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Show 11 at Dance Traction Saratoga June Dancing Every Sarurday Night Mc, Ladies --ents Join The Crowds I Uc. lis Lehi Stake Outing Dance, Wednesday Evening, June 28 Cobblestone Service Station and between the Daves' Texeco Station and the Mutual Creamery coming into the highway on a gradual bend. Other improvements close to Lehi on the states' net work of roads that will probably begin in the very near future are: an overhead crossine of the Orem and U- - P. tracks as the state highway enters Pleasant Grove, and five miles more in American Fork Canyon adjoining the present work now in progress. ROYA THEATRE LEHI'S BEST AND CHEAPEST AMUSEMENT Weekly Program Get a Free Family ticket to Lehi's finest theatre, the Royal Theatre, with each 50c paid on subscription of the Lehi Free Press. adv. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 22, 23, and 24 10c Sunday, Monday and Tuesday June 25, 26 and 27 A batty comedy of baseball and blondes. She promised him a smile for No every "single," a kiss for every "double," a hug for every "triple." wonder he broke the record for home runs ! ALL SEATS lOc Wednesday Thursday and Friday June 28, 29 and 30 Now comes the show ws have all been waiting for. The Miracle Show cf 1933. Fourteen stars including Warner Baxter, Bebe Daniels, George ever Brent. More than fifty featured players. The most lavish production .. conceived by the miracle mindg of Hollywood. t "42nd Street" Ward Amnsement Hall, with a community lunch, followed by a business ness meeting and Social Dance. Meet at 5 p. m. Come all if you possibly can, If your free, busy or depressed to the man, Cast the work or the worry aside, Just say I will drift with the tide-am going to know each and all of the kjn Be they angels from heaven or deep dyed in sin, They are ours, they are yours, and they're mine, So come all let's have, a jolly good I time. No invitations are issued as it is a family, and we ave each responsible for the association being a success or failure. With our limited amount of programs we have tried to place one in each family. Remember June 24th, 5 p. m. Committee. O A Kindergarten will be commenced in the Primary School Building Monday, June 26th, continuing for six . weeks. Only a limited number of children will be entered. For particulars call 140. PHYLLIS M. KIRKHAM FORMER LEHI GIRL HONORED ;th Gilchrist Hardware f A HOME INSTITUTION Phnnp I S-- Pr .l H ... Ti' .- ,- Mrs G. M. Adams of Layton, formEvans, daughter of of Lehi, has been Mrs. Henry H. of the Y, L. M. I. Stake, the stake of I Mi Vo Re vo I Mi Vo AO Pn ho incl kcl In lie lie iti bi acl les Ar in lorl MAIN STREET and STATE STREET Funeral services for John H. Scown, 65, who died at his home in Draper, held in were Draper, Utah, with burial in the Ameri Wednesday can Fork cemetery. Street Phones-M- ain 27 State Strtet 145 iff Mr. Scown was born in Cornwall, England, December 31, 1867, and came to the United States 35 years ago. He had lived in Draper for the past sixteen years. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Carrie Scown; four sons, Harry CARSON-BUNKEpresident. Scown of California; Fred and Nor Mrs. Adams has been a member of man Scown of Lehi, and George the Stake Relief Society of North Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Carson an- Scown of England, and a sister, Mrs. Davis Stake for the past nine years. nounce the marriage of their daugh- Thursa Cox. Mrs- Mary Cartwright The people of Lehi wish Laverde suc- ter, Velda, to Carlyle Bunker, son of of Lehi was the mother-in-laof Mr. cess in her new undertaking. Mr. and Mrs- George S. Bunker of Scown. The couple were married VineyardRELIEF SOCIETY GENERAL Monday, June 19, in the Salt Lake . FUNERAL SERVICES S. Temple. HELD FOR MRS- - MARBOARD MEMBERS TO ATGARET Z- - BUSHMAN Both are graduates of the Brigham TEND STAKE R. S- SOCLAL Mrs. and Bunker rYoung University (Continued from page 1) Lehi Stake Board Relief Society taught school in American Fork last officers received word that President writer. A combined announcement Suel Zimmerman, one half brother. Louise Y. Robinson. Counselor Julia party and Trousseau Tea was held at Heber Zimmerman, two sisters, Mrs. A. Childs and Secretary Julia A. F. the home of Mr- and Mrs. D. H. Car- A. J. Evans and Mrs-- George South- Lund and other General Board mem- son, Saturday evening, at which the wick, one half sister, Mrs. Pauline bers from Salt Lake City, will be in following were present: The honored Tester, of El Paso, Texas, and a host attendanle at the original entertain- guest, Telda, the hostesses, Delia of relatives and friends who (will ment given by the Stake Board to the Emily and Leona Carson; Clar Wells mourn her and miss her cheerful members of Lehi Stake on Friday, Leona Osterloh, Cleo Holmstead. sunny smile of welcome. The Lucille Bateman Evelyn Lott, Pearl She did her task from day to dav July 7 in Lehi Second Ward. committee in charge are working hard Peterson, Alta Clark, Lila Gaisford, and met whatever came her wav. Be- and promise the Relief Society mem Elsie Gaisford, Mrs. Wayne Carson, lieveing God had willed it so. Thus bers a real treat in an original play Maureen Powell and Tressa Taylor. found real greatness 'here below. and program. Monday evening, following the SCOUT FIELDBOREE marriage, a group of friends enjoyed TO BE OUTSTANDING AMERICAN FORK ROAD the plight of the young couple as they WORK TO BEGIN serenaded the surrounding country by (Continued from page 1) trailer. They were left at their new Forty-fiv- e thousand dollars have home in Vineyard. Judged on accuracy and speed been appropriated by the National o l enants given to winning teams. government for straighten ing of the CARD OF THANKS Swimming Fifty yards free style. turns entering and going out of Am Penants and metals to winners. erican Fork was the annoucement We wish to thank our many kind Diving Pennants and metals to winmade in Provo last Friday. Bids for relatives, friends and neighbors who ners. the construction wwrk are now being assisted us in so many ways during RULES GOVERNING . rnvTPT 1 JJ) I considered. the illness and burial of our beloved First boys must be from 12 to 15 The road will change from its mother. To those sending flowers, years of age and registered with a present course to make a gradually bringing cars or who asisted at the iroop. (winding road. On the north entrance services we offer our sincere thanks. Second No more than two hnvs nr the road will continue west along the A. L. Wilcox and family. two teams can enter from one troop Orem tracks for a few hundred feet event. in any farther than it is at present and then CARD OF THANKS XT Pfl ! inira m scout can enter mwind off northward through the fields two than events or three including coming in on a tangent to the present We wish to extend our sincere me rJay. highway a little west of the Lions sign thanks and appreciation to the many on the State highway. On the east kind ifriends and relatives who asFourthFirst place winners to re ceive live points: second nW side of town the road will wind to the sisted us in any way illthe during south and east just at the east of the ness and burial of our beloved mother. points and 3rd place 1 point except in harmonica contest Grants building going in back of the The Bushman Family. Fifth Troop winning greatest R GET YOUR Irs, REFLECTORS R PUT ON BY THIS STATION AND SAVE YOURSELF MONEY - Every car must have one put on by July 1st. w hi ill Id Tl - Road Maps ' - L-D- - Let us do "the dirty work" Accurate, complete maps, the best ob- When you want air in your tires, our courteous at- ten.lants do the work while you it in the car. tainable, given while way supply lasts. Nearby state included. - WomenShop FREE . Here Central S ervice Station DON HOLDAWAY, First East anl State Street Manager Lehi, Utah I Something New I Congo Visor Hats - 50c - Films for your Kodak Flashlights for Camping, etc. 22 Shells, Shorts and Longs 1 Everything At I 1 OTTERSON'S I A FULL LINE OF HOUSEHOLD TELEPHONE 36-W PROPRIETARY S If Real politeness, cleaa surroundings, none prices and woriasaa-himake it attnetiv for women to deal with ua. - erly Miss Laverde Mr. W. S. Evans chosen to succeed Blood as president A. of North Davis ,:4ti rot JOHN H- SCOWN BURIED AT AMERICAN FORK WED. Miss Ramola Gray, daughter of Mr. and Urs. Frank Gray and Victor Come and Smith were married were married Cnm and see 200 of the most beautiful girls in the worldto Buffalo" and this week in Salt Lake City. off "Shuffle and Healthy," hear "42ndStreet," "I'm Young Me." With Habit Be A To Both young people are well known "You're Getting ADMISSION ONLY 10c and 15c. ALSO GOOD SHORTS among the younger set of Lehi and have hosts of friends wishing them happiness. WHY TAKE A CHANCE? YOU CAN ALWAYS DEPEND ON A GOOD A shower in honor of the newly SHOW AT THE ROYAL THEATRE. weds will he given at the home of the bride's parents tonight (Thursday). which Governor Henry H. Blood is REUNION The 12th Annual Reunion of the Bishop David Evens family, will be held Saturday, June 24th at the First Hay knives and sections, guards j and ledger plates, rivets, pitman rods and boxes, forks and fork handles. Program ft Praver I. W. Fox; song. Harold Fox: welcome. Maben Fox; duet, John Fox's daughters; talk, Isaac Fox: duet. Stanley Clark and son, j Keith: reading, Marvel Gray; violin John. Fox; solo, Roger Price; talk, Barsong, Katherine Hanson; music, low Fox, Irvin Fox and O. Hunter; prayer, I. W. Fox. - GRAY-SMIT- 24 AT d "Elmer the Great" JUNE 1 if possible. GRAY-BUCKWALT- Cheer up! Joe E. Brown's here JOE E. BROWN in ON Hay PROCTER-WOODHOUS- E He lived to beg in the city he built! Out of history, into your heart comes this incredible adventure whose achievements towerd like the Rockies, whose sins were the scandal of an age! The roaring, bowling record ot the most amazing chapter in the story of the west. EVANS Everything for the Harvest The lock on the warehouse at the MAIN STREET LEHL UTAH Lehi Roller Mills was broken Sunday of night, and a part of a truck load Miss Ruby J. Proctor of Union and flour taken away. No clues were left Irel D. Woodhouse, son of Mr. and and to date no arrests have beeu Troop committeemen will act blue penant and troop winning second Mrs. John Woodhouse were married made. of the contests, one from judges receive to red penant. in Salt Lake Saturday. place -- o ward. Both young people are well known MORE GOOD WORK BY Awards to be made at 3 p. m. to all in their respective communities, and MARSHAL ZIMMERMAN winners. According to those in charge Bright hope is often e have a large group of friends in Lehi I of the program 16.00 worth of metals gloomy experience. and Union wishing them success. alSunday night someone entered the and $12.00 worth of penants have :: Lehi been Bone ordered home and and should be here ready garage at the Eldon Mrs. Samuel Bateman and fat; relieved the family car of its gas. in time for the program. of ZimmerMarshal notified to Magna, are visiting Mrs Ba both the Upon being Every one is invited Miss Florence Gray, daughter of man noticed the tracks of the man and man's the and fieldboree camp fire program mother, Mrs. James H. Tajfc Mr- - and Mrs. James H. Gray and that he had one worn shoe that made and it is hoped that as many fathers Mr. Bateman was a week-enpes Benjamin W. Buckwalters, son of Mr. a peculiar print, he also noticed the as scouts will sleep in the open spaces at the Taylor home, returninr and Mrs. John E. Buckwalters were prints went to the two garages at the married in the Salt Lake Temple, Henry Sorenson home, where the in- next Tuesday night at Saratoga Magna, Sunday evenng. Wednesday, June 21. truder had failed to get in. He traced Both young people are popular in the foot prints to the gravel pit north Lehi end American Fork, the bride of the state highway where they lead being an active church worker in the to where a car had been parked. 50c Cold Cream and 25c Facial Tissue Special ...49c Lehi Third Ward. Tuesday evening Mr. Zimmerman to the someone up gravel pit Their many friend in both com roticed Rexall Orderlies Chocolate Laxative e 25c and 5te munities are wishing them a happy and upon investigating found the successful voyage on the sea of matri- owner of the foot prints who had ADLERIKA Intestinal Evacuant made a trip to Provo and returned to mony. to the camp. gravel pit They will make their home in AGAREX A delicious emulsion of Mineral Oil with He was placed under arrest and American Fork. confessed to being the gas thief. He A wedding reception will be given Agar-aga- r, 16 Ounce yo his name as Williams and was in honor of the young couple by the gave Trial was held from California. bride's parents, Friday evening in the , Wednesday evening. Third Ward chapel. :: Lehi :: "SILVER DOLLAR" ALSO GOOD SHORTS - LEHI ROLLER MILLS ROBBED SUNDAY NIGHT MARRIAGES ALL SEATS The annual reunion of the Isaac Fox family will be held at Saratoga 1933- - at Resort, Saturday, June 24, of it' members All 100 o'clock p- m. be to present, the family are requested 5 A Liberty Magazine 4 Star Picture It must be good EDWARD G. ROBINSON and BEBE DANIELS in ALSO GOOD SHORTS FOX REUNION TO BE HELD 1 AT SARATOGA SATURDAY REMEDIES MAIN STREET Irs |