moth show dealing with the backto some are we not ner death, except ClifH. out WMlcox, Thomas James Gardner, traps, catchers, and cleaning up Rhodes, Bernell and lived in Leht which comes Tax and the Eater of Dust life Payer. family theatre, the stage Colledge fit R. J. Whipple, breeding places. ford Wilkerson and Lyman to the Royal Theatre on Wednesday, at Provo examination W. Wing, Stake Com. In this connection the R- - V. C. for J. four reported survived by NOTICE is and each SaturThaj-nFriday. Thursday Irs. and were sent into the Strawberry CHJURCH SERVICE COMMITTEE proffers to have a team nf.ni inavne cus1933, haul been 16, has it forest some time For past day, commencing July Stake Conference Camp on the Nebo National who are those for interment De rubblBh Moisy, Charles the away to making for people . According r3J' - u Vmvn and tomary Visit each member of the quorum or national so. do to to hire, able not Uinta the dig. of the in session Cemetery each City fou Jr., supervisor and urge them to attend and !.;rtCThayne of Cedar Cty; faka verbal preliminary report Fjtmna In the of have their friends dig all graves, ol en o of the Stake Conference which will be Allsop In Ray Mrs. been have are Mers' progression held July 8th and 8th, 1933. July 16, and final written report Utah county district nf Salt in some instances graves t, i . lawrs. . Wpst dug or started without consulting the his foot when ne jumpeuj across ray, , Make written report in duplicate duplicate August 20, rapidly : and rresiaenw Mrs. Glen cecK""" Leaders To Can which is contrary to law, of- ditch Sunday. He received treatment Group Fork American sexton, 1933. The camp in July 16, " ..a m;m Verla Tnayne oi of Quorums to punishment at the Lehi Hospital. of men. MISCELLANEOUS fenders being subject COMMITTEE yon has reached its quota f. .nrirr.ildren. one great- w imruhv rommend that you put of Lehi City ac Ordinances Revised tne See camp are men in 225 Pioneers About Honor ralf hrothers. William and into Mr. operation a Nickel Fund whereby 295. of re son He Section 30. Rohhv Garrietv. Chanter . x ' Proffer aid and assistance in any cording to Mr. Trinnaman. Washington, had each member of the quorum contri Topenish, of From now on this unlawful practice Mrs. Lynn Garriety of Eureka, ports that his work is checking toois endeavor put iforth fcy Church or to oe sexton the and Lehi He says RtntA to do honor to the Pioneers. butes five cents each month Hospital, in an out of the tool room,. will be discontinued his tonsils removed at to used for quorum purposes. dig all graves conforming Tuesday. that it is pleasant work, and that for Make written report in duplicate I S.md Gough of will Revised the of 66 of Sction trythe least worry six months at and Chapter 10, " July 30, 1933. Gough of Lehi mi Phvlli M. Kirkham, a gradu Mrs. William Ford was taken home Ordinances of Lehi City, wnicn mases to find a job will be set aside. CLASS INSTKUUUUXS win. ing Mrs. "T. weeks do T,mM Carter. thirteen to the and following Mrate of the Utah State College, who duty Trinnaman 5t thA sexton's right Thursday to The Ward Library with According Merrill-PalmLehi .school Hospital the in a the and confinement fixed city by idea, a at great Provide suitable folders, holders, flttimiPd th prices this work forest work is Lehi-..will commence a . the solve fractured Detroit of a Michigan, hip Ward can if jf! km, n of the starts in surely tt.. file and . ordinance. ' and binders, j niivu , ne coiiuu-."-i t the Kindergarten next Monday. Good grub is furnish- future all concerned are re tr, . o meal problem. Library each week a copy of ZAn the East Midvale A major operaton was periormeu ;.. eleyen cents Church in orransrp for this service with Section of the Saturday At WT' Mondav. f ..; pv,illin with Counselor tt S Stoker City Sexton that the upon tucvi i ...... Evenins? Deseret News, and each per head per meal Just Arrived New Work and uo Interment was Mr. (Staler discon be Phillips EE. Relief latest reports, the Society of the may of Fork a past month American copy The work n ceme-- practice Dress Shoes rowers Shoe Store. in the Murray City Instructor, Improvement tinue that a unitorm arrangement ing fine is at nresent making over the old Magazine, Lehi and the Silver Lake trail and road- The camp Era, The Children's Friend may be obtained. Mrs. ond m. George Lewis and taken stitches two Craig Crabb had fienealoeical Magazine. mess supply hall, a of big consists T C r are invited to attend the Royal head at Lehi Work and tvTwc 4 Ask the Auxliary Organizations in family 'TAH Manning." irs. o. o . to close a cut of the as 1.113. rooms, a hospital, a wash room and ast Arrived-N- ew Theatre, Saturday or Sunday Mrs. E. J. T. Roberts and Hospital last week. Shoe ano of roosting quarters, or tents. each ward to kindly furnish copies ss shoePowers Tress Free .... plenty the of guests iajl..,, nfM Afton. Peterson enterxameuj have been piped and good of their varous magazines for tiling ::LehlTVT :: Bring Edwards, victim of last The springs Royal Theatre managers. build George in aid thus and evening L the in Tuesday available. library is TrATT water the Wines Park, collision drinking with you. week's motorcycle, wagon valuable reference library our paper ; f Mrs. Clarene yuinn, uivu According to Mr. Trinnaman the ing up a ELMER home of Mr. and Lehi :: :: the to taken was of written Make wardreport Margaret and son, Jay, boys entering the camps have to pass in each The man who goes to sleep holding A delicious Mrs. John Yates, Friday. , MiBsmiri. All en- - in duplicate August 13, 1933. r the a "nrpttv stiff" examination. j 11 " seen z hold-in- g n w .m he t r.. inoepenuciiic, COM. and joe a steering wheel Is in danger of PERSONAL WELFARE vaccinated for followed by a program are the was camp Brown Theatre luncheon, T. W. tering of sunuaj .f The small son reen oi it., , uie ""j" . . DV aDOUV hiukj Home Beautification and Sanitation some r. a harp when he wakes up. his iawatreated' for a sprained right elbow at small pox and inocculated for j games wcic ainvpd j rp.,iaw ., A every innav ano of of member iurau"J in an rh the of guest av "Elmer tne relatives and friends uiswiaca. i i.. T kS TTncnital th S Week. ;rst national ev.iiy-- j, XjCIU HUBlJ.vc. ; , said to be the most honor- - CU"" 51 DUST! j 1 Lj.j.p j j !g It j e Hospital Notes - . f; its er ....,.,, " ITIT "J Sing. Kl t - oic. t,.i.. Ihi . unr inti - . dt .i 1 . r . .i ran, wiiiv.i . hroariously funny ...v.;-.t- . of any h pin--- Mtppeareu m tt,o firpat." writw:" lardner and George M. Cohan, o wa ,rnt on the stage an" as a be even more hilarious me Of Iicreen t. ,oQ manv piay, uwu uu'" startling sequences which Li- - v,r.A of hpfore the ioum- &v nttivcu " ii'j TMVtPd in tne pittui ne attuaiij' o a funniest as wen L to -- i mxur during uie. "I'll pioj.-- in T.ntr World e of a be there in q Pat Flanfean ja. w Boston arato : vs. 215 Pounds- -2 out 3 Falls 90 Minutes 215 Salt Lake Vio : ,vU m avt-- m nrr l n cr. 2 out 3 Falls-- 90 on wanted to be Del Kunkel vs. Ashley Smith his U. of U. 150 lbs. 2 out 3 Falls 90 Minutes The man w ith a telephone. in his home usually gets the A. A. U. Champion because he can be reached quickly. Runnincr errands, saving time for other things, making contacts, social or business Harry Peterson vs. Kid Taylor bring help in emer'Ttcies the telephone does and many others these things for a few S!l5 tents a day. w The Mountain Telephone & Minutes The looks through employer list of available men- - ob New York Bill Longson vs. Fred bpiers Salt Lake Pounds the morning! A man is 'Albright, States Telegraph Co. l ' 51 a r Logan 1 Fall 20 Minutes UgSfJ Bleachers 25c "Parquet 50c Ring Side 75c Tax Included . Ladies Half Price |