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Show PLEASANT GKOVE NEWS OFF DUTY, - THERE ARE 100 REA80NS I m r H why you should by your Christmas Jewelry of us. One is our RELIABIL- IMS. Ill 14.1 BUM nce your needs and we will give you. all the attention we could if you called 4n person. KING OF TRUST "BUSTERS" - - i i mm r CltX UTAlt SAW LAKE WHAT MOVED HIM. Tha extravagant hats which the taiw have lieonWijarliig-Uiia year have little to recommend ihem. but - they have at least proved a boon to the conilc artists and the funny men of the newspapers. Here is a jeu " d'eaprit taken .from the, Chlcago-R Chlcago-R Tribune: " - The rain, which had come suddenly 'jand unexpectedly, was lalliug in torrents. tor-rents. Anions " the persons- who had iken shelter under a friendly awning awn-ing was a fashionably die: sed wo own. "I beg your pardon, ihaJajn." said plainly attirtd man. considerably past middle aue, stepping up to her ami lifting ni.s hat, "but I want to offer of-fer you in? sin -ere thanks,'-' " "What jo. you me-an, ir?"'she said. "Thank" for what?" "I never expected, to see It agtila," lie went n, ''It has lefi nearly thirty thir-ty years since " "Since what, sjr? ttliat are you talking about?" , "Pardon my ennni in inadani, but I - osed to Kvo in Kali. Iil,e City and " "I Live liolh-iig Ui ! with, Salt Lake City,sir I never, was there In my life; --"But J was. That .was iuy home for many years. And when Isaw " "1ien ou faw what?" ' "Tha? hST of yours, madam. It hranjht-back, the old thrill. It's an xact reproduction of the great Mormon Mor-mon talxTiiarle. which my eyes have bn aching; through all the weary yevs to vro once mote b fore I die. :f:y IoiirIm;; I ben Kia.'ifled at last, ' an ! I thank you fritn (ho bottom of a art-ftil heaiC" Aawi lifting hla bat, h stepped forth lu'o the pouring rain aud strode rapidly down Hie street. - Knew H s Business. "I had always heard that New Eng enders were 'niiarl.'" a young phy- K Irian who had "graduated" frenT!! Tillage practice remarked the other "May, "but 1 hardly tboiiKnt tt deTel-il-ed at such an early ae." . He mulled remlnlsoent'y, tbea con-On con-On ued: "Just after I settled In Dobba Cor Bert a twelve-year-old boy called 00 me on o evening. "Say, Doc, I guess I got measles.' ha remarked. but nobody kaows It Vept the folks at home, an" they ain't the kin J of folks that talk. If there's any good reason to keep quiet.' "I was puzzled, and I suppose I looked It "A, get wise. Doc. my small tie-Itnr tie-Itnr unvested. 'What will you give fne to go to school an' epreal It among all the kld-i la tbs -rtilage?' l.lpjiSn-ott's. l.lpjiSn-ott's. - Children's rMpa . amsTMs ACROSTIC is She Od it Six Was Told. "Now remrDl-er. Mary." the tai-her alii Jui-t b'fore the rhooI cerrlaes. "if you fore I S"tno of lh word aho yoy are in?'ng your aon. d m't atr-a Keen rirht on Sa lummy tura him my tumf or nenx-thtng like that. s l he wor !i etune Imck to you and nobodv i:j knw Ihs di5erec. Now l'ir'r 1nrs " K On f hiiil' I'. i day little Marf e!e trtned h r 8 s'i n-e lth " a' ! wort- a ra'h of j roi. i. arm't 1 i. r ttimmr-turn tarn " j Vcu Cn"t Beat Her. j The V, "1 la the one who t ! J - F- in m thing h-r kusar.J '. i II I IR1STMA5 m aot only a nil ai.rk ol Snothrf year, moving ut to thoughu of cll-examuutioii; it it a ruoo, horn all ki auocUiiont, whrlKer domruio of icligiotn, ufgnhnj thought ol jojr. A man duuii6l Whh kit eojcvon it a man kmptrd to udnea. And ia tha mA oi inlet, whea hit lifa rum lowe4 and h reminded of the CBit ckain of fu beluved, it ia well be ihoulj ba coixWmard to the fuliioa of tha Muling In-. Robert Louie Steeeatoa. a OW raaar old recollection aad Low nuajr dormnl itid pel hire doe tha Oiiutmee time awAenl 1 Uppy, happy Quiauau, that caa wia lu bexk to iKe oVIuhom of our chihluh dart; that caa recall lo tha old ua tlx pleatute of hi youth; that caa ban, port the tailor and the traveler thouMadi of Stile my, tak to hn own fuewle and hi quirt koine, I til your gaM agua, wiih a aterry fava aai rati Mi J heart. Out Me oa k. but your C hrjuava thall le eaeny and your New Year a L4py one. Qiatlc X kra. a T-FA!L.VinrR that at aurrly a ia that iVv U'r U " iVKUk,IB lh" 'f J-l " pooer ha.h hat tua through all tha wofLI, ! poorr "!.! tult JoJra bu'a Me a ttar .xver, lle puort vKh ha ttaairyurd ldi4urT-,-th power kh ha Blade n.!Uoe of iaa St 'oua (Ffianu; t) power of the ntU-Ba-trntt jw lo l-e. to tufrl m r)e hnnUrtt tm. haabb crotuiy that H due lore Qua tiie bet en'otiird i tke pmXity of ih Btott :lfe1 tauiliwod. lliuAl. TJ T LS good ihirtj lo oberrva d'iK of the Lord ilione around about them, and they were tore afraid. And the angel laid unto them:. "Fear not, for behold I bring you good tJingtof great joy which shall be to all people. For unto you i bora Jay in the city of David, a Savior, vThnfXhrttt the Lotd," Flora tha Gotpelof St. ilulre. ANTA CLAUS remaint, ly virtue ol a common undemanding that childhoad thall not be dr-tpoiled of one of it moat cheruhed belied, either by the mythologut, with hit tun myth theory, or the acientitt, wiih hit hertlett diatribe againa tuperttitioat. Hi who doe aot tea ia the legend of Santa Claut a beautiful faith on tha on tide, and tha Dative embodiment of a divine fact oa the .other, I aot ht lo have a place at the Ch rial mat beard.- Hamilton Wtight Nlabi. The Christmas Tres. Every time I sea a Christmas tree studded with electric tights, garlands of tinsel gold festooning eyery branch, and hung with the hundred costly knlrknacks the storekt-epers Invent year by year "to make trade," until the tree Itxelf disappears entirely under un-der Its burden, I have a feeling that fraud has been practiced on the kind ly spirit of Yale. Wn candles are the only real thing for a fnrlsttna free, t-andles of u that mingle their i perfume with that of the burning Tlr. j not the by-product of some roal-oll or : V 1 fa E. Frank B. Kellogg Is the "king of trust busters." 'When the federal court etamped the Standard )I1 Company as an Illegal corporation In restraint ot trade and a monopoly which must be dissolved, Mr. Kellogg won one of the greatest legal vie tories that has ever come to a laayer. The Stan dard Oil Companylscredited the world over with being the greatest trust of them all. It Is not only a trust in Ifjself but It controls other trusts. The Rockefeller millions are Invested in many of the other great corporations. -The great railway systems sys-tems of the country are run on the Standard's money. - Harriman could have done nothing bad the great oil trust so willed. Rockefeller could have shut off his money supply and without the coin of the realm even the Mate railroad king would have been powerless. ; Consequently when the United States court handed down the decision that the Standard must be dissolved it was the hardest blow ever dealt a trust and it was the biggest trust of them all that got the blow. When Theodore Roosevelt as president, selected Mr. Kellogg as special attorney general to handle the. trust busting case3 he nade no mistake in Judgment. . It Is probable that Ir. 'Kellogg could have made thousands and thousands of dollars by teing affiliatedwith one of the giant Irusts instead of with the government. He chose however, to stick to Uncle Sam. and now he can rest on his laurels, haying beaten.. the "daddy of trusts" with its lawyers that draw salaries and earn fees that amount to millions. The case Is not finished. It will have to go to the supreme court for final adjudication, but good lawyersJ say Kellogg will win there. Mr. Kellogg was born in Potsdam, N. Y., December 22, 1856. He went to Minnesota with his parettts in 1$65, and after serving as county attorney of Rochester county five years, removed to Sf. Paul where the law firm of Davis, Kelicgg & Severance was formed It was in St. Paul that "Mrv Roosevelt Roose-velt found Kellogg. - WOMAN PASTOR SUFFRAGIST Rev. Georgia R. Ferguson, assistant pastor of the People's church, Washington, D. C.. a scholarly, schol-arly, brilliant and beautiful young woman, is attracting at-tracting much attention by her original plan for the advancement of the woman's suffrage movement. move-ment. . . At a recent meeting of the National American Woman's Suffrage association Mrs. Ferguson submitted sub-mitted a plan which Is not militant like that" of Mrs. Pankhurst. the English suffragette leader, but is more commonplace and evolutionary. " She suggested five special points for an American Ameri-can propaganda as follows: -'That it Is not-votes, nor prlvlleges.-nor rbyrrts that count, but what we do with our votes. Action Ac-tion counts not talk. Political economy Is woman's wo-man's natural province Its generic meaning be liiRclty housekeeping.' , "Don't force the old parties to take us in against their will, but make them -wgirrr-us. Either start a party of our own, orvbetter, form ourselves into local committees autonomous committees drawn from the inhabitants of ev ery principal city and country town In the United States and practically cov: er the country and Its each and several local needs. 'These committees ehould.be organized to study and report to a repre sentative -conference the particular and pressing political necessity of their locality. From these reports at the representative conference the platform should be made up. A platform which should set forth the practical remedies, according to the poll tea! needs for every portion of the states which has been made under a direct Investigation. ' "That this platform should be submitted without rancor or animosity, to each political party of men now In force, stating that we will co-operate with the party that a 111 fulfill the terms of the platform, using our local groups as a center of voting power to push the party. "Our American suffragists should claim the .rights of mothers of the race and nation and see to It that there should be no hungry, houseless, jobless children, and our chosen repretuntatlvcs xbould be our national servants and do tne aork they are elected to do." IS LEADER OF ANARCHISTS rther abomination. What bough do catch firej. l.fy 1 kef stj Day. C"CumtMi tv dent. Ti' " r h . ,. : r" a t a !rn l - at - In ti is A b a-;-ti 1 4I '. - 1 J alt ',. z ! l-ir1 -' , An " it ' ' ; v .,.(" t -.'! 1 K . 'I ' ' Port , y i i at ti a to np . -if i . ti, m vte a'J rr. to I.- I t!t u- ---' th r. r tt riL! I.e. k aratd a aUa mi Km ea U !.. wmw and llwn, l y tl it . k i ki-.-. .jf. i.ii rati oa Hsa I Ira.y V'aa I . t If the can !e watt hed. and too many.- candles are la. dry, anvhiwa Also, red - appb . oranices aud old fashioned rornuc.ila-tttade rornuc.ila-tttade of rnlnred I ap r. and hiimI- ut home, look a hundred times twm-r an-l fitta-r In rh- gTen: and o do drun and toy trCmx-ta and waldborn. and a rtMkirg Imre reitid up In fniot 1 1 . t tp-d not have nt $', or anything like I? Jamb ftlia in Century i -y .1 ml 1 1 a ''ii eei Ck'MuM Day "t w -1 r-.-f l i j I 4 - ' "(-.. ' I oat 1 -. ol . .--. t. i '. -1 1 V e , .- i 4 Ja. I -a re--- ; ' rl am t .f ; . f V i' l !t - d l L1 V-,&- l - 1 . ... ' i tJ r lr jri niid A Cure for All Evil. Id n-rt.i!n iiarta of Vur-.-iiTlitr ' anl Saffirtsblre. tn f'.iiE' -n l. the- i-j. .i ' ret !! that a -I'v-t !n !t.m h-- CbrUttitita ti,irt)ii.a iff rtury in a i rreln r-!i '. (r :.n i!l 'h:i! bui...ir ttf-fb I b-ir tn Atrwr;trtjfl;. Afi 1 ku holder hr fcaj.;iu tn bj,i' .it; 1 ai'tns child er oth- j -r.ca in yf,. hie hltp ' r't-tgy:,.aSt v' i-a-t-h "t 1.ti -r .n f. -ng as. i as a '." a a i i i U H. :i . 4 . i:: tiiiii :t i ti U:.i. bj ii. witi-a ly .. --iiat a i.' t'rvtj a it an? dl."er. n n ! if rs r t ? 1 1 'r i t h ! , i- I i. r -:.-r a t! .1 at. . a t -a - e, k. I f-j-.i''i I Jt d . t U- II" a ivt r iii ! t a; t- l ?r ; . z m - d a- i f a I -r .. -wa a i aair-l - .? i- I i a. -1 m X t n -" - , ! s I.- -i r1 . . i J - ' r i-t el a it ,. i - : a r, -J i tori - ti! t i a "S(.atn has two enemies cleric all.sm and milt tarlsin. Freedom of mind Is stifled by the d-RMi erste Spanit-h priests; civic freedom Is crushed by -h advoentee of mllHrlm." - - - Shaking with flashing eye and emphatic gesture. ges-ture. Senor Valllna. recognlred leader of the SpanKh anarrhlnt colony In London thus summed up the situation In his native country, follow tut; the execution of. Senor Ferrer tn Harceipna 'Hut the responsibility." he continued. ' Is tiled on King Alfot o. aitbout whose sanction the of ficul murders of progrt.le leaders In Prrelona could not hare taken place. Their blood calls to us for vengrance on their murderers. We not be satUfled till this ba been Accompllnhed and a mhIi'I revo.ution brought atxiut in Sp&ln." Vatlina Is t-till on the sunny side of-3 ). and. tike rooirt snarrblxts. ti a ml!d ti anr.ered men of grave appar.inc a nioat un!!-ly un!!-ly Oian. one would think at fim glance, to carry terror Into reactionary ranks la Spain Yet this pale, thiughtful young ? fcnlard ha already iuflTered rnvti for" tl advanced o lri! r. A mud'-nt In Purls at th tiiue of the attack on King Alfonso in that uy four -r ago. he - arr-t 1 on ; u Inn of being con-teroed con-teroed lo It. b it ubM-fjn rit'y a I I -iat d. Sin and Pr.mi e -rvrd notices jf i( uUU a oo him tnd rir rr tb. n be ha lld lu l,nd"n. bldli.g hi time for the day of reck ft Few In lftn. eitt r-t police as-nvw, abo tbadow tlm, kr.o to v hat ' r", thl yiwitig tat of n.edl'lne l onumlt rd to the rr-4i!tuiii( it-. ior lu it, lr.c aU ot Lti.zutl a li.vs tad ttuiiU ii'y. tlcee (o V t iirfalty fc'frj ferrr3t "All !aro.jih the bl t-'iy w.' m cajiin'ry." be v-nrnii'd. "yoa at. I End the cl'-r -! bte tti tt- la'.n. c-r tt.- rr.Uf :piner. ef ar la At:, .Tin ar. , ns!o?n t-)-,tiTMi (t. r'.'T. I rt- lr'w l-ad-r it i-t a !( f iviie, bat 1 aw daairng vU r.y rouniry la asaklcg ibe r'aii i.i n'a ' Miss Smiff Oh, doctor, do yoq know you look perfectly killing this evening? Doctor Thank you! but. I am I'm oft duty, you know. hot SUFFERED TERRIBLY. How Relief from Distressing Kidney Trouble Was Found. - Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf, 388 W. Morgan Bt, Tipton, So, says: "Inflammation of the bladder reached its climax last spring and I suffered suf-fered terribly. My back ached and pained so I could hardly get around and the secretions wera scanty, fre quent of passage and painful. I was tired all the time and very nervous. I began using Doan's Kidney PUls, and after taking a few boxes was cured and have been well ever since." Remember the name-Doan's. Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box.. Foster-Milburn Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. ,Y. Slow Recovery. "Is the editor out?" asked a visitor to the office ot the Ridgeville Banner. "Yes, . sir," answered .the editor's small assistant. "He's gone out to put away a ug of licker left by a sub-, scriber." i - - -"s "Do you think it will take him long to put It away?" "Naw, sir. It won't take him- long ter put it away, "but after that he won't be able ter do nuthln tut. a week." - Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle Of CASTORIAna saTe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the i stfji Z Signature olQStf7-cv. In Use For Over JM Years. Tha. Kind You Have Always Bought Coming to Terms. Possible Boarder Ah; that was a ripping dinner, and If that was a fair sample of your meals,' I should like to come to terms. , Scotch Farmer Before we gang any further, as that a fair sample o' yer appetite I Taking the Tips. "Why did Dollarby sell his hoteir "He wasn't .making - money fast enough." "What is he doing now?" "He's luxuriating in the position of head waller." ' Rheumaliam and Neuralgia never could Bit along with ll.inilint Wizard Od. S iard lil alway drives them (rum tbe preiiiine- in short order. away Our Idet of heaven la a place big nough to make It poxidble for people o te alllioiit neighbors. " IMfllHHIIII K T MM) AVTI1m easrir ff ..i. a r braa h r Mitrbr. ihaa 1 -arf liavl. -ainkillrr. ll I fci. larM ai.. it la the at all ameatan, t-r.hm 4 Ian .ui.t. It' one thing to run into debt and another to cral out. 0ilMa ts a1 an,,aii artava' Vl lliw-ar-. -f la llaiah V ralH hf tie. IViriMa l iar aar-auul tiuaara. Iia-tter a i-or rich man la Jail. man at large than a I it cay ! I tS RISING YOUNG DANKER t rr v ch I al it ;'a " i''t a ? - ? a7.- i'Sise Cl at.- a - 1 Ti -la. Art? rasa A;t lv iy ;Xf I actji-a sVa a.t. if S fn-aeaj t a:tt I C4. a4 " ' e"f ' r -"" J t. , -. . t m--m a 4 m .-w l W i-'-iaJ mmmmm m y'-w-i Unae . la 'aj tj-;J W t tm rm t.Tm. IW m wmS alare W i -araaaw v fimni ml to rue-if l m mum l I Pt-.sae Vat,f . at W aVf r a aa 'txiai Sbry t .&a y Samig. a " Tv ?0 sVeas mm. m le i Wat .: ki m ni al awe SV Imh If ltt. Aal . aayi aW Lav4 tauta aWaa, mm.i iut gmy Wf I ft Tcy Wtae . .. at-d l-'ja-!. t.L a. -t i. ' ' r I -t i e, a fe r i : e ! ' , , -.pi ' ' " ''" a a i i t t . jm a i, a a. ..a- i t. f- -'ft .- r. ax r ard aa-.-s nj- . fitta-s; i me ,..'. a'v-t ! S;...e -i . H ti4y tr ta tiri: oj rfr la li-.-.;'.ai,4 t.a w- ti 4 wv4, r-f t ; ! t '. r f f Ci'a'-fcaji aj. j .: t& aa - r-ie k-----4 aa4 I.;-t' j t May. J. !: - i . tlr;T t' cuss. aa-l ta aeatsa ay t fe rf,;4 ; siisH'l sVj-. i iVe.fc, s ;rtf . JtUt.ft Itlea. j " at "W dr tW ar-.-w . ' s ti ug tn-i take- anl a" 'if-.iee far cwf-tU. - A.'tvt h J B.a-a U g a4 t' a,!' -" Ut i r ji.k tn N T' a. Nint.r I. I '. i-J F. rl. 'tt B 'le- Ur-k nftlr. .'. I a ), irt t.,; n. fe'l a ta ! iBik .1 J4.t a!-"l tru ! J '?S le ha-i t w . t & t Mr fi ii t -"i.i 4 , ,r i-ss 1 sS in it II i:'i. to ! J ii:!i i ia arrx,.--J tj-l I'Hl. J. 't !.( -rt" "r e-atTI atr LWxwSewwa Ckatvsts he System t(fxxa: QLaxcAwt. Ta C Vs binc5'ci cUccS. V i n. . r- . : J . uwv buy it uwitum. CALIFORNIA Fig Syrup Ca r i Cy "i - V irit IC;-e bcC.. IJ F4 tia W t-J beta cr-e'tT ii:, h ;. t !. t tJ i f !e ;r lrt t ?a i U m':. S J. ! yar a( tie a U W A C F'I t4 ttat ci-y Kor a a'-r '" t'- l Mr --! r; .ri ta araftaanSe? i' TVs I tvraed u fctak t-eeJ tt Nf tr.k 44 bea ataiataat a J Et far Baily aaiBcal it la Jastaary. ;je.B-efr. W - I'&l'-f !kt t:V3 te ar'f-4 te fatorat W ttcisa 54 tk lata Fle-fa St. liar; '.a. fc al tiat Hue ,fe-.i4-M 4 tare task, td 4 I!- HUlmtiw.. atjVi''4.'f. !k aa a-fi j-art ta the al-f,m al-f,m tk is ir. I Kr. E?l fw la au-at -.-tai. a4 ta mT t Uat cf -,.i-t-. aJwriag al Jt rai -f frf mt k tajaJa a lu a?? 4-iru4 ty ft,?. frtia.altJ. 13M;if tfe"tVB.iia'tr'i. ! ' i R-'-fra jjr Ta.! ' -H-t as-4 4trNft5 cat E-:i Kk.:4m a t'. ;ty a Nee) teas, a'-ae ( U &J.iars VaA'-cJ. ' CwCLiai tvi N ;-.. - iPIS CURE nt tin i;cit r.t g. :uaax Itt t " f r ' 't ii t if a llien, tut V an t ta take? aad fc treaa aywaaat. it awiaHia I ami Matin aWtlMB jad mill Kai I aafiatM4 atMt aad raid. I |