Show r write in right away about things you want for christmas our stock is complete now prices in keeping with the times SALT LAKE CITY UTAH elixir benna acts gently yet promptly bowels cleanses we system effectually assists one overcoming permanently get bitsi oene Acial ejects buy ane genuine manufactured atho california JIG CO sitf bottlo I 1 1 COMFORT SHOES thousands of women thoroughly enoy the genuine relief and corn fort of martha washington comport shoes they lit like a glove and feel as easy as a stocking no j bother about buttons or laces they just slip on and oil at will elartie at the sides prevents pinching or squeezing and gives with every movement of the foot absolute comfort guaranteed your dealer will supply you if not write to us look for the name and trade mark on j he sole send the name of a dealer who does not handle martha washington comfort shoes and we will send you f re d a beamut ful picture of martha wash agton ze 1520 ve also make the stylish leading lady shoes F mayer boot shoe company MILWAUKEE IS solid comport Comi ort positively cured by these little rills they also dia tress irom dyspepsia in digestion and too dauns A perfect rem edy for dizziness nau drowsiness bad taste in the mouth coated fain in the side LIVER hey regulate the bowels purely vegetable MALL PILL SMALL BOSE SMALL PRICE genuine must bear fac simile signature esst SS St REFUSE substitutes MADE FOR SERVICE and guaranteed absolutely waterproof EKs 11 OILED SUITS SLICKERS AND HATS wry garment guaranteed clean light durable slicker 0 elsw J OW W I 1 |