Show AMUSEMENTS Ir cIE N t S Barrymore at Capitol Next Lionel Barr Barrymore after titer distinguishing distin himself in many screen successes suc suc- ceases including A Free Soul Sou Broken Lullaby and Grand Hotel is s given a starring role rote In Washington Washing ton on Masquerade coming to the Capitol Captol Cap Cap- Itol tol theater Wednesday The picture based on the st st. stage e play The Claw deals with the political scene at Washington Wash Wash- Ington D. D C. C In addition to being timely imely the drama affords opportunity for or several brilliant and unforgettable characterizations Barrymore plays a lawyer in a small city whose eloquence and frank disregard for tor all political machines and moneyed interests lead to his nomination a as a United States sena- sena sena sena- tor His thrilling triumph and md his subsequent life liCe in Washington provide provide pro pre vide an unusual and deeply moving screen story Intimate details of Washington and its inner Minner circle arc are woven into the vivid action The work of ot high pow ered lobbyists in iii undermining the morals of f American statesmen is strikingly exposed Karen MorIe Morley who appeared once before with Lionel Lion Lion- el Barrymore in fri Arsene Lupin has hashe the he romantic feminine lead Diane Sinclair plays the senators senator's gro grown daughter who watches the drama un folding in fn his domestic lb life wj with dread Nils Asther C. C Henry Gor GOT don Reginald Barrow Willi William m Morris Mor Mor- ris nt William Collier Sr and Henry Kolker complete the cast The Chimp a three reel Laurel Laurei and Hardy comedy special is an added add ed cd attraction on the new program Make Me a Star with Stuart Er win vin Joan Blondell Zasu Pitts and Ben Bea Turpin is being presented for the last times today at the CapitoL |