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Show Salt Lake Cur, Feb. 4, lsTl. Editors Herald : Would it not be well, in these days of splendid fortunes that are to be suadenly achieved by increased prices for rents, ground, ko., for the people to look to their papers, deeds, io. ? We shall doubtless have a host of sharpers keen, shrewd men, unlit to live where they are known, and too indolent in-dolent to live by honest industry, who will flock here and endeavor to entrap en-trap the unsuspecting ; and, by a careful care-ful preparation of their own papers, fasten upon people renting, &c, such burdens as may be too grievous to be borne. All papers and documents should be submitted to the closest scrutiny scru-tiny of an acute, shrewd lawyer. A few dollars thus paid might save an immense amount of trouble and anxiety. anxi-ety. Besides, the practice of sub-letting to another party is an evil that should be guarded against. We are destined to see such an influx of people, and such an inflation, with many bubble schemes,concocted and arranged ar-ranged by gents who have sprung lrotn obscurity, and have, as birds of prey, I'ullowed on the trucks pf the explorers of mines, that many will find their homes rented to A, who sells out his chance perhaps lor thousands more to B. A has gone; B starts a disreputable business busi-ness perchance, but Mr. C, the owner of the property, has no recourse on B, because B rented of A, etc. Mushrooms Mush-rooms grow from unclean heaps; so many of the sharpers of to-day were never known to toil or spin, yet Solomon's Sol-omon's clothes nor boots did not shine like these. They have grown from obscurity, fattened on the credulity credul-ity of their fellows, have made a raise, and are gone again to the next new El Dorado. While we have homes, firesides, made comfortable by our own exertions, exer-tions, why make ourselves desolate, moving about from pillar to post, forgetting for-getting the adage that "three removes are equal to a tire, " for the sake of a few dollars? One thing we should bear in mind, that while the strangers must have home and shelter, there is no earthly reason why we should turn ourselves and family from a cheerful fireside to hire somebody else's, subjecting sub-jecting our own dear ones to the petty annoyances of a renter. Let us be wise, and if we rent or sell look to the papers. Data. |