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Show LIGHTNING "FLASHES. Bourbaki is reported convalescent. Lyons is again making intensely warlike war-like demonstrations. Trochu will not be a candidate for the French Assembly. Boston had the mercury six below zero on Saturday night. Seventy thousand persons have asked permission to leave Paris. The Adelphi Theatre, Boston, was burned on Saturday night. The House has passed a bill to give Alaska a Territorial government. The Fenian exiles are to have a reception re-ception in New York on Thursday. The Senate's amendments to the pension bill are declined by the House. . The German army, it is said, will march through Paris when peace is declared. Four vessels, three being steamers, are loading at New York with provisions provis-ions for France. The Germans have fined a newspaper newspa-per of .Rouen 2,IWU francs for printing Gambetta's decree. The Panama railroad has been again submerged under three feet water, with no trains running. The mercury fell as low as 23 below be-low zero in some parts of Massachusetts Massachu-setts on Sunday morning. It is reported that the neutral lowers low-ers encounter great difficulties in their efforts for peace negotiations. Great dissatisfaction is expressed iu many parts ot' Prance, at Gambetta's electoral disqualification decree. Part of the legislation of the Montana Mon-tana legislature, tor the session of l 6'.i, has been repealed by the House of Representatives. Rep-resentatives. .'- Great efforts are being made in the leading cities of the L nion, to raise means lor the sufferers by the war in France. All the German sovereigns arc invited in-vited to be present at the conclusion of peace at Paris, which is expected at an early day. Gambetta maintains that the Bordeaux Bor-deaux electoral disqualification decree defeats Bismarck's plans to restore the laden dynasty. Marshal McMahon denies that the French used explosive bullets at W'oerth, or that their wounded cro.-.-ed into Belgian territory. The CubSn insurgents have met another an-other defeat, in :heir stronghold in Puerto Pu-erto Principe, City being killed and many families captured. The "daughters of Cuba" in New i ork have held a meeting to denounce Hon Juan de Serana, a Cuban traitor of the moat infamous case South American news Still frives do-tails do-tails of petty revolutions and heartless atrocities committed by the scini-bar-barians that engage in them. The Senate has confirmed Samuel Coulter collector of internal revenue fir Washington Territory; and P,ev. M. J. Cramer minister to Denmark. Caroline Brown, colored, has recovered, recov-ered, in the Washington courts $l,oOO for having been ejected from the cars of the Washington and Alexandria railroad. rail-road. Schenck's detention on this side of the Atlantic is said to be in the interest inter-est both of the United States and Great Britain. His instructions are not yet completed. The Republican deputies of the Spanish Cortes urge their party to vote ibr candidates who will pledge themselves them-selves to the dethronement "of King Amadeus. An immense mass meeting at Bordeaux Bor-deaux has requested Gambetta to accept ac-cept the presidency of the committee of public safety, and prosecute the war to the death. A man at Kvansville, Indiana, stab bed his wile in a house of ill-fame on Sunday evening, whether rhc had gone, and then stabbed himself. Both arc expected to die. A New Oilcans report says that a large number ol' persons were injured, some very severely, by an accident on the Jackson railroad, two sleeping cars having been smashed. A tremendous gale of wind moved the ice on the Hudson river on Saturday Satur-day evening, some 170 fisherman being on it. They were all Havcd, though some were badly frozen.' Hue d' Auinalo, one of the Orlcan-ist Orlcan-ist claimants for the throne of France, has issued an address to the French, ami is willing to bow to the popular decision if a republic is t ho result. |