Show POLITICAL STRAWS STRA S Walter J Mocks Meeks Is not a n candidate for reelection reel as n county recorder Mr Meeks Meeka like the tho office It Is IB conceded that the tho recent visit to Salt Lake of D C Dun Dunbar bar was In a large largo measure connected with the Hearst presidential campaign cnn t Mr Dun Dunbar Dunbar Dunbar bar did not openly admit It but his talk on all tho the situation mat east favored Hearst wonderfully and local friends of r i Dunbar declare that he ho came caine here to feel teel tho the public pulse pul o and place some I lieutenants lieutenant In iii the tho Held field for tor tho the news newspaperman Chairman Frank Frnnk J 3 Cannon It Is stat stated cd ed will lead tho the Hearst forces In tho the Democratic state convention Ho lie will not hot have a 1 more enthusiastic supporter sUI I orter thou George E J Blair The Tho Republican central committee of ot Halt Lake Inka county Is In session cession at tho the his lila afternoon In response o to toa toa a II call Issued by Chairman to hIcCUPS discuss dl cues and select some sonie manner of at choosing delegates delegated to 10 the tho state canyon conven convention tion of at April 8 There Thero Is III some question as ns to the tho advisabilIty of ot holding sepa rato precinct primaries for Cor this purpose or of ot naming the tho delegates In tho coun county count ty t convention Tho The political kettle U Is boiling An Announcements of or candidates are aro coming coinIng forth ly as yet et but bUl surely Ono One of or I the tho earliest Is Judge Morris Sommers 1 statement that ho Ice will bo ho a 11 candidate before the tug Democratic convention for forthe forthe the at or city judge In tho the criminal division to 10 succeed Judge Diehl While somo some of ot tho the Utah political poll situation 11 are oro deplorable a 11 re reorganization reo reorganization organization of ot tho the old Liberal party Is not the remedy because It Is III not ble A great majority of the tho Influential tint of the tho will re roo refuse fuse Tune to Join nn lII party just JUIl n nil as n a 1 majority of the tho Mormons would now 1 decline to support ort a Church party r Times |