Show FOR THE STAMP fiend T tast alear there has as only one pneumatic postal tube in opi ution in the country thit that in ill phil since then foun noie contracts on tracts trac is hae been executed in york and boston nen yoi boik k victoria has followed tile the example ol if new south walet all and ie isnec jubilee stamps the leading collectors ady advise csc that the stamps be boycotted bill it is useless the average ge col collector letor 11 aust list haie bale them theirl no matter what ills bis opinion Is is its as to merit it h has as been that the portrait trai t of seward reward would be substituted for grant on the five cent stamps because of the great interest balan in alaska aska of 1 biell sela ard as the parent the rumor I 1 is a absurd oswald awty be entitled to honor bonor for his foresight foie sight but i it must mus t cosne come it in some other v ny ay the contract for cupple ing ibe gor fior e rement with mith postage stamps enill ill expire july 1 1808 1898 As s a number ot of the lower d tle en nominations ions are booked to for r a 11 hange change in color it oulu rot be surprising P jiin it if an all entire new issue should shou lil maha la lice its ap appearance learance at that liine ilme there has been increased demand tor for i ahe he incised incased pottage lamps amps of ct tile the ifal karue i etie ill lich daring the libe var liar in the dearth ol of mai charie chari e 1 collectors l s should be on oft their gu guard rd h however as there i its a cicat icat chance for fraud iu in these stamps |