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Show ~~~:=:::::~~~===~~=~::::~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::1 11 ~:~ :~~r!e~t ~~v~tt~~~~~w~u~!~rra~~ ~=~ The Blue :r; ctrc • 1e } 1:; tbe stu<ly. He had taken the precau~;: tion to ''d{l<:tor" the :Orst pistol before l~~~ he left lt unMr hb nlllow. It would :::: :::: he a disappointing weapon to the per:;;~ ~~: 1 son who took lt. :::= As he noiselessly hllrrltd along the ~:1 ~=~= dark lower hall he heard a faint sound In the study. Ills grip tightened on !; ;:;: the revolver In the poeket of his !; Q Q ;:;: smoking jacket. He took out the ~~= weapon as he noisele!!ly opened the ~;: !;!; study door. •::: ;:;: J a rues and Hart wl're In the room, ~!~ !~!~ in whleh one electric light burned dlmf:~ ~:~: Jy und!'r a shade. The)' were kneeling. ~!; ;:;: bent over something on the floor. and (!; :::: the backs o! both men were toward ~~~ By ~~~~ him. He brou!(ht tltPm upright with n ;:;: ELlZAB ORDAN :;:; word, their hnnds above thPir beuds. ~=~ ETH ~;~; their eyes rolling In terrifll'd lncredul~~ ;:;: lty. He moved slowly toward them, •;:;:;:::;:;:;:::::::::::::::::;:;:::;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::;::::::::::::::::::::: keeping them covered, h ls eyes tak ln g <@ 1>7 The ceotu17 Co.) In the object~ that lay at the mt>n'~ WNU Service. feet. Several bags were filled with plundl'r, and scattered about the .floor CHAPTER XIII-Continued were bulky artlcll's of silver brought --22from the dining room and apparently "I know James, too-'Sllru Jlru'; and rejectl'd at the last moment. His In'Codtlsh Hart' and 'Sleepy Annie.' A terruption had been opportune. They nice bunch you are I I looked you all were almost ready to recall Jenks fron1 up the day I was In New York, but I his guard duty upstairs and depnrt. couldn't be sure till I got the finger "Turn your faces to the wull," he prints yesterday. I recognized your orderPd. "You, James, move six paces friend Rickett at the first glance, by to the right. Hart, I'll trouble you to the way," be Interpolated. "The dis· take eight steps to the left. Hurry up. trlct attorney of New York used to be That's right." He relieved them of a pal of mine, and I saw him sencl the revolvers each carried, .and also Rickett up the r!Yer five years ago took an unpleasant-looking knlte from That's why I got rld of him so prompt- II art. ly, I know about your operntions In "Ort'edy," Jle rl'huldngly observed London houses, too. But, though you're "Where's all the jewelry?" so good on the servnnt end, you're not "In the leather bag." It was Bart half so clever a gang of crooks as who spoke, apparently realizing that you're reported to be. By the way, the game was up. how about the cook and Violet 7'' "I'll have to lneonrenlence you. Step "They're dead ones. 'l'lwy don't Into that corner c:Ioset, Hart. Be quick!'' know anything· about us." "I thought so. Now why didn't you Hart o!Je~·ed without another word. get otT with the stull' before came-- Keeping his <'Yes on James, Renshaw and while you had a chance? You had loeked t.be closet door, and put the been here almost a month." key wlt!J the bathroom key In his "We were waiting for the foreign pocket. dame's stuff. We thought that IPnther "1\ow, 'Slim Jim,'" he commanded bag \·as the ace, and at first we briskly, "face a!Jout and march Into couldn't get hold of it." the hull. nenlly, this is nlmo!!t too Jenks answered doggedly. He easy, I wasn't sure I could pull It ot'l' seemed stunned by the turn of eventR, alone, but I wanted to try." "Are you a bull?" he asked sud· "Slim Jim" obeyed his orders with denly. surprising alocl"ity. His nen-e, of "No. Just a plain citizen; but a which he had little at the best, was fairly lnteltlgent on{', Jenks, and your gone. Henshaw locked JamPs Into the goings on here attracted ruy attPntlon. hull closet among the hats and ovPr'I'hat reminds me," he asked suddenly. eoats, first carefully remo\"lng from his "How about the leather case? l'ou pockets anything that might &sslst In finally had a duplicate made. How dill forcing the bolt. He then shut and you arrange that?" locked the study door. "Annie got her lamps on lt one day, Keeping a stendfast e:l'"e on the studv and told me how Jt looked.'' and hall closet doors, l~e took up th~ "So yt~u duplicated It and made the extPnsJon telephone from the hall exchange, thinking you were going to table and, getting a connection with get tiaras and such 1 And when you 'Yainley after some deluy, summoned foun!l that t~e case held onlv manu- the Ia w to his ald. scripts and papers you threw. It back "I ha n'n't ret culled on the two men lnto the lady's room?" In t11e grounds," he explained to the "'Twasn't no good to us." For the elllef. "Ha1·en't bad time. Hut I'll first time, tl1e ruan on the floor grim· get tlwm In now. Bring another man aced. "We guve you a good jolt with with you." He added a spontaneous It, to help things along,'' he m!'ntloned trihu,te to "the sex." ''\Ve'ye got o with satls!nctlon. "I thought mebbe woman to d!'nl with, you know, and you'd be sent away on the strength she's still at !urge. How ~oon do :vou of that.• think ~·ou con g'et here? Flft.!'etl minutes? Fine. I'Ye hod nothing but "So you did. ·And you threw In tlw luck so fnr." locked door for good measure. But then, you suw that the lady got back EYPn ns be ~<poke, soml'thlng crashe<l the ease without undue delay and down upon his head from the ~<talr nervous strain, which wall Tery decent <'nse aho,·e him. The force of the of you." hlow would hu1·e floored him If It lind As If moved by this tribute, the cap· fallen strulr;ht. As It waR. he Rtagtlve reverted suddenly to the person- o::ered undPr a slanting strokP thnt almost hroke hil! right shoulder. In the ality of Jenks, ths perfect butler. nPxt moment he swung up oYer the "We never waste energy doing unstnlr-rall, nnd, entchlng the wrist~ of necessary things, sir," he said primly. "And we never Injure anybody physl· the fm·ious wo1nun on the stairs, held cally. That l:m't our method. That's h!'r flnnly, why we wanted to get rld of. you quiet "Stupid of )"ou, Ann!!'," he !!ald. !Ike, with no harm done. And now, "What's the good of trying to l.>rain sir, since you've got the whole story, me with a kitchen stool? You'll hr.,·e nnd ~lnce you got nothing on us but a l:m<led In the e!Pctrlc cl1a ir for It: As little joke, sir, I'm sure you'll have no It Is, you'll ha ,-e to languish In a objection to b!'lng a sport yourself and prison cell for hen1·en only knows how letting ns make a nice, quiet get-nwuy. long. ,\IpantlmP, don't hiss nt me It won't do you any good to put us like th:ot. It d1wsn't look pretty, nnd In Sing Sing, sir." It doP~n·~ do mP a hit of harm. I'm "Perhaps not; but It would benefit feeling too fit. In faet, I don't know the community Immensely," Reno;;haw Wh('n I'V(' felt SO Wf'll OJ" SO <'hatty," pointed out. "However, that's a mere he added Pt>ll<'efully. "Oh, no, nn; detail at prPsent. Let us eontinue our ki'Pp quiet. Of rourse I C'an't lf't go conversation. When wPre yon plan- of ~·our haD!IR. I like to hol1l thPill !" ning to moke your get-nwny with the "You better go nnd look nftPr them money and je~vl'ls7" 1n•mPn," muiH•rpcl "Rieepy Annie." "The night you ('ame--d-n yon,'" "Hart r·h loroformerl 'em-!111' ht• ain't tmld Jenks, with sudden bltternpss an1l uny too careful ahont ~tH·h Joh~." ril'etfulnP~s of his role. At t hP l'hung-e In his fnee, RhP :j •'} U pass over your profanity this lou_ghPII. "I thought yon IVOUllln'l time. I can see how my Inopportune fppJ so ""PI! nfter thnt. Here--what arrival must have annoyed yon. So y' cloin' ?" you postponed the coup till you coulcl He gn_ggpfl h!'r with hi~ hnnrlkerget rid of me; and then Camphell was l·hief, nnd tlPII hPr nnn~ bPhind her ·en sick, an<l with doctors c·omlng 11lth a plee!' of Cl)rd. He fplt colrl and golng, and Morrill here at night, 11nrl :;lt'li". Hart In \'prfty'~ room! II<' rou decided to walt a few days tnl<l hlmsPlf the woman wn~ l~·in!l. hut longer--'' his lonul!'l!latlon pictured n thou~:mfl A new thought stn1ek him. "\\"hat horror~. happened the night Cnmpl.>ell was "I think you'rp l)·fn_g," he told Antltrlcken ?" niP. "\Jut wp'll see. ('nrnp nlon_g." He had to do consl!lernhle pro1lcl1ng IT!' pr<lpf'!l€'11 hPr downs( airs nn11 before the qnelltlon was answ(·rl'll. nli('Hcl of him to the front l!nor. unll. "He eaught me at the safe In Ills opening th!l;, sent a low whl~tle otll room," Jpnk~ admitted at ht~t. Into t.ll!' dnrlmPf'K Atmo~t hefor!' It "So thnt was It! It was plunne1l for hall c·efls(•d th<> two officers who had that night. And that's what ('amph\'Pn )!unrdlng I he house Rtood bPfore bell's warning meant, nnd nll his hhn. worry!" "\YP'n' got thl'm,"' hi' salfl hrll'fly. Henshaw rose to his feet. A sudd!'n ~learn In the oth!'r's eyes-trlnmplumt "C'nught them rl;:ht In the art, ton. or snrdonlr, or both-remlndl'd him of One of you wn trh this woman. The matters he had forgot ten for a few other kl'(•p an e)'e on those two doorf'. mlnutP!!. "Anything plnnned tor to- 'rhP chiPf will hP hPrP In a ft•w min· nil'S. I'm going Uplltnlrs to R!'C whnt 1\Jght ?" he asked casually. miRehle! they've rlnn\' there." "Tonight? Nnw!" said Jenks fierce· Be mouniPd the stuin·a~<e tlor('P Jy. '•(jt course not." F<tPpS at a tim!'. At Yertty'~ door he "Rl'tter tell me the truth.'' stopppd, nnd his hrPath rau_ght. He "Naw, I tell you. 1\othin' doln' toknew now tl1~t Anne had spokpn the Bight." , truth. He open!'d the floor, nnd, ftn!lBen~haw bent, tested the strength lng the l'le<'trlc ew!tch nfter n sl\~;ht of the cords, gotherel1 up the bound hut maddening delay, lifted from the body as If It had b<>en an Infant's, and, earrylng It Into the bathroom, de- girl's fnce the pad thnt still covel'('d posited It on the floor. He then shut lt. He felt physically Ill ns lie rllrl so, ud locked the bathroom door, Ignor- and a sudden lust f{lr the life of Ilnrt Ing !he wbln!'s and cur5es of Jenks, filled him. Going In turn to tilt' four who alternately consigned him to per- windows, he threw each wide open. c!ttlon ftlld urged him to be a sport. Through them poured the hradng Back In the bedroom, Renshaw re- tonic of the cold night olr, nn.d with trieved his aeeond pistol from the It came the welcome sound of an auto- f:: :; 1 a { J t::e:=~~e;tl~,e~=~cl~~~ng mobile 11rlven at tall !!Peed and rusb lng up the avenue toward the house. Wlth Cut!:urn Talcum Powder, an exquisitely Chapter XIV I His Own Man. The pollee had eome and gone. tall lng w!th them their four suJien prisoners. Doctor 1\Iorrts. resp<'ndlng at once to the hurry call sent him. sad successfull~· treated Verity und Ma- , dnme HvoPslet for the after-etl'ects of chloroform. Henshuw hod done the honors of the bouse with some natural pom11lu - • ASHINGTON. - Futility of cency. Now, In CarnpbeJI't big chair any further effort In behalf hefore - the rebuilt fire In the living- ' of a con>tltutlonal amendroom, he listened to !\!orris' admlrlnJii: ment prohibiting the lssuancttributes, an11 t!:Jought of the way Verof tax-exempt securities Is conceded Ity hod look!'d when he left her. by the admlnlstrntlon, It Is reported. "It waR a great stunt you pulled off. President Coolidge and Secretary of old mun." the Treasury Mellon, while continuing Hen~hnw In ughed. "It wns rather Interesting,'' be ad· to advocate such an nrnendment, huve become convlnee.:l that there Is no Immlt1 !'d. Morris hesitatf'd. "I wonder If I mediate prospPct of aNion nnd wl!l dure to tpll r<·u that I know who you center their etTort~; on ohtainlng reductions In the higher surtux!'s to a level are?" he tnm·mured. The othet· nodded. "Of course you which will offer no ln<'entlve to Investmny. Every cne will know ln a few ments In tax-Pxempt securitle~. Seeretnry Mellon virtually admitted dnys." ( the al.Jandonnrent of any serlou~ ef"Tloen"-.i\JOI'rls dared the question fort to obtain the adoption of a con-''you feel that sou are all rightstitutional amendment In his recent your O\vn man again?" speech at 11 bunkers' eonv!'ntion at "I know I nm !" Tl•o words were RJioken quietly, hut Jackson, l\IIss. His opinion us to thtl results with entire eonvletion. ll!orrls nodded. lmpos~lblllty of obtaining "I know It, too,'' he conreded. "And through the ('OilRtltuttonal nmPn1lment Stanley knew It before either of us. method during thl' prPsent administraHe knew you were well when he sent tion coincides with that of congreRyou here. But, of course, he wasn't !ilonal lenders who have convusfed tl>e looking for the spectaeular perform· situation In the light of the personnel of the new congre~<!l. nnce you have pulled off l" A resolution proposing a ronstltuHenshaw Qdgeted u moment, then tlonal amendment prohibiting the fu· rose. "You're going to look In on Miss ture 18suance of tax-exPmpt seeuritles Campbell ag-ain hefore you turn ln. by states and munlclpnlltles will he relntrodueed In the house In next winnrea't you?'' I ter'~ session of eongress. The ways "YPs.n and means committee rna)' go through "I'll go up with you and hear your the form of reporting the resolution finn! rpport." He waited at the hnlf-open door of Verity's room. his heart pounding' fiercely. He heard the doctor's voice, that o! the nurse, and then the most EGISLATION deslgnpd to make wonderful volre In ttle world: Hawaii the strongest mllltnry "Is l\Ir. Renshaw there? I want to outpost In the world will be ofSPe him for a moment." fered to congress In Decemb<>r, He went In and bent above her, the according to llepresentntlve Thomas doctor and nur~e moving away to W. Butler or Pennsyi Yanln, chairman makt' room for him at the bedside. of the bouse naval committee. ''All right now?" he asked gently. The members or the house nnval "Yes, I-I think so. But-would It committee will visit Hawaii next he too much If !-asked you some- month, salltng by way or the Panama thing?" Her ,-olce wns almost In- canal on the transport Henderson, audible. which wlll carry the Annapolis grad"~othlng In the world yon could uating class to the Pneltlc. Naval ofask me would bl' too much." ficials expressed the belief that follow· "Thpn-thPn, will you, If ]'ou're not lng this visit several defense bills too tlreti--stay somewhere nl'ar?" would be Introduced In congress. Her voice broke. "I'm afraid when Representntlve Butl!'r said he was )·ou're not near," she admitted, wltb a going to Honolulu to collect data thnt childish gulp. would aid him In the legislation for II(' pressPd the hand thot lay on the building up the Hawaiian defenses. coverlet. It clung to his as It had He declared that, In his opinion, there clung In the blnek hole of the closet. w n!! a state o! unprepared ness In that "Tht'y're all out of the house and region that should be remedle!l by on their way to jaiL 0! course you congress at the earliest practicable know that. But I aru going to sit date. He stated thnt naval officer!~ just outRide your door the rest of the would accompany the house committee night,'' he added l!:!'ntly. to Honolulu for n tour of Inspection. "Oh !" Her fnee grpw luminous, Naval officials ~<aid that congress then cloud\'11. "It's horribly selfish of already had authorized Improvements me to l<'t you. Jt's nhomlnable, really, In the channel at PParl Horbor that when you're so tired. But when you would cost about $fi,OOO,OOO. The first are not near I fePI as lf"-her liP!! appropriation wlll be granted this wintr<'mhled-"ns If I were In a night· marp.'' "You werP. You have pa!'lsed through ~<'vera! nightmares this wePk. KLRSS ~clent!tle signs . fall, I ff'lt ns if I were In one myself while says Lieut. Com. George E. thnt lnfernnl ~!lin~ was plotting Brandt, aid to the naval hyaround UR, You'll he all right In a 1 drographl'r, this !'ummer will few days. Now, \Yill you try to slppp?'' "Of cnur~e I wlll sleep If I !mow be a cold one and the summer of Hl20 you arl' tnklng f'al'!' of me.'' Her de- even colder. A study of solar radiation and ocean pennPn<'e on him wns UR outspokpn and as unsPifcnnscious as \Ve·wee's temperature~ hns convlnc€'d him thnt next year "summerless" 1816 may be wot!lfl 1111 ,-e hecn . duplleated. "Thnt's agreed." He klsspfl the litLieutenant Commander Brandt points tle hnncl and releaRed lt. Then, ohspn-ln::t thnt thf' 1loctor had lett thP out that cyclonic dtstnrbanc~>s are the J'onm nnd thnt the nurse wo!l tuctfully 'lnknown quantity In the weather oc<'IIJIYing- hPr~Pif heyon11 hf'arlng cit~· ,.quutlon, and that while the pre~ent tnnre. he soft!,- !Hided: "I'm going to outlook 18 for n der•ided temperature hi' nenr _nlll all my life, my darling, 1rop aetunl conditions at t!JP time rnny oe far different he<"ause of faetors tf nnl~- ~-nn will IPt 111!'." •hat are now unknown. For on Instant more he lookl'd He hellev!'.~, how('Yer, that oc!'nn down on he1·, \l"fJt<:hing the slow color • empPrn turp~ greatly Inti upnce the flood her hPanttful far!'. rndpr h!R weather and that tl1P l!)~;"i-6-i wPather fool{ hPJ' e)·es (·losP!l, t!wn reopened. alrendy has bpen largPiy clP!Prminl'd an1! at lust rpturned hlf< gu7.e. lie took a <'hair an() "Pnt Into thP by t11e heat or thf' sun that "·as !;tOrP!l up in tloe o<·Pan durin~ Hl2~·:l - 4, wlwn hnll to settlP him,o;f'lf for the few resolnr radiation wus helow norlilnl. maining hour~ of the nig-ht. 'l'hf' lights twrl llePn turnPil out nne! thl' Chlf'agu.-An ptfort to forp,-n,t old hw1sP wns rl:ll"l> n~1itn; hnt llR hi' wPather oYI'r n pPriod of a ~·par or shut hi~ !')""S flllll IPant'!l his hPlH1 two year:;~ would he nothing morp thnn rtl!"ainst h(•T' !loPr. llf!' and the whole will! gue~slng, Henry J. Cox, distril't worlcl sef•Jnf'll ~prPnrl in a gloriou~ Wf'ulh<>r forel'nster !Jere, said in eompanornmn h~fm·e him. 1't•e !'Piltl'r of on prpdiction~ by others that DIPntlng tlw \'!"!on wn:< \'Nil)", She wa~ E'VI'ry" Joprp h•' lnokPd. She lnclose!l him the DPXt two ~:<tJmmPrs woulrl he eold, and that lfl:.!(j might duplleute "sumlike n cil"('lllnr "·nfl. \\'hnt !•!' hall nlwn:vs dPslrf'd hnt merless'' 1816. luvl hnrrll)· <lnrPcl to hope for. whnt his mothPr an1l ~l~tcr In thplr ftnnl IOOlllPIIt~ pf lifp hnrJ prttYI'd thllt he mi;.:ht haYP tn l'omfnrt h!m, hn!l com!' OCIE'n: IPndPrs of t!Jp f'apltal, at ln"t. P.nt hP had not "fnll!'n In aeeu::;tomed to pattPrnlng thl'lr lm·e." HP RP<'IIl<'tl to fpel the unfurlwa)·s nftl'r tho~<!' nf tlw flr,.;t la•ly In~ of mlg!Jty wings nnd he rose to of thP lund, ure ~tlllliJIPd by the love us n lurk mounts to the rrwn form of dil·erslon selected hy !llrs. Sk)'. l'oolifl~te. HIR yPars of lllnPss, of lnnl'llne~s. Four to six noll(•!< of wnlkln_g dally of 1larknes~, wPre fnr bellini! him, fAr 111 the prn~ram or Mrs. C'oolid;l:P, ~nd below him. Ill' f'ould for~rPt thf'm this ~cloPdnll' stnnds, ~o far HS thP denow. Ahead of him onee mor!' lay mi!Ddfl 011 the time <>f. a l'rPsidPnt's life and worl<. ns well IHI the rnpturp wife permit~. rain or shlnP. of thE' promise he bud reud In the Mr!!. Cool11lge has refu~NI to he PYPS of the :,:!rl hP loved. "jaiiPd" In the \\'hlte Hon"P- She re[THE E:'\D.) gurrls the PXPCUti\'P m~nsion as a home, and she ha~ mnlntalned the ~lmpip lonhlts of ll!e ~I.P uccustomPd hprThe Questioner splf to as the wife of a ~Ias,:;achnsetts He that IJUPsth•nPth much ~hall lawyf'r. Soeinl fnnetlons ,:;hp dlspo~es learn mu(·h, 11nrt content mu<'h; hut especlully If liP apply his quPstlon~ to of with ~rnf'e nn1l !'ll!'IP, und she enjO)"S thPm, !Jut they are kept nt a minimum. the sldll of the persons \Vhom he ask· Two wnlk~ R dny Is the favorite Pth; for he shn II give them occa~ton program. The morning stroll Is conto plense themselveR In speaktn~. an1l fined u~unlly to Rhopplng. :l!r~ . Coolhimself shalf contlnnally gather know!· edgf'; hut let his IJ"Piitlons not be ldge Is wpll aeqnalntPd with the stores troublesome, for that 1s tlt for a poser; here. un!l makf's her way ahout and let him be sure to leave other mell quickly. &ht'. !mows pretty well what ; ""111• won•t IJpfore entering a sales· tbelr turn to speak.-Lord RaeoL !NOW 0DES 1 :~~nte!s~~~no:~~~e:uc:~dsk~n~r~~:. Renders other perfumes superfluous. One or the Cnt!curo Toilet Trio (Soap, Ointment, Talcum).-Advertlsement. • Has No Backache, No Bad Feelings Because Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve.g• Live in Present, etable Compound Drove Her and Live Long Illness Away "I rend t11e news to kePp sonng, " I Chuuncey Depew tuld the reporters who lntenlewed him on his ninetyfirst birthday. favorably, as II has done In several And thut, In the tPrmlnology of a It Is unlikely, sessions heretofore. filppant generation, was not "apple· however. thot It will be pressed to a sauce" tor the young men of the press. vote In either house. Chauncey Depew not only reads the Several factors ha Ye contributed to news, but eontlnues to be a part of whnt Is conf'eded to be a steady loss the news. lle Is uctlve and alert ut of ~Up[Jort In congre10s for the eonstl· ninety-one heenuse he ulways bas lived tutlonal amendment tn the face of conIn the present, the Minneapolis Jourtinued ngitatlon for It by the trensury. nul says. Southern Democrats, for the most In youth Depe-w did not sit around purt, have stood firm agulnst the dreaming of an lmpo~<slble utopia and amendment In line with their general neglecting the opportunities of the position agHinst pncroachment of the present. In nge Depew do('S not sit federnl governmpnt upon state rights. around mourning the pa~slng of the A good muny Hepuhllcans, principal· good old days ond scorning the opporly In PPnnsylvnnla and other parts o! tunities of 1921\, the En~t. are opposed to It, believing \\'hen the threutenin;.: lnfirmltl!'s of Jt flesirahle to encourage munklpal advancing yeurs dernnndf'd certain lmproYements through tux exemption ehanges In the diet and ha!Jits of tills of bonds. k bl 1 d 1 h FurthPrmor!', with ont' reduction I remnr a e nutn Je mn e t le c nnges from the maximum wartime surtaxes without a murmur, nor did he let fear nceomplishe!l in the revenue net ot betray him Into a state of near-Invalid· , Ism. lie merely fnllmnd his life rule lH:!l, another eut made ID the revenue f h t ,, o aecept 1ng uncomp 1a 1n 1ng1y w a net o! l!l~4, und prospects exce11 ent . ti . 1 t b 1 11 for a further sla~hing of ~atPs In the ' ever me mtg 1 r ng 1 m. revenue blll to be enacted next winter, need of the constitutional amend- I ment Is conceded to he less pressing. On top of nil of these fac-tors the 1 organized eumpalgn which has succeeded In preventing approval of the child Jnbor aruendmPnt by the stnte Ieglslat\: res Is recognized to have con· trlbuted to a reaction against any tin· Applicants for Insurance kerlng with the federal Constitution. Congress and Tax Exempt Securities W I - I ),. \.•. •· ifed~~~ie~=~ was surely the r!ghf thing for me. I took four bottles then and in the fall of the year I took three. I had been treated by a doctor but he gave me an iron tonic and that did not help me. It seemed that the tonic did not have in it what the Vegetable Compound did. That gave me the strength and ambition I Reeded and I have gained in weight. This year before I started to clean house I got four bottles of the Vegetable Compound and am taking it right along, I tell all my friends about it and how much good it does me. They can notice it because I have gained in weight. I weigh 118 now and do all my work myself again. ''-Mrs. EMIL 0. BRANDENBURG, 651 87th Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never Suspect It ter, nnd the dredging wJll begin In the summpr of 1!)26. Clo~e on the heels of the "rapture" of Hawaii by the navnl forces In the joint mnneu,·ers and charges that the nrmy defenses of thp Island are detectlve, It was announced at the War department thnt officials there hoped that the house committee on mllltnry affolrs would visit Hawaii before con· gress reassembled. Aet!ng S!'cretary Davis o! the War department pointed out, with reference to lncrea~lng the strength of the defenses of Oahu, that the War departruent has a gen~ral project !or Judgmg from reports from druggist.& who are con,tllntty in direct touch with the public, there is one preparation that ha> been very •ucce"ful in overcoming theFe conditions. The mild and healing influence of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot is soon reali1.ed. It stands the highest for ito remarkable record of success. An examining physician for one of the prominent Life Insurance Companies, in an inten·iew of the >'ubject, made the as· toni,hing statement that one reason why so lnany applicants for insurance are rejected .. is because kidnev trouble is so common to the American" people, and the large majority of tho8e whose applies· 1 tions are dedined do not even ~-uspect 1 5oothinq and Healinq' t~~t they ha--:e the di•ea•e. Dr. Kilmer's ~"amp-Root I" on . sale at all drug stores m bottle8 of_ two 8tze~, medium and large. " • • However, 1f you w1sh first to test this great preparation send ten ccnt8 to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N Y., for a 1 SCHOOL of eri'ICII:NCY I sample bottle. "'hen writing be sure All commercial branehee. Catalog tree. and mention this paper. eoN. Mala st. &ALl LAKI: CITY. UTAU I I RESINOL I I for Skin Disorde,rs I Hnwall, which It has been developing from yen; to year us money was provide<!. No additional forces, however, are available for that region under the present str!'ngth of the nrmy. The question Is entirely one of funds, l\Ir. Davis said. Wnr and Navy department officials, ln advnnce of recelpt of the final report on the maneuvers, do not believe that any striking new defect will prove to have been disclosed, but are contldent that the sham bnttle will en· able presentation of the Hawaiian d.e-fen~e prohlpm on a basis of estab-lished facts ln:::tend of theories. L. D. s. Busmess College Japs Learn English as Matter of Course 1 . Is "Good Old Summer Time" to Be Cool? U Milwaukee, Wisconsin.-" I was in a badly run-down condition and I would get weak spells and terrible headachts. I felt so badly last year that I could not do any_ housecleaning. The minute I would lift or stoop it seemed as il I was going to fall to pieces. I told a neighbor how I felt . . and she said that Often Rejected Maybe Pearl H arbOr NeedS 1mproVI"ng L ALL HER WORK English Is taught in the publle 1 schoolH ull over Jupan. Later, when I cane to tt'UYel widl'ly In the interior, I often found brlgl1: schoolboys four- HINDERCORNS Bewono Como, Cal.. louses, etc•• stops all paln... ensnres comfort to the tePn or ftftepn years old who would teet, makes walklna eaoy. l5c b:r mall or at Drug· Yolunte er us lntervreter,o;. Theodore 1 &'l&la. lllocox Cbemteal Woru, Pateque, N.Y. G('offl·ey writes in tloe Saturday llive· nlng l'o!>t. lu anothpr gPnf'rntion Engll~h mn) be a Sl•t·ond language !m· thP J apnnPse, even as the Dutth todny are competent llu~ui~t", heeuu~e the world cannot be bothered to l<'arn Dutch. En~llsh, unlei"s u Juvunc!'e has been Pdtwatl•d abroad, bl.'comes ruther peImmediate Shipments cull:u· In Japanese mouths, for ac· & cording to .Jaroanese custom, every conSalt Lake City, Utah sonant must be followed !Jy u vowel, 819 s. 5th West nnd there is no "I" or "v" or "th.'' !_---~~--___________.. Thus "beer" IJemmes "hleru"; "glass,'' N. u~, Salt Lake City, No. 23--1925. ·•gur~su , " nnd "hotel," "hoteru." 1 "Maybe the next two summers will be cold, or they may be hot,'' sold ProfeFsor Cox. "It )s a hit-or-miss proposltlon, and If the guesser hits It, he then can say, 'I told you so.'" The federal govPrnment does not try to forecast more than a week ahead, reco;:nlz!ng the Impossibility of It, Professor Cox point!'d out, and then the dntn are called "outlook" and not "forecnM." e Kothing had been In solar rndiutlon or reports of oepan temperI , aturPs to Indicate to him that the com!ng summer might he cold. with no 'I :;ummer nt nil nPxt yeur, the forecaster declarPd. The year wus starting oil' W!'ll abo1·e the norwal for the entire country, he ndded, ond In Chicago an !'XCN" of approximately 300 de· grees of loeut above the 30-yeor average had bPen recorded since Janu- 1 an· I - 11'1oe or·pnn~ "·pre unusually warm last .n•ar and tl.e year preee!ling, said Profe~~or Cox, but !\orth Anwrl('a, the 25¢ ANO 75¢ PACKAGES EVERYWHERE British IslE's nn1l northern c:ontlnen· tnl Europe had nn exceptionally cool Cheerful Giving in Peru SUltllllPr last ~ · ear. A tPII pi" in l'Prn whi('lo was l•egun The pnrth's temperatures se~>m('d to 10.000 ~Pars n;:• • I H!< not yt•t IJel'n combe ~lightly rp::;pon~lve to slln-spot ar- pleted. EYidPntly It Is bl'lng built by th·ity, t!JP forec·aster said. the temper- popula:· su!.~ e ri11tluu. Life. ature, dimlolng qfghtly highPr. possl· bly on!' flpgr!'e, during perlo1ls of least n cti vi t ~·. 1- ~;een Berry Cups and Crates Salt Lake Box w. :::=::=::=::=:===:=:::-======-- ·- _ Relief I su~e FOR INDIGES"'ION Lumber Co. Luck Hay Lon", editor of the IIearst's International- Cosmopolitan :llagazlne, tells why he doesn't believe In luck. He thinks every mun gets about what he de~l'rYe8 . In proof he tells a story In which Sam Harris, thentrlcnl pro· ducer, points the morn!: "Luck may be 5 per cent of life, but the other U5 per cent- which Is wl at's ln the mnn-alwnys decides the outeome. I've met thou~ands or 11eople everywhere, in every walk of life, and I neYer knew one who got much more or IP.f;s than he deserved When a eh:op knows medicine and Europe and fi,·e languages, nn!l still Is a waiter, something' s wrong!" The wl~e man floesn't walt for for· tune to knock at his door; be goes out to meet it. First Lady o{ the Land Likes to Walk S room, :wei tnk!'s little time In makln~ her Sl'le("ti(ln. AnothPr "nlk In the afternci!ID usuully llnd~ !orr pnjoylng the frf'Pdom of Olll' of the numprou~ park~. hnt thE ~troll~ Hrl' not confin!'d entlrE'ly tG pnrklra,1·~. ThPre are few stre~>ts In 1 the wl!IP twl~lohorlwod nbout the White House, !lett!Pd hy eYery rlase of [leople, whleh she has not truv· en<PII. On thPse walk!' Mrs. Coolidge usually is accompunl!'<l only !Jy n se<'ret senlee mnn. .lim Haley, w 10 baa ! heen assigned to look nfter her pro- 1 te('tiOJJ ever since she entered t11e \\"hlte HoU~I'. Is "tall and nnturallY takes R long stride, but )Irs. Coolldg~ apparently nenr finds the puce too fa~t. It takes extremely seYere wenthN to dPprlve 1\Ir . Coolidge of her walk tlnless there are gt~sts IJt thti White House, lllrs. Coolidge ~Pidot, uses her prlvnte limousine. It 1J ·~ ' stood in tlle garage fol! ~·p~;l;g a1 1 tirue. I MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is a pleasant, harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especiaiiy prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. ~ To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven direetions .2!! eac-h package. Phyaicians everywhere recommend lt. |