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Show - r---; -. " ? r v- r . I- -;. r . ' .'V. ----- amnt Grove ::. MERRY , ", CHRISTMAS jy TO ALI - A - News TTfl ENEWS is delighted with its First Christmas.' -M.EASANTGROVE, rtrTArtr-FtOAY,- OECEMBETT2?TT969: WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION SERVICE. No. 8 ... I . '. .- VOL. 1 ... - - - - $ KNIGHT PK DIVIDE Undenied Rumor to Effect Ef-fect that Future Divi- . sions of Profits Will Be Paid Quarterly and Not Monthly. Will the Knight companies discon tinue the payment of monthly dividends divi-dends in favor of quarterly payments? holders and speculators are now busying bu-sying themselves trying to solve, and its asking grows out of a rumor, well defined, but so far Impossible to either ei-ther confirm or deny. ' Not Denied. During the past lew days the ques tlon bas been asked many times, as to whether or not the dividend pay- menu hereatterareto be guarterly or monthly, and in an. effort to decide the matter for the benefit of readers and stockholders, the NEWS called upon up-on General Manager ,W. .Lester Man-gum, Man-gum, of the Knight companies, and asked him the question. "I am not prepared to say, at this time, whether or not the payment of monthly dividends will be discontinued, discontin-ued, and the practice of -paying quarterly quar-terly dividends, adopted in its- stead," was the answer. Questions of that kind must be answered an-swered by the directorates of the companies." com-panies." Would Be A Benefit. It is, however, a well known fact that a very large office force ia constantly con-stantly maintained for the principal purpose of attending to the payment of the monthly dividends, and that there Is hardly room in the Knight offices of-fices for the force necessary to attend to this part of the business. A great amount of expense could p saved. ty ine payment oi me aiviaenus quarterly, instead of monthly, in the reduction of the office force and "the other expense incidental to its employment, employ-ment, and. as expense saved ia equal to -revenue earned,, the difference would necessarily go to Increase the revenue of the stockholder, in one way or another. . , Tbes facts, which are apparent, taken In conjunction with the rumor and the fact that Manager Mangum will not deny the truth of the latter, lend color to the whole story to such an extent that It Is being generally credited by' the stockholders, and when the time of the next , meeting of the directorates of the Iron Dloa. mom end Colorado Conso'lds'ert oc-" oc-" cam. it wt ocrisfon ver-4Ht'e but prise If. Instead of a dividend announcement, an-nouncement, the statement Is sent out. declaring uture dividends payable quarterly Instead of monthly. LIN DON NOTES. A. Swenson and family of Mercur are visiting the Westphal's. Mr. Roscoe Robinson Is home from school. Wr A." Twiittir rand a busings- trip to Salt Lake City Wednesday. All kinds of electric light globe and electrical supplies at Fugal Tiro. Lynn Robinson and Alma Kirk are borne from the t'niverslty of Utah to spend the holidays. The Mutual Improvement associa-tlon associa-tlon gave a very interesting -program to the public Tuesday evening. M MiHe Johnson ta home from the I. of 1. to soend the holiday with her mother. Mr. A. G. Johnon : - ' j The Mutual improvement t,orla ton wl - a WMtftl Mondtv eve-nine. eve-nine. I Wen her 27th at 111 bn.e of( J. II. Wadley. SCHOOL NOTES ! Thursdsv efc'p. Ut day t-t ; srtortt. irh (?;.i rtmr) of tfc d;s ' trict c!l Fiue a d"me4l fr t"hrWiw al each gme a f n-lrcvsin. n-lrcvsin. Mativ timtom wr fr -eal TTke i rrrrm in tie K's!!1! Krr.i4 a to:iws Poie- fn'v c1-ch tv't w . V-ti t V:wr f'j?t.f .. . ' f , -" J Fi-fti ,...IJf!' Kk. '" Rs--f !; -r i.-..- , - f ,' . c1---. . -.t l , H''k"r t,v r-T I J 1 - ir1 - - - - - r . f--j v. '?'-. r'i r. CS-orw . ... -,j-'vr. y .. . i , , . . . ... ,, - .,... "- fl""'- jr -r t" f t .- ' -. " . -- - rr-4 CwV'r - e. T' A''r4 I'arvv,re e- '?-! e -m-4 - T &ri t"r- t- t "4 r-;-M "V a . ARTIES CHANGE V -1 i : Burlin JDriggs is spending the noli days with his mother. He has been working on a ranch in Wyoming where the temperature has been 35 below zero. . - ' - . ...... ' Mrs. J. R. Halliday and her daugh ter. Mrs. West Jacobs, of Heber, was in Salt Lake the first of the week. --. --. Wilfred Poulson and wife are spend ling the holidays wltn Mr. and Mrs. Mels Poulson. . Mrs. C.. S. Jones was a Pleasant Grove visitor Wednesday. .... . - Trustees C. B. Harper and Wilfred Warnick were visiting - the" schools this week. . Alfred Monson, -a student of the Agricultural College, of Logan, is via- itirigduringih9iolidayswilhliia grandmother, Mrs. Hannah Peterson. m m m Mr. and,. Mrs." Nelson White are spending the holidays with relatives and friends. J. P. Madsen from Theodore, Wa satch county, is spending the holi days here. - . " e Parley Nielson. who has been working at Mammoth for some time, is spending the holidays with bis par ents. , ' Clarence Newman returned from Salt Lake Saturday evening, where he has been visiting with bis sister, Mrs. Orsoa Swenson. - - -- v -- Clara Willlamton, Vervtjne Hayes, Clcone Lund, Thomas Kenton and Robert Kenton are borne from school spending the holidays. John P. Hayes was a Salt Lake visitor Thursday. Wlllurd Houltef and family were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. ' John Aton made a the capital yesterday.- flying trip lo :?aer WBda: r.roiru"LSmTlinr Salt Lake City Is visiting wttn nis grandma Mrs. Margaret Brown. .... Miss Merle Foutx returned from Dlackfoot, Idalio, Iecember 22, where she bas been living with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pvuta. - Mr ' and Mrs. Lyman are visiting o"t cf town w Ith f riend and rela-tlve. rela-tlve. Prtnelpal J. H. Walker. Miss Ida Hamilton. Miss Kate Harvey, Miss Mary Gleason and Miss Edith John-non John-non will attend the State Teachers' Institute In-stitute at Salt Lake during the holidays. holi-days. ' Curtis T. haraon Is spending a few days with relatives. Miim rumor that Fume of our lady teachers are going to take up hght housekeeping alter the holiday. . Ray Carlnon from Hurley, Idaho, is in town. . V.r and Mrs Reuben W-ks oi AIM on, Idaho, are visiting here. Jane Hanson of Alberta. Canada, arrived in Plant Grove Wednesday. ivrry Hrjwr and Mi Kmily Duk 1'rovo I-nch mere married In the Temile Wedn-dy A v-ry pretty wedd ng r-c .t'on gHen them last n:tht at the hf-me of the groom par -nt. Mr. and Mr L'arl Whit'oy wer irnjf mmi m at the !.fue of the tfide ra'fter. Jaw.6 IMntb. r A:pine. ( 9vat:.n were out Mo s host of : ''-'' " . : . f'lfii tt '"" ' ni.te taesr fM..pra i r, u ma iv ni rnei nnituti , i.e'-ie In I JVto - I'aril and Mr Wasbiirtn and Mf II. J. Kri" were kjcsIa at a l.r-!.,'j -tv at he home of Thmii i 1 . IT 'if n i 1 - - . ft UNCLE SAM WILL TAKE- CENSUS DEATH RATE III APRIL ':. REPORT Many "Willing Workers" Have Kick Coming Because They Can't be Enumerators If vaccination could be employed em-ployed for the prevention of bitter political disappointment. ..lhrf.eJw ouldLbe a huiry up cair for the operative with the par-" bcular brand of virus covering the case Just at present, all be- cause it has just been discov- ertd by many aspirants all over the country, Utah, and Utah xountx not excepted, thar the lob of enumerating in the next United States census .campaign, is only for those who, with a firm grip on the L foreolcg of Father Time, last fr summer took the civil service examination required, and .that iuc (wiruLj yJl a pun win a, cut er nothing in the agitation of the 'plum tree. Tne First Grip. The -oversight was due to the fact t..at thiss the first time civil service reiorm nas gnppea tne census enu- A , ho ', .. 1 meraUon branch of. federal workjt .''' I'fl'Tr h f thC which has hitherto gone as a matter J' ' l?Jdnadnt !a,"" f t of compensation to those brlght.young J .SSt.ovS t Z T.hth y. dVttlr" aS h Th'S 1 The' Roosevelt policy changed this. -J "C.V f Z mm 1h t and the only patronage In this arm J , ,, hr , t of the service, left unshorn. Is that at J of her " me uiHosai vi congress woica dhuicb the chluf enumerator of each census district, and only this was conceded by the executive, because there had to be a starting place. , First in Ten Years. During the coming spring the government gov-ernment will commence the work' of ten years, and this will not fnly in- elude iwrsons. but will enumerate the whole life and wealth of the nation, as expressed both in animate and Inanl. mate .values, All live stock will be enumerated, and all L of other property will- 4nW, 9 - .us. the taking ot which commences throughout tne country in April. The work will be large and ex- haustive. going as It will into minute detail, and the persons employed wlll;Si he embexzl.-d his emplovers" consUtute an army of no smull pro- nioney and went east. dferting his portions. Those who feel that their . fam.ly past services, real and imaginary, for the great cause of republicanism, have been looking forward to the time when they could claim recognition and compensation through this work, are just now being confronted with the cruel truth, that civil service reform bas shut the doors of prlviitge against them, and there ts a howl going go-ing forth in Israel which Is heard even In the remote corners of Canan. I'leasant Grove baa fallen in line to help swell the fund lor building the Maeser Memorial building at 1'rovo Here are the contributors, report-! ta duie: N. P. Peterson I0W Effle Warnick J.Su Mary Gray , 2 jo 8. H. Smith im Clara Johnson Iiu Alma I'axtnan loo rtorence U. Madsen Effle Kelaey Ida ilollindrake . i.W S. L. 8emwn 21 Wj Eilta gemon M. H. Kirk W. li. Mason W. L Hayea . 20.W . . 5 oo . S.oo . 3, 3 m . lo wt . r. ) . 3 .3 nt W. E. Clark Ja. II. Wa!k.r Eira V. Walker .... Annie S Walker It. H. Thome .. j A. !. Culliunre c j j.Rwn n,,., Bi , 8(rif..D, V.Vd'-pJj.t wb;l- tMi, tTita; A,uman i lir1l cmnytm to a . sta t inirnM m a nam ; -,llh Li Mtn lo r,mer tiiis to. Mk! p.irfs runners in t'e ia;t hri. - !ien :n mm M nRr t, to!.tt-k; re way. T' bi'e knk.,J i. ii.'t- lit anj s'drk Mr. J.,v.n-oit tn 'e 'a... rendering kU rrim., one t:h ; ItrMskrd e t. : !;., i . u Cg t gh le't a h' ! li! ' ,- ,-! 1 s n ' - - . . . - . . - -f, .-,... t t -- ! " -- " -e c-T". t Jei.-j'jr ." !- 7 ' .' Cit'"d f --. -I ,e ( . i 09 f - r - f t t -n f ' r.i tv-r s 5 s m r t ' " .- - ,-- f , - , , fj ' "" f". ' ' . , " COUNTY HAS LOW The State Board of Health bulletin is out for November and shows Utah county to have enjoyed an unusually jlow mortality percentage during that monin. . Durign the month there were twenty-two deaths resulting- from all cau-sen cau-sen j and from infectious diseases, five, as follows: diphtheria and membraneous membrane-ous croup, l, typhoid fever 2. pneumonia pneumo-nia 2. . . .Of smallpox, 93 cases were reported durLag.JLhe .iuonth. ailhout a XaUlity, and" the two cases of death from typhoid ty-phoid were the only ones occurring but of A total of 37 cases reported. Nine cases of' pneumonia resulted fatally for two. ' . V H. BOLIII CASE III- T All but the last echo of the brief but . lurid career of Thomas H. Bolin was heard vesterday, when his wife. Ida A l 11,, 'in nn Tl 1 .1 1 ' .u .k J be clerk of t e j f Broken Laws. IfyUn's career, so far as it is known hert.' is one filled to overflowing with thejeniission and commission of many thinVi forbidden both by the legal and sotfail laws, and would require but little lit-tle !k the matter of embellishment at hbZt ,L the. lTl,IlXi:T.P 7'-,.,vn. 'I TI " j 'n'JP Zlt. Tov , ,A .8''; M.'. '.'l n " ? Jf?" J! "ILi D 1 hi8,reror l'n Li : ' ' l?L f "r" j pcrrtu,ty( was the final means of his I J undoing when the voice of temptation' rm,id nn Inmrpr h. -ria.it .n, in The Pity of It. liolln's apprehi-nsion followed, and his return here, his trial and convic tion, fol'owed by a three years sn-' tene to the state penitentiary, ur-among ur-among the things recited in the present pres-ent complaint, all couched In the formal for-mal and emotionless verbiage known to the legal fraternity, which gives no bint of the heartbreak and bitter di appointment, the crumbling of castles In Spain or the blight thrown across the threshold of the lives of those who hear the name of T. H. Bolin. which Is now covered by t simple penlt-n-tiarv- Bomber. I Miss Johnson presented her pupils with dainty Christmas cards Mr. and Mr. Jens Fugal. Niels Ku Ml and Mrs. Steaa. Clayton tt.-ni!"l h wedding of Alice Knudson and Mr. Frank of !ehl this week. Miss Rosa llllH of Winal la vis. (urn; with her brothers i Zira Draper, a student of th H V. C. is borne for tl.e hoiitlaV!, - J. 8. iloldaway I home from Sj'! ' Ijike to apt-nd the hnliilav 'h hi I family. t i Miss Ida llolmdrakc will i-rl, t'lir stmaa va-atlon with h-r .ar-nt American Pork -t typl Ircmi th tATr.rt fi-ar ti" ! r.l.-.l t the 'ho:ii- H ji-ifi una .Mondav and jn a tb.!. n.ng r.t her Mr. TJnn S iM 1 te lotl.-n of (f,,tf The w,ivt fe, rtel to Miril f i. ,,. iti ariir'e. 1,1 ,, rr th'm, rr.e" j'--'-fit .- -d f-t J t : . n'f',f t - a - ! r i Tie'' " Jt'C-J , H'4- ' irk r I i Jul GOUR LOCAL NEWS and - Prof. John Swenson of the'B.. Y. U. faculty were in town the first of the week, soliciting so-liciting money from the "Maeser" students stu-dents to help build the Maeser Memorial Me-morial for the college students of the B. Y. U. ; -. - - -- ' - -. P. Poulson is home from Salt Lake he is well pleased with city life and wages. Don't be 'surprised if you hear of Mr. Poulson's family moving there in the near future. Beets are-being loaded at the depot It is difficult to get enough cars to supply demand of the beet raisers. The Sunday Schools of the three ward's presented a Christmas cantata Thttrsday-night:"-The"'tarents---'WTTe highly pleased with the efforts of teachers and children. The High. School rendered the following fol-lowing closing program: AUThrought the Night... Chorus Ten Minutes Talk.. A. Bartlett Piano Solo Genevieve Lyman Reading Leah Halliday Ten Minutes' Talk... Mr. Banks Violin Solo . ....I... , Carl Dankj Toast, "Home Again". .Lynne Robison Duet May Clark, Lucfle Harvey Ten Minutes' TaTV Mr. Waker Review qL the Soldiers.. Chorus Miss Joey Newman received the prize at a i-llitig Match and Master Russell Went received the prize fof the higher pr cent In arithmetic at the closing exerclnes- In Miss Hamilton's Hamil-ton's room. Chan. Nelson and his father In law took a swiff ride. Charlie, while eel-ebratlng eel-ebratlng the coming of Christmas, persuaded his father In law. to ride home with him. Charley thought his horse needed exercise, bo he began to lay th whip on him briskly and give him-the -tines. This did not suit his fftthfT In law so ho began to grab'for the lines. It was sometime before he could gft hold of them and stop the horse so he could get out and walk the balance of the way home. leaving leav-ing Charlie to ride home alone. Santa Claus visits Pleasant Grove a few. days before Christmas. Wed nesday and Thursday attemoon a crcfit nmnv 1 11 run Iibva than ulna att ia of seeing Santa Clans and gening a few liandfuls of peanuts and c.fldy he threw W them. Santa paruRd Uie prtK-ip4 wMa for-a few hours unJ took his, departure for the hills from which he will reappear on Chrlstiua eve. Greatest laiiKhlng, singing,' acting show In the world: H of Japan." ()wra Hoiisp, Thursday, !. ,'0. Mr and Mrs Ed Wa.llev went to Salt Ijike iHstunday. While visit 1 It has no li-g:il power to pass Ing with Prof, and Mrs .1 II ('(s.nilis. ! a prohibitory ordinance, nor to arbl-th.-ir baby tik very ill and medical ' trarlSy refuse to grant a liquor licmse; aid was i-alled in. The physician was I hut It has discretionary power to pass uncertain what to pronounce the all ' "l01 tne nioral fitness of each appli-nn-nt Hut in the meantime suggest ,' rHnt aDd lo determine In Its decreed decre-ed it might have scarlet fever. ' "on, the places where Intoxicating j liquors may, or may not be sold. In Prof Coomb w as not allowed to go i localities where the county has here-back here-back to his Jek at the Lafayette ' tofore granted licenses, and where the school The Coombs' residence was ! 'sentiment of the people -favor the not quarantined watting the develop-) (framing of license. I am of the opln-ment opln-ment of the diseaj-. Mr. and Mrs ,Mn ,nat ,n hard of county commis-Wadley commis-Wadley brmierif tht'baby home on the """"HeTs w ill, fn pfoiief cases, continue la'e train Tuesday night and no scar- lo KTant "eensea; and In localities let fever cae has yet develoited Cltyinere licenses have, not heretofore Physician Vane,, thinks the trouble ! ,Mfn c"J. and the people are op-was op-was caused throueh Indigestion and j Imw,m1 to lh sranting of licenses, and worm The hal.v is much better ati'"'r Blf,on ,n uh vicinity wonld j, resent become a public nuisance, and thwart . j the w ill of the people, am of the A coal limine will be the result. If j "I'inlon that no license will be grant- a c.ir or two of coal Is not received " J ,n ',l,"r words, the board of at on e A camass of the coal deal-! ' "un,Jr nniisioners will at nil Um-i er Ends them without a pound of1k,, wl,hn h '" granting and coal. .Kept slack, and that Is being ' rH,",,n Krnt lt,,,n Utr tl air out in .mall loss .cause within the discretion of the Several t-iir I0.0N have i.e. n i.r,., ' ard of county 1 ommtssioners. i'd the ijealers. l,ut none has bH-n reeie, et p.-opje It.hiM tk. adrantaKe of the !" iie there IK plenty of coal and !,iy m a winter supply early Ti e "l,r' ir,. n hmthers arc pre- pi'-t-nr larmi U.eir rrst-ru'iins "' "' ' . ' I:,.;., rt, r r. non I- authoj Iiy ; .-t.it r.- - That :t of a na! ' ' t' t.OW ?.!! li. d. the. '. '- '"' tr.-- wi.irh at.- Tr- et '.I'll!.. :Ti, ' d . i... COUNTY SALOOII LICENSES ADE ED Commissioners Pass Resolution Confirming Statements Re- - contly Published in Herald The. board of county com- missioners met yesterday for the beginning of a regularjses-"sTojanonsnip regularjses-"sTojanonsnip "for. the first matter 'to be decided the ques- tion of a policy with respect to the treatment oi applications for new, and renewed liquor licenses, after January 1. The v resolutions .passed, together with an explanation by County Attorney Evans, follow, and will be foundToonfonS-!""" actly to the articles recently published exclusively in the columns of the HERALD. The Resolutions. Be It resolved, that on and after January first. 1910, the license fee for the sale of intoxicating liquors, within the boundaries of Utah county. Is hereby affixed at the sum of $1,000.00 per' annum, and Be it further resolved, that every applicant lor liquor license, whether It be an original application, or a renewal, re-newal, shall be made to the board of tainty conimiHsloners, and filed with the county clerk. Said application shall conform to the requlreemnts of section 1243 of the compiled laws of Utah, of 1907, and Be" It further resolved, that no license shall be granted for a longer period than three months, and Be It further resolved, that the bond provided for In section 1243 of the compiled laws of Utah, of 1907, be, and the same Is hereby fixed at the sum of Sxtio.ftO. Said bond shall conform con-form to the provisions of section 124J of the compiled laws of Utah, of IWT, and " ,, Be It further" ravttved. th'at pv an- ,- plication im'irrr-ht-erwe-ciHy be refused for good cause in the discretion dis-cretion of the board of county commissioners. com-missioners. County Attorney Evans Explains. County Attorney Evans, In explaining explain-ing this matter, said: I "The board of county commission-. ! '"r "ltl8t at all ti'mes keep wltbln the A Logical Policy. license fixed to wotue mar fhe k m Ut low, while to others It may em tis high; hut when you take into consideration the fact that the license itmt be unii'trni throughout the county, ain the f'irtjier fact that dh. UttOw -lw Iu.re4! bn etily i...n five hur.lred dn'l.ir it annum. 41. , the tjrtl er fact Ilia! A higher ; t,an the ,ne f.ie.1. n.'gbt be eiu-ti;i-rf t- nwri a aa attempt 0 - l! I fe.1,!'.:! t . , . )B- inviiiMu .:.!r fj, tf.-ng that the f r t pit rtk :T !!! .-.,. the ' r.-l -r ! I , r, t. It. .6l'S rit-.-a nf .in nf . e I. 1 r S!t - f,.r Vi ft, a VJ.t t- n - H-r. H-r. .- I t'e r , - --' 't r4 i f.r - t-t ft.. w is ! J 'fsJJ M ' -- ar f',vitM f,JCjr j'j -f - . . . 'af ssr-- ' p,i |