Show BROTHER EDLEF SEirS DEATH brief account of cf his lifs lif a ani ana services ani ana funeral flinoi arrangements on saturday evenin evening brother K NC 0 edlefsen Edle feen who had h been it il for a long time finally passed away to to his long rest brother edlefsen feen has for many years been a conspicuous figure in logan particularly in religious circles circle ib b he was vice president of the logan temple and president over the scandinavians of logan honest and upright a man of sterling isterling integrity hia iab death is a loss to the community at large as well as aa to his big immediate family the remains will lie in state slate at the family residence where they may be viewed dy by his friends on wednesday morning from ten until 1230 funeral services will be held in the upper aiom of the tabernacle at 2 0 clock p rn of the same day and the tae attendance will doubt doubtless lees e very large the high council of which he was a tile member will attend in a body arid will act as pall bearers be arera we have received from mr christian larssn larsen the following OBITUARY niels kiela christian edlefsen Edlef Edle feen aen was born jan 3 3 3 1827 1817 in county of odense denmark baptized into the church of jesus christ of Latt erday saints feb 3rd ard 1858 labored as a missionary in denmark for several years an and held the position of president of br branche i a and and other responsible places ile he emigrated to utah in 1864 and located temporarily in hyrum cache county in 1865 he be located in bear lake stake and for a number of years was bishop in one of the wards there as well tell as a it ember of the high council of that stake slake in 1877 he came to logan where he has ever since rt sided he took an active part in building the logan temple and when completed complete was appointed vice president of that institution which position be has held until his hia death ile he has also been a member of the high council of cache stake for many years and on art aug fth he be was set apart to preside over the scandinavians scandinavia ng of logan brother edlefsen Edle feen was a main man of robust health and until his hia final decease was always found at his post of duty during his illness thou though gb a great sufferer lie he gave many instructions instructions to bis big family and those around him all of which breathed a spirit of humility and forgiveness to all hia big family and friends his end came peacefully feb esth at 7 30 p 1 in |