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Show THE JORDAN Murray Society JOURNAL EAST MIDVALE The members of the Omenia Lodge degree staff entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Catchel, Thursday evening in campliment to their captain, Mrs. Dan W. James. Games and music were enjoyed and refreshment~ wet·e served. • * • Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reeder are receiving cong11atulations over the arMr. and Mrs. M. Stonebreaker of ' rival of a claughter, born to them on Salt Lake spent Sunday with Mr. Sunday. Mrs. Reeder was formel"ly and l\lrs. C. Howe. Miss Lilly Olsen. .. * • * E."' Ellis Mr. and Mrs. R. of WoodBishop and Mrs. T. F. Greem\'001.1 ruff were the guests of Mrs. Lam- and Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bowen atbert Watts, one day last week. tended the Stake Recreation Conunit• * * tee's annual festival in the Union Miss Lucetta Malstrom visited at Ward amusement hall, last Wednesthe home of Mr. and Mr~. Charles day evening. A thol'oughly good time Edwards of Salt Lake, the past week. consisting of numerous games, tricks * * * and :;tunt:;, refreshments and daneThe Boy Soouts of Grant Ward, who ing were enj<>yed by about three hunspent th1·ee days of the week at the dred guests. • * * Scout Wigwam in Mill Creek canDr. and Mrs. McLloyd Kilpack have yon entertained the ward members at a banquet and party, Wednesday ev- the Dr.'s mother, Mrs. Wm. J. Kilpack of Pro\'o and brother Aldon as ening at the camp. their house guests for about ten * * * Miss Elva Pixton visited at the clays. home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sudburg * * * of Salt Lake the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cronin left Friday morning for a months visit * * * Miss Ella Tripp of tlhis city left with relatives and friends in Indiana. • • • Monday for an indefinite visit to ~ortla:nd, Oregon, after a sightseeMr. and .Mrs. James Lindahl of mg tnp there, Miss Tripp will be the Munay were dinner guests Sunday of guest of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cahoon Mrs. Grace G. Thornton. and family for a few days at Seattle, * * * Washington, then going to the BreMiss Mirla Greenwood entertainmerton Navy yard to visit her sister, ed for her week-end gue:;t, Miss Mrs. L. J. McCleary, and farnilr. Hazel Greenwood of Sandy. Later Mrs. McCleary and Miss Tripp * * * v-.ill motor through the northwest, reMrs. Laura M. Tripp spent Friday turning later to Spokane, Washing- last with her mother, Mrs. John Malton where Miss Tripp will be the strom. guest of he1· twin sister, Mrs. Wil* * "' liam Webber who was recently marMr. and Mrs. W. A. Garrett motorlied. * * * · .ed to Nephi, Friday and were weekMiss Bernice Watts has .as her end guests of relatives. * * • guest, Miss Laura Bills of Fairview Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook of Salt fQl· this week. Lake are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul , BANK 8,001( c OUR BANK IN AccOUNT Wl"rH YouR WIFt MIDVALE, UTAH Bank Booth'sSpeciaiSale ' THIS WEEK AND NEXT of Aluminum Ware Nest of Three Preserving Kettles * • * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgon of Union announce the marriage of their daughter, Loui.se, to Delbert B. Newbold of this city. The marriage took place Wednesday. A wedding dance will be given in honor of the young couple, Friday evening. 3.00 For * * • SEE WINDOWS The Senior girls of the Mutual Improvement association gave a banquet in honor of their mothers Tuesday evening in the Grant Ward amusement hall. The time was spent in games and music. Refreshments were se1·ved to fifty. Booth Mere. Co. * * • Midvale, Utah ;y;y;!:fi!:fi!:fi ~ ~ y; MIDVALE BAKERY The Home of Home Made Bread and French Pastry Phone _J 43 N. Main .. .. .. . 1namon Rolls and Dough.. nuts, per doz. - .. .. y; y; ~ y;~ ~!:fi 47 B~-.ad, 3 loaves for I All the members of Grant W ru:d were invited to attend a social given by the Builders Committee, The Finan~e Com<rnittee and the Ward Bishopnc, Thursday, May 28th. A good program w_as enjoyed as ~ollows: 1. Amertca; 2. Invocation; 3. So·lo by John Ayre; 4. Remarks by Mayor I. Lester; 5. Selections by Metropoli~n Sing:rs; 6. R~ing by Wm. P~ruegater, 7. SelectiOn, Rodeo Quartette; 8. Essay on No~es by Mm. Mae W. Stauffer; 9. Report by Bishop. N. L. Jenoon. The rest of the everung was spent in dancing followed by refreshments. • • • Mrs. E. A. Bateman was hostess at a very prettily appointed birthday luncheon, Tuesday afternoon complimenting her mother, Mrs. T. F. Greenwood. Besides the guest of honor covers were laid for about fifteen immediate relatives. Early sUillllmer flower decom.ted the table. * * * * * * M.iss Blanche Sharp Lake visitor, Monday. was a Salt * * * Mr Jack Rozell and Miss Leona Niels~n of Salt Lake were guests of Mrs. Mima Nielsen, Saturday. * * * Mrs. M. D. Clays of Salt Lake visited Satw·day with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Bennett. , * "' * !:fi!:fi Let Us Take theCJJother !:fi !:fi !:fi y; !:fi !:fi y; "'rHE bothersome business of motoring 1 -greasing, crank case draining and refilling, washing your car let us do it for you. We're not far from you. Just drive around and leave your car with us-we'll lubricate it cor• rectly and completely. Bring it back in a jiffywe're equipped to do this sort of work. And we refill your crank-case with Gargoyle Mobiloil, the lubricant that minimizes carbon, eaves engine wear, increases power. We'd lilc.e to perform this service for you on a monthly basis- we can afford to do it for less that way. Drive around today and we'll talk it over. !:fi !:fi !:fi !:fi ~ y; !:fi ~ !:fi !:fi y; • y; m • >!< Osler's Opera Milk Chocolates AT Our Big Candy DANCE SATURDAY Plenty Candy Plenty Fun You'll follow the Crowd Ladies Tailoring A Specialty Clothes Cleaned, Pressed and Repaired 64 West Center Street Midvale, Utah m Mrs Lizzie Reece of Bountiful is the g~est of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. u: Garrett. !!11 0 FREE! "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" TAILOR Real Combination of Service and Quality m ~~!:li!:li!:fi!:fi~~y;~ In The Center Of Town Phone :Midvale 117-W • • * 20c !:lim H. F. Rasmussen A * • * Market First Class Wo1·k Guaranteed • Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Walker of Blackfoot, Idaho retw·ned home on Monday. They have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Sharp, during the past ten days. Mr. and Mrs. Davis are receiving Miss Margie Forbu~h was a guest congratulations over the arrival of Satm·day of Mr. and Mrs. M. P. a daughter, born to them Sunday of Bishop of Murray. * was forMrs. Erma Milne, Lindsay, Mike and Kenneth Miln~ spent the weekSome people grow under responsi- end in Lehi. bility, others merely swell. * * * Mrs. Ruby S. Goringe of Salt Lake was a guest <>f her mother, Mr.s. A. E. Smith, Thursday. MEAT SPECIALS Suits Made To Order ~ • * * * COX MARKET IS THE PLACE I y; · Mrs. Jack Sundell wa.s visiting her Lake. * * * • mother, Mrs. Ethel Tom~son, WedMrs. Teresa Tholan of Salt Lake nesday of last week. has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cart E. Tholan for the past week. * * * Mrs. Jennie Smith has returned to * * * her home ifl • Myton after spending Miss Beth McGuire of Draper is two weeks here with relatives. spending a few days with Mrs. D. L. Bowen. • * * SATURDAY IS THE DAY 56 MAIN STREET o ar1ne * * • Mrs. John G. Sharp had as her Miss Lillian Smith of Holliday was guests, Saturday her daughter, Mrs. manied to Elmo V. Boyce of this city. Martha Pierson and children of Salt 25c y; ~:;1t~~~s ~:~ec1~· g~~.s y;y;~y;!fiy;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;y;~ Cox's C. Pederson. • S ARA TOGAS P R I N G MERYMAKERs THE DUNDEE "UTAH'S BEST" From Midvale Ball Room ltii!fi~~ * • A real good crowd, with representatives from every town and village in the Country and North Salt Lake enjoyed an Old Time Dance, Wednesday evening in the amusement .hall. "Bub" Freeman of Union did all the calling with Buxtons orchestra fw'nishing very appropriate music for the occasion. These dances are held every Wednesday evening and if you want to g() back ten or fifteen years to some real old time Baltimores, Chicago Glides, Quadrilles and many more favorites, come out and have a good time with a good crowd at a good place, East Midvale Hall. * * • Mrs. Annie Greenwood of Salt Lake spent Wednesday visiting relatives and friends here. * * "' Mrs. A. E. Smith and Mrs. Neil Olson accompanied by Mrs. C. I. Goff and Mrs. W. F. Lennberg of Mddvale and Mrs. Effie Miller of Murray motored to Tremonton last Wednesday to attend the funeral of their Aunt, Mrs. C. Erickson who died at a local hospital last Sunday. * • * Mrs. M. Householder and sister, Alma <>f Midvale were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Forbush on Wednesday evening. Buy Them From Riverton l\lotors~ Riverton Triangle Service Station, West Jordan Wheeler Bros., Sandy Hiway Garage, Sandy Mount Service Station, Point of Mountain Earl Anderson, Sandy And Hundreds of Stations in 10 Western States ..... . ?. L.. l ~ I y; I y; I Every Drop of Conoco Gas Made in Utah Boost south Salt Lake County ~TED WHEELER, Agent |