Show POINTS coal dimco per ton on 11 CHEAP und and flowerily flowering e plants at al the lugan logan nurseries I 1 wr wn tire are well supplier lien with world almanacs Almin acs price 25 cents ATTY keeler kealer departed for brig hara barn city oa sunday to attend court there ATTORNEY george J marsh of ogden came to lo 10 logan oan yesterday on leal le e al business SELLING out below cost ladies and thild childr renti erlo winter wraps at sisters JUDGE r hart went to lo on sunday to be in readiness to open court morning ma john jilin matthews mater laa ter of the newly established king effice asce was a lo 10 logan gan A great many people from the settlements were ivere in town on satur day and they all reported considerable sickness sica ness in their respective THE juhn john S lindsay co has decided to reduce toe price of tickets for its series of performances r er brinan cea here to 25 33 35 and 50 30 cents f NONE KONE of tho the country choirs need anti entertain any fear of e the contes for pr prizes i zes kit at the coming eist fod because of the logan tabernacle Ecle choir as that body of sanber has been barred from entering the B Y college had bad to be closed yesterday on account of the watt avater r pipes being frozen up rendering it impossible to obtain water for the he heating beating apparatus all will trill be well today however as a pump was put in place yesterday whooping ning cough is the most dis di treb freeing treeing bill malady but its duration can be cut short by the use of one minute cough cure which is also the best known remedy for croup arid all lung lang and bronchial les coop co op grocery drug co I 1 W B preston occupied the greater part of the time in priesthood meeting on saturday in dwelling upon the duties of those holding the priesthood prest smith also spoke for a short ebert time THERE was a row at the charpe ter ball given in the fifth ward 0 friday evening some of the young men who attended it it ap 1 pears got rather fresh and as a result got their bloomin bloor nin leads eads punched no arrests were made however ox sunday evening evenin jno A mcalister McA liFter and W IN B preston jr were installed as counselors to bishop B M lewis of the first ward thoe those positions having become vacant by the removal from the ward of mr joi joa E wilson and joseph kimball MR and mrs andrew king had bad the misfortune to lose one of their twin babies yesterday morning a bright little six months old girl which died of bronchitis funeral services will be held in the fifth ward meeting house on oil Wednes ua morning at 12 ocl cick ocl friends of the family are invited to attend atif THE E funeral of mrs J W harry was held in the fourth ward meeting house on sunday the house baswell was well filled with friends and sympathizers elder A baer of Providenc larsen lareen of preston andreas peterson 0 C ormsby and bishop thab X smith were the speakers nad and they all bore testimony to the worth of mrs harry A large concourse fol bowed the remains rema ng t in the grave GOOD pure liquors of all kinds at J R edwards 0 gnass garden and flower at the logon logan nurseries t f MANAC MANAGER Eit after being confined to hi home fur for some t time I 1 W e by severs illness is able to be out again BY buying a thermometer at riter hiler bros drug co you can tell how cold it is prices from 15 cents up marriage licenses R E W Y LO 22 and annabelle glenn 21 both of mt sterling william I 1 corenson 27 of mendor mendon and rhoda kay 27 of logan A grand Cliar character acter ball will be given friday evenin evening feb 11 I 1 1898 1808 at the opera house three cash prizes will be awarded to the beet sustained characters grand time guaranteed f THE old time party to bp given in the nichola Nic holt Dancing Academy on friday evening will be a hummer burn mer the music will be of the best but the tunes and dances will bs be of the good old kind THE hyde park dramatic co 0 gave a performance on friday night for the benefit of mr george balls who will shortly depart on it mission to the northern states the attendance was very to good and about 3 30 was cleared which was presented to mr balls on sunday THE prosecution was withdrawn ye yesterday berday in tile the case of dr james boynton arrested for practising practicing medicine without a state license upon udon his agreeing to appear apgear before the medical board and pass the examination necessary to procure a license licence and plying the costs of court dr Boyn tons action was taken upon the advice of his attorney gep Q rich MR rudolph of providence has returned from salt loke and ogden where he spent gome come time in endeavoring to interest capital in a small cyanide plant in providence for treating tre atine the 0 oc e obtained from reveral everal very promising claims owned by him and located but a short distance from providence he says he was fairly successful and believes that by byg spring pring a small plant will mil be established there morning at mrs lurena of salt lake one of pioneers mother of W P ira aaron ashton and aquila mrs mra rose reaella ll 11 stokes mrs fred eldredge eldrede Eldr edgo a and nd mrs Pres cendia richards irand grandmother of frank K clara and naomi and mrs irs A gordon of this city and an aunt of mrs aaron F farr jr died at tier her home in that city lion and mrs aquila had been in salt lake for several days having been called hither by her illness the end was dot cot unexpected as the lie lady had been ill for some time mrs passed through all the trials and hardships of pioneer life and raised a I 1 large arge fa family m ily all of whom are reputable citizens she was a woman of indomitable courage and unswerving integrity she was the soul of charity and had bad the respect and love of a large circle of friends from one end of the state to the other peace beace to her ashes |