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Show • , fiLL_Ol}T_ THE COUPON ON THE BOTTOM OF _THIS PAGE . ---HELP SUPPO T THE- JUNIOR BAN -- -- -- -- - 300 New Subscrib ers Were Added to Journal List Last Week-A Record .~------------------------· .,. .. - Subscribe Now For The Journal And Get The News Of Your Community • . VOL. 1 • ·o. 4 -~- MIDVALE, UTAH, THURSDAY, JU. 'E •1, 1925 • Sl:BSCRIPTION PRlC'E p ' • ___________________________________________________________________________,______________________________ MIDVALE BOY SAYES COMPANION FROM DROWNING .• Jordan Distirct School Lions of Pa. Back Impressive Funeral Strawberry Festival Young Phelps Works The \Veekly Wheeze Schwab Against All Services Held For The Teachers Chosen For Fast In Emergency Of League Base For The Benefit Of Saves A Life Ball Dope The Coming Year Would Be Foes Local Baby Clinic Victim Of Accident A Mighty Host Is Gathering For The Great Pageant Beginning Sat.1rdaJ June 6, L..!., the M. I. A. Jubilee will be h£1L 11 Salt Lake City. ThL jub' ee wll b By Joe Cushman Bingham Central School Many of you have read Ute disA ::itrawben-y Fe.,tival will br> '1dd the gre:: te,t event ince the fat. u :\lidvale was .-set back in the per- I H. R. Atkin, Principal paraging remark::. printed in certa r at the Band , t·P1d gt'OUI'< ne t ~at Pioneer Jubilee. ·daily newspapers endeavouring to centage column by Pressed Brick last Caroline Rasmussen ur<W.y I.'YCni 1= h,v t 1e Conn ittce m Thou ands of M. I. A. enLhl a break down the highly re;;pected Thursday when they trimmed the Jo- Wilma Hurlbert Marjorie Horsley chalt:,t' of th< Midval·3 Baov Clinic. w II gather in Sclt LLke City for thi. character of OU'l' fclhow citizen, cal boys by the score of 9 to 3. D'O'n H. Asohtou Bessie Hamill Strawbel'l'Jes, in n.ll forn~, ,;hort Oharles M. Schwab, whom the nation The Bricks got to Marty Beck- Eleda Garrett Rosetta Halling cake, Cl'U>hed, with crr:un, etc., will famou» event. JoN.an St.:Jke will be li{:!rtr :~ ~- ~ wd' rep.esented. has respected as one of it,; most C"f stead's left handed twists until Man- Blanche Larson be served. Pa~line Phillips & .. ~, ficient and enthusiastic leaders of .inThe war<b of the Jordan S.a ' :1. ager Scllmiett lifted him in favor of Verda Rasmussen Irene Martinson '~ ·~ &~;;._ The money thus accun.il:::.t€'<1 will .. ~dustry . Reading. gather in Mi !vale Satu1·d~) eH·n'n , Lueila C. Schultz Ruth Dal.lickson be ased to purchu~e u r.e\\, n U<Jern Unless l\Iarty reduces to pitching Bluffdale School .nd up to the n inute .ca.e» for the June 6th, to complete atT:.mg 11~ As members or the Bethlehem Lion,; for participat10n in t'~e paradL ' h1c 1 form soon he will not only get his A. C. OLson, Principal cJin.~~. Club, we felt 1t our duty as l'epresenbumps -then to the ball club will Mrs. Estella P. Olson Thl' elm c ~ • held on the fir~t and i<~ to be the culminating o'fcr ng J tative business men of our city, to have to buy a rubber suit fo 1· him. Beatrice Jessop Ella F. Mousley third Tnur~dn),; in each month and thE" celebration, June lOth. show loyalty and conl'idenct in our I The l\lidvale J umor BanL. will k a l Manager Schmiett was out of the there are ~wo doctol ,, fo.1r graduate Buttler School fcllow-t~wnsman, Mr. Schwab, by t.he Stake wards in the para IE <~nd line up with a bt'<lken bone in the left Ivan C. nur.e, Dalby, and Principal a denti • n attEndance. pa..-..sing the following re~olution, a ' ll.ill foot. ulso enter the band oonte t in Louie Goff filled in and played H. W. Bur~n Alice Haru;en 'Ihe <.•)mm ttee in cho..rbc o . thi oopy of which ha,:; been sent to Mr. «"'·""·)"···-·.""-.... r~_.. compete for tJ,e a good game. Louie is a short ~top Ruth Valentine imp.Jrhut pha~ of child welfare L 11•hich 24 bands Schwab and to eve1·y Lions Club in for the L. D. S. High School and a a separate orgun:zatior. workhg Wl championship. Bal!<l Ma ter Wm. M. Crescent School the International. Cox ha< the band keyed to it. I-. l'hrelief pitcher <~nd out fielder here; it H. W. Jorgenson, Principal cer the State Boa¥c of Healtr. "Be it resolved, That the Lions Eugene l'helps est pitch for the contest. S1 a , L. YIQu owe ~ oursd4' :... str.. , bt>rr;:y has been suggested he be tried out Ruth Bush A!rdath L31l'son Club of Bethlehem, truly representa, Eug-ene Phelps, son of Mr. and at short instead of Jenkins, who has Mrs. Beth Thomas trea,t a'l.d the oaby cliruc :~- c..1r suppo1 t. Brady wm be generalis;;imo o" the 1tive men of divet'Sified busines:> clas.BE. 'I HERE! Saturday, J unr 6th! Jordan Stake parade. been unsteady this year. Draper School ification.-s, knowing the sterling qualiMrs. Howard E. Phelps, of the Phelps The name · of the judges "'ho will The Bricks showed a well b<~lanced Reid Beck, Principal fications of their belovec.l fellow citiConfectionery and Floral Shop, at 17 zen, Charles l\1. Schwab, who rendserve. at the jubilee contest sch~duled N. Main Street, ::\lidvale, is the hero club and one that will give a good Mrs. Angie V. Rawlins I for '1 uesday of r.ext week are no. to account of it's self this year. Mrs. Margaret Peterson erec.l at the urgent solicitatiun of Presof the hour. be announced until after the cone uGeo. Olsen, the Brick's short stop, Mrs. Willda M. Beck ident W ooth·ow Wilson, a~ Di1·ector La,;t Saturday a CI"<>Wd of boys sion of the-ir \\ ork. Thig an ... tgo If nt of the Fleet Corporation, great sergathered at the "Old Swimmin' Hole" ''11;\nd a good one" was in some what Ethel V. Smith of mess last week, he having signed J. M. Peterson Laura Shepherd Rl'v, .Fred N. Clark, '\lini ter Insures complete impartlalit) l 1 all vice with his genius and energy in . in the Jordan River, near Midvale. to play with both Murray and PressD. May Hibbet·t Leila Keben Sunday, June 7, 1925 the adjudic..ting. :<aving the American and Allied shipArthur Wadleigh, one of the numed Brick; and as he told the \\Titer (;lranite School Sunday School lU 0 clock. 1 he ch i l In po.nt of n~mbers appearintr, 'alt ping from disa.-;ter, and contributed ber, '1\"Uded out beyond the safety line Guy Youngdell rcn"' Day progr;..w \\ill b<' g hn L:..ke or the Intcnnountair. \\:e.·t has infinitely in winning the war; knowand w-as unable to S\\im or obher'\\ise intends to play with MulTay, but last P. M. Mickelson, Principal Funcrd sen· ices were hdd "or Guy luring the Sund:..y School hour. 1n~n:r h~d a .oo~test. of the size that ing him as a man of the hig'hest reget back to sho1·e. He shouted for week he missed the Murray tellm when Sarah McArthur Laverne Jensen they went. C. Youngdell, to Huntet· l\fa) so George 27 at 2 just o,cloek Bring t: 1e 4'flnily an,J enjo~ with tre co m'lg J~l.Hiee 1:; ~ssurec. tv b , Her~i~an ~chool putation in business life, for integ111 help as he disappearal below the mudchanges suits and shows up in Mid- A. J. Rees, Pn1tc1pal the children thiD ho.n· of wholesome a.ccord,ng to the executive c:nm ntttL I•ity, as well as ability. we do not be· the West Jordan Ward House. ~dy waters of the Jordan. Eugene · Hanna R. Christensen Bi hop Wm. J. LE"ak pre icLng. in.truction and in p 1 at"on. ' T~u.• forty-two women's Choru ~, fer lieve Mr. Schwab's magaificent rePhelps went to hi. assistance and vale. W~t Jordan Choir T.he game 4'urnished was interesting the Morning altho \'vl()r_ one ip Virginia 11 o'clock. Walker ::ierno:1 lnstancr, which had regil:.te.cd for cord was blotted out by a venal act. succeeded in getting him safely to 1 singing. A .·olo was re~d"rC< b) Mn. sided. by D In . John the absence J. Lace;, of Benny, Hig~land ~Y. School r ;)On the contrary we feel in hearty 1 e.iring Dj,- competition up to last n'ght, \\i the shorC'. trict Supt:rinte'l.dmt of the Metho- resent nearly every :part of t: tan a.1d accord with othrrs in saying. 'Give Mark Gardner, '·One; S\\eet Sole.nn Eugene does not care to talk about Porter run the team and his added D. C. Watkins, Princ1pal us more Charlie Schw.:1bs to nK!ke 'Dhoug'ht.'' Song. rEnlo't'O hv t,:, ' d t ''ork in C'tal.. ~ h •arty im.i- Idaho. the incident but nevertheless he was duty seemed to stir him into heavy Sara Oh.ristensen ·hitting for he sure cracked cho r were: "Rock o • Ages" · "1\ly the old Leah L. Watkins Hattie Paxman btion t-J wor_hip \\hh u 5 • Special For the first time the new cydo· this Country greate1· and better.'" l!Uite up:;et on returning home that apple that day. Elsie Peters Clerynth Jeru;en Father Krows," with C. I. Go.:: a~ n U> icul numbers. rama \\~hic·1 IS to be a permanc nt evening. True to the code of honor soloist and "Co1'1c to M~." The sp€- (- Epworth League-11.30 p. rr. Topic- feature Ill the tabernacle \\ II be u c.. It is to be hoped that the whole Lark School among boy .. , he did not want Waders were: A. F. Rundqui t, Jas A. "Quitting School Too ~Jon." A ]es- Thrs innovation wit: make pv ')!• leigh's parents to know about it, for team will come out of their slump D. F. Griffiths, Principal soon. Margaret Sweeney Bateman, Enoch Jorgensen, Willard ·on for you; come anl~ hc'p r.'ld be I !.he staging of pageant.>, conte:rt 1d fear they might chastise young WadBern Mallst.rom Rasmussen and will Bb.lwp be out \\ •n. soon J. Le~k. Dora Han.>en helped. Elizabeth Hatch 1t.he like with a r;ctting comp:u~' I~ leigh for such action. 1 --------------:\lidvale School Military rites were held at t'1e trra\e, to that of u theatre. Tile cycloran a But Phelps i;; entitled to all credit and if he hasn't lost any of his old since U1ey were other boys pre:>QI\t form we will have more hitting E. E. Greenwood, Principal Thursday of last week .Mrs. B. J. Dedication of the grave by c. I. Goff. is m<..ue of blue velour and i~ ro conMrs. Esther IsaacSOID. O'Connot· and !\Irs. E. E. Elieson enThe floral offerings were prof.l:; structe·l us to give a striking '-'Ultam Who made no attempt to assistR the strength. Today June 4th Midvale ~es to Mrs. Peaxl M. Vincent tertained the friends of tneir daugh- and ~autiful, attesting to the hig-~' rescue and the JOUH~AL does not ef"ect. Hunter to battle the league leaders; MriS. Florence Jensen ter~, Edna and Ruth, ut a picnic par- esteem in which daoosed wus hrld Caravnns of autos are alrea< y en he~itate to sing his praise. ty in a nearby canyon. Twenty four thl'l()ughout the Hunter neighborhood has four that of he the Utah Copper PI Marvel M. Belknap l'<lUte from numerous poi! ts thi<)lf, 1Medals for Meritorious Service have enjoyed the affair. had chosen for hi" life;';; work. out the west. Portla'l.d i-; cn.cJu r· a been awarded to many a boy no more players so they should show a better Mrs. Ruth Sessions • * * team than they had in Midvale last Stella Gregory Old residents of West Jorda·1 clo Df'Coration Day the Midvale Junior contingent, a:s are also Lo., An..,.e'€ , Mrs. Grace Rapp worthy than Eugene Phelps. time they were here. Foll~wing· jg Alice Thompson Thursday afternoon Mrs. Niel An- not remember of witnc.;sing a funer- Band blos.. omed out ·n th,.il· new and Alizona, Idaho and southern Utuh. W. E. Dewey were the Box Score of last Thursdayden;on Esther ente 1tained in hono 1· of :\liss al p1·oces!<'ion corr parable to the one faultless uniforms. Thc_e su ts cost Dunbar Hazel M. Peterson One of the outstanding featu 'l Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Donall ~alt Lake Pressed Brick Mary Padjen Mrs. Grace Rolph Louise Bowen. Games and refre::.h- which followed Guy Youngdell to his 1 in t·ound nuMbers five hundn d Gol- of th!.' parade which L to be t1' ~ CJI l\ ill Creek visitor,; Saturday. B. H. 0. A. Mrs. Myrtle Ault Golden Ben~tt metns were enjoyed by twenty g~ests. final resting place. (...i.'s. But you C;ln't hwe o ba'l.d \\ith ruinating olfe1ing of the M. I A .• ub.* * * Riverton School Mrs. 'l'hos. A. Smith had as her 0.1t uniforms nnd you can't have a h"e lee, which begins Sato.~rc..ar, Ju1:: ht 1, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rock spl.'nt F•. A nderson, If · - - - . 3 0 0 0 1-Ii~er, 2b ......--------·-5 3 1 II! W. R. Stevens, P:rincipal Monday in Salt Lake. guest Friday and Saturday of last t•mn .without a ba 1d. If we .were to 1 wil. be the sin~:,>'ing of the rran...~ .., • • • * week, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Worrctt, of • , pay a 1 expenses of the band 1t would groups. The>re marc.'·lfrs are b · 1 Ringwood, 3b ·····-..·-···--··--5 3 2 1 Amy L. Butterfield Miss Rose Allen was a Salt !Jake Olson, ss _.. _ .......--.. -....·-·-·-..4 2 1 2 Hazel M. Christensen S~lver City, Mrs. Reese Jones, of Mag 1 be cheap, con pared to what other trained in the rendition of 1'11) t ll il vdsitor, Monday. Peterson, rf ··-· .-...-........- ...A 3 0 0 Norma F. Larson na and Mrs. R. J. Gardner, Mrs. o. towns pa) ror barn mu ic. ~o ll.'t's chants, rounds and song•, wh cL t i, Krauth, lb ____ -·--..... 3 3 8 2 Montella Pany W. R. Edge! Peck and 1\lrs. Thos. Smith, of Salt pay the bill, the q~~cker thP betLer. felt, will contribute n uch '"•) fw Mr. Earl Fergu,;on left Tuesday Gehring, cf _·- ~ ___ .4 2 3 0 Olive Crane Lake. Maurine Clark pageant. Continental sold € ha\e for hicago. He ha.~ charge of the Austin, c --··--.. l\I E T .B . The Booth Mercantile <.'o-rpany ha .shov.m ~·- .. 2 1 6 2 Elna Densley how mu h to thE" rr '~ t..l' Mary Allen rs. · • rown, Mrs. Eli )!it- remodeled their dry O'flll() depal... seven boys from various high schools Utters, p --·--..-·- _ .. chell ~1 D A l) l\1 A d 1 <- v v " 1 1 1 0 tread o!: marcltmg brisk si! vir. U' \\ill Sandy School , • n;. • Ge• rown, • · r:s. n re'." ment into a Modern t.p to date c ty I in Utah w'ho are going east to reMidvale A. E. ~0011, Principal Lat.::;·on -ur G • add. Although the J'ubi!e parad , L"· , -'! s. o.. oe t z, .,~1 rs .•-..mue Rtore. J present our State in the National Linmore Harrison B. H. 0. A. Harold .Ashman Nel~n _and her guests motored to The chang·e makes L l'em!il'k~ble ( cording to ooln"lllittc-e. report.' ' J High School Track meet held June Reading, If ................-..··-···-·....4 2 0 2 Ro:x:ane C. Porter Olive C. Maxwell Sprm 11 w ·' 1 1 "• have t\\tnty-four large b~nu; i 1 'w • gv1 e eunes< ay am spent tue difference in the gN e a! appear•nce the fifth and sixth at Ohicago. da~· at th h r ~1 L D 11 ~ Cushmau, c - ..··-···-·-·-··· --·-·-3 1 5 0 Naida Orosgrove MtJ-I'Y G. Walker repre.o€'nting the finest band n.1 c ' · After the track meet Mr, Furgu- Whitmore, 3b _ ---·---.. ... .3 l'ti de l\I ome •o n r;;. · a ey. ancl the fixtu··~ "'"'• bb. .._.mg IO'H're<,I gJ.ve . It \\it: ll"lpo. ~it>'e to ~_;et the Rot: in intermountain America, it \\i 1 • Mabel Chri:stensen 0 LaUI'el Dewey r. an • rs. E~ Hobb.' of Tooele, ample room for draping ar d d plav- of Honor of th< uov w 11) • e ed in quire ._'] the mu c av ·I able to :tJ l son wil~ attend summer :-chool at the Atwood, rf _ __ ___ 3 wnore McClor 0 Effie Robinson Mr. and Mrs ..J. Pn.ce, of Murray, and ing goocls thereon. Thts inllO'·atio.l t~c Wor'd War f1:om '"hi.· 'l·Cl· ··•tv Univl.'rsity of Illinois for six weeks Alsop, cf · - - __ · -.. 3 1 Bessie Facey Mildred AndeP,son M d l\1 Lo H f ~a! ' ' vide rhythm for 12,000 n arch , 0 ~~ an rs. ~ISSa an:s ·en, :::; t will eliminate considrrable ranrlling rea ly for conp'ete. pub' cat10n thi separated, as they will b<, b~ tlf,a.t before returning home. Jenkins, ss ·-·-··---~... _,2 0 11 Crosgrove Jvy Done e were guests · turl1ay of last of goocb. i~~ue of the J o.1rnal. However an e·o_ • • * u A F H '-b Porter, lb ........._.,_.,_... -·· 3 1 3 Ru Goodman wee k a t th e home of lurs. . . ou s With thb improvement the\' havE" fort wi I be madE' to de s•) next wE>ek. and banner carriers. l\ . and M1-s. T. F. McDonald of Beckstead, p ··--·~- _ • .2 1 South Jordan School 5 '" * * reo1•ganizrd the mark up to c~mpPte The co-operation of al .s invitee' t Lake were guests of Mr. and Goff, 2b ·-·--····--- __ -· . .3 0 1 E. L. Crawford, Principal , Miss Louise Bowen was the guest \\ith the city tore pl;ces. in order th t thin Ji.+ n·a:,. be comMemb:lr of the bOO Club wer (. 1Mrs. D. \\'. McDonald, )londay. Stauffer, If _ ·--·..--·-·--- .1 0 of honor at an entertainment given 0 Mrs. Laura Hooton plt>tc. P ea~e gM: iTr touch w:tl thi te~ined lo'l.day afternoon ::J.t • • S. L. P. Co.Oarolyn Hay Thursday evening by 1tlis,; Mabel An- t hTogethe~ \\ith . ~he t> al~r~tion.; office \\,th.n the nl.'xt few cla"\s, home of_Mr • K T._Brown. ey are m a pos1tlon and w1L g:'e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _._ _ _.;._ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ M George T. Sharp who repreRuns ... 3 0 2 0 4 2 1_ 13 Printlha Hansen derson at her home on Center Street. the good people of 1\Iidv.nlr and sur-~ I se!l,tl "East Midvale in the Jordan Hits --·-· 4 0 1 0 9 3 2-19 Una Peter:;on Sixteen young people enjoyed the af· rounding territory the real service of 1 Stake "Old Folks Committee' accomp- MidvaleUnwn Sc fair. any city store. anie<l the other membe1·s on an autoRuns ......... 1 0 0 2 0 0 0- 3 Bennett Cash, Pri'nci Miss Anna Hansen, of Coalville, is . Mrs. Muriel Farnwol h mobile trip last week to inspect the H ItS .. --· 2 0 0 4 1 1 0- 8 \.he guest of Mrs. Carl E. Peter. on. Mrs. Esther Forbus soveral pla<:e.s suggested for the Old Members of the \Vesew Club were !\fr;;. Minnie L. Wac. .FX>Iks Annual Excursion to be held ~ntertained at the home of Mrs. D. Former Jordan Valley player inl Mr.s. Mabel T. Bair tlhis summer. ll Townsend Wednesday. RefreSh- the Copper League me"'n much to • * • Stella Walker ments were served to eight. thei1· respective teams. Ctah Gop per 1 Hazel Wardle strid Lind Mr .and Mrs. Earl Fergu.<;on and Bishop and Mrs. John A. Aylett has Dow, Sadler,-Apcx haH LiPu During the last week there has Upper Bing am School baby of Brigham City have been vispent last week end in Logan at the strom, Walbeck-1\bg!la has Brov.11, been s1ight decline in egg production. Mabel Neprud, Pri#cipal siting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. home of t.heir daughter, Mrs. Vincent Sadler, Bob and Rrn Howard, Neil ;on' The larger markets of the country Maurine Olson George T. Sharp for the pa.~"t week. are paying fo1· the 1Hal and Aln a Egbert Arthur "1th Lawson. top grade of eggs • • * June Rhoes Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Esperson, l\1n;. Steadman and Cooper finish wl--at the following: l!. S. 1\1' es School Miss Nellie Patience is back at her Victor Ander.;on and llh'. and Mrs. could be mlade into a good cnou.~?:h New York City, fort>·-one cent.-s·, Mrs. Elsie I. Ne on desk at Booth lliercantile Co. after D. H. Townsend spent memo1ial day ball team to rrpro;ert this val e)' in i Ohicago, thirty and one-half cents; West Jordan Scnool having undergone an operation for Philadelphia, thirty-three and a half at• Mendon. the Copper League. W. W. 'Malstrom, Principal appendicitis. Monday afternoon Mrs. M. L. Engcents; Detroit, thirty-two cents; Los In the opening g-.1me Coope-r h<!d Frances Critchlow lllih entertained at a children's party Jllagna hitless for five inning· and in Angeles, thirty-three cent~. M1:s· B. A. Rasmussen entertained Members of the Utah Poultry Pro- Mrs. Margaret Thomas at the Community church amusement 1 the same g ....!ne Steadman':- field ng June Christope1·son at dmner Saturday of last week for ducer~ co~perat' · t' hall on the fourth birthday anniver- was faultle. . . · '1 H \\''ld f S 1 1ve a ·soc1a 1on are Leona Kelly Leila Nebeker 1 en Mr. an d " l'S. arry at receiving for the t 1 f sary of her daughter, Caroi Jean. J The combinat on of Br<:.wn, Egbert's .r.u an d l\1 r. an d l\1 rs. D · J · SearI e. thirty-two' op gra< e o eggs, Orpha Dorius Delila Spratling Fill out the form below and mail and hand your contribution I 'Te cemts. Twelve guests enjoyed t.he affair. and Howard's wa 1'1.'-ponsiblc for tbe Lucile Peterson L. E. Eberly only win for Magna. to Dr. H. E. Nelson, Chairman of Midvale lland Committee ~ Bingham High School \ 0. D. Ballard T. A. Dewey --~ H. R. Atkin, Principal A. C. Jensen J. N. Dodus W. 0. W. NOTICE Orson Smith Alma F. Smith Mr.s. Madeline Waidis :------TEAR OFF HERE.:.---------: 1 Regular meetings of Arbor Thos. H. McMullin C. R. Nelson L. E. Butler Camp No. 81:> W. 0. W. will be Mrs. Edna P. Wac.le Mary Berg,trom Nell Clark I enclose . to help d~·fray expenses of the l\lid,·alc t Mrs. Jean D. Cole J. M. Woo<U10use held on the second and fourth Ida Heywood Laura Gardner Vema Ska.nchy J. Byron Birch Mondays only during the months Oralie Rawson G1~tchoo Ho1·st Junior Band for the year 192;;. I belien• th(• Band is an Jordan High School of June, July and August. Please Helen Candland Number This Week _ ---..-·-·-···· ...... 227 carloads L. W. Niel~>en, Plt-.indpal take notice. Supervisors asset to the C'ommunity and will BOOST for it to the Number Last Week ··-·-··--..................._ ..... 193 carloads Emery G. Eperson Primru-y Grade ........ Freda Jensen J. J. Isler, Clerk Isaac B. Humphreys l'xtcnt of my ubility Same Period Year Ago -·--·....-...._.._ 191 carloads Penmanship -----·-·-·-·-· E. Ray Beck Mrs. Elizabeth Robinson Music -.. --· ..... J. M. Boyden The sound of the lazy yawn i, be Attendance Officer ........... J. H. Greer ing heard throughout the land. ·-·-·-·-····-· ·-·-·-·-·-·n) Ardath L, Price J. E. Hayward "' . t "il. "/ I l\lidvale Community Church Notes a F: I MIDVALE ITEMS .:\lidvale Juttt'or Batld t; niforms Look Very S 'ff S d y atur ay Local Firm Retnodels Store 1\-faking Some l\fodern Changes • • • Roll Of Honor In World War To Be Given Next Week h ' • ''Music Hath Charms to Soothe the Savage Breast" Utah Copper League Egg Market Review I Midvale Must Support the Junior Band i * * * ° . -----------------------= ::::::==··· Carload Sh ' pments Recel'ved A S ffie Iter ··-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· ·-· 1 EVERYONE SHOULD ASSIST |