Show UTAH STATE NEWS while on a hunting trip john smalley aged 21 of ogden was acci dentally shot and will lose an there were teachers present at the regular monthly institute of the utah county teachers held in lehl last saturday it Is announced that representative joseph howell has appointed his son as his private secretary at a salary 0 1 a year the sum of 6 has been added to the state treasury as a result of the sale ot public lands during the year ending june 30 last the home of john bavage at park city was destroyed by fire on the and a loss ot about 1000 was sustained by the owner as there was no insurance governor cutler has issued a proc la matlon designating thursday no vember 28 as thanksgiving day and declares that utahna have abundant reasons for thanksgiving the ephraem commercial club has taken hold ot the city waterworks proposition and are figuring on the cost of installing a new system of waterworks tor that town claude dark the negro who shot and killed lewis jones another col ored man during a fight in ogden on september 8 has been found guilty of voluntary manslaughter joseph manoney an ogden man was last week convicted of stealing a load of hay which a hooper farmer left standing on the square and was sentenced to ten days in jail according to a statement prepared by J A edwards state auditor the tot acreage of irrigated lands in utah Is no irrigated lands are now available for settlement the taking of testimony in the case of the united states plaintiff against the utah fuel company defendant Is dragging along slowly before master in chancery S H lewis of salt lake city the beaver national bank beaver utah has applied tor authority to start business charles Wool tend of beaver is the principal cipal mover in the en the capital stock Is to be 25 david eccles of ogden has pur chased the grass creek coal mines in summit county and a company of og den capitalists with a capitalization of will operate the mines in the future under a new ruling recently made by the general land office registers and receivers are prohibited from certifying to copies at citizenship papers which heretofore has been the practice salt lake banks last week began the issue of the new currency this new money Is local bank circulation which is adequately secured and Is expected to pass as freely as national bank currency barley thirty two years old employed as a switchman in the union stockyards at ogden was killed in scantly by falling from one of the cars which passed over his body mu tl lating it the management of the con company who are ban adling the western pacific construe alon work have determined to reduce their forces owing to the condition of the monay market there three government reclamation projects now under way n utah by which acres of land will be made to yield crops this land will cost 40 an acre in eluding water rights it is probable the arthur hayes formerly of ogden may be appointed assistant attorney general to succeed J A van of wyoming who was appointed judge of the court of appeals of the district of columbia it Is announced that the salt lake ogden railroad will be completed within ninety days and that work of extending the road up ogden canyon will be pushed the project was started by mr bamberger early in 1893 stanish who shot and killed herman on june 10 1907 in salt lake city because ob had eloped with mrs has been committed to the asylum having become a raving maniac since the shooting A woman nho attempted to pick the pockets of a young man on the streets of salt lal e was caught in the act and in her endeavor to escape she attacked the oung man with a hat pin stabbing him in several places she was finally captured minerva hall aged 20 threw car bolac acid into the face of isaac ryan of salt lake city as a result of which the man will be disfigured for life it Is claimed that ryan betrayed the girl and refused to marry her and sae took this method of vengeance edwin D crowther of salt lake who died at allner idaho last week was one of the pioneer actors 0 utah having been a member of the old salt lake dramatic company in the early days mr crowther came to utah in crossing the plains with an ox team the twelfth sem fanunal sunday school convention of the utah centra district comprising utah juab wa satch carbon grand and emery conn ties was held in the congregational church at lehl last week there being a good representation from all the counties the bank a private bank of salt lake which failed some time ago last week through gould D blakeley referee in bani de dared a dividend for the benefit of the creditors of 22 per cent the total amount distributed in this issue will be between 22 and 23 the mining congress at joplin mo tabled a resolution thanking the at utah tor the er of its school ol 01 mines as an experiment station diio s opposed to the adoption of the reso lution said it would not be po icy for the congress to indorse any school in preference ore ference to any school |