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Show PLEASATnVGROVEWS Upward Course ... of Prices io m Evil Continue By t). M. W. SPRAGLE unmixed I ml I HE COURgE of prices has been upward during the past-1? -years and may be expected te-oBtiaufrn-'tlHrsamedi! for an definite period, as-an increase rather than a decline io the output of gold seems highly probable. A perfect, nionetarj system would give a stable feyejj)jj3nce8j prices qft.particula commodities would change, reflecting changes in demand gup-ply, gup-ply, but the general level would be constant. . :: ;f .. It is not too much 4o say that the general riee of prices of recent years has been, for this country at least, an unmised evil, with no compensation whatever. It has given unearned gains to a fairly well-defined group of persons at the expense of trie rest "of, the community. This group is made up of i those who have property rights in the products of current industry farm; ' ers, business men and the shareholders in corporations. ""It also includes- "nbbse business it is to forecast the future, whose functions become increasingly increas-ingly important, and -whose chances of gain increase with anything which creates uncertainty in the ) economie-world" - TT v By no means all the persons in these various categories reap an ad- T ;rantage from advancing jvrices. That ttie epeculato? may make a-' wrqn guess and lose is familiar to every one. Ip the case of farmers and busi ness people everything depends upon what they produce. The price of soflie-mmtf-ieiMitbk t:es, like shoes, readily change either in price or quantity to" meet changed conditions. Then there are commodities, like transportation rate?, which. change slowly. And, finally, others, like newspapers, whose, price sij subject to no change ;"W;fiatever,' though ' very itr 'this piirticulax H insxance.Tnore 13 Tnargpiqf HnvnTKeiiUimsv,, ffeWget opJte jkjs. , sible that some farme'rs and business men may have twn' TinfavQrably affected by the rise in prices but it is ccrta-in thai iJiftvJiiftjority of tliem have reaped a considerable advantage.. - . It is doubtful whether any remedy for tjiis unsatisfactory situation can be devised. Certainly the writer has none to propose. It may bo suggested, however, that successive small allowances of wages and salaries equivalent to the upward movement of prices ought in common fairness to lie made by employers of labor. It is to be hoped that a more general gen-eral understanding of (lie causes and effects of high prices will make for this desirable result. section wf.if CD Farm Regaining Place By DOW C CONCOOIf "Hack to the farm" 19 the warning cry raised by wise students of the times. Unless Un-less we have more tillers of the soil we will lack breaii, declares James J. Hill. President Presi-dent Uoosevelt, during his administration, -pwadicJ. the upbuilding -oLihe rural cQtn-munity'. cQtn-munity'. And yet: The, country boy goes to the city to earn his living or t5 study a profession that will keep him in the larger settlements. The country girl enters the city factory, fac-tory, shop, restaurant or kitchen, or she Mud iea arts or sciences that promise city life. . Old folk on the farm, unable to obtain help, are forced to give up the work,-and they come to the city to live with the son and the daughter. The old farm passes into shiftless hands and weeds flourish where the wheat once waved. . Another void is created in the area of production and another advance ad-vance is recorded in the price of foodstuffs. And it's all a mistake. The !oy and the girt" who left the farm had a false idea of city life. They thought only of the 'pb'asun'S, without reckoning the co.Iiiat is aii insurmountable barrier to the vast majority. But th v came to the city fr new pb asurcs. When tlx novelty has worn off they find that in the grind of swift commercial life they have lost the patience which made th slow life of the rural communities attractive to the farmers of yetcnlay who were not contaminated by the spirif of the city, who were ikd constantly retiiitnli-J of the solitude of their osition hv the lui-y trollies, carrying iim rrynuikers fmn the city to the pleasure resort and baik, or the automobile loads of gay i-erinagfs flashing by their doors. lint the tide will ! tum.l. The machinery already set in motion which aim' at the removal of the f. utcre of farm life that are i!it.it. f.,f, cannot fail, in the U lii f of tl e men !,. have int. t-tl them !e in the work. It if p rhii the gnali iu:dnnkmg of the a.-e tin ffyrt to check the 1 r.,,'nt'r' -f tic rural c ri.tni n.ti. by thocili.. Its ha, k rt are cnjiiehui t'-t t r!.l i an ihi-it mU anl that it will not m rnty mrjr a ll hum h M the aJtr.i' ti-.: of t' farr-i to make the vmn; folk f ori. t the litre of t'AH t urn-- tl.e yu:;rg n;ii of the big un and ti (! k to the fi. !ds. ) HK ENTIRE holiday season-and especially Chmtaaa dflyy ia pre-emtoently an occasion for "letting down the bars personnel of the enlisted force of the U. S. navy. the warships of our navy as is necessary where so any-aieH are crowded together Jn-cluse. quarters but at the joyous yule-tide season the officers- sire wont to allow the bluejackets pretty free rein for their frolics. Thjs. latitude is allowed not merely because Christmas week is universally uni-versally recognized as an -occasion,' for mirth aircf merriment. Fully as potent is the fact that a general good time atXErist-mas atXErist-mas keeps Jack froni getting homesick for the sort of family r. v. 4 " with 'reference to the VrrT.t I . M ,i 1 vj. I IK rr Lt:, v jiU . ? J ijAtwMir ootj fifffWj - : -nSl tWfCxW. - - t.hi- navy that makes all -bolt - Jy '1 X f02W. lAX "lays " more worth while. Is -X -T- rf W -'T?f 1 ,ff?j.yi S "X . r ..Ml- , hn WVt . t s . , W,-SL fV . oner ol tlie serriMuiy m "- '-r'.'r . II -(lkVIl livi i,,r.i v ,rlil,,s fhiill be reduced ' -4 k. ..,.' 1 1 ir SwA&Wm?SS Vi2 to a minimum, on sunnays. ana noi- I '4 - tf" 'i "" , , spectlrtn of -the rrew . are .Jlspensed r !- tbwVMXffUHC " " ' "h u" 8,lt'h castontior rather 1. . ; - rfzlj r: . r- ;r f i - ' 1 '- 7- Hints (o Good Health In Bfrtsfu !!. t;n.Y.nro!!a'-Je cau-m of . t' .' ii!;l. ii, .,f -n jntrf i. si-or nrird. It si-oald Ja? ' -!;: rn1-..-r.. tl.;-t, . r t! . in- -p-.:!, daring int-r ! !-!r ).. .Jri,. . 'f i.'.t-. m rrf!r. t.--- ilii" in I'isay tt.on of t'e fn;' Su-' st a'-rapt. Ti ! -i. .'Mfjlr in (Vjv r. 1 Lt t nf ! Ar rJ .-r Mjv. tr. I f' ;--o ..; ;-i Aj rJ and la- u-.t.l N j- ' r r nr ti ' ": " In ti ar!i t-xll, "thr .li d, rs!-r mcy to Kc rr. it is r-t f adl t th tl- :h,t z a! t i m r : a l.t'c cv : f f l. . In tar --r Z,i:ll n!' tl t!.tl.;n arv! af ! f ! tr m in'if. V. ? .! ! d araiBt 3!-la charr of !!xl rrr frxr cip-"- to Mat L9 lJr L!-l - Vd.-J It w'-L Sin-Ts rtjtr iv 1! ts of r-r'y aH th c!L, a'tarka tf rr--nonia, j! if -7. vur iluf.sg th ;r. 'm h -h;! I ira:nasn th U!y. at all hrar 4 irn, tit cj c-4fT di:r; th r-r:r cf at an I' j. tnrj?tvr. Tr tir;are tl W d jni IlritLc4 ci; t erx if J a'itliri. reunion- that most other people are enjoying during the closing week of December. Of course, any one of l inle Sam's tars may enjoy an old-fi'shionoed Christmas at hot: it the ship to which he is attached happens to be in a port where his parents or other relatives reside, but. naturally, that is a nue contin-pency contin-pency for any qf the boys in blue. The average naval seaman is liound to be away, from, home on Christmas ami he lays plans accordingly. " , 1ST" Mnr.y'of the features oMhe average Christ m;rs iirogram In, the nsvy indicate above all else that excess. of unimal spirits that mitibt be expected from a whole.' coinmuniiy 'of Ftir4loode"d and nrfiitantly healthy young men who have been cooped' up .for Fome Umapreviously. This accounts for the prominence gives to sports' and athletic contests in the yule tide program. Of course muscular competitions do not monopolize attention on this day of days. There are other red-letter evcuis on the twenty-fifth of December, not forgetting the traditional Christmas Christ-mas spread, and thaJKlniOHt inevitable minstrel how which rounds out the day. It is In connection with these, by the way. that the men-o'-war's-men play many of the pranks, the privilege privi-lege of practicing which they claim aa their Inalienable right on such occasions. YouxJifJtltted naval sailor dearly loves a joke on any occasion and all through the 'year the bluejat licti display that-propensity that-propensity for playing pranks that might be expected of a body of huskj lads who combine with etrenuosity that irresponsl hltlty which comes with the comforting assurance of an unfailing supply of substantial food and warm clothing. At Christmas this spirit reaches a climax. The tars play pranks on each other; they play, pranks on their officers,' w ho cannot resent such attentions at this time, and they ar pretty apt to play pranks on every body In hlght They tart la before daylight on Christmas morning, morn-ing, when many of the boys swing themselves out of their hammocks unusually early In order to dress th ship with holiday greens era the sun Is up. Usually the gibes for the Off! cers are reserved for the nilnstre' show in the evening, but tbert have been occasions in the hlxtory of the nary hen the bluejackets played decidedly practiral Jokes on thrir Superiors IB coEriFctton whh" tb -.Chrlsinas dinner. For In- stance. atShanghai. China, a few" year ago, a delegation of the enlisted en-listed men- got ashore almost as soon ts the ship dropped anchor In, port, and having forestalled he wearer of gold braid they proceeded proceed-ed to "corner the limited market . of turkeys. Thus they had plentiful plenti-ful -lice of the lluht and dark tnet at their FpreiM, wLlie the ward room mem hid to put cp w ith a :iot nltoerther m-i factory substitute. sub-stitute. Th hle'a pric-s paid for . fowl on thl oT!itn consM'ute but fne of ninny n!ii-?ratl.m that mlsM 1 cl"d to prove how tav!h are lh t! i- '- V. ti In tl. tr t'-ii-!l jre wlx n It n-n to r id'tji? IRmniiiMi for h f-j twir- ire- of Ctil'r a. Th I' I'i !! r.it.ire nf tt.- toys frown tail cr.;- cat In iho ct; r.- r cf n.nrtf rf M;e cor.t t tbt takM vVi't on Chrltrr.a after-t.on after-t.on Tbr ar Usl". wre:'ing H'K'I fee'!r.K eBi f-X'h.tt are in d.diy rrit, tut ff-re are a'- aa b n-err:r nt a,as.cm a' zt r ". !' t f?ro. hf- ?.-4 f - . s.r r I r i. .rr, :tttl j-t.-'U'W rn-r-4 t. ! ,r t; .Hs -4 it-.. -m-f l CS'i-..! ittpk a''-l Vi.sil- f sis.' l v U "? 'r.a a 4 f .- - g'-rl---l :i :' th" ft;-tt-j - ii?1-r.. rsrryJ- rk.-t ct " t fb -jl .---!" -..-. tj r t cf 'r-r tn !;'""i"y tr I : 1 a ! ot r! iwrt r' Jr t'iT:;"i' stI'.4t f t r ?v rreT f r-"r.r '- " r t "6 rsV. tf !. ehw ,4 tri'l U " r"-'r tirkfr g tn !tt trt r J rSSrtt l! tl J.X f r iv- -fVf l lis ay. fc t tr f t tzt e tW ;ir- I. e tt ky rlt te-5-t fee rltr I (ai; Ti e;v fo 6 ftt er t if A-wfteu tt-f "- as ":." at Utt !t- ettBc4 ty ti fwt f"scy.of l-mc tie warftlj. . fcsTr roxt iwl iVt kcCklsyt la r"r"e Ter . tie -'. t tils wiiUs t, U ( hi lt tic t:;itp t-H f;4 Chrjnaa In New Tork harbor. This means plenty plen-ty of entertainment for the bluejackets wtuji they have "shore leave." and It likewise gives niuny of the tars opportunity ( intertain fair fii. c.ln aboard and pioudly show them over the filiating fortress. . m KiflStbSir A CHRISTMAS ARGUMENT naralas la th Ibr a aB4 Ikr Ml.lr- alralcbtway lata arsaMral ikrf (rtli ! Ilally la ala prla ! rr aar.l-.l Ir1r4 tm aban ar by far Ibr imiinl anrll. H.b. Ila fatlj, falljr. fall,r rrk-a la- Ml.lrlw la "Ta Bit laaraelf lb alllr aira ym di '' ! aa aal thai lb- rll, nlib. vl a Soaal. I mmH rl ajalic aUlr wltboat ea " - ll ordered that such luuctlona shall take place oa some other day and that the ruen be given practically prac-tically a "Iree day" for their on amusement. :hi .':n'kets who do not attend as participants or otiU'-ikers. the Chrltrnaa nthletlc prograin may ofim be found on th- holiday reading In some on-Irequented on-Irequented corner of the ship, wri ting to loved one at home, play-inc play-inc cards, or ma.vh.1p exchanging Christmas m-etlncii with friends 00 other rhlp of the fleet by means of the pli tiirevLR. mlg wag system of flag signaling. v TV CT' - , all la Iter "th. I ka m. I baaM, I Ikat Hl.lrl. r. y N " r'rr r tailM. mm - . - J J ''r irw aa4 .rj irf), iiim aa ? Hel, mwj r4. aad brlchl aa4 braaillal. Ilka yCf "XSjS Km'rrr Kt.lno, thra. loakiaai -W b. al I 1 - -" :"- - CJ L-1 .rr I -iihii iitnr fbry SaS n. aaS Ibry lab ' HC. m Htr ta H4 ar th tl.nr, aa rtl a -bal alllr Ial )' IrClBKr- vrwil.il tk lll tf, r4tr arll.yi. aar at tbe It ar a 4-a f ar. Im i latlalas praMi aa4 t Mil fl'. bal'a aa Tb4 braa-br- f aiM1 atbrr kt4 af lw. . la rblllrra. I aa lW.ilivl f lb- alexia bra -Ha-ik--I Vt.fcW tlia4.Wia- Mu." aa4 b ian bra (bra a rf br4l 4a4 taa ataa-a-ta; at Siwarr. taill Sat. m I N a alaajrr, !-., baa a irrti f bH la H bra4. Ibra ik- v , vv.'', The Buslntts Instinct. ' A small Ii'tnlt boy was given a drum for a Chrlntmss prent, and was treating It loclferously on ths W!ewatk, when a nervous neighbor rlj .ireil snd arked: "How much lid your father py for that drum, my It'll man?" "Twenty-nve cr-nts. iIr." was tha reply. Will you take, a dollar for Itr 'Oh. ter. lr; xalj the hoy eagerly eag-erly "Ma ald he hoped I d sell It for ten o-r,N " . The inhnnge wan made, and th drum put wht-rc U wouldn't maka any ii tre rcl-i-, :nnl ihe nervous nin (inj!.l hi Mratagem. I'.ut to hi horror. h-Ji he got hi.ine that nlcht. thert- were four dre.ni t- n t tt In front t,f hit bw at.-l a he n:.u!( hH ,1; jt-ar-efte- 1 h- l-rr I np and r''.f Tt. are my ce-jfliv r I ii.k that d.Ur and I -!.' !o r i.- !ni"; (, j flfrj wati to tl for the'uT Th- TTn! Beishtr nih'-d la-' la-' In e- tr, h-;1 th 'f !! 't- t .ti,ieff br-atlcg - '" !'" a!4. iaki.i -tkrr. a la.l mr lal. l a laiabix. l'a k i l.4 I t II at 1 fc.t-. - : l a aul)aK. ibr tb-r raa't b fbr ix aat a4aH, WMt' la a " a IW w-r l at tbla lr I. If )n i' la.!.4 -ft la 9r a laKi. ara ara la fla4 Tbal la viWn ntlmi r a a I fca laiartaat " ' -- a4 la ' ! ym at? ! bbia4- In I?- - rJ , li 0c.ert Vt'iui Lawyers. 1 " ' ak a kt- a d-::ght t-f--"- .51.- S n-v-rta tt H irt!ef 'rj.-i'a f t tv.lt ! fat hej i:''.r .-ft-lr.f d,r i! " - V! ,r ar.d " i: ' V 1 Jt tfct i-cor - .- . - . lh. . ': af Uyr." Sri ' - trf'-vlrt ar t ttt); trt3-rhaM r; 'y. V. fc r ; i-J. -cl tie tsw yrt" r!-;iii c'w aieg ta tt iir'-ir ii-'.tu r.Vlc Lag-r. A Tl ta C-1. Ciary Wy asj gtfl tW.'.J ask tiTs?itsg t -!v to atevtar at ChmtcJis lis; tife tt Marc: 4i wW i.Siet H bo 4V4 tl:- t nke aeW frw kav ty at ikls s-wavw ( tl. yr. Il llll lallMllTTTi T'Tlatr""""''' 'J ''''aaaaaaa-aabaaawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa TT r p. |