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Show " I . - I KINOIfOPOUllHEMJEAIill' THE UTAH BUDGET Mil Mm ESS WILL ACT WILL N CTT . WATi U NTTL A FT t R THE 5 HOLIDAYS". TO BEGIN , . REGULAR WORK. An Effort Will Be Made to Carry Into ------ Effect Recommend ationyoMhe President in His Annual and Special Messages. Washington. Appropriation legislation legisla-tion will be undertaken by congress before thedjournment for the holidays. holi-days. There has been. a general supposition sup-position that all measures of any Character would Be postponed until after the first of January. There ace two elements in congress. One" favors extensive general legislation. legisla-tion. The other takes the position that, as a general tariff bill was passed in the extra session, congress .... eauld,.e..natt. this session than pass the approprb ation bills. All recognize, however, that some effort will be made prob- . ably to carry into effect recommendations recommenda-tions of -the president whetht-r contained con-tained in his annual message or in special messages. Me is laying out Id extensive program, and nobody believes that it will b possible to do 11 that .be -will ask. His recommenda tions withreference to raTTFoaTFTeg-" Islation are apt to give more teoublo-than teoublo-than anything else, because It is expected ex-pected that there will be a public de mand for much tlutt lie will rccom- mend, and because co'ngn-ss is ul - ways divided on the policy to be pur- eued with reference to the railroads, .The conservation policy, postal sav- Ings, merchant marines and other questions will not attract so much attention, at-tention, and may be. more easily put aside than the railroad question. There is a general antipathy to bond Issues, and any measure involving aucb n feature will be carefully considered con-sidered before it is adopted. No one expects any ami-trust legislation legis-lation until the supreme court passes on Important cases involving the Eberman law now before the tribunal. Met Horrible Death. Pittsburg. Entrapped In a lake of burning tar, four men were held fast at the McClintock' Irvine company's roofing plant In this city early Sitn-lay, Sitn-lay, and were compelled to watctt, (he gradually approaching flames. Three of them were" burned to death, but the fourth managed to extricate himself, although he was seriously burned. It Is said, the mea were not employed at the work, but had been lecplng there at night The valve of a Ur vat opened in tome manuer end engulfed the men before they ralited their-danger. Paroled Lunatic Accused of Murder. Chicago. Lawrence Ehrhart. 2a years old. Is being examined In the belief that he shot and killed bis brother, Joseph, 28 years old. In a farmhouse in the village of Manhattan, Manhat-tan, Dear Juliet. According to the police, po-lice, the man accused of I he shooting was released recently from the Kankakee Kan-kakee Insane asylum as cured. The hooting took place In the dining room Of the Ehrhart home, the parents and rest of the family being in the next room when (be alleged crime was committed. Thinks House of Lords Is Doomed. London Henry I-abourhcre, the Doted radical editor. In an interview on Saturday declared In favor of an elective upper bouse la the British parliament modeled on the plan of tbe Unted Stales senate. He boids that the bouse of lords as a tieredltary national legislative body la doomed, but be Is opposed to the Idea or a wnRie coanioer u ipb suprrnitf s governing power and think. It would L dine,.roV.. . of a single chamber lth the supreme i be da.ccerou Picture Transmitted by Light Waves. Paris To Frenchmen, I ttignoux and Fournier, have perfected an ap-larstus ap-larstus a bit b will transmit like- tnuin Ktandicc at either t.T L ,. end of a wire enabl.ng t.ple Ulk leg over a telephone o see a well as hear each other Tbe picture Is ' trsciiui:!ed fcy light avr over the ir-. jit a MMind are trans- Hiitud An eli-ttric " light of 2.rQ-candle 2.rQ-candle iier u prtijt'-d by a tuirrr on the t to be pfrtra;-d and sixty f,r ir are Br-i,i for this purji- Women Will Wrte Hock in Hope of Freg Poid. (red-n Mrs uiian.ia Hhsr of VrntH. Pa. ar.1 M s Atigla Keete of Xetttu. -4"ju bate ar rived teje fnn ttirm. Puiafid, wbere thrf f e h.. n 1 f "i t daa for a h fry rf P--.-l Tfee t li ' Srr tt-y t; to rrn'e .. " . . .. .'v cause pt tt-tr zxe-a 10 rii in it, ... -wWesae- freezer r-f re rs n 3frs. Ftears a;.! V;s ;.en bare e.4- a totr of P'-"b1 ed t 1 tbe art kal writ t tA be t-k fcere Meet Ctt'n tn Pecwiiar Acci"t Cti ax -T- l-T.mit'as-s sr k"k4 aa-i 'h:- tb a4 e wocBaa ilir4 ia a fc"i;;fcr airi-e-t a Bofkiasd I t tt'f 4 Nt-r Ssi-r,ra lctr tr a ia ts s.-'u-a 'af te ti-,f f T fc -r-k 1J bv i el rct; ael ae i 1r: p..i' a ra'l a tca U r ;e-l t- -ib t $-- f is t t gsre car ail ll.-'.g s ler. li ta-ej ti-e licaLU aa af-1 le aiVf TH Hr"swr art tre&aa aere li.--r t. I - i ' j IJr.K-; vn"- r fin H President Brown of the New-York Central Railroad Says in Future, j Farmers Must Be Scientific. , IRELAND TO GET HOME RULE Britis-h Premier Makes This Promise - 4n Case -Hi Party is. Returned to Power. London. At a. monster meeting i Fridav uijh - in Albert hall, Herbert Henry Asquith,' British prime minis i ter, laid dowu the policy on which the Liberal government. Is' appealing to the country. He repeated what liar, neeti nam oy omer miuiwns that, if it were returned to power, the government would demand the limitation limita-tion of the iwwer of the house of lords; and then went a step further. and pledged that the liberal party would guiut self government to Ire-:oml -e),.e ju lje Erie, early land. I Thursday. The meeting was marked by4 the j six members of the crew were tak greatest enthusiasm of the audience, i Pn from n. clarion by the steamer entirely composed f men. t women j Jl.miia and Brother.- These having been denied admission in thegay a attempted to leave the Clarion fear that there tulg.it be counter detn onstratlons by suffragettes. ZELAYA IS INTERVIEWED. Holds Shooting of Americana to Have Been Perfectly Proper. Managua. President Zelaya in an Interview here FrWy with -ataff .cor respondent of the Associated Press, said: "The United States unjustly condemns con-demns my administration. 1 pro-poed pro-poed to Secretary of State Knox that he submit the case to the Investigation Investiga-tion of a committee of bla own choosing, choos-ing, agreeing to surrender my rights to the presidency if charge in bis letter to Isidore Sexera, former NIc-araguan NIc-araguan minister to the United States, were sustained. Secretary Knox has not replied. Defenseless against the hostility of a powerful nation. I must submit. although I have been condemned un - bear(j - "The coercion of the United States will not redound to Its credit a a na- lion wboae motives are questioned In all Utln-American countries. The footing of Crofr and Cannoo proper. Both were mnibl to h;vlul to hu own lnMrM,; lnd klt I . V 1 kUk illallnPtlv ias vi .icaraau.. -uu -. authoHzes the shooting of Individuals commanding rebels. Tbe Initiative in the shooting o Oroce and Cannon waa not juije. I Imply refused io extend clemenc4o them after a properly constituted mll- lire tribunal bad passed cpon the , caae." Federation to Support Switchmen. Cincinnati. O The American Fed , , ,,-. .. rail-i 'ion .? h!0! '"JwVe lo7ll r'd ',chn l,rlik tn DT' vest to the extent of Its poaera. This annoubcment ia made Friday by Samuel Gompers, president of the federation, after an extended confer ence altb Frank Hawley. president of k a r-t n 43ti-hmeti'a union It 7 , is nderMo me.af that if railroad do ci)DCu. to ,be de. mands of tbe striker, trouble mav Plr,aiJ UB!S h Iniolves other great labor organlzatloos In the railway Geld French Buy Un.ted States Steel. New Yotk It was announced here ! Friday that ihe bUk of lK.'"i t.r-s. of o Kiuun stock of the United S?a's Steel cricraia. purchased , nd-ta:e of French banker l! rtsse. abd shirs, is s repeated to te -n l;!ed oo ibe pir.s UwS'se. tJ tn t-ti'lrejy akea U Mvrt f "fee r tte been plafe4 in su.a.i attS FV'6B Ioveort BMs.ps Calbtfe. Vh ngtoo The ( a -hi; f t .et.ra r4:iJed Gwr- -f 1 --i emee cl it . YUX-i-a C4. 1 It e tSi..t. t.tt.P., - nisi an r&e t Hf e aUe ia f. to lUi V- lrf 5s wl'b tfee rc'Sre C Klit'i la he t0 see-a;s see-a;s ere r.r.'d Be'tered by F.ed- 5vaeeib. Ga V!1 ;m t4 a rertJt leg crae. Mr. Ktu Gnttt. T j oli. aid s..!er. V r Car re t."r-ir. foeed e-d la tier Ujer Friday, en'e V r Msgfe Haa 'r. rr tL fntjtd laJ-le a fruet. v 4 te feoe. Is at tie 1 Mr Obtasder was i&e ei-cf 'f s r.s.;t-a lf:-r t".t k::4 te ksadred aad gfy xrxr re je--ea in tie pe'Ke ta-sg eits'siti -acre k :d .U aa aa. -Copyright, 1909.) I ?R EIGWTERCLAJUON BURNED AND ONLY SIX MEMBERS OF THE CREW RESCUED. Twelve Men Entered Life Boat , and Have Not Since Been Heard Frcm . the Supposition Being That They Have Perished. Cleveland. Two men lost their their lives and the. faie of thirteen others is unknown as a result of the illrning cf the steamer Clariou near I as BOO as t was discovered she could net tie saved. Captain K. J. Hell of Ogdenshurg. N. Y.. and twelve other members otv the crew took to-the to-the life boats. Survivors say one of the crew tell overboard when attempting to enter the life boat, but was rescued by t hose- 4 a the- -boat. . The mate'' was frozen to d?aih- A vain Effort was made by the six survivors sur-vivors to enter another life boat REVIVES CONTROVERSY. Dr. Cook's Personal Attorney Said to Have Deserted Explorer. New York. It is announced that Dr. Frederick A. Cook's personal lawyer, law-yer, Henry Wellington Wack, has severed sev-ered relations with bis client. Mr. Wack baa refused to confirm or deny bla withdrawal, but It can be af- firmed oo competent authority that, 1 after a consultation with his partners. Mr. Wack wrote Dr. Cook so long ago as November 30 that he must beg ihlm to seek legal advice elsewhere, "I have not the remotest Idea," ld Mr. Wack. where Dr. Cook ia ?fjl""'"r I!1!! fr1endg i rea(j taal ne ls Brook- ,rD , , !,, n Maine, la a : Philadelphia asylum, but porsonally I Incline to the belief that be Is abroad." UNITED STATES SECOND. Superior to Germany. In Some Ra j apects as to Power of Navy. W&shtDvtnn Tti mvr ar tvmk , . 19o, -omnu-d b, iii,m,n putt- " ' tPr' C"rk f be COmral,t' oa naval affairs shows the r.ce (or e- ond place among tbe navns of tbe mufld ,g clo UlWB lh, UnU fd States and Germany Of fiatying ship 1 battleships and Brmortd rru:er built. buil1ln and . . . ... . . . . . priu-u lur. inn rxmairj u iwij- fl, 4 Ge,TO.a, ir:-U. UUt tbe ttv.gtt. toonr ,or lbt. Vttlt .S;aie U Coll as Mains! S,C87 for Germany. German. superiority in respect to all vessels Is due large ly to ber Urped destroyers, where ir j M Gernisny alo ousoun.bera us In tbe matter of. large giOi the! numbrY belcg as aca ntt ! Central Americans Hold a Ver-tab'e Indignation Meeting. Meiico City Fifty members ,f the i tarious colons of tbe Cen'ral Ameri t can republic met bere Tbjraday ! t. tb! at a I naie re!ane. aa-4 at a late hoir ajofed tfrw'nm de-J Knot arid the aciloa -f tbe t aised Sia'es iciair.J Nirarag-ta IX. -re tbe a4.";( "a 4 h r-'. ioos. a aariier ( sf-r r t ed'y .iii,naaff - ll.e,tar'.B S"e pre-. mmt a4artu.s ul afcES; t her favored ht iter ! ;.ret- ; Set 4 M arajma A tt, .Ur "g aal- Brt Harte's Oawaee Wau 0 veece j New lerk- P'et llirn 4a.fc!er, JwMKit, Is s;jig fcer kbaad,t H"ry I g:e-f-. a an-alsky Colorado a-.ae et-rr. U d.turce Wta ber ' rt as : -d ia Yokrr, X. T Tr-rs-iay. sie nil the rq kr fcer kl-sat dri t-er ia Pv"aal. " (. aad Has i 14 Late m4 ,f H k4 te a for te gsv-i.fy . ,'4 aa a"r''. !- gave t a UZt eaBaa Hart .-r--4 Uti fe" tt ia lttr, sk s le 3s-aa If iar x i h4 la -tb fc-r a.44r i a-aji. Ut i ar Aged Monarch of Belgium to Undergo Operation In Hope of Saving Hia JLife. . Brussels. Leopold II, ting of Bel glum, is making a desperate fight yM deatfr-and-the odds are strongly against the aged monarch As & last resort the surj Is to be tried. If the operation' -la successful, King Leopold may live. If it fails they end is inevitable. All will depend upon the Sing's strength and vitality, which are ebbing fast. Rheumatism bas already conquered the; aged and wasted frame. Dropsy has developed, and- an obstruction of the intestines', which' must . be, removed, re-moved, has greatly aggravated his condition. The general opinion Is that the king will not survive the operation." King Leopold is still as lucid of in tellect" as ever. This masterful mind, which conceived and carried out the ,XajiUCugQ.4u:aja.iJi4.,itaed..Uis. ! whole wo:ld into bitter .indictment . and discussion, calmly directed what secTns to be the final ciapyj- in his spectacular career. . - TELL SICKENING STORIES. Women Passengers in Steerage Vilely Treated. Washington. A report on steerage "conditions baseTon Information otF hained by special agents of the.lmmi-J the.lmmi-J gration commission traveling -as .steer age passengers on different trans-At-' lantic steamers was. made public Tuesday Tues-day through presentation to the sen--laie witb-rc-forumendatiuns for legishu j tion to better conditoas., . t'oaditoti-i ! found in man)- of these vessels are t described as appalling. ! The general report of the commls-. i sion contains the reports of individuals individu-als giving their experiences on board steanii-liipa on which they posed as steerage passengers. A woman agent, who was insulted jind compelled tc withstand repulsive privations, said: "In those twelve days In thesleer--age I lived in-a disorder and iu surroundings sur-roundings that offended every sense Only the fresh breeze from the sea overcame the sickening 'odors. The ile language of the men, the screams of the women defending themselves, (he crying of children, wretched because be-cause of their surroundings, especial-i especial-i ly, every sound that reached the ears Irritated beyond endurance. There j was.no sight before which the eye did not prefer to clos?." F I C H N GIMN ICARAGUA. Reported That Insurgents Were - Beaten by General Vatquez. Managua The report is current here that there have been severe engagements en-gagements near Rama between tbe government troops commanded by General Vasquex and the revolutionists, revolution-ists, with heavy loss of life. There haa also been a report that Rama bas been captured by the Zelaya forces, but this Is not confirmed. According to dispatches, the revolutionists revolu-tionists claim that they were attacked at-tacked In violation of the armistice, but this Is not believed. Telegraphic communication Is Interrupted In-terrupted and the exact facts are lacking, lack-ing, but it Is supposed by government officials here tbat General Vasquex waa attacked by 4 he enu, as be waa under orders from Zelaya not to make an attack. The armistice, which was arranged between General Vasquez and Generol' Estrada, ended at 3 o'clock Friday morning DENOUNCES ZELAYA. Maryland Senator Would Bring Him to Bar of Justice. Washington. Mgorooiily denouncing denounc-ing Pree'dent Zelaya for "having mnr dered" Canrrr.n an Groce. officers of I be revolutionary army. Senator Ray-ner Ray-ner of Maryland on Monday advocated advo-cated the passage of bis resola'lon authorizing the president of the United S'ates to apprehend and'try tbe president of Nicaragua for bla crime acalnst these two American citixena. -- . "The private life of Zelaya. almoet unspeakable In its enormity." said Mr. Rayner. "should be made publle by the state department. In order that the people of the Unfed SUtea mlsht know the kind of rraa Zelaya Is" Mr. Rayner said there aas arryle au:bri ly la Intereatlona! law for the course he advocated o bring Ze'aa to tbe bar of Justice Sn Killed in Wreck. FJie. N. Y. The Teenti,.B Ceatury limited, the New York Central fast train en route from Chieaco to New York. coiUdi aitb the rear end of panrr tra a No l. on the ljk fhre railroad at Northeast, pa six teen mi'es eat t4 br. sbort'y a'tei tnldalchL' Monday. At 'he iidi ft ? the Teeotiefh Centary waj j boar. Kta tWiM' Late "w. I takea from the wreck. as4 It la ileved there a i!l be more tA'tUli Seven Uvea teat in Fire. ClBC'SoiVi O Teo oaiea. t wt aneaj aad tire ri: Irea kt tteli Uvea ang aeiea 0!Hr perswis er eriowky la;ared la a tetcat 8: a Tb:rd aal Piras;iee s-reets. tw tt4 tnH al ta4 er Nr4 rltsefs Tb tr c-rd ia a ! -c rr; -y a t fattli l.s r r-' xfTwrk tS T?it of a lr---a Its? ia a laZaiy 'oa lie vi r rr Kl tb aw;"a8S were a e. a) ore tl fi-e a Csfwered a" - 111 tt o5 frt ; f ,r. - -- PROTECTORATE ADVOCATED AS LAST RESORT IN CONTROVERSY CONTRO-VERSY WITH NICARAGUA. If Insurgents Fail to Dethrone Ze laya the United States and Mex- auld Take Charge of . Affairs. Washington One of the project? for .the solutfon of the Nicaraguan situation, that has been strongly urged upon the stati department Is the establishment of a protectorate, either singly by the United States, or jointly, with Mexico. This may be regarded aa necessary in the event that the insurgents fail to displace Zelaya by their own forts, and it may follow an insurgent triumph that would leave the country without responsible, leaders it-isaid "preeedefl- fi could be .found in the cases of Santo Domingo and Cuba, in thefirst Instance In-stance large sums "of money due American citizens could" bat be Cob leeted front- the Pomijilcau government govern-ment (then in a state of chaos) by diplomatic means. In the case of Nicaragua the government has defaulted de-faulted in payment in agreed allot-' manta-on the Kmory claim. In the case of Cuba a state of disorder that threatened lives, and property of Americans and other foreigners was the warrant for intervention. There is reason to believe" that a forward movement wit: be adopted by the government." perhaps Tas soon as a sufficient number of marines have been gathered off the Nicaraguan Nicarag-uan coast. FOR GOOD ROADS.' National Aid Requested at Conven tion Held in Kansas. Topeka. Kan. National aid for per manent roads, a system- of . national highways connecting capitals of the various states, and of state highways connecting various county seats, use of federal prisoners for building roads, and the establishment of road- making on a strictly business bails, are some of the suggestions made Tuesday at the opening sessions of the tenth National Good Roads con ventlon. 11 A letter from President Taft de clares acainst national aid to any vniaf b.tunl Th tirouMenf Bavi "l "-" , - ' ' 'My-own view of the ood roaUl question Is that It Is chiefly a state function, and that all states ought to unite In an effort to promote good roads, t do not think that the farm era are as much Interested tft me matter as tbey ought to. be. Next to education, tbe system of good roads Is the greatest clviller." Fatal Auto Accident Pasadena. Cal Agnes Claypole.-U years old, tne daughter or a weajmj resldenf of this city, was Instantly killed, and her fiancee, Harvey Rus sell, 24 years old. a son of a Grand Rapids, Mich., millionaire manufact urer, was perhaps fatally Injured ben their automobile 'went over the grade on the Eagle Kork valley road and fell 100 feet Mlsa Claypole 's body was found under the machine IUbvD's collarbone and right leg were broken and bis spine Injured e verely. He is still conscious, but un able to move his lower extremities. House Takes Up Measure. Washington. Taking up the presl dent's annual measage to congress the house of representatives on Tuea- day went through tbe formality ot referring It and distributing it among the various commirtees. Mr. Payn who brought In the resolution fur ref erence, offered an amendment pro vldlng that those paragraphs relat Ing to appropriations be referred U wbat he designated aa the "sleeping' committees on departmental expend! t urea, of ehlch there is one for eact department Oklahoma Bank Fails Guthrie. Ok la State funds atiouat ing to $i:i. 86T are on depoait In th Farmers' National bank of Tulsa bloh closed its doors Mondiy night according to a statement by Gov eraor Haskell. Try goveVnor said Kdard Cassldy. Secretary of th scbuol land rsrnmissioa. bad depoait ed fTO.Ooa In tbe back, and that State Treasurer Jtmt Meoefm had deMt Ited UJ.HT. Tbe state treasurer"! funds are protected by a surely corn pany. A Wall Street Melon, New York Aa ooexjiecled baoklgi 'mf'" aa aiiced p la Va!l street .a Tuesday la time for the Cbrls-inM to l ls. a ken ihe First Na'ioaa baiik de-U'ed aa extra dM!d-t,d of i per cent rr tne quarter. uai,iag is al dltaursetnecl of per rent H tVirAtrfm f f and die inbatea this tear 1 1 e.v la deads divi fumed State's Evidence, faloa C5ty. Teaa -We kKled Cap tala Rask'a ai Reel Font lake, da ; Jte f kit for Sr.efry Ratl'ffi RatHf, a R"as!e -4 tbe Miti R;.J-td R;.J-td 6'-d csai trial b re ra.te k ava'4-riae lt 1 reikis. (-a-l ;ate s ett js at i.e k; fe-taw.;y -RaLT s er4 f tl a 'tr r a'..n:t a.v j liat ji ea t j tv s.;tC.: l lie ffie&ter trtai are p. 9 Med a tbe pesV)aeartHai. ti tl5re v.ts-t .:ie -Dojla'&rtej a" miner. employed, at BingHam, was caught 'in a cave-in and badly injured. . .' TJear .Sallna arelnexhKnstible de posfjs of rock salf which find -a .good and steady . market.- . . j- - Two miles of the grade is finished on the Castle Valley road ,thafwill open up the Huntington coal fields In Emery county. . According to the tree inspector's re- . port there are nearly, 2,000,000 fruit trees in Emery county, ranging in age from one to five years. Kmpry county's first coal mining" camp - is now being established at Cedar Creek at a point twelve miles torthwest o Huntington, '- - - W. S. Jaccbson and J. B. Fjsk have been arrested in " Salt Lake City, charged with having committed a series ser-ies of daring hold-ups during the past two months.' . -. The grain yield of Sevier county of fhe past season is estimated at about vOO.OOO bushels. In addition to the, other crops, Sevier valley annually ilfalfa. The governor has appointed Mrs. Ella H. Snyrlor aa it mpmhor of the board of trustees of the Utah commis ?ion for the adult blind, to take the Rowan. - . The area devoted to. sugar beets In Sevier county the past season waa . 1.40Q acres, which yleldedi.25.000 tonsI rhe price received was $4.60 per ton, is against $3 per ton, paid to Colorado beet-raisers..- During a fight between Austrians and Americans at Bingham, Frank Mills, William Newton and -James Driseoll," Americans, were all more or. less seriously stabbed. Two of - the foreigners are under arrest; T, R. Pavis, scion of a wealthy New York family, was picked up by the police of Ogden a few days ago, suf fering from alcoholism and giving evidence of a deranged mind. The police have notified his parents in New York. John A, Flndley, a farmer residing at- Layton, while driving across the Union Pacific railroad track's at. Uin tah, was struck by a freight, train. Findley was thrown Into a snow drift and escaped without Injury, but his horses were killed. The little town of Middleton, in Og den valley. Is threatened with an epidemic epi-demic of scarlet fever, according to reports received by the coubty health officers. Several cases are reported, and the whole town la said to be ex- 1 ...,J , ,K At 1--'- - -- 8prlns;City has sElpped moreTiaf to the outside markets this fall than, ever before. Practically all that was for sale haa been sold, and only kwalts being balled for shipment The price of alfalfa Is near the $11 mark, with timothy at 112.50. Walter Wood, "aged 29. was killed at Bingham while trying to couple his engine to a freight car. It la not known how the accident occurred, unless un-less the unfortunate man'a foot allpped. be being caught between tbe draw-heads and crushed. Tie Oaal Land. aV Irrigation company, com-pany, which has the disposal of 43,-119 43,-119 83 acrea of land In Millard county, baa sold about IO.1KI0 acres, although water It available for only a part of the land. Duma and canala are being built at a roHt of f 934,IHK). A Mr, and Mta, Arthur Anderson of Mayfield were returning from the theatre at Mantl one evening last eek they came nearly losing their lives. In a runaway. They were both tbown from the sleigh, but fortunately fortun-ately not seriously Injured. Sevier county baa 75,00 acres of land under cultivation, and which haa an average, value of 175 per acre. Ten thousand additional acres of choice land will be brought under cu't'vatloo aa soon aa the reservoirs now under construction are completed. The Irrigation system of Emery county consists of ten Incorporated companies owning a few small reservoirs reser-voirs and 193 miles of mala canal, tbe water being obtained from Green, Price and Saa Rafael rivers aad the Cottonwood. Huntington. Ferron and aluddy creeks, Work on the new Taylorsville ward bouse, which will coat SIS.OOO. la be ing pushed steadily forward. It la tbe intention of tbe coMrartora to have the place ready for occupancy by the latter part of January. One of the features of tbe new cburci will be the amusement ball and gymnaaium. By tbe payment of ! the t"nWa Pacific Railroad company haa effected a settlement at OgdB of the IIO.MO verdict obtained agaSast the company aevdral noma ago by. !. N". We&f, the county treasurer .at Evans ton. Wyo, Wolff, akile waikltsg la the yard, waa run doB aad bad botb Hft cut !T. Bryant Tbosnaa, tbe young aaaa bo eeapd from tbe coacty Jail al Provo ebont I o - s ago. waa captured cap-tured at Tbis'Je Jufictfoa a few dys agd(J'!lai2cLi7 lack, to "aerte .the .. rest of bla term. bea be vtH be jroeectsted for Jail breaking. JoaejA Jor-iaa aa J A. IL Poelaoat CAle aa a'.tetDpt ksat "eek io croaa lie OKAts:ais east of ML PVaaaat. but ftwJ It aa tx-'.y cm cooce of tbe sbav, wti-h ia deper taaa tt baa tcea for taaey years. It U ewiaaaed baX tbe snow ikere Ja f:?y six feet 4? ta tte letL Tbe erbor4 kocae at Clrrle;ne waa destroyed by ire a fey daye ago. Tbe Cre ocearred t:Je tbe cS Wra were tjeeBsted fe tee 4iSy tee. tt - ill were suniel tnxm tie kn-ag trartare witWst aiiet. Tt tre i-Bs, a d.:c i- g |