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Show THE JORDAN UN I 0 N BOOTH'S.difi!fi~..:-..y;y;a. SPBCIALfThis Wee~ and Next~ 1 The Rummage Sale * * * This sale embraces everything your heart desires and you get some REAL BARGAINS * * * Miss Myrtle ~hompson returnod to her home in Texa." last week aftclr an extended visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Smart. Come early and get your first pick * * * Miss Viola Hurler of Arizona is visiting with her sister and Bishop Heber J. Burgon. Sc to SOc * * * Mr. and Mrs. Nephi Gregory joined a party of Salt Lake friends at the American Theatre, Monday. Values up to at least •• • • $5.00 JOURNAL Jordan Journal Issued Every Thursday by :-.-------------..: Mrs. Hattie Brady entertained at The Jordan Publishins; Company, Inc. dinner Saturday. Her guests includTERMS OF SUBSCRIPI'ION ed Mr. and Mrs. Edison Denny and year ..... ......--.. - ........-.--..··-·-- $1.50 Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Brady and One children. Telephone Midvale 178 Bill Steadman is wea!'ing a watex proof grin and passing the "cigars" He is the proud father of a fine girl who anived Thursday at her grandmother's home, Mrs. C. V. Erickoon in· Union. All concerned are doing nicely. • Friends of Mrs. William Smith of Mun·ay, formerly Miss Elsa Wengren of Union will be plea.~ed to learn that she is the mother of a big baby boy, born some two or tihree weeks ago. She is with her mother, Mrs. Will Wengren for a fe~· weeks. MIDVALE, UTAH * * * Mrs. C. M. Hart of Oklahoma returned home Saturday after a months visit with her sister, Mr,s. W. W. Schofield. The Ward workers of the Relief Society met with the "Creek Branch" society Tuesday and enjoyed a very interesting session, followed by a social hour. * *Baguley of PoMr. and Mrs.* Roy cate1lo, I6d.ho were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bateman, Saturday. * * * Miss June Smart was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Marian S. Thompson of Provo. * * * Mrs. Jessie Berrett entertained last week fQr her daughter, Eva Brady and children of Bingham. * * * Mrs. John H. Walker and her guest Mrs. Sarah Parker visited friend:> in Salt Lake, last week. • * * FRUIT! All kinds of small fruit in SEASON NATURAL ICE H. R. FELLER Yz Mile East of State St. On Greenwood Ave. East Midvale Phone Midvale 67-R2 * * * And we're on watching quality for you every day in the week. job -- Comer Meat & Grocery Gilbert and O'Brien, Props. * * • The religion class under the supervision of Principal, Mrs. Veri Milne and her officers presented their clo~ ing program, Friday even\tg in the Ward Amu:;ement hall. · Same consisted of numerous drills, pantomimes, tableaus, readings, musical numbers and a very clever one-act play. Much praise is due the officers for the excellent Tendition of the perfonnance. * • • Mrs. Dick Beeny of Salt Lake wa~ a guest of Mrs. Clara Walker, Thursday of last week. * * * ~ Reliable Automobile Electricians. Let Us Worry About Your Electrical Troubles ALL WORK GUARANTEED E. E. Elieson B. J. O'Conner 0 &E Electric Servie 25 E. Center Phone 272 Lincoln Ford Fordso'n "Midvale, Utah Ermil Beauty Shoppe 13 North Main Street "Distinctive Hairdressing" j. S. MORGAN PRACTICAL WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Midvale City, Utah C. J. Ridd MOTOR CO. Personal Service Phone 205 Midvale City, Utah U.S. A. BARRY ~WRIDE PLUMBING, HEATING Whether Pauper or Millionaire YOUR COIFFURE MAKES A DIFFERENCE "My Work Is My Reference" We are Ready to Aid the june Bride * * • Mrs. Lavina Fenstermaker entertained the Unity Club members last Thursday at her home on 9th East. Various matters of business were A Good Meal is Worth 35 cents ".Jls Clean as the Cleanest, ...tis Good as the (!Jest" and REPAIRS Call C. J. Ridd Motor Co., Phone 205 134 N. Main St., Midvale Dr. J. H. Brown DENTIST U.S. CAFE SAMAS & THOMAS, Props. Utah Midvale If you waat to buy, sell: or trade, try a want ad MIDVALE Feed· & Seed • STORE • • M. L. McNamara, Prop. • Midvale, Utah Phone Mid. 4 7-w SANDY, UTAH. MIDVALE MURRAY .1. LESTER Artificial Ice PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE Office--6j00 State Street Phones-Midvale 175-J, Murray 445 All Bargains One Dollar Sale * * * See our Windows for Bargains in this One Dollar Sale * * * Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyden entertained at a family dinner, Monday at their home in honor of their daughter Helen and Mr. Eldon C. Elkington, who were married Monday. Covers Mr. were laid for eighteen guests. and Mrs. Elkington left Monday evening for a two weeks trip through the Grand Canyon. They expect to make their home at Payson. • SAND"\ Mr. and Mrs. E. 0. Jensen announce the birth of a son May 1. * • * Mrs. Annie Egbert spent Friday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Mary Morteson of Murray. • * • • * • Mrs. Myrle Allsop entertained in l10nor of her husband's birthday anniversary, Saturday evening. Supper was served to thirty guests. The Second Ward M. I. A. entertained at a social Monday evening. The closing of their seasons WQrk. Games were enjoyed and refreshments served. So many charming things await the June bride here. The collection is so vari~ that ample choice is presented in each line. • * * • * * Mr. and Mrs. E. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Williai11.S, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Boberg, ivl.r. and Mrs. T. Christian, Mr. and Mrs. L. Sherwood, Mrs. Florence Stewart, and Mrs. J. Butterwood enjoyed luncheon and dancing at Saratoga Springs, Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A E. Peterson and sons, Bruce and Berk, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Hogander and son, Allen left Sunday for a trip •through Br~·ces Canyon, en-route to California. 'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Burgon announce the marriage of their daughter Louise to Mr. Delbert N ewoold of Murray which took place Wednesday in Salt Lake. The young oouple '\\;11 be at honored at a dance, given in their honor, Friday evening at the amusement hall. A nullllber of socials have been tenqered the bride. A number of lifelong friends entertained for her at t.he home of Mrs. Esther Forbush on Monday evening in the form of a miscellaneous shower. Games, refreshments and music were enjoyed by Miss Afton Burgon, Miss Dorothy Coomber, Miss Lucille Garrett, Miss Clara Walker, Miss Blanche Walker, Miss NelLie Garrett, Miss Lyle WalkViola Hurler was a 'll' and Miss special guest. The Big Primary Carnival, Monday afternoon marked the closing exercises of the season. Master Jay Smart was crowned king and Miss Ideal Berrett, queen. Races of all kinds with various prizes, ice cream, cake, hot dogs, drinks, serpentine, oonfetti and a matinee dance ended the days festivity. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Bateman of Rockland, lda;ho were week-end guests of Mrs. W. L. Bateman. • * • Miss Blanche and Clara Walker were guests of Mi::;s Louise Burgon, Sunday. the * * • Mrs Ivy J. Howe and baby left Wednesday for her home in Denver after an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. M. L. Jame:>. Mrs. G. W. Brady was a dinner guest of Mrs. H. Brady, Monday. in waiting around to be served. Mrs. E. Allsop entertained the First Ward Primary officers and teachers at her home, Wednesday afternoon of last week. Ai'ter the business hour, luncheon was served to nine guestS. • * * * • • * Before you start for home, phone us your grocery order and then when you stop it will be all ready for you-no time I Mrs. W. W. Schofield and family <>pent last week-end at Kaysville. * * • RIGHT ON TIME Sandy City News Entered at the postoffice at Midvale Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown and son, City, Utah, as second-class matter. Mrs. R. W. Born and Miss Lurelda taken up. Papers were given on the l{addon attended a musical given at "Virgin Islands and Life of Helen the West Minster College Thursday Gardner" only woman commissioner evening of last week. • * • in the United States, by Mrs. Rachel Primary officers Ward First The f'orbw·h. and teachers surprised Mrs. J. Wilkins at her home, Friday. Mrs. WilA pastor met a rich member of kins was formerly a teacher ·in the the congregation on the street on day Primary and as a token of love and and in the oourse of the converga- respect she was presented with a beautiful dish by the officers and tion the pastor a;;ked his friend why teachers. Progressive games were he didn't come to church any more. played and prizes won by: Mrs. Myrle "There are to many hypocrites Allsop and Miss Marie Allsop. there," re,;pondo1l the wealthy ma.n. * * • "Never mind, there is alwavs r<Jom Mr. and Mrs. D. Richards and for one more," cameback the pastor. family spent the last week-end at '1\;th Mamlmoth Mrs. Richard's * * • Cox. Mrs. mother, ~he 1;ght road is not always the * • * most traveled one. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Da>.t.riup and family spent tho last week-end at Richfield. • • • Booth Mere. Co. . Anything in one window $1.00. Every article worth more. Any article in the other window $1.00 down and $1.00 per month. All at Bargain Prices West Jordan Lumber Company MIDVALE CITY, UTAH BE WISEI and buy the • • • FLOUR M1·s. Joseph Seeley and Miss Della Seeley of Mt. Pleasant were g-uests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Boyden, this week. t at satisfies West jordan Milling Co. 1 -: * * • Mrs. R. W. Born, assisted by Miss Ca1·oline Hay and Miss Gertrude Anderberg, was hostess to the Radiant Chapter of Eastern Star sewing circle, section A. of Salt Lake at Reher home Monday afternoon. freshments were served to thirtyeight guests. Phone Mid. 108 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Dewey have returned home from Beaver where Mr. Clifford Anderson has gone to Mr. Dewey was teaching in high Colorado Springs where he has ac- school. cepted a position with the Westem Union. Mrs. Anderson expects to The I. 0. 0. F. and Rebekah Lodge leave .soon. of Bing1ham surprised Mr. A. Stuart * * • Mr. and Mrs. H. Rosengren and at his home, Wednesday evening of family of Roire, Idaho are visiting last week. Progressive games were relatives here. played and prizes won by: .Mrs. C. • * * Pitts, Mrs. Kre.san, Mr. T. Nerden, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bock have as Mr. B. Sellman. Mr. Stuatt was pretheir guest, Mrs. J. A. Justesen of sented with a sterling silver fountain Spring City, mother of Mrs. Beck. pen and pencil. Supper was served to * • * 40 guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Price announce * * • the birth of a daughter, May 26. Rebekah Lodge enWasatch The . • * • tertained at a dancing party at K. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Nielsen and Mr. of P. Hall, Wednesday evening of last and Mrs. A. F. Smith were guests of week. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Smith of East * * * Mill Creek, Sunday. J Mrs. C. C. Crapo entertained the • * * S. S. Club at her home Thursday afMrs. Heber A. Smith of Draper ternoon of last week. Progressive was the guest of Mrs. A. F. Sinith, Rook featured the afternoon's enterthe past week. tainment. Prizes were won by Mrs. D. Richards and Mrs. C. A. Crapo. WEST JORDAN Luncheon was served to forty guests. We are sorry that the West Jordan • * • Mr. and Mrs. C. Rasmussen, Mr. correspondents notes wer e crowded out this week but '1\;l\ attempt to and Mrs. W. Tompson, Miss Freda ensen, Miss Thressa Lindell and Miss run them next week. Erma Lindell were guests at a sogiven by the Stake Recreation cial Luncheon was served to: Mrs. Rachel Forbush, Mrs. Mildred Sed- Committee at Union amusement hall don, Mrs. 0. Brown of. Salt Lake, WedneS<lay evening of last week. * * * Mrs. Chester Baker, Mrs. J. H. Greer Anderson was hostWallace Mrs. Mrs. Golda Soffe, Mrs.•Horace Burgon Carrie Coomber and Mrs. Elena For- ess to the Pep Club at her home, Wednesday afternoon ·of last week. bu..~h. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Brown .and son A handkerchief shower was given in honor of Mrs. Victor Engllban who visited at Provo Saturday. Midvale • • • • • • Geraniums ·' 20 Cents Each Better Prices in QUANTITIES }'or Outside Planting HOWARD E. PHELPS FLORAL CO. 17 N. Main St. has gone to Pinoche, Nevada to make het· home. Luncheon was served to sixteen members. Mrs. A. R. Larson was special gue::;t. • * * The First Ward Bee Hive Girls entertained the Junior and Sentor git·ls of the Y. L. M. 1., Thursday evenin& of last week in the ward cbapel. Games were enjoyed and refresn.ments served to twenty-one guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Nelson, Mr. an!lMrs. W. Tompson and Mrs. Jullul J en~;en were guests at a wedding reception given at the home of Mrs. Mary W. Ensign of Salt Lake in honor of her daughter, Eloise and Mr. Joseph E. Greetsen, Thursday evening of last week. • |