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Show I I I I1 . The Only Paper n The City's Only tax fffl rr em p ree I as Printed in Lehi Home-Owne- d Newspaper 1 LEHI CITY, UTAH. THURSDAY. LEHI STAKE OUTING No. 45 1933 SCOUT FIELDBOREE NEXT WEDNESDAY CELEBRATES 65TH TO BE OUTSTANDING LEHI'S trio. A small admission fee of 10 BIGGEST STAKE OUTING cents per man, and o cents per lady, UTS GO. JUNE 22, WEDDING ANNiVERSAR AND MRS. JOHN All plans have been made to make pared before time. No ditchine neces- - MR DEYEY HONORED TUE. iTNERAL SERVICES the Scout will be charged to attendance Fieldand Ten minutes Penanlimit. time Cmp sary. from HELD FOIi MRS- - MARGARET 1,16 Lehi Stake and regular A case of soda water for baseball scouting event of ants given to winners- Saturday the Mr. and Mrs. John Devey observed ZIMMERMAN BUSHMAN v. nisrht .. vear. Kir to the in nrlcp p; horseshoe t n. Vinners and winning ,f wiU There The e dance children. beUwn the ow Fun defor will for seventy-fivequipment-bbe conducted under i tthers, "fj1 jmethod. Must Flr" Impressive funeral services & one hundred scouU leave Lehilvelop blaze sufficient to bum string the direction of th M I A. A,n,""emeI,t ent p. nu Mr. Tuesday, June 20, 1 6 d. to. on thp nicrVit nf .Tiin 97 In? ... about . .. Margaret Z, Bushman, wuv Snti,!-j;.Band concert. il- - 1 me-- ine Devev is now 84 years old and his Fussed away Wednesday morniig, for 15 wilh children al(,nt? minutes. will Both metal and penants Saratoa. be furnished entertau. many Bus transportation to be furnished. wife is 82- - They are-- pointed out as iere held in Lehi First Ward, Saturment by the Primary officers and the! p committeenin and to winners. ds Prize, nickels, medals and a good ideal couple because of their happi- day afieinon with Bishop Hyrum an other scouters. older folk will be made happy by the Rope Spining Give each boy four me for everybody is the promise of success C. Andeison conducting. and ness, comradeship have to make minutes show tfieir his "stuff." Judge to relief society. They planned ;;,e biggest and best of the Lehi Stake life. their throughout marriage Opening song "Beyond Today, over night camp in the grove just on skill displayed. Both metals and ,000 itintrs to be held next Wednesday, Born in the "Old World," convert- by the Relief Society Chorus. southwest of the where dance to'winnerpavilion penants Nickels will be given to all MELODIAXS FEATURE AT une 28. ed to the Church of Jesus Christ of Invocation President A. Carlos a large bonfire will be made and the Knot Tying Five knots from first LEHI STAKE OUTIXU ,ehi Stake children on the grounds. Latter Day Saints, sailed to America Eihow. be will book in be scout to tied. Need following campfire program group case of Soda Water is offered to the to Solo "O My Father," by Isaac carried out, starting at 8:30 o'clock: five pieces of rope and four foot long. on the last sailng boat ever used Mont's Greater Melodians proved team organized under Latter-da- y est baseball Converts from I ox, Sr., by special request. Sainst bring Must run ten yards tie knots on boys Opening song "America." School of- - their ability in the Rattle of trie irection of the Sunday Europe, Married at the age of 19 and Speaker A. J. Evans. . .i Prayer. r i f Bands last Sautrday night at Saraanomer case is oiierea Dy ficers. Solo "Face To Face" Mrs. Haze ' : . Community singing (10 min ) lead by ends of rope. Knots must hold Priesthood to the toga and were chosen to remain and Charles Penrose, oung of San Francisco, Calfornia- he Melchizedek ..vessel Bone-Fivuntil after judged Judged on 6peedof by George g of Kemarks. Presiednt Virgil Peter lining teams in horseshoe pitching, do the playing there through the summinute spewh of welcome A good time is promised to everybody mer. The same Melodians will be in President A. Carlos Schow. the son. by crossing plains church; time to Ten minutes winners. given in 1868 they settled in Alpine, Solo "That's What God Made y the feature exhibitions being arr- attendance Wednesday ight at the numbers Frank Sharp limit Quartet D. stake L. and latter in 1894 moved to Mothers For" Ray Shelley, AmeriDr. of Pfauts Utah, anged. outing, and the same singing trio and Payson company. Cooking Hot Cakes Batter may Lehi. nill be in attendance with his group will accompay them with song. can Fork. of Indian Sign be prepared before time of event exDemonstration Mr. Devey received his early vocaThe management of the Saratoga Sketch Bishop Anderson. ;f Junior archers and give a demonsLanguage Scout of Third Ward. cept adding of liquid (milk or water). tional from his father. They, tration in the ancient art of archery. dancing has done all in his power to training Closing eong "Resting Now From Harmonica and Guitar Duet Stan Boy will be given two matches build the Z. C. M. I. for Care and Sorrow" Chorus. It is said that Pfauts can shoot an make Lehi Stake dance the best dance supplied together, son. his make without Clark own and at fire paper, with harness rings, wheel trrow through two inch boards, and of the season, in addition to running ley Benediction A. B. And.!on. of badges by Court of least 3 inch in diameter and flip it many years Awarding articles of other and har lnia how Vina n drftwirtrr cfrpncrVi the regular orchestra the extra night barrows, picks The grave in Lehi cemetery was on speed 30 per to Honor. iron. He and his father built one of dedicated by Edward Southwick. if 80 pounds. He has shot both deer he has offered a tempting rate of five Harmonica solo contest Troops of cent.turn it Judged He. the first hay balers in .Utah land mountain lion with the bow. cents tc ladies and ten cents to the all wards- Limit to 2 entries. 1st, Biographical Sketch' Appearancj of Cake 85 percent, points with pride that President John Zimmerman Bushman for Lehi members. Time 5 to 6 p. m. Stake Margaret only gent Both metals and 2nd and 3rd place winners to be pick- Quality 35 percent. Taylor, of the L. D. S. Church made was born in Lehi, March 26, 1858, the J Medals will be given to all winners Regular admission 10c and 25c to out- ed and points given to count in points penants given to winners. special trip to Alpine to watch daughter of John and Harriet Laura in the scout field boree events. Twenty siders. Although the dance is already of fieldboree. Te points for first First Aid Contestant must furnish a work. It was used for years to bale Lamb Zimmerman. it She was the to of the one be the best, Jmedals have been ordered. Dr. J. G. promising medium and place, five points i for secon, land own hit bandages collected as tithes from mem- fourth child in a family of eleven. the hay Jones and John Hutchings have three Stake M. I. A. leaders, who are work- three Work splints he thinks necessary. points for third place. bers of the church. She was born in a log house but while ihours of entertainment planned for ing with the management, urge that A camp fire story John Hutchings. will be taken from second class rewithout a father, he be- still a baby her parents built the Later left fthe day, besides a features bonfire all ward M. I. A- - workers and dance According solo Hershel Manning. quirements. Upon signal will run 10 gan on his own. In May of 1900 a house in which Azer Southwick now leaders get"behind the dance and make Jprogram for Tuesday night. Scout masters minute A. A- - An- yards to patient; read message de two cylinder automobile appeared on lives. It was the second one of ths I Mrs. Hazel May Bone and Mrs. it better than the best. derson (5 minutes). scribing injuries care for same unas-- 1 the streets of Lehi, built by John nice homes built at that time Let's go! sisted-tal- king lEunice Hutchings have planned forbidden. Judged on j a Taps Scout Oath, the first built and Being born in pioneer days she exprobab1y hours' feature entertainment of Benediction Scout Prayer. speed 30 percent, neatness 35 percent, the fourth to appear in the state. perienced some of the trials and hard35 from the Bee-HiThe day of June 28th will begin application of proper bandages Girls. TEMPLE EXCURSION, was one of the fastest ships incident to auomobile The pioneer tife and took WED-- , JUNE 28 !with the bugle call at 6 a. m. which percent. Time 4 to 5 p. m. a speed of wenty-mile- s the of times.having in activities at that various the pari Bus transportaton will be furnished Both metals and penants given to will mean the beginning of a real hour. He equipped the time such as per greasewood gathering for five cents a round winners. An endowment excursion of Lehi scout day for the boys. trip. The bus Provo L. D. S. with its first steam and burning it to get ashes to UBe as scout team: will Four will be leave Otterson's store at 2 p. m. Stake wili be held on Wednesday, Message Relay At 6:25 there f "waking up" which was used with- a substitute for lye, gathering fruit workers exercises and flag ceremonies for At whistle first boy reads a message heating plant, until four 5:30 p. m. and 8:30 Returni- .Tntio 98. All m. p. ago. and drying it with which she bought out years remodeling MEDIES ng to Lehi just Prior to 5 :30 p. m., who can are urged to attend this ex- - thirty minutes will surely "whet the of six words; runs 25 yards to second One of the fire places in the Salt Lake clothes and helping wherever neces. l r iL.l. n,..M second scout 8:30 p. m-- , and after the dance. CUrsiOn. appetites OI ine ooys iur men uv.il scout repeats message; L. D. S. Temple is of Onyx polished sary. She ako did fine hand emrun to third, third to fourth and The Vanguards and M. Men of the The stake presidency suggest that cooked breakfast Mr. Devey. He and a companion broidering, knitting and crocheting. runs 25 yards writes message by and fourth will be the both over, breakfast stake will give a 8:15 attend can At to wish invented a smoke consumer, which diving, and lif o sav those who She was given the advantage of the in out-- , order finishing. camps ready for inspection. Camps and linos up ing exihibtion in the Outdoor pool.' temple excursion and the stake many people saw at work, but which schools in Lehi at that time where she ( back on Continued rehiswf Time: 7:45" to 9 p. m. page) was built probably a hundred years exceptd in spewing for which h" ing at Saratoga. They can attend tne will be judged as to arrangement oi From 6:00 to 7:45 p. m. the Lehi early session at the temple and return quarters comfort and neatness and He built a small id the f before demand. teacher, Mr. Thurman, gave her which the protection sthdy afford against FRUIT JARS, CERTO, RUBBERS band will and made stoves in the early rs: Ck'f give a band concert while in time for the stake outing foundry as a prize. She was baptiz CAPS AND JAR second and 2 weather conditions. First for the people of Loh. He says ; Alma M the stake people enjoy their luncheon. will commence at p. m. days August 5, 1808, by Edward Edwards you can find at At 9 p. m. the management of the places. Penants to be awarded to both of Lq that he has worked for Brigham and the same day was confirmed a winners. Ma Btf dance hall has arranged a dance with New House Dresses This wees Young, and worked by the side, of n ember of the church by Canute will be provided room A adv. the Greater Melodans. display CalifoRs President Heber J. Grant. and singing Powers Shoe StoreFeters n. scouts have the and all handicraft and at a price you will be pleased His last work of notability was a iCalife Throughout her life her faith in the made will be exhibited and metals beet harvester invented by him and Go?pel of Christ has never wavered. with, because we sell for Draper; and pennants awarded to winners of Packet 5c Why Pay More? his sonsThis invention digs, tops Before her SarrisoH marriage she taught Sur 10c and piles four rows of beets at a timefirst and second places. This work Large Size Corn Flakes. day School for many years and san 38c A Very Good 5 Tie Broom may De wooa, meuu, icamci, rande&''111 In all of his worU one person has in the choir. hair or any other material chosen by 9 Pound Bag Oatmeal, Corn Meal, been On March 27, 1870, she was marrie. pushing him on sharing his troushe Germade or Cracked Wheat.... 25c bles and joys a comrade, his wife. to Eliaa Albert Bushman in the Enthe scout Will be judged on skill Can you do as well as Maggie did on roller skates? But !E 5c A Can Tomatoes (Junior Size) work, usefulness of article. can skate nowCan you? It's all the go! family of seven sons and daugh- dowment House in Salt Lake City. )JD1 trie on 5c ters: Mrs- - S. A. event Can next instructors, Pierces is program, Catsup, Competent to Marching has H 11 To this union were born eleven Strong and Alfred FREE INSTRUCTION beginners. will be given a chance Large 2 Pound 15c Size Pork Frank each J. Devey, of and troop Even with the care of this children. Alpine; . fewJK' Devey, learn. to easy way .10c Mrs- Amy Smith and Mrs. Alice D. and Beans On Sale to 5 and 8 to 10:dU to their training along this to -2 display me 16,51 she found time to help Sunday'sexcept li.rge family Skating every day ,15c Hutchings, of Lehi; John Devey, Jr., iii the line. First and second place penants Large Size Quaker Oatmeal. church, having served as a Re July 12th. Afternoons loc. Evenings 25c A Very Good Salmon (Small size) 10c and Walter Devey of American Fork; lief to be awarded to winners- iwdisl 4 I Society Teacher for mora than A Very Nice Gilt Edge Cup and Code Wag) Morsen (Wig and 81 great53 grandchildren, Signaling :hargeforty years. f; I 10c Saucer for honor their wedding to be read only; the sender will be I fche felt her responsibility as a grandchildren to note f and 14c Pound e Salt Bacon, yards away stationed twenty-fivmother and always got her little anniversary. 5c send an unkown message to the scout Creme Oil Soap She The First Ward Amusement Hall children off to their meetings. 5c to be interperted and taken down by Baker's Cocoa, Can decorated in pink and taught them the principles of the artistically 15c a scribe. The reader then rewrites Extra Large Oranges, Dozen white crepe paper and pink and white Gospel and urged and encouraged and fcand Butter and Fresh ni:Tl writing nr..rn in v " " Creamery Dairy peonies was the meeting place of them to do their duties. So great was " IIlCSBOgO To be Butter Every Day-M- . lines up in order finishing. about 300 descendants of Mr. and h r faith in this restored gospel that Both & J. and West Coast Coffee 20c lb. and speed. on accuracy Mrs. Devey, Tuesday evening, when she willingly shoulderd the responsijudged 30c metals and penants given for winners Maxwell House Coffee the following program was given: bility of the home and large family con- - while her husband fulfilled two misYour "Count Blessings," of this event. Song, 19c New Voiles On Sale ASame as for tar- - sionsSignaling Semaphore r.rA Onaiitv Print Fast Color 1 2c gregation praver, President "UL" cnow: Sister Bushman was always very Code. "an Plano Morse HCj109 Pillows, Full Size On Sale two her boys- of of retold Team a ch.iritable story Centerville; .of sending meat, fruit, vegePitching: Tent 15c Extra Urge Towels, 22x44 in lives by Lucille Hutch-O- n tables, etc-- , to those less fortunate grandparents Must use either "Tarp" or wagon Ladies Silk Bloomers, 75c Quality be pre- 8!ct,on, Carl Bennett, than she and contributed liberally to 4Sc inPs! banj cover; ropes and pegs may saie Miss Bennett both of U. Relief Society and other organ-z- ;' by Bleach," accompanied ""!!!!!!!.'!! 10c Yard Hope i r s. American original poem, Thonn Fork; They spent a great deal of 6c Good Factory, Yard vocal solo. Walter time doing work for the dead in the of Alpine; Strong Priced Yard Wide, Fancy Cretons, accompanied by Mavis Salt Lake, Manti and Logan Temples. 10c yard Hutchings, at he was a wondrful home-makShoesToxfords or One 'strap for Johnson; reading by a great-grancornet Mr. b1o, of choice Devey; an her home was a gathering placo !8c daughter Girls or Boys You tan ALWAYS get the best selection of Russell Worlton, by t oniv fur her own children at accompanied Ruth Timms; reading, Blanch Devey pvandchiltlren but was also open tcANKLE SOX solo fi ionds and relatives from far and American Fork: accordian Meats and Groceries at our store. of 200 Pair just arrived, all colors 6 Piece 50 Year Guaranteed a 8lo. Hershel 10c Manning; ncsr. all sizes, the pair COMMUNITY SILVERWARE solo, Roy Fage, acAfter an illness of several weeks BOYS' SHIRTS AND AND MEN'S FRUITS Mr3. Conway of Pleas- si this month only SEASONABLE ;ied at her home June 14, 1933, by companied 23c MEATS SHORTS GROCERIES ant Grove; remarks, Mr. Devey; a; the age of 75 years, her husband T .a I. n S Garments, all dips' of Salt ar.: threa daughters having p recede J 58c P'ano mo Keith Peterson GREEN VEGETABLES, Etc. sizes A. J. hir to the Great Beyond- Patriarch $28.75 Regular Price w ,.,;n r,r,A ;t' o tart vr.it ran km, Lake; remarks, Earl benediction Devey. by L'itrht ch:l 'ven survive her Ellis Evans; for less st Satisfaction Guaranteed and social a the Albert, Mrs. Byron Beck, Mrs- J. F. program Following were refreshments 1 Bradshaw, Mrs. George Lewis, John f enjoyed 1 I i dainty I BA I 1 : : Lehi : : M., Mrs. Oliver Kirkham, Mrs. E. H. Also thirty 20-and Suel J. McAffee and Optometrist Jeweler and We Deliver Promptly Tele. Mrs. Jack Welker and children PHONE 17 great-gran- d two and and grandchildren Rush orders quick delivery, try spent Sunday in Fsirffeld visiting Wain Street UTAH two brothers, George an LEHI, children, sister-in-law- , to You Truman will know where Mrs. once. it her with MAIN STREET (Continued on back page) rifi Carson- shop next time. 1 0vteht bist r , c, ' ""'f I J,, ox-tea- m - ve 1 4 Broacibent's - less-Raisin- - ROLLER SKATING - - II - .... DANSART ; "'j- Sill Get It At Larsens If it's to eat, get it at Larsen Bros. - I Fresh Strawberries, Certo, Fruit Bottles, etc. ' Special This Month d- er 1 $19.75 i - E. N. WEBB uhl RR h "S |