Show NEW METHOD OF ECONOMY excuse made by mr caudle was real ly rather neat ah ha said mrs caudle II 11 a lady who had lost a little ot the bloom 0 girlhood as she her bony aln ger at her weak kneed husband you have been drinking again don t deny it I 1 smell sen en on your breath but ray dear chath do some are born to gov ern and some are born to be govera I 1 was born to govern although 3 now 1 m not governing much caludio caudio II 11 threw an apoplectic g at his wife swallowed swall two or th gasps and endeavored to explain I 1 tell you my dear my present hibit lons are the result ot a ire carted arrangement between whereby we were to economize faund it ne beary to stop here and wait tor his graid lose statement to sift through h s wife s pompadour how mme pompadour must writhe in her grave to know thoe hideous deformities are her you see badim he continued we I 1 you we both agreed to econ omie did we nota we did and a pair ot 15 false teeth snapped tight well said ca idle II 11 getting a little more self confidence as he con linued it is this w ay madam drinka are 15 cents apiece for the first time to day I 1 ascertained these same drinks sold two for a quarter he waited a minute to see it his logic were soaking through the rat since they were t I 1 saved alve cents by bl ray present con times |