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Show ,7 i, - .. F- - i . ; v Ili a Almanac ing I i: Ua F 1 tirn In their own way. o' British could cot favorably ..for . our General Jackson cting their affairs. have been super-- ' with officers of j jis. and Sir That, . , tb! Id -- enfilade tho whenro they cosll-rndaBritish advance with terrible effect Lava Bet the n di r vvav gi n7 runvdr JTr' hopes -an 1 the brlid columns moved unthinkbim ingly, unflinchingly, onward, at first Their fcteariily and unopposid; then an Amerabund ican officer caught the gleam of red- - j highc coats through tho fog and gave the who we ''alarm by firing the gun which ho comif efforts to extri-- . manded, and the bnttlo heads t ;; began. n tho trap into cate thci, At the beginning cf tho fight and ed so willingly, which they its continuance General Jackson i vero between the during Penned i p walked along the lines, saying to tho marshes and tl :jv, they could not soldiers: "Stand to your guns, my men. advanco witho: aible loss or retreat Dont waste ammunition. See that evdangei f being cut to pieces. ery ehot tells. Give it to em, boys. W They were detc mined to advance, how- must finish this business today. ever, as tho er u6tantly arriving And give it to em they did, onr showed, but of their further sharpshooters picking off the officers plans General Jackson was ignorant and soldiers as coolly and unerringly as General Pakenham bad formed, says though they bad been squirrels in a a British officer who was in the thick tree. Gibbs column was opposed by a was of it all, a new scheme which of sharpshooters, who at the line triplo worthy for Its boldness of the school in word firo poured into the solid phawhich Sir Edward had Etudicd bis pro- lanxes a most deadly volley. Pattersons fession. It was determined to divide the batteries enfiladed, the cannon on the army, to send part across tho river, who mud bank joined in, and the Eritish should seize the enemys guns and turn lines staggered, halted, wavered, then them on themselves, while tho remain- went down like grass before the mowder should at tho eaftio time make a ers Their commander fell scythe. general assault along the whole intrench General Pakenham himand wounded, . ment. . self dashed ahead and strove to lead the Now, this was one of but two ideas men up to the breastworks, shouting: which Sir Edward posEOssed to his creFollow mo. This is tho road yon ought dit Tho other was the destruction of the to take.' Caroline. This one was also good, but It was. The path of glory leads but not original, for General Jackson bad to tho grave, They found their graves been apprehensive of this very move, then and there. Tho desperate comthough from no fault of his it eventualhis to fell arm manders side, sliattered. ly miscarried. After a week of arduous He did not notice it.- His horse was shot labor tho Eritish cut a canal across a from under him. He mounted another ucck of land to the river, by which and spurred into the vortex of that hell troops were eent to silence tho big guns of fire, shunting, Hurrah, brave higDomrnodoro Patterson had landed from hlanders!, Then, Order up the re the iFkislana, and by capturing which serves!" his last command, for a tern they could turn the American defenses. pest of grapeshot struck the group of This, of course, was the true line of op which he was the center, and he fell erationiL-bu- t e lasting .sorrow of the ,iutq. tbc.arm ctrm aldJWs.thigh torn British nation, it failed of execution. open, was home to tho rear and expired It was not till the 6th of January without regaining consciousness. Tho highlanders advanced unwaverthat General Jackson suspected tho enho ing until within about 800 yards of our emys design, tud then, although was too good a strategist not to perccivo lines, when, suddenly finding more than its merits..hecoulliloL.,littlobnt await half their number Elain, they broke and further their movements. On the after- fled, horrified, amazed, totally demoralnoon of the 7th suspicious noises In the ized. But two or three gained the sum jmiloLlhepaKipLOHQ of . these,an some great event. I expect we shall officer, demanded the sword of an AmerSee some fun between this and tomorican, when ho was informed that if he look around he would find him would to a brave Patterson said tho row, As eve' : f LEfiiiS, i. s I IS ... , i Sketches of the Career of Andrew Jackson His Sturdy Americanism and His Picturesque Will Answer gSBtaa) . Personality. Any Question Author of. "The Empress Josephine The Life of George Washing ' ton," Etc., Etc. You m ay Ask It Standard American Annual. . $ $ f -- IST8, Copyright, ft ' ' By F A. OSES, by tho Author. XV. WATCHING THE EMETS. t Thinking perhaps to frighten the American militia away by a display of his hitherto invincible veterans, Major General Sir Edtvard.Pakenham brought column PRICE Ready Jan . , 1898 , On All News Stands. Larger, Better, More Complete Than Ever. . after column of magnificent sol-dia- ry and marched them toward the Yankee lino of defense. But instead of scrambling up and scampering away, as he probably expected, the men of our army lay aa quittly behind their mnd embankment aa though in their beds until the solid ranks came within range of their guns, when they met such a volley as sent them install ter to tho right about, flying m confusion to cor er. The little Louisiana was an important factor in this retreat, sweeping the field with solid shot and shell. Having n failed to shake thp unbroken and ted front of the American line, General Pakcnham cboso to call" this misguided advance and retreat a re connoissancc in force and for several days thereafter Tlid not eeek to disturb the ominous quietudo of his intrepid un-dan- jjyTtemost Kiddy sold Annual Refer, ptes Booh and Political Manual published. HE-WORLDr Pulitzer Building, New York. enemy, Itr thoeilencerand'pirrtrrtion-tjf'th- e Send orders to The 'Journal, dense fogs that swept over the plain the British next expended their superabunLogan, Utah. dant energy in erecting a battery of 30 within 300 ynrd3 of the American THE THATCHER BROS guns secrccy-La- A breastworks, and, in-sthey worked that our commander did BANKING not know of this formidable battery until it opened on him, at first with deUttjr, Uik, Oh, if we had hut moralizing effect. Ci?fT..I60.000. 'SaaPLUS, $29, (OC charged at that moment P says a Brit ish officer who was there engaged. But UIKKOTOBS. they did not charge, and within two their guns were silenced, after the hours President ( u it. r HATCHES, 1 HILLS, grnndest artillery duel our soldiers had ever witnessed. Then it was seen, after David H. Peery, TnaushorP Hm James Mack, Jaeoa Sharp, the smoke and fog rolled away, that the Wm. IX Hendrick W, W, Biter, &. L. battery was a htap of ruins, its guns Martlaeaa S. J. Tay'or, -a. a, yiitohiJW dismounted, Its breastwork-of sugar Cashier 4. a. Hitoa. barrels and loose earth had gone down before the American fire like heaps of gatings Department: straw.- The British were hardly able to extricate their guns, and as it was at gays per cent Interest on savlnt depoa luMect to withdrawal on thirty days notle half a dozen remained on the field. Interest compounded quarterly. Bn? end Mil foreign And domoitlo exoharg The captured barrels of sugar, of which the Britihh commander had so OoUeetiom Undo Promptly . foolishly made his defenses, proved even less serviceable than the bales of Correspondents. cotton, of which General Jackson did Htorn National Bank.New York. Omaha Motional Bank, Omaha. not construct his. He may hare used Bank of California. San Franetaoo the bales experimentally,, but it was soon perceived that they were worse than useless, the solid shot knocking Cache Valley Time Card, them about like tenpins and the shell setting them'afire, thus creating smoke Line R. R. and confusion. They were quickly re- noh 00. Vloe-Prealde- . . - l'-u-- t Oregon Short KORTH BOCND. No. 15 leaves daily except Sunday. Nos. 11 and 9 leave daily. .. , Pocatello, Salt ' UkrT T dXJ s 'j y. iTt vi i : vHf. y tit I i socth Bora?. LEAVES. - is 4 i v W 's K f 'K w, j- JiJr yv ttlMLATCRE OF GENERAL JACKSON. moved, and the relianco placed in the soft compacted mud, which received and held the tolls, was found not to bo misplaced. A certain Frenchman whose cotton had been seized for this purpose approached the general with a bill for his property, when, learning that ho had not taken any part iu the defense, ' , AtMVZS. the shrewd Jackson ordered a innsket to , bo placed in his bands, sayiag that one Ogden, 5:55p.m. ' ' Salt Lake, 7 :15p.m. who was so well provided with this 2:55a.m. Pocatello, worlds goods should not object to assist in defending his popsest-ioiw- . (XT' For tickets to, or from all The British rcconuois.su nee in force points East, West, North or South, was made on the 2tb of D cember, and the year went out quietly,. tho Ameripall on cans remaining strictly oit the deft n- W. W, Woodside, while their enemies wile conceit- she, No. 10. ' No. 12. No. 16 9 :45p.m. - 9 :15a.m. 10:05p.m. 9:53a.m, 10 :23p.m.lO :25a.m. 10: 40p.rn.ll :00a.m. Logan, 3:S0p.m. 11 :00p.mll: 40a.m. Mendon, 3:50p.m. 11:20p.m. 12:15a.m. Cache J. 4:15p.m. 11:45p.m. 1:00p.m. Preston, 2 :15p.m. Franklin, 2:35p.m. Richmond, 2 :53p.m. Smithfield, 3 :10p.m. - - v J tiros. I)ru Co. f- Ward Coafsrenc, Agent' Hut 5 - ; . Ward coo fere noes will be held in Cache Stake as billows: Greenville, M and Millville Feb. 13th. PKyidenee, Logan 4th ward and 7th ward 20th. Bogan 6th ward, .Hyde Park and Wellsville Feb 27th. Logan 3rd and 1st wards, and Uyrum Mar. 13th. Logan 5th and 2nd wards, and ei-do- Coveville March 20ih. ' t . Richmond, Benson and Paradise March 27 th. Bishops will please' note the dates for their respective conferences and make arrangements accordingly, Respectfully, Orson Smith, Prest. t 5 We are anxious to do a little good in this world and can think, to-d- o of rso pleaantcr- - or better-wa- yOne than it by recommendiog Minute Cough Cure as a prevent ive of pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that follow n glected ,.. colds,Co- , op Grocery & Drug Co, COUNTY DIRECTORY CACHE COUNTY OmCIUS DUtrlct Judge Chrl H. Bart -Cotnialssloners-Hrrtnn HybaJl,"WinUa" Sparks, and Marvin Woolf. -- . e -- - , Dun-donal- d, Peace-Const- able v - - Peace-Jose- i.V - wvb Nos. 10 and 12 leaves daily and No. 16 daily except Sunday. - - --- , faction or rnODev refunded. Price-2cents a box. For sale by Riter ments had vanished," us he afterward Clerk BopklnJ Mathew. Recorder Bowie Morrhead. """ bundles diers tying together 'of reeds said; as if tho earth had opened and County Assessor Simrm M. Molen. and sugar cane and others lashing poles swallowed them np. Treasurer J area T. Farr, J r. to strips- - of wood,' and there was bnt Throughout that mile long line of Coanty Suneyoi daard Hansen. FroaecutiuK Attorney Frank 1C, Nebektfr tattle"-thone inference to be deduced from this fight bad raged with much Sherlff-Fred Turner, e same effect, until tho desolating fire fascines for filling up his ditches and Superintendent of District Schoola-Saa- ou 0'dham. more rifle cannon was trom i than Flsb and Game Commissioner end scaling ladders for surmounting the Fred Turner .vw breastworks. lie had obtained but little mortal man could oppose and in less Inspector ol Bee a Henry Bullock. eaten scantily, these past days than half an hour front the beginning Sheep Inspector. James Lothouae, sleep-an1 and weary nights, but at 2 oclock on the what was left of the British columns PRECINCT OFFICERS, rout. were disastrous in Twenty-fiv- e memawoke 8th' he of the the morning LOS AH FikCINCT. of minutes Result, only deadly carnage. bers of his staff, saying, Come, we of the Fesee W. N, komaa. tutlce Constable George Fieiw, have slept enough ! And each man re- 2,600 killed, wounded and prisoners on W. Howland. Road Supervisor-Jo- b British the the American, side; alqn to were men His his poet paired PROVIDENCE PBSCIKCT. 14 no killed and wounded; prisoners ready alert, their arms, such, as they Justice of the Peace H. A. Campbell were, in readiness,. aniL ha found them never before, perhaps never since, such Constable George M. Pickett. Road Suporvlaoi Soren Poulsen. picking their flints and peering OYrt the deadly dispariry. xrLtvnxE piEciscri ABritiFh X)fficcrwbo' escaped from embankments Into the' darknesiT of the Peace Job. T. Smith If you must sleep, he cautioned that whirlwind of shot and shell and Justice Constable F.T. Yates. Road Supervisor John King, them as ho walked among his soldiers, lived to write of it says iu his memoirs: The misty field of battle was now in PASAD1IE PEEC1MCT. then sleep warning and encouraging, Justices Peace J. L. P.no . officers of and with wounded tbs undated but dont fire, boys, upon your arms, CocstaUe Lewis Hon ale v. from to rear soldiers the the going until yon see the whites of their eyes. Road Supervisor W . H, Thomas. On the other title all was activity, right, left and centpr. In fact, little HTBDlf rSECIXCT. Justice of tbe Peace-- I. c. Thoreseu, and at 4 oclock iu the morning the bulk more than 1,000 soldiers were loft un Andrew G. Kelson. of the British army was in readiness for scathed of tho 3,000 who had attacked Constable Road Supervisor Wm. A. McBride linen. American Pakenham the wa3 the assault WSLUmiE PRECINCT, , killed, Gibbs mortally wounded, his Justice of tbe Peace David Murray. , XYL brigade dispersed like dust before the Constable Joseph B. Wood wa d. Road R. Charles Supervisor Keene wounded. and The Bailey, TEC GLOEIOUS EIGHTH OF JAMTART. whirlwind, ' Jmendon precinct. command of his majestys forces now Said 'Admiral Cochrane, Lord to Major General Sir Edward fell to Major General Lambert, who Justice of the . - , Pakenham, G. C. B. : If yon cannot was the only general left, and who was Road Supervisor Andrew forensea PETEBSBORO PRECINCT. toko those mud banks, defended only by in reserve with his fine , brigade. As fbaPeace-Cb- aa. JasHceof soon os was over the some action and do with W.Maughau; it myself, ragged militia,' Ill uonstsble John H Barker Jr. Road Superrieor-- EJ 2,000 of my sailors, armed only with troops were formed in our rear we then, ward Edwards under a smart fire cf grape and round REN ION PRECINCT. pistols and cutlascs. Fourteen thousand soldiers had been shot, moved to the right and joined our Justice of the Peace Wm. Catmm Constable Jesse T. Reese. . , landed on Louisiana's soil; 9,000 were own corps, which had been ordered to lie Road Supervisor-Pa- ul Card on. in camp in front of the American por- down at the edgo of a ditch, and some NEWTON PRECINCT, tion; 5,000 were led to tho assault at of the old soldiers, with rage depicted Justice of the ard Ballard 8th of on their countenances, were demanding Constable IraaeBcnion. daylight on tho morning of-tb Road Supervisor Wm. r. Rigby Jr. January, 181 5. JiYhCT theremntmts of f why they were net led to 'the assault.CLARXSTON PRRCINCT, the brave battalions came hurrying buck The firo of tho Americans from, bohind Justice of tbe Peace John Thompson been Indeed most to tho ships in tumultuous confusion, their barricades had Constable John I. Godfrey. Admiral Cochrane seems to have forgot- - murderous and had caused so sudden a . Road Supervisor Chas, St runway. TRENTON PRECINCT. ten his boastful declaration. repulse that it was difficult to persuade " Jnrttceof ph the Woedf General Gibb?,. with 3,000"ineu7 was 'ourselves that such an event had hapConstable A. H. Henderson whole effair being more like Road Supervisor Wm. Bingham assigned to position in front of what pened, the LEWISTON PRECINCT, was assumed to bo the weakest point cf a dream oF somo scene of enchantment Justice of tbe Peace A. D. Smith tho American line; next . to him 1,000 than reality, - Constable George HoUldaV. And yet behind the American in i i Road Supervisor-Mor- on picked troops under Colonel Rennie; Stocks, i , next the famous praying highland- - trenebments yverojwliQlo regimonta that (BOVEVILLEPEECINCT.i of Peace v Justice he GohJoa. , 8. had Allen. never commanded fired 900 shot. a "ers,' by "strong, Raging now and Constable K. S. ' eral Keene. Besides these 5,000 fighters, impatient to share in the glory of this Road Supervisor Larsen. r Hyrum Bair. - . Irish and the block victory, they demanded to be led against the Forty-fourt- h N1CHN0N9 PRECINCT. Justice ol the Peace-- 8. R. Telfoi d regiment from Jamaica were employed the retreating and demoralized enemy, to earry and placo the fa.cine$$md scal- but General Jackson refused to sanction - Constable Road Supervisor Francis Lewis. NITKPIELD PRECINCT ing ladders.- These last are said to have an advance, feeling that tho foe was wandered helplesJy and aimlessly over still too strong to be successfully met Justice of tbe Peace George Y. Bm ' W. PI) ring ton ' the field, getting in the way of tho in open plain, strewn ns it was with Constable Road Supervisor Wm. V . Harper, ' " fasa of windrows never the slain. soldier and Old that placing single fighters HTDE PARE PRECINCTcine ,or ladder in ditch or against em- ho was and inured to scenes of slaughfustics ef the Peace J. W. D. Hama Constable Geo. D. Reeder bankment. -- There was no occasion for ter, General Jackson was visibly imry E. Hancey, , tlicir doing so, however, but at least pressed by this devastation, and he said Road Supervisor-HenCOlAtai PRECINCT, tho afterward: of cat so never had have I years way. long kept they might Justice of the Pence John H. Tbotp ) Oonstable-Hytt- un Olsen. Daylight was just breaking when the grand and awful an idea of the resurRoad Supervisor Lara Sorenson. f . ominous and fatal rocket was sent fky- - rection as on that day. After tho smoke AVON ; ward, the signal for attack. , This was of battle had cleared off somewhat I Road Snpervlsor-J- sj. PEECINCT. f J. Far ' the first in o series of blunders, the first saw in the ditauco more than COO Constable E. FreOrlckseu, I. . . and irretrievably fatal mistake being Britons emerging. from the heaps of Justice Jas.C, Orr NT. ITlSUNaERCINCT, the ordering of tho main assault before their dead comrades all over ke plain, Read Supervisor- - N. J. Hartvlgsea Thornton, whV had Iwn sent across the rising up and still more distinctly visiJuatlce Of Prsce-J- os H, Parker. Oonstable Thomas W. Lloyd. river, had silenced Tattcrsons big guns; ble as the field became clearer,- coming for theta latter were In a position forward and surrendering themselves as DU AIC eilEM IU P Road -- 8:25p.m, 8:15a.m. 12:55p.m. . It Peace-Will- am! AREIVIS. STATIONS. fdfndrVVltrhirffia(Tglak,eFtherjenT eral could see some of the 'British sol- urea Piles, or no pay required. is guaranteed to give perfect satis- -- Southfield, 6 :40p.m.;7; 19a. null tfifla.mj Hichmond,7 :10p.nu 7 i35a.rn.12 :15 p.m. Franklin, 7:45p,m. 7:55a.m. 12:35p.m. Preston, lo-tk- V. EncHhs Arnica Salv, The Best Salve irf the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, Fever sores, Tetter, Chapped1 hands, Chilblains, Corr.B, and all ikin Eruptions, and positively" ! No. 9. 9:15 a.m. Ogden, Cache Jun.4 :40p.m. 6 :15a.m.' 10 :55a.m. Mendon, 5:20p.m. 6:40a.m. 11:20a.m. ' 6:00p.m. 7:00a.m. ll:40a.m, Logan 4 . pro.-trat- . LEAVES. No. 11. 3 :15 a.m. No. 15. - 'tlf prisoners of war to our FcldieTs.' bad fallen at jmr firft fire upon therm without having received as much ns m o scratch and lay as if dead un til the close of tho action. -- ( 1 ! - .. . . - '5 -- F , ' - Bupenltor- Carl y,.Kolson ' |