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Show LEHI FREE PRESS, LEHI, UTAH The Baileys at the Fair in ais l-- L. j STEVENSON L " fis raciert jryfigrj - Hide tiiem the noreia " loiio irne of the older . .ha town Whenever an i TL-- a, I J A GPEAT r7 fSNj jr-- y Mr ux at t nuc W ti I wouo uke GOOD MENUS FOR SUMMER PARTIES i Hints for Planning Dinners cr to Luncheons. KlRHW rHUNTEOj By CO ITU Bxcuffibs gucb DU7 -- i it 0 XH hid-orit- y r hav tared. i mid town hotel, which has con iMe social prestige, a little old lewman took a room 17 years I.... k jc sinceu.wojb iciuwi I trrj ?atle&3 limit any hotel help .n (he plea lv - prevail on her to have the fen on near ears. et Id management made no dlf- iH. iuiii f inally. iiuuk cume n alert manager who determined to The the entire hotel renovated. Jewoman s'renuousiy onjectea The icuest manager was firm. Finally be Informed equally so. that unless she would consent to done, she would have e her room if she ioveout on a certain date, her consent he promised, every g would he put back exactly as it On that condition the guest teen. uapti to redecorated BACK UP! 'mas.J I m and 4yf d the p! VV.A'W 7 "F7" s I peorsls mis: o j and r i i ? Well, aa near as he could considering how lows itness blow ! sure that he was after the accused hit Are you fudge on his bark IchnH idea, 1 round-shouldere- Is. Ch!j In another When the decorators had finished, the manager took the guest back to her room. She made a caretul Inspection, then turned on him indignantly One of the pictures had been put on the wronB wall. A couple of minutes work ,sarisel her and she has settled down apparently secure In the thought thnt she wont be disturbed again for at least 17 years. In another cial prestige. hotel, also ono with so- Is a man guest who hue occupied the same room for five years. When he came he had a suitcase, and tnat Is still all his baggage. Every morning, looking 6plc and span, he Tet goes out. evidently to business. in all those five years a suit of clothes has never hung In his closet and nothing has been found on the dresser or In the drawers. Nor have the clean towels, supplied each morning, ever been used. The recent shooting of a chow by a count In an apartment house corridor, with subsequent court proceedings, brings to mind the fact that daily elevator trouble occurs In a fashionable residential hotel where guests are allowed to keep dogs. Generally a couple of women battle, but sometimes the sexes are diversified. The cause Is always the same. Dogs go for each other In the elevator and their owners take up the fuss. f r the s took up temiwrary quarters room. Back to the land note: One moving van owner at Garden City, L. L where many of The Seven Million to sieephas moved fifteen families few Connecticut farms within the last weeks, of back to the land, there's that shack colony in the Jer Speaking tin :eMr i Ho of & e fooaf :al pi-- ;' ' ANIMALS AMERICAN j ire I I I BLACK BEAR 'itllM ATOW honey's sweet, as 1 1 children know; That's why this black bear loves it so; He'll hunt it till his feet a at tem . " ed F e jm St jLJOWlT " 3 STARTEp NCWTOM To Cut and Ran iTPHEN you cut and run," says the gangster in the movie in organising his companions for the crime they are to commit. It is not only by gangsters, that this phrase Is used to Indicate a hasty departure. It is frequently used by widely varied classes of people In every day sreech. Th phrase Is nautical, coming to as from the lexicon of the sea. Literally, to cut and run Is to cut the cable without waiting to "weigh anchors'that Is to lift the anchor, as bow-eve- Is done . In WNTJ Where he can wallow like a hog! m He gobbles acorns by the peck, Until he's full up to his neck! And just as soon as days are cold, He as you've been told. And black bear cubs are brown, sometime A thing we can't explain in rhymes; But anyway it's really-trut That brown bears are just black bears, too. m ed Whip cream, add borseradlah and apple. Mix well and drop a teaspoon ful into each piece of beet. Roll op and place Into freezing trays and freeze In automatic refrigerator several hours. Cocktail Save. 1 cup catsup 2 tablespoons tarragon vinegar teaspoon tobasco sauce 1 teaspoon Worcestershirs sauce Salt 1 tablespoon horseradish t tablespoon celery, finely mlscsd 1 tablespoon onion, finely minced Mix Ingredients thoroughly and serve with oysters, clams or any sea food. As pari ui With Brown Butter and Cheese. bunch asparagus cup butter M cup grated cheese 1 Cook asparagus. ter and dress with tvXQfct ! rora. bar imH, tk aty i n imn ninimi aa tM, m Ami Mf arh alala aa4 BMaatala a!4a iatai srUa. IUXa tka i ti .J W'r anal M - ft. FATBOKIZE IWTCBMOUKTAnf INDUSTKT 1 JjQjlLaitf... n Violins Scars Wolves Experiments have shown that wolves are very much frightened when they hear minor chords played on a violin. i THIS WEEK'S PRIZE STORY! ",4 Arrange on platbutter. To brown Three Honor Men at Annapolis sey meadows across from the Newark The meadows are those famous stretches of salt marsh which are still un reclaimed despite the many plans that have been advanced to make them useful. So far as this writer knows, nothing has ever been raised In the Jersey meadows. But the shack dwellers have laid out neat little farms and the early Indications are that they will bring forth crops. 1933. Bell Syndlcatd. Wira Servtc. A aaaaanltv raaiana BmariiaMtaty fa Dm aaranent ahawa kr IU variaca It la aar daljr. ad aaty iadaatriaa. I tm aapaart aar lacal aatarpriaaa, hat M aa aar laSaeaca la aacarlnf aauraaaga at Mada tiaaaa. la Caaparatiaa ahaaU fca Ua kar aata at () I Inlr-MaaU- ear laiara I pmaraaa. ADA WINDER. Varaal. VUk, Only President in Arlington William Howard Taft is the only President of the United States buried in Arlington National cem- etery. ASK TOUR DRUGGIST FOR HAITI APEIi My Neighbor OIL Distance Changed by Moon Because of the attraction or ma moon, onre in every 24 hours the distance between New York and la extended G3 feet. Says: GRAl'EJUICE sauce blends well spiced or cottage pud- 50 for $1.09 To wash the leather furniture, one tablespoon of vinegar to each Wash of warm water required. leather with a soft cloth which been wrung out of this solution. Wipe dry with a clean cloth and polish with a cloth which has been dipped Into one egg white beaten and mixed with a teaspoon of turpentine. Polish with a flannel cloth. VVNU Service Newspaper!) KEEP THE CHANGE for Ha I have been a bachelor years and now I long for a home. SheWell, I hope you don't expect me to furnish one. Rawra Manar rafandrd if net add cup the has 1931. by the Associated i Post Paid F1U aU Gilletta Typ on If your popover mixture la lumpy, when you add egg to the flour, continue to beat with egg beater, then add the milk, a little at a time, continuing to beat until all Is thoroughly mixed. j Razor Blades dings. (. ( FROPUCT AM INTERMOIIN'TAIN bos ltd three-quarte- Servlr. When summer days are hot, he seeks The shady pools along the creeks, Or goes to find a muddy isLK Early summer bring with It many excuses for throwing a party- - Thers re brides to be entertained, graduates to be honored, guests who choose this pleasant season to visit, and then there are farewell parties for those lucky persons who are going to Europe or some other place for the summer. If we ourselves are going off to s summer cottage there may be a party 4 or two which we bars been Intending to have all winter Will left ou the Ust. And then there are those parties, perhaps the nicest or all, which ws have for no reason at all, except that we like to have our friends in our house. I hare been having half a dosen or eo of my friends at a time for dinner recently, and you may tike to bear what I chose for the menu. One began with half an avocado filled with fresh crab meat mixed with a sauce made of mayonnaise, chill sauce, Worcestershire and curry. If yon like, you may sprinkle a little lemon Juice on the pear before you fill It Then cams broilers, split, covered with sliced onions and baked of sn hour In a hot oven. With this 1 served noodles dressed with butter, browned almonds and poppy aeedl The vegetable was asparagus with brown butter and grated cheese. Relishes were chutney, olives and celery, and Jelly as well as Melba toast were passed. The salad was sliced encumbers, endive and chives, mixed with a highly seasoned french dressing and served in a large bowL Toasted crackers and cheese and guava jelly were "regular" departures. 1932. Bell Syndicate. 11 BARBER airport are sore, AnH alwavs wants a little more f si I I Sally Sez k to the pressure of tales are reveaieu. tney come out through wncies. There was the case .. tl'yiyul rhnu StfkP .1 ner nepnew when a hair hor (to. 3i rW . ... n t - v.n For many years. of New York, belle the ATI? v i Pit I lA alone la a room id a uiuuesi ,otel seeing oniy an occa& ehambermaid or bell boy aod !nt- In, on food she carried Id paper arWtiiJ f rnrestleatloo disclosed the fact Isbe had on her person and more than a million A (he room securities- - She 9nd cash L i n lo h5HJ j not SO lone after her case be- known and her estate Is now in fcurrogatea tini settlement number of claimants having U rind also. The salad was mads op of lettuce, grapefruit and Ubj balls of cream cheese served In s large bowl and dressed with a spicy dressing. lesseit was coffee marshmaliow mousse with fresb sponge cake. Ia selecting menus for luncLeos or dinner do not hesitate to break all the nsoal cook-boorules for theas menus. If you bavs any specialty, serve It, even If It Is unusual to find a dish of this sort st this particular type of meal. Tour friends will not only enjoy It, but for once they will demand It again, as for Instance they did at a certain bouse where they were disappointed If the dessert was not rice pudding I From Dried Beef. 12 slices dried beef H cup cream 1 tablespoon horseradish H apple, scraped or grated tiifartory. COOMBS DRUG CO. Ball Lata Cilf. UUh Need Encouragement Here are the members of the graduating class at Annapolis who have been selected as honor men. Left to right: Fred Neupert (premier honor man), of Portland, Ore.; Robert Madden of Sharon, Pa.; and Robert Gallagher of Plttston, Pa. passed with It. I omitted dessert and served coffee In the living room. Another day dinner began with a to mato Juice cocktail, with which thin cucumber sandwiches, stuffed celery and ripe olives were passed. Then came broiled ham with a cream gravy, corn griddle cakes made of the water-grounmeal and baked at the table. Peas dressed with a little cream, enough to flavor them but not to make them too moist to serve on the dinner plate, furnished the vegetable. Peach Jam and mustard pickles were passed. For a salad I chose a mixed vegetable salad and served frozen dried beef with It. The dessert was more corn cakes with fresh maple sirup. This was nlso true at an Informal dlaner In the country recently, which began with mixed uors d'oeuvres. The soup was strong beef broth with whole kernel corn and toast sticks. The main course was roast duck with fried apples, potatoes in the half shell, creamed spinach, buttered beets and tiny hot bran muffins. There was Jelly, mixed pickles and spiced grapefruit prepare brown butter melt .butter In frying pan and brown slightly, add grated cheese and stir well. Pour over asparagus. Quick Meat Tomato Juice cocktail Lamb chop. Potato chips Fresh peas In cream Lettuce with french dressing Ice Cream cake with strawberries d Coffee Lamb chops are always the standby of the busy housekeeper. Fresb peas are so good and so reasonable that we are tempted to use them more often than when they were a luxury. A crisp lettuce salad with a highly seasoned french dressing goes well with almost any dinner. For dessert a combination of vanilla Ice cream, crushed strawberries and sponge cake makes what is known sometimes as an Ice cream sandwich and sometimes as an Ice cream cako. Of course, you can omit the cake and have a homemade sundae. C. Ittt. BeU Smdlcata. Jud Tunkins says the world is still a pleasant place to live, only you've got to read the big hotel advertisements j i to be reminded of the fact. fU rs trn Pit fnrnpra Wheat Ali attempts to corner wheal' have been engineered in the niea-g- o wheat pit, since Chicago is ths ruling- - trrain market of North America. Climate Controlled' Gasoline , But Not in U. S. A. London telephone operators d secretarial work for subscribers,' receiving: and recording all calls when the subscriber is "out" and relaying them at an hour agresd upon. WNtJ Sarvte. Tear Gas Routs New Hampshire Strikers e ' I nU ' hit Lv Uv Please send me full details about the new Frlgldalre that uses no more current than one electric light bulb, and also the super models. W. II. BINTZ CO. BALTAKK fT v . A Rising Tide Human life is on the whole rising tide. 'f fit ry iS.S ahaeM Gaada" " UJ7i.TnCKTnfl P T Voll.nl Co.-'-- """ ,; 1 f .J t r.'i r ti. Jt i r t r. Jt - if. , t Qlif.JiU.,l-l:J- l lUi.HJl. iLn-lu:-i- strikers became disorderly at the gates of the Amosk. ag Textile mills at Manchester, N. B, attack. Forty were reported Injured. tear this to gas and Guardsmen stage police It became necessary for National In the seen foreground. be The gas barrage may uhpn ft 'r mob of 3m rr par wtk will h aalS 111 I far tha bart artlela aa "Wky roa aaa Intcrmauntaln aiaa Similar la akera. 8na roar i tar? In rna ar wra ta In tarateantaia Pradacta Calaain, P. O. Bas 1J6. Bait Lata City. If yaw - $3.00 tary appaara In thia aolama ya will aatra ckark for Waak Na. 1111 WJt-Ba- tt Uka ClQ j ' |