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Show Arrival and Closing of Mails. ARRIVALS. . . Throutli mail, daily. ,:Kp.m. W.,r .rati count) , daily, . ' eamiaiiMdW-b county Friday, t ' Tbroogh mail, daily, ., .1"''30 ,m' ftual - ' Jordan and Hernman, T ndar 7rWp.nl. t1." . iuDtj, Tuwdar, Tharrf.j .nd . .wfito. Montana, Oregon nd TTaih-'.itnT.rriu.ry, TTaih-'.itnT.rriu.ry, daily, . taJU m. ?i ooontj. Monday and Tbare. ; " iuch count;, Tiioraday, to".- oki,,. Id and 8.";; Jtiield and Cedar Valley, Friday 41:00 pjn. CLOSUiO. lcal-Oi!'i"- Monran county, Echo Cur and Waaatcb, dally, " eoimit andWabatch counties, Thure- ...-California and NcT&da, Through mail, daily Ixal Wwt Jordan and Herrinian, Tnarviay, J Tooele, ctockton and GrantaYille, Monday, Mon-day, Kadneaday and Friday, 6:30 M v-rd, Idaho, Montana, Wuhinjton and Wu, daily, 1:30 p.m. Ual OaTia and Weber countiee, daily, ' " Box KMer county, dally, 1:30 Cache county, Wednesday and Saturday, Satur-day, 1:30 u aich county, Wedneeday, 1:30 ffaolh Fillmore, and all intermediate offices, ' dally, except Sunday, 7:3U ajn. BLdeorB aud Arizona,Monday .Wednesday .Wednes-day and Friday, 7:30 " Banpele county, Monday k Friday, I :30 Fairneld and Cedar V'y, Wedneeday, 7:30 OFFICII HOURS. Gtneral Dellrery open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. "today, 12 to 1 p.m. M.,uy Order and Begistry Department open rwn V ajn. to 4 p.m. Ouuide door open from fl a.m. to 9 p.m. J. M. MOORE, Jfostuiaeter. rut Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, MEDICAL. F. L. li ENEDIC T, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. ortire at Residence, rear of Seventies Hall. .1 W. F. AADEllSOV, M. 1)., SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, )fa9 at Kidouco, iu the Thirteen Lb Ward. DR. 0. C. ORMSBY, I'HV.SIUIAN, SUKGEON AND DKUUUI.ST, 11 IIIUCillAM CITY, UTAH. J LEGAL. M.Klrkunlrlck. S.A.Mann KIRKPATRICK A. MANN, Attoruoys-u t-Lu w, Omci Fibst South St., r"i.urth door east of Hooper, KUredge 4 pli Oo.'a Bank. Z. SNOW. E. D. HOOK. SNOW & IIOGK, Attorney and Counselora at Law ' Salt Lake City, Utah. Offioc at Snow's oornor, 1st East St. HOTELS. Towiiseml House, 6 ALT LAKE CITV, THE LEADING HOTEL IN UTAH. JAMES TOWNRKND, J 1 1 Proprietor. Sail Lake House, EAST TEMTLB BT11EET, S A L, X L A K E O I T Y. TII.DKN at LAWHKM'K, Frou'ri. .It -l BANKERS. FIRST NATIONAL HAMv OF UTAH. f lt Like City, Utah Tor. ."i-i "V. 11. UTOvppr, U. 8. Kldrclge, L. S. lltlln HtmjMT, Eldrerige Co., BANKERS. Ka't Timvle St., Salt Ukb Cny, DeJfri in 'i Duft, Coin, Exchange, Laud Warrants, Etc. Lollectlou. made aud promptly remitted. CORUKSPOXUE3TS I rrSiJ !iVwk ! Bk of Clilorn n C,??',"- National Bank, .;J. . M.rgiui Co.. Londuo. julo TAFT A SMEETON, GENERAL MININC ACE NTS, OPUIK CITY, t K.VST CANON, UTAH. EAST CANON, TTAII, JOIl DI KE, P.oprletor. , ,'-'d accotuaaiNletioti; n well-.rrea.l t;l'le; ' tt.cucd. l'ncee xoUc. jl WILLIAM F. CALTON,' pXPKRIESCED WELL-DIOtlER. one J Mock l ,ud twoouth of lllh Ward ;jool-liou!-, will dig Wells to order on tht Vii noiKt an4 in "lufaetory etyle. CALIFORNIA TRADE. Importers ofAmerican and European Fancy and .Staple DRY GOODS, 1kf FRANCI8CO, CALIFORXIA, Be? to call the attention of the Trade to thir fn'f.'f ,.Tr-!V'd "",ck- ?vniing complete Iinee of the following g oodi : SILKS, B..ek, Colored aud Fancy. VELVETS, DRESS GOODS, FL'b HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, GENTS' FURNISH' G GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, or every kind. QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, d'uu"l SHIRTING & HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEP-ING LINEN. SHAWLS LaCe' Broclllc- Cashmere, PflTTfilJO Bleached and Browu, UJ I lUPIjj of all kinks, COTTO.NADES, K'Y JEANS, CAS SI MERES, FLAr.NELS,"n:010"e""dri,,n"-BLANKETS, FLAr.NELS,"n:010"e""dri,,n"-BLANKETS, Which they ujj'er ja Liberal Tirms. Co-Partneship ' Notice. Mr. Jjhn Dixou having retired from the firm of Tobui, Dixon k. Daviseun, the rj-iiiiiininff rj-iiiiiininff inpiubers. with Aje-ra. aiuuel S. i Pomroy. Jobu liriffiu and Rob .-rt Dix-m.will continue ilio business at the otti -ji;ind, under the name of'Tubin, iJavieon A: Cu." TOBIX. UIXON Sc DAVIdSON. San Francisco, Jim. 2, lb71. In calling attention to the above, we beg leave to thunk our friends i"r the liberal liitrouai(e bui1 lowed on the Id tirm lor the Mi?t Iwwnty ono year.--, and hope to be la-v.jred la-v.jred with un itu-reHed bhare'ol their buei-ncr" buei-ncr" for the tuiuro Ac hereiof'ore we shall continup to tret our to"k Iroin the Maoulacturcr. in Europe and in the Ka.it cn inarKet.-', and with incrcati'd lacilitiei will be propar-d at all times to i-how a lartte and attractive line of new aud desirable iioudd at tho lowest rale?. TOUIA', DAVISSON fc CO., jO Corner ol fSu ' ter and dan so in e His. TO BIT,, DAVISSON & CO., IMPORTERS OF AMERICAN, ENGLISH, FRENCH AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Pocket Cutlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions, Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goods, Hosiery, Linen H'dLxhfs, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. Sutttr and Sansome Sts., SAN FRANCISCO. ,i2-J James Otis. W. A. Macondray. F. V?. Macondray. MACONDRAY & Co., SHIPPING & COMMIS SI08 M ERCIIANTS, IMPORTERS OF UHlNA ANO JAPAN TEAS And all descriptions of EAST INDIA PRODUCE, SAN FRANCISCO, - - CAL. wht All iiiwttwu aoeo. CASTLE BROTHERS, 1 3vt r o ht eus WHOLESALE GROCERS, ai3 midaiS Front Street, Sn Frmiclaco, - - California. CHENERY, SOUTHER Sl CO,, Imliorlers and Jobbers of all tho varieties ol FOUEIU.V AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS, Which we off,-r for Jule to the ' J'.'tJ'iiv ai at w rut,- in txohanee tor NATIONAL Cl'KRIiNCV "ca ri down" or arrroved credit, 311 Cly Street, San Francisco, - - California J.v" Jme vruance, Jchn Sprun., C C. Chapman J. & J. SPflUANCE, ImrvrUTB and Vtuclew-le lAl?r8 in WINES AMD LIQUORS, 413 KronC Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA EINSTEIN BROS. & CO,, Importers iad Maoufactureni of BOOTS AND SHOES '3 and 117 Pine Street, SAX FRANCISCO We would especially call the attention o tha Irao to our J CALIFORNIA MADE GOODS Which in point of style. 6t and durabilil u equal to the best custom made soodi A. E. Culn-er, J.D. Artnet. 0. T Luff CULMER, ARMET&CO CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS, Are prepared to (to all kinds of work In their line of bus In est with NEATNESS AND DISPATCH. Apply at their Work Shop Iu the 1 A Iley, rear of Wells, Fargo & Cos Bank. 1 Kntrauee from 1st and 4ud Sonlli Street. J- 500 MEN Ought to be employed ;a luili;: c hou;e. Farue bM 're purhn-j purhn-j iir.c ;h"uid ch'.l at ! IF. LITTLE'S i LUMBER YARD One Work e:i- I i'nli . Fine Stcck cf B-i!J;rg Lumber. Common Ltir.it- r. r h'urir 1 : I U.v,, . (;(). ; -r i ... '.r- i. Other rrliM proporxloaaie. ! HENRY T. HELM30LD'S j COMPOUND FLUID ! Extract Catawba GRAPE PILLS. : . . o I' - r '-L ; A-": 7' ?. LlViri COMPLAINTS, ,'AVVP!'"S ML.K'U A V 1 Tic Ns. SICK OR NER-Ve.l NER-Ve.l s ii E ,1'Ac HE CoTiVEN'r-s; F-c. rrKE-Y VEGETABLE. CV'NTAIVI.VJ N" . AlEriCl siY. MINiiKALi e'K iKLE-li-K.oL"; L'.-.U us. Te?e a.re the m del:.b::u.ly i :e?-ul; :e?-ul; K-iiiVf. ? ui e.-.-ej.ig casict ii. sii, u-ir2e?..i. e: Tsre i n-iZ'.Z-g more ccxl- Oi iu tLiT? ?t ejci. I ney f.vt t -ct. and :su-e Ltitner njiu?e Dor pripite j.nic. i:" are fvOipySta th i.Mijr io&i I'lEXas. Ai;er a few days' use oi tUciu. an n-vU'-rnLii'Li tftrm entire t-'.ei tRke i'::i'.-e us t-a pear m.racti'.i'U to the wmi Atia tQcrvateJ. wheilier anire tVoru itEpru-itrcce itEpru-itrcce it a.;e ?e. li. T. He. tub-'id's Ccni-r Ccni-r lied ilu-i ilx:m'; Ca awOa l.rat-e a. - e not ru;.ir-Cvs.cd, irom ibe lcl tb: ru? iT-codie a Pi! j d notdiSioive, bt ibr-'u; a tee :om ich wii nout diysolvmr , consemir nt'y oo n -t t'ro-iuce the desirea ei-u-::. liiE CAT-iWiJA OKA ft PILLS, be-n.? be-n.? j'!ca-aLii in tASie ana oJur, i-o Dot nefes-m:i:o nefes-m:i:o -ncir b-ice Ut,-j.r-ooa;ed. PKC H1.HV f. i IjIjMBOIjD'S Highly ConceDtraied Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, Will radically exterminate from the system croluid. yDLlii.;, i-'ever Sore.-. V leers, tore Les. "re Lrg?, Sore Voutb. Sore Head. Bruii'-hit ;s, Mim Dise-e. salt Kjieum. Can-cer, Can-cer, K -i : n i ii s-- fr ui tbe Ear. Wane Svfll-ini;.-', i'uMUir.-, Canctruus Afft-rtitm, Mrde?. K u-keis. ii i itndu 'ar ewrlln g?, IS ikdi Sweats. 1L.L-h, 1 rt . er, 11 umors ot all kind, i bri-nic Kueutuati?m. V.vIppi. and all diseares th.n have been eiiaohiOed iu ibe iyMeui fur years. - Beiiif.' pT-ei'irel cxi-rcf-'ly I'vr the above eoLUpiaiuii, its blooa-i'uniying jropertie5 are urtar than any other preparation tf taatiiarilla, it five; the cum pieman a clear and uealtuy oilur and restores ibe p-ttient to a ;me ui nvlth aud purity, tor purirying t be blood, removing chronic cousiitutional ti:t';i.-t! ari;ius Iroui uu impure state ot toe blood, ana the only reliable and effectual known reine y lor tho cure of pains and fwelhuaj ol tho threat and less, blutubos, pimple - on the fiee, erysipelas and nil Bcaly eruptions of the ;in. and beauti' vinic the completion. I'liiCE, M cVJ PtK BuiTLK- JUL HKMIV T. llhLMUOLU'S CO XL "K.N 1 K A 1 h D Fluid exthaut buchu, The Great Diuretic, ha.- curt-1 tvery ca-e of Diaoetes in which it li-- been r i v c n. lrritaii d ol the necu o. tbe bladder and lufliimmaiioo ol tne Kidneys, Lleeralii'Li ol . Ue hinie.j and ii ladder, Ke-t.-iiiion ot L rine liseaor.- ol the Prostrate t.i.nid. .M'.nc in 111) Bladder, Calcul9, 1 1 ra el , lin . Kdii -1 Hep- ?. L. ud .M ueous or I .M iik i 'whar e?, .ml 1 r enfeebled a d Del-n Del-n aie Ooii-tiuuiL ol uotb sexes, atteuoed u ,t ti me loUowuit' .-y in pt urns : iudit position to t xirUou, Lu.-- ol 1'uMit, Locs of Aleraury. nillicutii ot UrciihiHrT. Weiib .SiTVrt, lieui-l.dint;. lieui-l.dint;. lienor ol Ui;e.i-e, W a&ei uluefS, JJiin-irt! JJiin-irt! ol Vifion, Pain in me Back, Uuiliauu, Plu-ninn ui ttie B.-dy, Uryuesd ui tii .-kin, i.mi'tiou on Hie ia.c. Pa'ii i CouDtenauee, i iaver.-al La..-imo of tne 1 Uceuiar Syeieui, iiite. L ?ed by persons from the u-p oT eighteen to tweuty-rj e. aud irom thirty-tivt- to buy-nve buy-nve or iu llie deel ,ne or chtiuKrj ut lite: a-tr?r c iibnemeiu or laoor pains; bed-wetting in children. lie!nilj?Kl's Extract Buehu is Diuretic and Bl 'ud puriiiiug, aud caret all ui-enr-vs aria-iiiz aria-iiiz irum linlu.s ol ui?-i piil ion. find Exeescs Mild lmprudencei in Life, I m purines ui the Blood, etc., saoerseding CopaioR in a etuiuni lor liu h it is u-ed. aud by ptl lltie Adections in the.- de-.-ei u.-ed in connection wilb lleimbold'fl Koe Wah. LADIES. In many atfectioni peculiar to Ladies, tbe Kxtraot iiuctiu n une-jaallod oyauyoioer remedy a.- m Chiorooii r ieienLiun, lrrg-u lrrg-u aru, Paiuiulue?s or auppre-.-mn of Customary Cus-tomary Evacuation.--, Ulcerated or O'-hirru?" .-rate "i tne L ieru?, LeucrrhT1 or Wnuw, -it'rihty, i-d lor all c mpiaints ineideHt to the K'i, wht.'iher ariring trum lndibOieiioD or liaDlUj of Diaeipailuu. o H. T. II KLM HOLD'S KXTK ACT JiL'CUL" Cl'KE.S DIKAKS A KI- MM. FI.'JM IMl'Kt'DKNCK-, IALiIX.s uF DllafAnuN, ETC., in all tlieir .-ta(ies, at litUe t.Tpi'Ufe, little or uu eUaiine in die . no inc !! venieiicc. Do xpo-u.e. It iau?erj a frcj ucnt de-i re. a nd L-.vi- , ! rent h toL rinaie, th ereby renin inn i b-i ru' 1 1 rn', Preveiilintr nod Cunu iirio-:ure iirio-:ure ot tlie Lretna, Aliay inn Piu a nd i Q-iiakUJinaiioii, Q-iiakUJinaiioii, .--j .r-went in tui o d. j..- .-. a id t-Apeditih ail I'oinirDuue matter. 'I PMU-aiMr wbu have bfen the victims of 'ii'1 in rt-; i' ii t p'. rfoii, rd4 who 1m e paid heavy !( .- t" cured in a en-.rt tune, hare :untiitie bavt l -en doetivvd. ana ttiMl ifie ' i'ni-on" biw. by toe u-e ot power , u 1 a-; i m kents." been dried up in tbe fU-m, lo brea k ui! iu a iu -re a::i:ra . aled form, and perbar' a' t ,M i rn v -o li ivi.x i;"i. p'- L . t h a i t Bi'Hi; for ail Alio- ti"ii.- a.ifi iJi-earec ul the Liiti-try Or v--Hn. iieimT cii.-uui in Mle rr '"Lcaie. Ir-'iu "li.i'O'iT cnu-B orTc.n:ir.. a. o J n h""" of how loT.r tana in P tin' I. ..I.LAR AI tit Li tL,SI PtK BOT ILL. UK.N'KV T. UKUlBOLD'i: I.Ml'KOVKD ROSE WASH r.,n:i.d .ari,-i a- a PA E W.il. and he i'ouii i;ie or,i ff.b' r'UiHy :l i-r- v -it.e- or t u a nf A? n. It .pVi.'v rH.i.r-.- i y. i'i.::, t.Mir. Js-i Js-i . i H '; i w - , : - r, i ' -; r t M M I 5, , T "hL' lir I'PV r. i -, 1 r i" ' 1 -1 l, i ; n ; ; ri I 1 F u A V VI 1 ni r r'-l', V iM hl'HI', ,;.yL- ' 1" r-1 ALi' -K ThlS F h1 T I i , r- x ' i - r a:r 1 r r h . AL L-. L-. r "iM.t-M-" " u--1. b'i' b wTr r,;- a.: a r'ani ;r ti f.;Lf n,i o 'c I hf m-oi1 c b . . ....'l , : .L:t e c.i.a t. a l ' -, r. -; , , r i " ' v r i ; r - B ::., .i 'J 1L1 A i i -'A . r-t !' - . "".;''!'' ' h J ' ' r- r I - -- r it' F 1 'i1 'L I. I r. I i 'li.t JD - ; i rr. i a - - . :, :. - : t ' 'i ' : l' K i : , , - " i x ' '. - .. a :- : I. . ' f ' . - . :-' i-3 i-3 ..( i r.o,;,-. 1. . t ' j -E .- - hEMRY T. HELMBOLD'S CENU1HE PREPAR.TlOrSS. " . -: r:" v r, s . - r. - r.-r . - . , t- - : ' :i. . I .i. r-o f. - "'.':.... .'i T I i V : ' i o- r . fc. .' J . . ' " - 2'- ti s :r- . i T 1 ; ; r - : :. : f ;.; : : I. r.t-X -Lis. laKl : 'j Truckee Q SALT LAKE LUMBER YARD. Ilnir-Wock South I". i'. Depot. D. W. PARKHURST, CALIFORNIA TRALjt, l wr:eriai.l,.:.r.(T DRUGS & CHEMICALS Flac Kfmttal Oil. Cnmt, Kocta, !rrl. KIom r r, oi.;r. Main., Poinailr., Ae., And all other Sis pies ,-.crtv.t.i a:h the aioi(.j..e a rL.x.. i ;-ai.1. Cozu tartly in re.-e.i-t, by d.rtt: i n. por; u-r , ol Lur, ; rr. Li A;;.v i:,m,.,-;.i. Kxciusive Acoi:i. Kt ;i:.ok"lvtT. Hoste-.t.r's B.::frN f.r., . : ..: And all tVe Im.Iii c Pr, i-.p:-v V-.iK- r.es bv;H Amei.tu r.a r pe.:i. Order Proi-pto" acd C..re:'j',;y Kvcut.si. X o- SJy and . 3 I Mararl Mitrt. Between Eirt ani Stv.o.id. SAN FRANCISCO, CAl.lFOliN I A. v. j. ii l rriTii, SALMON A0 HR?.lfiGS, 143 aklilntni. MrrH, All ktr.1- of TWrd. Sr. m . . K -h crUBtaail on Lfciul WllMERDINJ KlLLUG J, Importers and Jobbers vf Wines and Liquors, JU '.'.u FKONT S l'KI.K !', A KlltM IVII, j.(.ni:itun.i. cV i COMMISSION MERCHANTS "404 and "400 1 alitor.. In San Fraiii li. i), - - l a 1 1 tot n I a. Particular attention pmd to ilie tiiiint. "t order lor evM div-.Tipsioii.it ii .'i b no im, nU Sal nl Oirn, a-., The American Submerged hp tj hp l - 1IU SMHtST AD W IS I UlS'i'.J IU 'I' IN lHt V.FK 1. H Pin it com p.rd ot I mi i -i p t" n 1 1 I hh Ii itre llieljtl. In id ' I I a. I i! 1- ..i .n aluahlv, n wli.'ii not n u-e no o lll.iUF ISO till' 1 f, K'lolKI II,. , ,1, .l I I . i i I l H tir.ler ad ir .1 t.. l . Pacific Pump Maiufact'g Co., 3 1 H Puir fl., San Kikiii Ix u, 4 nl. W.ll (v,M. .,..inp( 1-. h K N I V n K A IK I I A K L. K I. 1. K 1 Proprietor oltli- Himi: im n-l I.-- I.w h.. i.. I-.-,, a I, . Ui.- -hi- o io. NATIYEWINES AND BRaNOiES n. KKI.I.MI A III., Corner of -at I r-j nl W h-)i m. i a , Htn Kmnrlien, ... ( ll i.m n l, A rtfi'llra Ulnr, I- KI.um.I.i hlie " M,lr.i m Port Ulnr Hlliri Shrrr)- (iir It i m ml y , AH Otir HIM 1 H""11 ."H..t.-. at. Ill , ,.r,, ,! ...a.. .,.- .a.. .1.1 -Htt !,-. I Ml I o,,nl.Hti .,, V . ,,r.,r Hrn-antile I n( i in ' i ai, -I ( - . i I ... . m D II. iw, t..i I.--.H a -. . . , ..." wln f.r l. li 1 4 II 4 It l - 1 1 II I l, u'U Ah. Ill H I .1 , ,S. P. Iloldpn. Jus. M.m.h,,hi(. S. P. HOLDEN & UU., I in p" ri pt p uf FOREIGN DliV COODS, Linent, Dreat Goodi, HoMpry, ,i, JM A ;VI SA N )M V. M'.. M HIIMImii. U-In : T. I., .l. i.l.n -i.. ! i Leather and baciulcry Warehouse. MAIN & WINCHESTLH, 14 A 2h HA'J T f li V KJ 1. 1 K I , DAN PrVANCiaCf), Offer Ui the t rtt'lfl of kli ,n hi,1 (i ,n jf LKATMf M. nf all al-rt., II A M I- . t 4I,IHIHM h t DIM I l),, A It . M I l', Al. J H I...'- -II ADDiicr t.'JiDi at r n r.t-i iMtn. WEIL fi. CO. mr'imn or Cigars and Tobacco )''' I" I'" ' r o' H HAVANA M't H fcT.i Mi Mil, 44 4 .1 at .j i I , h'b'litwlotr.r ..M f i. , A.r A'' r : f a . J. I. .t .)l X. A ., COMMISSION HiHS.IA.US h ( .y ai , ... ... I'Hil.l (Ik 1 l M , i I'll i i i Atar It, .' 1 i -v .. a,,.-' ., ,,.,,,, BalTTAN, HOLBIiO J L CJ l,,.-..!,. aioi J,... , Stoves c Ranges, SHEET IF.CN L1S PLai, l')r, 7..M,, I., art, M.,t, J'i .!. lxntl mid i, ,,n i Tl 1 as' t. ,!. I 1 ...... , MCiJh. U.ai..iK,. H-.ow-': t.u.'.-a- -i.r I' ' J : . - I. l'..o , . ,.. ku. I I I J I I .nr.,, i. w. Jl av jte i.,,. . A.'- FJ.AI-U'.OO, CAL. |