Show ITEMS ABOUT PEOPLE henry tie ile the globe trotter says 1 I i hae it tot foi the last 15 jears ears in S biben a in borneo and ani in chinese tanar afeld deser describe roeroy my climb ia pas as the severest ph physical ex exponent ol of my lile life bruno ol of south germany played two of mot mo t dimi cult compositions on oil tile lie plano piano baor an audience ot of musical cecils belon lie atas as five fire yea years rs old many irany e expect 1 pee ihal a I 1 lie nill ill become one of the greatt greate masters ati rs of modern times F 2 gov cov Nort northen ben of georgia gla cao a that he is in faor of four informs in in th the state estate first text textile lie aral training ning schools second abin an policy abka will teach scientific farming thild good roads and nd fourtha fourth a defoi reformatory matoy prison for the detention of youthful cz giminis mrs its ann J stiles aiho A ho erected stile hallat hall at a cost of for the I 1 ligion ic ell and alid social uses use of the students of tile llie university L of california died in berkeley atil at tuc beag age of 84 mrs ankh wa was s born in I 1 milbrae ohl brae mass mas she ha a lied in california onto 1856 it has ever been the one dream or of queen victorias life to undertake under tahe a I 1 pilgrimage to the holy land and aid al 1 0 one 11 e time lime luring during the early years of her widow loi hood she was on en the point of proceeding thither with inith her aei friend laid and spiritual P ad adiger iier loiler the late dean stanley us cicerone |