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Show H. DINWOODEY, FURNITURE DEALER And upiiol.stek.uk. All kinds of IMPORTED FURNITURE Oonstantly on hand at tho Salesroom, ! EAST TEMPLE ST. Every description of HOME-MADE FURNITURE At the Factory and Salesroom, i;iKST SOUTH STKEET, S. L. CiTY COFFINS, . FLAIX and ORXAMEXTAL si Always in Stock. Z. C. M. I. Clothing Departm't FRESH ARRIVALS Of New Goods in Fall and WINTER SUITS I OVERCOATS, CAPES, TALMAS Military Clothing, &.c. AIeo a Full Variety of GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS Gents', Ladies' and Boys' BOOTS & SHOES Gents' Youths' and Boys' HATS and CAPS. TRUNKS in all styles and qualities. Valises and Carpet Sacks. Carpets",Matting, Floor Cloths Wall Paper aud Decorations. Always on hand and for pale by the yard, a large stock of French and English. Cassimeres, Doeskins, Beavers, Military Cloths, Home Made Tweeds, dbc. SUITS MADE TO ORDER ! Gentlemen's Clothing, or Military Suits, made to order in the ewet Style of Fashion . on ihe shorte-t notice. First-claaa f it and Workmanship Guaranteed. MILITARY TRIMMINGS IN GREAT VARIETY. nil H. B. CLAWSON, Scpt. A N EW SUPPLY of the celebrated STUDEBAKEIl WAGONS IIAB JUST AREIVED. Kmbr&:iii h"vy nI li;'lit FARM AND KANYON WAGONS The Favorite J X -A. 1VX Q INT 1 -ir.-l otli.-r LIGHT SPRING WAGONS, Very'lcKlrable for Knuilly iut, I Ijy otii'i'!liik"r WofH ,ir tuinnfacliirfnt nt A tli., v.-ry ; rriAttnaU ,y tl., ui'M rniitfiit ''(!)' n in th 'I'mtitry, aii'I htu WAHHA.VTKI) FIHHTCIjANM. FOR y A 1,K AT OJIKAP KATK., .ioii r. ;aim;, awih, Halt Lako Mr-raid OIW. UTAH CENTRAL UA1L.UOAD. PIONEER LINE GF UTAH. On and after Thursday, Dec. 1, 1870. Daily Trains Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m and 2:46 p.m. Arrive at Ogden 7 a. m. imd 4:4o p. m. Leave Ogden at 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Fare from Salt Lake City to Wood's Cross S .70 Centreville S .90 Farmington $l,'Ja Kaysrille l.5 Cgden 2.50 Fare from Ogden to Kaysville SI. 30 Farmington SI. 05 Centreville 2.05 "Wood's Cross 2 25 Salt Lake City 2.50 In addition to the aboe AN ACCOMODATION TRAIN Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED. Leaving Ogden at 5 a. m. and Salt Lake City at 4; 40 p. m., On which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the same day and train free, and will atop by arranging with the conductor at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers. Passengers -will please Purchase their Tickets at the Oflicea. Fifty Cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning freight or passage, apply to D. O. C ALDER, Ticket and Freight Ag' Salt Lake City. JOS. . YOUrVG. Supt. LIVERPOOL & QUEEN3T0WN. IN MAN L INE Of Royal Mall Steamers, Sailing from ew York Every Saturday, AND Alternate Tuesday. Cabin Parage, to Liverpool, (poll) S7 .00 Steerage " " " (cur.) 30.0 0 Passage from Liverpool to e w York Cabin, ... (Om1-5) $7. "5. OO Steerage, - - (CuTeucy) 31. OO Round Trip Tickets Uaued at very low rate , JOHN" G. DALE, A-nt. 15 Broadway, 'ow York, Or WILLIAM CALDKR, Acnt. o27 Salt Lake Citr. L"'ih. PIONEER SHORT ROUTE tA3T. CHICAGO & NORTHfVEST'M RAILWAY Shortest and Q,nlcket Route from Omaha to Chicago and the Kant. The Eastern Exprei leaver Omaha daily in connection with trams on the Central and Union Pacific railroads, and arrives iu Chicago Chi-cago in advance of all other routes. A new and splendid line of Pullman Palace Hotel and Bleeping Coaches U3 recently been built for this Company. The Chicago and North-wtom in th I'lonwr Railway botwtrtn Oniatia and Cilirrtifo, livitJi( lu complcUjd jtub THKKK VKAKd A'ii; mr which time, tli Waimf-m hnvt, apurml uittiwi pajns nor exj?ne in pvrfv.ting iu rowl-U-U and track and jniipin(( It with rolling iv-.k of th mort mwlcrn iijproT'-mrit; tlii, tnvOmr with t Ik-fact Ik-fact of lU beioK tiie Hiliorteat liuu. otN-r to lie Traveling Patlic an 10wU.ru root uintiallcJ for Speed, Comfort and Safety. Baggage checks throngh to all point K noeitra charge for traiilor at Otualia or Outage to par ilea holfling through ticknU. bo Bar and ak for Tirku via Chirago Nortb-wMtern Railway, which can h ohUit.M all th prinrtp4) railwny an'l ot'-amlxiat ofli- tli Unit'.-l fcttit, ami of Wm. CaMr, Tirkt ag- nt, othrji at CAI.DKK UKOK.' Btoro, ttat Ttiplo dt Bait Lake City. For any irifr-nuntlon In regard U Frciht.ajn.ly to HARRY ROGERS, W' lU'm l'M'r ami Fr't a' nt, II. P. HY AN WOOD, 0n. Ti' k' t Agnt, Oiirago OKO. I... LUM.AI,,0t.er.il u.i. W. R. HTRONU O'lnxral Ag-nt. O'niha. N-k STJt ayi:i 1,"KOM Bl.ck K'.ck. Dn-. 2ith. Olio ll;irk llriiwn .MAIIK. Iiriin'li-.l Y un loll liip. faupi'Orte'J to bo fill'. lit cuht yiviTj ol.l, ny xiirtnu (tivinif inform tti..n of hnr whTiTiiloiil or brinKiiiK hnr l JIH. A, YOUNG'S Ol.lblOi, Hill bo nuiUbly r.wiinloil MORE LIGHT! Jl Shim fr MV. THEDANFOJTH FLUID a tJjo Jiilil for dm l'ciiilc. Only :. i;r tcl. IIY TIIE I'lVH (ALLO.NS. TIIK (i A M-.l y.'v liriCM.II, Villioijl.Cliiluu'-.vii, M llil tliiuie TIIK I'A( K I.ADII'M A ro tlio only .orlu'-tly mi'o In iiipb, AH HAKK AM r.VNIif.KH. A NEW AIIK1VAI CF I AMPS, LAM THINS ANU KIJID, i:, ici:i,hi; ,v ro., tls f.'orn.r poutli of Wullmr Uro.t'. CHICAGO TfiADE. . MARXLEY, fiLLiMG & CO, Importers and Jobbers in Hardware Cutlery 51 Lake Strtet, CHICAGO, - - - ILL,. D1EB0LD &. KIENZLE, Successor: to DieboM, Buhmanu 4 Co., CKLEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatic " Bank E j a Z3 E PRATT & COVEKT. General Agents 8G "Washington St., Cliicago. II. B. CI.AWSOS, Snpt. Z. C. M. I-, Ascnt for tUnli Territory. KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Milh'ntry and Straw Goods, OS &. 70 Wabash Ave., flTTTp A flfl 3 4 Utaiboru Place, LfiliUttlJU jl nuiGGs house B- II, Skinner, Proprietor. Corner IVells and p T T ( n p i KundolpU Streets, J 11 l lAuU. This Uouso is centrally located, well furnished, fur-nished, ana contains 2o0 Rooms. d-J CHASE, HANFCRO & CO., 51 Soutli Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of tho celebrated WILSON OIL TANK ,113 I AGE, 11KO.& CO., InijiorterB aud De.ilera iu LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, CHICAGO. ILL Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELED & CO., Slanufactururs of 1 Engine, hlc-.nl, Tnllow, Lard and WOOL OILs. 1 Dtrulors in Headlight Carbon, WdaIq Eli'jdiuiit, 6aiti and tiperui (Jjis, i A-.Dta l- r llu- -ile -'f PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Aleuts of tliy Went Virginia Oil an i Oil L.in-1 M VSL'I" AC7LT-LR4 OT EXCELSIOR CAR, RJQF AH J IRON PAINT for Tin iiuJSiiiUpU- K.f-, ihi l ThI-t-, A,-. Fai:K.ry. CII 1CAGO. Mri.c. Jl Jj Illiii-:; .-t., I'-i S. V.icr air.-. t, i,li VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID WIIOHOS.V DRUGGISTS Ucalen I n PA!?JT3, VARNISHES, CIL8, DYE STUFFS, BRU3HIS, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine, oto.. &c 00, 04 04 Lake St., cor. Dearborn mz s m m ms: m With ft lartrc exrrrirn'e in tho Territorial trad-;, we t ul duro of giving saIij tjliun id fjuality, rricM an'l I'arkirtK. '!" NEW YORK TRADE. C. A. L'nt(Urect. John Hcdtfirirlt. LONGSTREET & SED3WICK Mjinuf.icturT of and Wb'de.'.ilo iuilrg in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, n0 10 lroalva, .ew Vork. MOM.ioirs ro - livkr oil. tlio Firt IVin At vn h ff tli r.-ll"wiiiK IH'ii JUmtkm Interniitinlial Kxhilii-tion. Kxhilii-tion. l!or(;on Kxhiliiti'Mi i' Fi.lirrio: (inld -M .-llll ,,f l'...yul Snricly ,,r Hu; wHhiro of Nurwiiv. lh-rf (irciit Kx'liiliili.m nt Si.m I, linl m. Ih'i7 l'linn Iiil.Tiiiiti"nnl KxlubUi.m At l.l, u t.-.k l.r.i ,,, . ,,,.. -i.-lit r..irlM.til..r. It in r' m.i,,l, . t,y ,,iv 'niiririt in. . II. al nMtliriti, , hup.i !, I,v tlin M1..IH.,..t,,.rHr, .,, .M...,u p,,,,,.,,. .N'TtlinitiU.rlmi.l nn.l lut li.un. IT. I.. A. Hiyr.-. ,.I N..w y, U, ,,. .r.K.... I. ,., ,, ,,y ,,,, , r nliiililil ln iiiinlr, ' iJr. .f. .Mikr .win,...,,,; "I ,,, ,.,., j, lTnt lily, nii'l li:,vr rvrry ir i,..n t hi- ,.. rf.. "UrtIIU Willi it." Kornnlt, hj Jiruchl iiml Clioini-I.. W.ll. Nr.lilrllr lln 4, ;., .c,vVoik, f"li, Aic 111. f..r tin. II. K. n,..l (;,,.l,. Pool, Nazro, Kimball & Co., WJIOLKSAUS (iROGKKS I'. Wnrn ii HI,, 1 ,.. 1,111, li, J.ll. lilMiKll. Now York. BAXIISOF3ATHS! W'ju ni Spring ISaUis : I'rlvnte and 'Iiiiik Tli.. . . ni,., ,1M ,1,,, 1I(lt ,,, ,((, ,,,,1,1,,. nl wntn. Tlioir ihi.i. r j,,, , in- ,.t wUU y km iwti llnit l( in j ( m I limn to oiiiitnirit( v llti'in, -'i- () I'p ivi.h. l.itl.p. Id.. Ir.i ,,,) hniolxi.iiin. ly fnrpiUh.nl I'IiihKa llnflm (,,r T ii h nnd iimw ,,,..n. II. A H KOI.O, 11IV PEOPLE'S ISl"RA("E TOL or SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. hire md M tritic.) C. Y. Ma. LtKK MoT. 11. G. Hi'KNLK. I'rv.-idvnt. tivrtt.try A. R. (il MSO,, Special Affml. Zj. II . 'X1 II XJ 11 11 w, Ornrral Agcut for I tall. Office at S. VT. Hon! d A IV. M-tin Street, L ike City, B. VT. E. JEXNEN3. . Lor a I Agent, Office at Traadrl - Co', .Main M., j- ball Lak City. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKERS. is 5 ELIA80N & HAUERBACH, Next Door Kailof tli Herald, Are workman who not only repair Wat-he and Clofk. but will make Watche to order in anydf'ired ity lo. or any part f th'iii, from m pifot or pinion lo an enure Watch. Work Execnttd oi Moderate Trrnu. I COMPETITION Left Behind! HOLIDAY CA KKS, CHKIST.MAS TUKKSi, itkf: caxpks, f u kind,, I'ltie A i)lr, ImjMirlrri Knit la. Fancy CrocrrUi, Paatry, lr, I'ro v lalo It i. on I r t t lour ry, The chrripcst in town, u( Ut HK.MtV WAI.I.ACK'N. NOIiTIIWESTKIhX Mutual Life Insurance Co. VAN DVKR. l'r,.i,l..,,t. II KHKIl SMI I II. . Vi.-o-Pr..i,ln,i. Al U. 1 1 A 'k 1,(111. .. .Swri'liir). Ilom Itlll, r. Ilrnn.lt. v, f,,,. f rnnalii St., ,1111 irmikrr, V I. Ur' ,S H .."'AT.I.IUAN. Ilrnonil Aiicnl Kni-kr Minimum l)ilrl.'l I'.ilnrinli.. Wy in. Ilnh .ml New Moxico. PETER 0. FERGUSON, Agnt for I'fnli. Olltt e In IImim i , l'.lilret A I n.'n Hank, i. k. .ioiA!-i.rs. An.nl Inr Hull, l.nkn Cily, TRAVELER'S INSURANCE COMPANY, '' II AU ri(ill, ('O.MMKtlK uiminst (.,:i,lcMiU caiicinit Dunlli "r tutiiily ivi,Hl,lii Injury, PETER Q. FERGUSON, . AH K.N I', OUieu lit ll,,p,,ri .;i,r.ulgo Co.', Hunk. FLOliENCE IsTOISELKSS FAMILY SEWING HIE IS THE Standard Machine of the World ! 9 i The Special Committee appointed to examine and report on Sewing Machines at tlie Aortli Carolina Slate Fair, Held at Raleigh last week, awarded a Gold Medal to t e Florence Sewing Machine for the ease and quietness ofltt movements, perfection and large var let y of work, and Its valuable new features, making ma-king It the most valuable Sewing Machine for family use. Parties contemplating the purchase pur-chase of Sewing Machines are requested re-quested to read the following from the New York "Tribune" of Oct. 10tb, 1870 t SEWING MACHINES. We have recently liad occasion to make Borne imjuirio ,uu the progress of improvement improve-ment in the mechanism of cewing tnachines, and wore not a little surprised to learn that the central idea in the first iiivenvion the ihuttle still holds its place, though many attempts have been made to supercede it. Tbe shuttle, jn combination with the needie, ie still the means ueod to form tbe stitca, in the leading machines, and we find that the growth of trade is chiefly with the shuttle-usirjg shuttle-usirjg machines. Ihe improvements that are taking firm hold in practical use are, therefore. nece;oa- 1 rily in connection with the shuttle, either in the detail of the shuttle iull. or in other prts of the machine connected with it, to caue trie whole to operate more perfectly and uniformly, and U simplily its 1 uje. M'ny import.int (rains in this direction, made since the fir?t ureal invention, are undoubtedly un-doubtedly embod.ed in the "Florence" ma-chide; ma-chide; und we recommend our readers to carefully in.-poet the "r'lorence" before ma-kmi ma-kmi a choice. Ihe points peculiar to this machine are: An unu-uaJ amouniofnjoney is sient in maKing the ''lorenve," thereby securing tbe be.-t material cteel. for instance, where otbers ue cat-iron ). and the iiet tiu ?h ol important p irts (the ilultle. lor example, beici: ru'idly r'-jix-ted if it varies from the ) itnLd trd l-'J.'-r'th of an inch !f It i con- j 1 strutted on theitnpiC-t n'ientihc princi plus, entirely dispensing; with the ctf. and cams, aud link" wijich ru often el perverrely out . ot order and eorel y ierpl ex every one but the practiced Uiacnirn-t tiy their UDaccoUlH-aolo UDaccoUlH-aolo fre.iks. "1 :ie "Florence" so eiily Luauuttcd, und its u?e i- so readily learned, that an ordinary tnrl uf Leo h.u (en-o anj in u 1 e e n o u )( h to run it I e r : ec 1 1 y . i h e 1 uc k -stitch, u made by trie "Florence" U vear re.ularand pericct. very strontt and clastic, and is drawn into the l.ibno evenly, prad uliv, exactly, without jerking, and wunut curiiig the pcaid to pu'k r, or Jlriuing m turcad ?o as to eniaiiieer iLs breakina'; cod-Je'juently, cod-Je'juently, tc:t hne tti re is and 1 a u t labnes cau beu-ed, Leslies thi. the 'Florence" (inallbut the cDea et ety l aWo maaes three addition j! sli'...be.- a dubi k-.-. a in I knot and a arable knot whi-h art etroQfir Bni more eia.-tic tban any otbei titch, acd whi'-a are iu-Je by no oiner ma-cd ma-cd mo. 1 tie F i "fence.'' is the only mach.ne that h u a reTeri'M red, wbereoy tee di-reti"D di-reti"D of the icwitif can be inlaotty coaured without sloppier the work, thur euu.icf the operator to guilt ur emoroiuex i;ti unusual Ucility. to r b--k wards and eaUy trenit'.hen a Seam wherevrr dctred. and. finally, by a lew rpetd ttilcbc, to faalao en-u ia the quicaeL ani itruDcert way. It is the oniy ma--:nue that haj i.-e.f-a'Xjustmc h utile- thread tnion. w oirb w.-rm per le.tly that tbe operator can run aero the mviwi iuxi and sew the Hue; linen nd the thirkrl br'ad'-ti,h io immediate imme-diate urcoKQ w unoQi b re a in a tb t nrai and without rhanmc the r. erUio, stitch or tension. The "Fl'-rence' draws the thread idIu Ibeeluitv who uneual-J preiton and certainty, by mciii u( an miemoui automatic auto-matic "take-up" wheel, whi-h dipce of tha slack thread Irll alter tbe ttiloh with aa accural prout pt nes Lhal preTenu ad soart-in soart-in ur drojipmi- of suicLcs. ani allow it.t peraior to tew ta4kwar-l, r to run ofl ib cloth and on araia. i:h perfect impunity. It baa id itnpruvrd fiwiio beaitner. excla-sireij excla-sireij i;$ own, whirb is iuaDaeU with and will make a h?:u of any wid:b on any material It not orny make a perl rvt father and Kti It to a baud at n operatioD. ba it betui, and bin., and (r.r. and ijudl. and cords, and t ucas, and cat her, an J braid without tann. .such ai ei-ial priirimnn u made. aa nt nuuri"u wrr that the "Flor rnco" is claiiue-l and guaranteed by theCom-pany theCom-pany to ..( lwi,- a without repair aa atiy other shuttle nivhino in t'.e iLarkt. il ho u' he lu h '-e t d: IIumi tt y. Y. ery pari d th "Y ntfii -o" m M l er(e.-iy anl j cnua-nently cnua-nently a-ljiitr.. and it ha "o tew j.miiIji ana point ol Iriction. that ii run w 1 1 h t !s e ul-iuot ul-iuot Mi?, 1 ho necilo t and threaded, and tho ttiuh 15 leimheueJ. hort nrd. it r et. 1 w itU iu ui-uiot ui-uiot rmo. Iu uni- lii "Fl- r'n. " neither tho work iut the .-r.tl.-r s Un-- is .talio U le e"ilcd. Ihe "1 ,"ifii'c'' wuh ail lhr 0 aim (o niTriontv. at l!io Miuf price a oilior tir t cl.us uitt'huiM. lhe aJvan Liber.ilMy in mumila .-lure; .inipliiMiy of con-irnctioii; Facility o niantf eineilt. Variety of Mtrtie. llevort Ide (ev d. t olI -ab ut 1 11 at ton-ion; A utomat ic lak o-u p: 1 111 ptotou heiuiurr: l'ro 1 1 1 n Raint wear; iVrlwl and p. rinatieiit a I,' rt l men t . Fa.-.j ro,iU ation o nlle ani )tucli; ('lr.Hllllie Mn'l che:l Ili'-J, Tho bruuly und bifitl flui.li of tlio niarhin' Make the : i-loriM.- e.'" nio.leratelv mthIo inti. a machine which lo bo valued. ne.l but to l irie.l. No lannly can rtllord to bo without a inn ma. lime, and we hup Ibrtl bel,.re long one may n louuil whorevor "ihe lnbuno is welcome. TO THE LADIES Of Snll I.Kkf ( It) , mid thrntiHh. mil Ihf Trrrltnrlea uf t inh( 1 il w lin, Mnuinita and V y ttit I n k, Wo ploini t conliiil invilulit'n to chII hI mir uMio, Hiid rvainino th n f'lorotiftf Kiuiuly Sowing M:i.'limi wludlu-r tlo fitC'iiiitf lintiioiliulo iurt lmo or iud : h our liiifimR mid iiliinsiirn l nnlicil Huso OMmitmti.n rtinl ootn pHristtn. a Imvn on oxlubil icii, in rrdor tlio inor-j on"ily t" rplnin piMtits uf ililt'ororu'o, in wliirli wo clnint (niprriority, tlio tnn-rhitio. tnn-rhitio. id' VnrituiB nuiUnis, iui-HpIinn th UnTor& llnUor, SiuKOr itmi Whooler A& Wilson. In nmUiti piu Ii roiupRn-on, roiupRn-on, iu unliiir mlvHMlaurt will bo tkon of rivnl nnudiinoH, hut on Ihn oonlrnr tlioy will L10 kopt by n rotnpntoiit m. olimt in Uhi I'csl of rnnnnig ordor lonio of tliom roipiirn kh un mai nour us ft loeoiiioiivo.) CHAS. S. HAMMER, """"I Aun.l, H Vlr liAKM (HTY, UTAH. THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS Embracing over A IIUNDTtED DIFFERENT SHADES, prepared for imucdiutc application and re'iuirinf.' no niixini.', just received and f'of sale at the DRUG DEPARTMENT . aa ,a 11 la Tbe ingredient:) of tbcse Faints aro simple and indestructible. The qualities quali-ties with which they recommend themselves are: Cheapness, durability, superiority supe-riority of color, an unusually smooth and glossy appearance, less labor required in laying, no trouble of mixing, will stand fire or rain, and does not crack or peel off with atmospheric changes, nor chalk off by friction. They are the best, cheapest, most durable and most popular Paints in use. Tho AVERILL WHITE PAINT is a ZING PAINT, containing no ead, and is of equal superiority and popularity. BRING ALONG YOUR PAINT CANS OPEN ANDIPURCHASE BY TIIE GALLON. . A full line of Foreign, Domestic and Case Liquors. At the Drug Department, Z. C. M. L II. B. CJIjAWSOX, Supt. 1 19th WARD Co-operative Store Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, &c. Dried Peaches, Apples, dtc, bought and sold. Flour, Grain, Bran and Shorts always on hand. ja6 CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale and Ketail, Choice Imported j LIQUORS AND WIN-ES, At Lowest Rates. f OROESBECK'S BUILDINGS, nl" East Temple Street. ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At Basset t & Hoffman's. Opposite Salt Lake House. do C. II. BajSLTT. i. F. llOFPStAN. BASSETT & HOFFMAN HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agrlcnllur&l Implement Aud .Mtiilug Tools, At Lo-vrett lilc. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE nli a; C. m. 1. BOOT AND SHOE Depsirliuent, At the Sign of the "BIGr BOOT" Call and Examine our choice Stock HOFilE-MADE And Imported BOOTS AND SHOES LAS1ES' AND GENTLEMEN'S SLIPPERS. I Boots and Shoe. for Ladie, Gentle-' Gentle-' men and Children MADE TO 0RDEE j -jatLsiaction guaranteed. j Repairing Aci'v and Promptly attended to. f Wt have Just Received a Splendid Supply of Leather, Including French and Ger-. Ger-. niau Calf J-kln, Bct morocco a great variety of Colored frklns, I and all kinds of Cpper, Sole and Humes Leather ; Concord and. Stage Uore Collars Also a Full Stock of Shoe Findings. HIDES UOUGHT. Call and see TOur old friend Crompton Wantal Immediately, a jirsl-clatt S-icing MacJJite Orator, to icork on . Ladies' and Gents B'joti and Sh'jtf. ' KB. CLAWSON Snpt. 4 FOR SALE, CHEAP. - FIRST-CLASS BILLIARD TABLES. Enquire at this Ofice. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., M.VNUKACTL'llKKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS LV Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Xos. 1!M and VM till AS 1 STREET, Olio Hux k E.vl of Urividwsy, NEW YORK, dn Zion'sCooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AM COUMUY GO-OPERATIVE STORES Ami thr Trade ionrrallj. WHOLESALTdRY GOODS! EAGLE EMPORIUM. WIWTER COODS! lonar Miau U, Aubin. Hosiery, Music Muuvls Hoods, .Iovt. 1 hlldrt uVs Miauls Scarfs. Flannels. i;isniUt' C'ouiif ci'liaiicw. .leans, CjisnIuicccs, Liiiscv. DOMESTIC GOODS IN FULL SUPPLY AS USUAL Hoof w Si. Miocs, llubbcrs A Arclli'J. illcn's, Itovs and Children Hals. Jl. JB. Clawsoii, Supt. |