Show U ms COCOA ANI TE I is th the markot for I I 12 1 wih wills miles they ar a pUI and d grades I la laCal u Cal Cuu th Ih f Ie the tho l ltd rd tso tho 3 IMf Io un lw lor I de delicacy acy an Ltd I It C 1 the tho On er DiCk l l lne goods WI Ba e CO Uto I IN EUROPE I II ERI A n TAKING COLD Then you OU need Instant attention Yon YOSt fuel feel chilly chiy and have frequent snoozing SI spells be surprised nt at tho the amount of lt it good a I few tW doses tOIS of or Hostel terns tores Stomach hitters 1111 will still w do to you lotS 01 Try It today Resides counteracting Chills Chils Colds La Jn It I Is In also unequal unequalled led lod for Dyspepsia I pep la Indigestion Insomnia Poor Appetite Dizel ness sisal Malaria IOU ore using living It I with wih great satisfaction Why not try tr Ir Irn tra a n bolla HOSTETTE RS STOMACH BITTERS NEW LIBRARY BOOKS DOOKS The 1 following 10 41 books will ha iso honc nc 1 to tho the library lurar Monday morning morn III March Murch 21 1901 Abbot Jackets of Anon AnnAt At Mother and Baby both helped by the use of ol SCOTTS EMULSION U II I will wi enrich the he mothers milk mik and nI make the baby thrive If II I it I is a n bottle botte baby biby put a part of ofa a teaspoonful in the he bottle bote when it is fed led For Por poorly nourished babies and children we vc believe It has no equal In the he world CASTORIA CASTOR CASTORIA I A Alor l t For lor Infants nud auti Children I i The Kind You Have Havo Always Iwa s Bought sought i tho Iho S Bt Url of Qt I j a r rf f f I j 4 1 I I I 5 S |