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Show " THE JORDAN JOURNAL ~~ !:fi!:fi!fi!:fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:Fi!:FiYi!fi!fi!fi!fiYi!fiYi!:fiYi!fi~y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~. _ _n_R_A-PER-----.11 WESTERN UN I 0 N TELEGRAM !:fi !:fi, .June 4, 1925. Wells & Co. Midvale, Utah. ACCEPTANCE YOUR ORDER FOR ONE ASSOHTED CARLOAD OF !:fi !fi ~ EAsT MinvALE ,.M~·s. l•...--At the Theatres---...•~ M_r. and Claude Brown an_d :\Irs. Rachel Forbush, Correspondent :famtly of 'I wm Falls, Jdaho ru·e VIMrs. S. W. Sharp returned home siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. last week ft'<>m the L. D. S. Hospital ~ Hyrum Brown. where Sille received treatment for ;n * * * Mrs. Edna Walket· of Cowley, Wyo- intestinal ills. Her condition at first ming is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. was considered serious but at this Joon Dow. writing she is much improved. FRIDAY, JUNE 5TH Hank Hinkle's Country Store and Vaudeville . 300 Prizes FREE Come And Get Your Share Regular Picture Program Regular Prices '• y; * * * * * * Mrfi. Annie Terry e!lterLained at a Many ward workers of the Relief party Sumlay, wmplimentary to her Society attended the Stake conferlittle grand daughter';:; fourth bil·thday · anniver><ary. Twelve little gue.ts ence which was held in Sandy last Tuesday. were present. SA'rURDAY, JUNE 6TH Dorothy Dalton and .Tack Holt in "THE MORAL SINNER" and "Leruth er Stocking" "'Ilhe Plumber" * * .. * * .. Mrs. May R. Brown and daughtet·, Ray .M-alstrom of Milford is visiting her father, Mr. W. C. Allen. Helen of" Woodruff were gue~ts of Mrs. Erma Cook, last week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. R. RawJins and * * * Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Cook of MidMiss Gerolie Frizbe spent Saturday guests of Mrs. Rawlins mother, vale and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atwood of CreS<:ent visited vith Mt·s. Hache! .\irs. L. Vance. Forbu~, Wednesday. * * * fi-ll's. Alfred Crane and two child* * .. Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Pederson ren and Mrs. l{ay Crane and children of But'ley, Idaho are spending two have moved into theit· fine new home on Sixth avenue, just off of State 1\'eek:; vi:siting relatives in Draper. Street, selling their other place on * * * Mrs. J. R. Rideout entertained the State near Union Avenue to T. F. ? Sewing- Club, Monday evening. Sup- Greenwood. per was served to twelve club mem• * * bet's with Mrs. Alfred Crane as a Considerable damage was uone to special guest. Jack Patience's car, Wednesday ev • * .. 'eninz. He struch a car traveling withMrs. Richard Withe1·s and children out lights, just north of Uni<>n Aveof Lehi are visiting her father, Mr. ing car prevented him ft·om obserYSoren Thompson. ing the other machine before he wa." * * * too alose to stop. Jack runs the fam~1:r. and Mrs. R. A. McQuire and iliar Junction Lunch Parlor on Cenfamily have moved to Leming-ton to ter and State Streets. :;pend the summer. * * * Mrs. D. H. Milne and Mrs. Robe1t * * * Dr. and Mrs. C. 0. Jensen and Milne Sr., were guests at a oocial, children of Magna were guests of Mr. given by Mrs. F. E. Crouch of Salt H. E. Strigfello.w, Saturday and Sun- Lake, last Wednesday. clay of this week. * * * Krs. Ida C. Leafquist of Murray .. * * and Miss Lillie Leafquist of CalifornMr. and Mrs. William He\\'la/Nl of Grace, Idaho are visiting Mr. Hew- ia spent Saturday with Mrs. W. E. ani's mother, Mrs. Annie Heward, Cox. Ml\'1. SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 8, 9TH Featuring Lenore Ulrich ''TIGER ROSE'' ;>. :'.::: ::s CY ..., 0 Q) <FJ ::s 0 ti1 GJ ..c: ~ Miss Gertie Forbush and Clarence * .. * Sharp joined a party of out-of town Mr. and Mrs. Harry Heward, Mrs. f.riends and enjoyed a '.V einnie roa~t 0. -D. Ballard and Mrs. Alfred Crane in Big Cottonwood Canyon, Saturday of Burley Idaho were guests of Mrs. evening. C. L. Sorensen of Sandy, Sunday. • • * * .. * Mrs. Sarah Bennett entertained at :\<Irs. Frank Andrus entertained at >nner, Sunday for Mrs. Lizzie Pa.11ter dinner and a kensington Wednesday, and Friday for Mrs. H. A. Bird both it being her birthday anniversary. of Salt Lake. * * * • «S • * * II: You will Jove "Tiger Rose"! o child of the woods, as beautiful as the flower Wh{}:;e nai;{eshe ~ ~ bears, but as dangel'<>US in defense as the queen of the jungles. <D David Bela.~co's famous play has been tranBferred to the :-~ilver 0 .... .screen wl<th the utmost fidel.ity, in this dramatic classic. -;a 1:) Also Ben Turpin in "The Wild Goose Chaser" ~ -------------------------------------------------WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, JUNE 10 and 11th ~ ..... Featuring Bob Custer ''The Range Terror" A thrilling tale of the Texas Range and the Gangs last day in school Commencement Day * * .. this week. I Oh! Boy! Hold On To Your Seat Of Course At the THE IRIS THEATRE "The House of Quality" Mr. and Mrs. HyTum Brown an· Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Swenson joinnounces the engagement of thei~· er! a party of friends and motored to daughter, Clara to Glen Hogan of >1·ovo, Sunday. HONEYMOONS FOR ALL. The Mr. Lee Sharp returned home after West Jordan. The marriage will take * * • roar o.f Niagra Falls i<t to be broadMiss Mirla Greenwood visited last a year of successful teaching in the cast by radio, thus pro\iding· a hone)rplace June 11th in the Salt Lake veek with Mrs. Hans Jensen of Union schools of Tooele. temple. moon for eve1·y horne. * .. * Mr,;. Richar<l White of Park City and Mrs. Truitt Green of Sandy were luncheon gue.-;ts of Mrs. Sarah Burnham, Saturday. ... * * * Mrs. B. F. Fitzg·erald and Miss Afton Fit7..gerald of Salt Lake wNe week-end guests of Mrs. McKinley Fitzgerald this week. * * * Mis.<; Jane Farmer left this week for Bliss, Idaho where she v.ill spen{l the summer. .. * * Mrs. A. R. Cahoon returned Saturda) of last week from an extended \·isit with relatives in California. Mrj;. Geo. A. Wright attended a mr>eting of her club held Thursday in S: It Lake. About "0,000 new laws will be befo"e State elgislatut•e this year, there beinr- no law against multiplying them. SE.'ITE. 'CI<~ SERMONS BP1ief in God is instinctive. Faced bst~ntly with death, man inevitably cries unto God for help. The impulse co'lles even before the thought. Mr. J. L. Smith of this place is in a very serious oondition in the L. D. S. Hol'pital following an appendicitis operati·on Sunday night. Mr. Smith ir first counselor in the Draper Ward bishopric. BOOTHS Have for This Week and Next SPECIAL SALE Embracing Dry Goods, Shoes, Hosiery, Furnishing , Goods, Hardware, Furniture, Groeries and etc. BOOTH MERC. CO• WANT ADS MlDV ALE Hotel and Apartments. 39 Main St. Remodeled and Repaint ed. New Management. "Service tf and Cleanliness" our motto. FOR RENT-~Twp office rooms over Corner Meat & Grocery at the interlSection of Main and Center Sts. $10.00 per month. Gilbert & O'Brien FOR SALE-Oldsmobile Coupe. Four Pa,1senger. Inquire 206 East Center St. J.\1idvale 2t LAWNS-Leave orders fo1· cutting ...t11d trimming lawns at JOURNAl, office for Frank Wright. Prices are reasonable and prompt service. Tel. :\lillvale 178. 4t OPPORTUNITYY-For hustler Dist. Munagn Federal Bldg. and Loan this territory. Write 309 Vermont llidg., Salt Lake City. 2t STRAWBEHRIES-Sunday, Monday and Thur~clay. Burton Oliver, of 1nion, "Utah. J-18. I You might be a good judge of Merchandise But how do you know what we have if you don't call and see us WE INVITE YOU Monarch Ranges Brunswick Records MIDVALE FURNITURE CO. OIL BURNERS-Agent wanted this Territory. Greatest heatinp; device known. Fit;:; in any furnace. Price cheap. Call at JOURNAL office. Everything for the Home "Service Our Motto/' "H. GRASS FURNITURE STORES" FOR SALE-2~2 lots on 3rd Avenue. SPwers and sidewalks all paid. See MIDVALE, UTAH Box 367 Midvale 119 Dan Radovich, Phone 274, Midvale. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · What a joy comes to the wife and the kiddies when "Daddy" remembers them with a Long Distance calli • Mrs. Nick Albanese entertained at a children'f; party Friday of last week for her daughter, Helen, on he~,; fifth birthday anniversary. The g·uests .tumbered ten. Pink and blue were the colors used in the decorations and favors. His actual presence comes over the wire with his familiar voice, his inquiries about their health and the little happenings of the household. * ,* * Every Bell telephone is a Long Distance station, inviting the traveler to communicate with those who are dearest to him, tho!Je who miss him most. Marianne Pigott, of Murray, is a house guest this week at the homQ of Mr. and Mrs. Rollin A. Pall2/!Ch. * * * Wednesday a'iterrwon of last week Mr~. Eli Mitchell entertained for Mrs. A. W. Nelson and her daughters, Mrs. Murray. Mrs. Livingston and Mrs. Vincent, of Los Angeles v1io are here on a visit. - * .* * Mrs. R. W. Quick and children, Francene, Bobbie and Annette left on Friday of last week for an extended visit at Nampa, Idaho. Days are shorter to the home folks when they know they will hear from "Daddy." His calls are major events in the life of tho family. * * * And Ststion-to-Statio11 ratel make telephoning inezpen•ivtt. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jessup are receiving congratulations on the arrival of a daughter, born Saturday of last week. * * .. , Mrs. Arthur Larson and Mrs. H. E. Phelps entertained at a bridge lunchoon Thursday at the La1·son home on Locust Street. Roses and peonies were used to decorate the 1·ooms. Luncheon was served to thirty. * * * Miss Genevieve Goodspeed of Salt Lake was a guest last week end of Miss Isobell Nelson. Friday evening of last week Miss Louise Bowen was the guest of honor at ~o.n entertainment given by her Aunt, Miss Honore Stagg, at the Stagg home on Smelter Street. Twenty were present. Mrs. Hyrum Beckstead and children haYe gone to Preston, Idaho, to spend 1 a week with Mrs. Florence Christianson. Thursday evening of last week Mr. and Mrs. Emil Soderman were guests at a 500 party given by Mr. a.lld ~Irs. 0. N. Olson of State Street. 1 I One Policy One System Universal Service 1nd all Directftl toward ••tter Strvio. . • The Mountain States Telephone &Telegraph Co. ... ' |