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Show PLEASANT GROVE NEWS I The Foreword Ml f An independent weekly paper published pub-lished in the interests of Pleasant Grove and Utah County. Gift We are writing this ad as r a kind of foreword,' to ln-we ln-we Issued -Eve Yuletide fit THE form the public.:"tHat The Provo Herald Pub. Co. J. DAVtO LARSON, Editor and General Manager. ASHLEY BARTLETT, Local Editor. ---Application mi t Pleasant Grove, Utah, for transmission trans-mission through the mails as second-class second-class matter - Subscription Price, $1.50 a Year, in Advance. Fugal Bros., the electricians. have "got about the FINEST THINGS FOR CHRIST-"MAS CHRIST-"MAS that you will find anywhere any-where in silverware, watch-' watch-' clocks, and jewelry at . Martin's Jewelry Store ,'. . American Fork , Price and Quality - Always Right Big Flour - - - ....... - - GUARANTEE: Unexcelled In Utach Pleasant Grove Roller Mill K ' more case and pocket books than any other district of the ame size-in size-in the knownwor Id 7 W. H. RA Y & CO. can . . tell . . you . why V ' : i: J - J - L.. FOR SALE A six-room house and 3 acres of . orchard and lucern, Inquire In-quire of N. -.P. Poulson, Pleasant Grove, Utah. 7,. - 7 Th at o AT THE to 1EKM1TK g I ' CP I X C01IPMIY Everybody is talking about thosercat bargains (never such a fine display of TOYS AND HOLIDAY HOLI-DAY GOODS shown in Pleasant GroVe.) CJOur satisfied customers do our best advertising. CDo your Christmas shopping at our store--we appreciate your trade. Make Our Store Your Headquarters Headquart-ers While In Town fUse our desk, our stationery, and our 'phones. GWc are always glad to see you. HVc arc headquarters for Santa Ciaus oods. tWc wishYou a Merry Christmas. -- Pteas aiS Grove 'to; C SMALLPOX IS r DISAPPEARING According to the report,-of the Board of Health on the matter of infectious in-fectious diseases fn Provo, especially applying to smallpox, there have been reported 68 cases, resulting in -the quarantining of 23 homes. At the present pres-ent time there are eight cases and three homesie under quarantine restrictions. re-strictions. The foregoing report indicates that the disease has been cuecked efficiently effici-ently and is now on the decline at a very rapid rate. All kinds of electric TTght globes and electric&l supplies at Fugal Bros. LECTURE ABOUT. TURKEY? J. Wllford Hooth, recently returned from the Turkish mission, will lecture in the Tabernacle Sunday night, December De-cember 26, under the auspices Qt the religion clans. His subject Will be "Turkey and Her People." FOR SALE 't acre land, brick houie. Property of Mrs. Sarah Dee. Inquire " of 8. L-Swemon, Pleasant Grove, Utah. Aydelotte's Is certainly the place for bar jai ns, 7 Merchandise . The Pleasant Grove Drug Co. has inaugurated many new features this year and their yuletide- gift merchandise will make it exceedingly easy for Pleasant Grove shoppers. The a. store-has many new and useful articles never before shown to patrons of this section, and at prices tacked way down on the scale of dollars and cents. Besides their varied line of sun- dries regularly carried, they have added man new specialties especially selected for the convenience of holiday purchasers. For instance, our stock of Xmas cards and post cards which are regularly sold at 5c each, we are offering them now ,2 for 5c. Our post card line is especially full 50,000 on hand. CONFECTIONS. - Fancy -packages, all shapes and sizes, beautifully litho- graphed boxeSi filled with trie daintiest in the confectionery " art. " - " v TOYS. ' Sensible and durable in rubber, celluloid, etc. TOLET 8ET8, ETC-- BEZZANT UNFORTUNATE. Another of a long list of distresvintt accidents befell Alfred l'iezzant this meek at the sugar factory. He stepped ' on a piece of slacked llnnv and if A breaking one of his legsrrTt Is said ' that the Itezzant household ha not been free from some such, unfortunate unfortun-ate occurrence for almost a year. FOR RENT Three north rooms of the Beer property. Atk W. L. Hayes. Aydelotte's is certainly the place for bargains. Joseph Wadley Is home from (he A. C. colleite at Logan to spnd Cbrit- ! EiBS'boltdays-irtTlr his--immtiMr.- and Mrs J. I). Wadley. ' Aydelotte's is certainly the place for bargains. : Glass Putty ; : Coal -all sizes' . Paints, Oils, I "Paint ..Colors Rock Sprngs, dear Creek, Toilet Sets, Cuff, Collar and Tie Holders.- A few of the sensible few piece sets in different materials from $2. tp $10. Rabv sets, rattles, hair brushes, etc.. combs. militarV brush- sets, beautiful mirrors and hand mirrors. , . PYROGRAPHY ' This art has passed that stage where tTwas looked" upon as a fad several years ago anS has become a staple article of commerce. We have the burning otitfits and a line of patterns pat-terns on ilther and woodiif Do the work yourself.- It is pleasant pleas-ant and remunerative occupation. ,Make your friend a beaa-tiful beaa-tiful gift of jour' own handiwork. T ' . CHRISTMAS Booksr i 7 . Our line, though nof targe, Tswell selected and consists, of appropriate subjects.v v- , '- box-VtationEry. This is one of. the drug store s staple lines, and in it will be found- manv pieces of-'art suitable for an Xmas' gift. ' ' POST CARD ALBUMS. There is no place tjrti.te so suitable for the post cards as the album where theyynay be securely and neatly fastened. fas-tened. You'll find them here from 15c to SI. 00. ROOKWOOD POTTERY The famous world renowned Rookwol Pottery no two pieces alike. We can guarantee the prices one-fiftji lesa than Salt 'Lake prices. You must see them. " HAND PAINTED CHINA. ; W have" many pieces itmrifferenTpatterns and sizes," each jrize bearing the artist's name,, at 20 per cent below Salt Lake City prices. JEWELRY AND WATCHES . A small but neatlv selected stock in solid and rolled plate, brtxxhes, rings, buttons, pins, chains, etc We have the Parker Lucky Curve Fountain- Pen, both ladies and gents, plain and gold mounted, all pnees, from $1.00 to $7.00. SPORTING GOODS, Foot Iialls, Dafckct Halls, htc. Etc. A rifle ,or shot gun will make the young hunter a glad Christmas prcscnL We have them at less than Chicago price $5 00 to $25.00. CUTLERY. Razors." st rnps. ctr.ra neat line xri silver plated Gillette's Safeties, showing bru-hes, strops, etc. Razors from $1.50 to" $'..50. - I-adies anl gents' guaranteed 1''ckct Knives, in pearl, lne, stagg, celluKid,'torti-c. PERFUMES. - hir line of 'perfume are CvpuMte in plain arid fancy package . Watch our window f- r the 10c erttime a!e, beginning next week and running till Xmas. One grand prize and 20 smaller one. Get an Air Ship with every $J0 purchase till Christma. ; ' I A. K. Thornton j ! & Sons ! PleasanlGrovcDriigCol: . - v -- - FOR XMAS Cranberres - Sucet Potatoes - Celery tcYiip.l ' Cur meats are the best . . . . . S.F.Walker Sons :s: :-: ?u '1 5 Tony's Place Open a Savings Account Now And Keep It Up. It AVill Guarantee Comfort When You Are Old T "" . We Pay interest On Time Deposits I MEALS AT ALL HOURS BANK OF PLEASANT GROVE. 2 5c iXHIS CKIFMAM. L 5 WIN SON. - am, |