Show q r 1 t tI I CAMPING WITH THE f SAVAGE jj Superstitions of oi tho Has Hns a Personal jj t z P 2 Devil and Soma Somo Havo 5 5 5 I t v I it Special Chill Chili Feb J camp In ht Iii Vie the village i was ryas arranged with the Indies 1 steeping sleeping 1 tent In the rho center thor tho r Oe nwe other oilier tents set net close around It II and the mules and horses tethered at a little dis tance taace tn whore where a wooded hillock served as IU n A grove of at pimento lImen to pepper trees drooping branches branchell covered with tenth y cry ery leaves at ot darkest groen and long bunches hunches or of rose rOl power pepper r corns corn a nearly touching the tho ground on every overy tilde overshadowed nil nl A of ot armed peons and wa waa tl m seg I their H fl W tp tiu ha n Uj III J J KI IQ l I r r thu thunder c c t pIM Nf tup a n ff l m they out cut en Cu masse innate C In the tha rain to thu Ihl wraiths ot of their heir warriors warrior Than fh n wo wu II remembered r d that t when an ono one of ot party part naked n l J the tho chief chlof It if ha ho U as nut that the ha Spaniard Hll whose lip Mm fur VII lI fill rp HI I rn B orne lime time try pia it Inset Ih till lit iap Fit 1 p II rep replied will witt iti sin In silt r tha 11 B e rat not think U It I pi piM possible 1 II M Icy ws K fully Ully 1 up In Inu Inq Ink Ian k u q II lighting li Ing with the tha Indian iy fly i et and amid helm being themselves pt p and nail over aver again all 1111 L Whoa tha rho storm began 11 Iq p j ae tt watched the skies with the tho Ull utmost H t L I lIty lv tOil fop they have hae eau sura sure n r right ht side It moans means long life ICe many friends fronds and plenty to eat They be belIeve belleve lIeve In the literal resurrection of the tho the dead pass pas it lot once to happy hunting grounds In the th far west whore the sun Iun goes g s to rest relit and Ind there thero each happy Indian has bas ft a I large laige tract tr ct of land awaiting him and all nil the tho wild animals he can slay sla und and eat cat horse is II s skilled When Whon a 1 man dies die his best killed kilted to accompany him unit nuLl nil hIs nis weapons utensils and Md trinkets arc burled buried v with Ith him for use In tho the sunset land lond The Tho friends of the tho deceased put cod on tho the grave gravo every ever night tor for weeks and when foxes wolves and other wild creatures devour It during the hours of oC darkness they believe belleVe that t tho the dead man mut has hM eaten It and Is refreshed on his hla long Jong Journy journ Y The Th are Ar firm believers In ClelI mythical personage who takes tho the place of ot the Christians I real living Jiving walking and und tAlking devil ns nH whom when in tho the Garden of Eden ho ha as IU lImed the form of ot the serpent and con cnn conversed versed with Mother rother Eve Ee It was Clot who caused the ocean at nt one ono time to torise rise over all nil the tho earth and the Indians provo prove it by een and the bones of or marine which are found t und high up 11 In the mountain mountains It li la Clot too ton who Induces people JOllo to 10 steal and Ho Ito and A I of ot theft ID U I always granted n It hearing Hearsay evident evidence or 01 circumstantial wont go goth gothere th there ro must mint In III every Itry case cose be bl two eye IV N N N I r night null anil day and tho the gentlemen took f turns In iii overseeing overawing the tM watch But our ourI precautions proved roved 1 to lo lie entirely un unnecessary unnecessary I necessary Wo We were never eater In tho heart of ot civilization than In Ar In the un wilds willis of ot this desert country i und rand had hall any out fildo danger dunger menaced I 1 that the tha l Indians who considered us ua their a guests and therefore under their protection would have havo defended t us ue with their Ihu It If need be beIt b bIt beIt It happened that n a atone camo canoona on a three days day chilly drizzle common In Inthis Inthis this latitude at ot any time of year where a L wet season und and a 11 dry dr which prevails k near the equator are aront not BO so distinctly I defined Horseback traveling In the I rain through an uninhabited district I 1 would have hava been lIeen extremely h uncomfortable uncomfortable table so we wo w ro easily persuaded to toJ J 1 remain In camp until tho Iho skied skies clear cleared i ed I have camped In ninny many climes 1 J t under diverse and pic plc picnicked 5 nicked with ull sorts aorta of haw t l no never noyer er enjoyed such nuch real camping out the tha Intended spirit of ot which Is la a II return 1 to aboriginal life an here among one ono tl of ot the most warlike tribes on oti the taco faco tacoa r a of or the time earth Tho The s Instated Insisted on taking care of ot tho Iho animals and Z 1 kept UH us plentifully supplied with cool wider water from n a distant spring and brush brushwood i I I wood for tor cooking purposes and every cery moraine ft a 1 young freshly killed I i and dressed was brought as nil n a Rift gift from the chief Knowing that money was wasI I I lA one ant of ot the least desirable lo things 9 weI we 1 give Io there th fH kindhearted barbar I lane Inns as n they the had no iio use uso for tor tho the curI cur currency I c i rency reney of ot civilization we sot got even to their unbounded delight by presents of ot mich nuch trinkets ns os hand buttons cut from our clothes sc materials silk ties tics nail and handkerchiefs etc Tho rho articles that appeared nr tl to Rive give most were n a 1 a II Jews jows harp and Ind n a I wheezy old accordion accord lan which we purchased el front from the th muleteers forr forI for M r I the chit chief My buy M silver tho the chief i Immediately filled tilled with tobacco and ami hung lunS around his neck by l y n a string end I a 1 Jersey be beJ 11 J longing to one of or tho ladles thence li forth served nerved his highness favorite t daughter daugh r n I a child about 12 years old oldus dJ w us os a costume complete reaching roach In from tram Q to knees and being the tho only ii f garment rt slue o wore When tho the storm first began herald heralded t I ed by clouds and muttering j i thunder the Indians appeared to bo bl It i I Te It tI excited for tor they kIlO ther therM WM M to bo another great battle battle In la I AU U AY NV sign by which to know Uno tho the side elde that has won In the ghostly battle If It the clouds move moo toward the tho village a 11 the tho Indians have havo been victorious bulIt but bul It If they move from It U tho the Spaniards hove won and everybody eV Is sorrowful In this Instance the tha clouds swept glori gloriously full tull phalanx 1 1 toward the tho lh 0 town and nil all happy luppy A fea feast t was wua spread to which illicit wo we were bidden and dancing and singing or rather howling was kept up UI nil all night I may mention en passant that though we attended the for to have havo remained away Iway would have been construed ns as showing sym sympathy s m pathy lathy with tho the defeated Spaniards and might have been beon dangerous our oppe cs were wore not IOL voracious homo course flowed far moro more abundantly than water and IUd stowed stewed puppy figured prominently among tho the delicacies Thanks however to the tho horde of ot living canines that prowled around tho the equalling circle and to our ak both real and stimulated ed wo manned d to dispose of ot viands unnoticed amid the Uia general hilarity The worst time CAme camo with tho the ceremony of ot drinking from those awful n skulls Happily of or any color are arc exempt front from that duty the lino sex BOX Icing being too loo to bo ho al allowed owed lowell such with the lords of or We saw tho the men lien of ot our party r grow pain and paler tm CUI those craniums approached being handed from mouth to mouth around the tho circle but afterwards overy avery o one o of ot them then assured us that though they lifted tho the skull and pretended to swat swallow low with gusto their lips touched noth ing Tho The never have hao a feast fea t without putting somo sugar and other toOl Rood things on the graves of ot their dead no sO that the tho departed may have havo their share They believe that when ft a t common Indian dies dle ho he Immediately n a bumblebee loving having nothing to do but JUL to wander up tp lp and down tho the earth eating sweet things and ami stinging his enemies Hence the sugar that la to placed upon tho the grave HrIC All the lime Arau Mau are nrc extremely und tind attach n a signification to every dream The singing of or a certain bird la is regard od rd us ns a P I bad brul omen and augurs n g death The twitching oC of tho the muscles of ot tho the left arm also foretells foretell death mud mul should It occur to nn an Indian when en route to the flold field of ot battle tho the whole army would turn back It If one of ot them hap Imp happens pens to see sec a It nn tho the left let elite of ot tho the trail It IL signifies sickness or Ill III luck but bat It the tho animal stands on the time N N ff witnesses to establish tho the guilt of ot tin tho I offender During our stay slay in tho the camp tho the precious changed hands The chief to whom we gnu gave ga gaIt I It prized It as an nn Invaluable treasure and when It wan 1119 mIssing one morning his transports of ot grief and rage In Induced Induced induced the whole village to join In the tha search At last It IL was discovered hid hidden hidden den under a 1 pile of ot skins In tho the hut but of at tho the medicine man Circumstantial evidence was rather strong against tho time man of ot medicine but as nobody saw him steal It during the tho hours hourI of oC darkness It was taken for or granted that had hlll perpetrated l the mischief It ItIs ItIs Itis Is lawful among all 11 tho the for tor ft II man titan to have havo na ae many wives na nil ashe nahe I he wishes and the tho established rule ule H I i that every overy over wife wire shall each ench day give her husband a II dish of or food tood prepared nt at her own fir Therefore the tho number of tires In each ellch hut but Indicates the number of ot wives Und timid tho the polite way n of ot ascer ascertaining tho the size of or the warriors harem Is III to ask lain hun tho the number lumber of fires Ores In his hia house A woman about to become n a mother Is 18 compelled to neo lice to some somo distant place ft n stream and them In strict Bt her time of trial entirely alone Soon us ns tho the baby Is born bom she Aho bathes It aril ami herself In the thu cold stream no nD matter how Inclement tho tie weather and then Immediately re returns returns turns to her home lint Hut even eon then her Iler trials are arc hardly begun for tor Instead of finding to Lo reecho receive and care for i her tho limo house houlle la is deserted husband mother sister lister wives and amid all having 1 gone gono elsewhere Even tho the furniture such as an It Is tho the cooking cook In utensils food tood everything except some romo skins for tor herto her herto herto to lie on and a n now new skin or blanket gown have been removed For eight days she Bhe must m st remain there alone to tu live or die starve or feed teed herself nt ns best beet sha sho cnn can when her friends return return Then there thero Is 1 great rejoicing and nn tin till baby Is named with ceremony generally after some come bird flower Hower or animal und and unda anda a 1 period of ot feasting ensues ensiles The cold bath which the Infant lice hits received In the lime stream upon whoso buhls bunks ho ha was wan born Is I nn an commencement to his hie career caller of ot Hard Hardships ships shin He lie Is firmly bound to a 1 board so that he in to n conveniently be he B set t up imp In II ft n corner comer and lila ids cold bath continued lire and with but hUL a 1 scanty allowance of ot clothing In order ordel tomake to tomake make him hardy he ho Is compelled throughout babyhood to sleep Bleep out nut ot of doors doom In nil all kinds of weather and Is U never given glen n a 1 mouthful of meat tho dogs loga may ml sneak In to 10 the lire fire mud are to generally well fed tell Should the time tad lad become too fat tilt on hi hlA hie vegetable diet his friends at nl once oneo take him In hand Ho no IH Is sent Bent on n II very vcr long errand on which ho Is required to be Meet fleet nail K It Khe ho he does doeR not run rim fast enough he Is III put pur pursued sued by b trained Imbued runners who vho prick him with sharp thorns and bits of ot bone to let leL time the blood out so that ho he may ml run faster tAster lIe He Is then denied salt Bait ns nil lib his parents varent believe It Is l that which him heavy hOI It If the pour poor child dies dlen of or exposure through his ordeal o nl the rein rela relatives tives thes rejoice that ho has hns no so soon a II happy bumblebee which IH III Infinitely better hetter than to havo have grown up lp a 1 sickly It Is 18 the tho survival of or ortho the tho fittest and tho the urchin who thrives under such sueh harsh treatment and most of ot them thom do lo soon his hili edit edu education cation Tho The great schoolmaster Is la th limo mischievous When limo tho lad nr or at proper liKe ho Is le taken every everyday day to sonic some dark recess reces In it the tho th rocks rocki mud there thero the tho evil one teaches tutu him time tha art of public speaking This exercise excretes Is kept up until 11 ho sl a mat man and has tins learned how hIV to appear well before rte audience according to to entertain the tho wise wife II I men inN of or ortho tho the tribe with n II fine flow nolY of ot language e eThe The education of ot the ends here hert sere but It if a L youth li is particularly bright and aid can obtain tho time consent of tho the council he may nUo niso learn ho to detect and curt curl witchcraft It Is be b believed that nil an sickness Is li duo time to witch witches es and when un tin Amu proficient In detecting n a 1 witch std thin Uia pol on Bho hUll al given Rhon to 10 tho ailing In III Individual ti ho Is III a l in man loan and enjoys enjoy high honors honor among his Ide people FANNia FANNE B D WARD WAnD 0 0 I |