Show GOOD GOLF By CHESTER HORTON NORTON Greatest Teacher 5 The mechanics of ot the golf swing swine begin with body action It is the basis for or the swing just as the thc swing is the S basIs asis for the art o a of golf golfing ing As the thc club clubs is s swung there thero I is ended with bad bod body action tion 1 The clu club withdrawal 2 The Th pendulum and 3 3 the ie accumulation In n the forwar forward swing we have 1 1 I The he w wit with I t h from rom the top pp 2 2 The lash ash and 3 The coast Body action usually Is thought though ot in terms terras of pivot vot You pivot in ACTION a way when you youa ii's P W walk a 1 I k but you never ever think of pivoting as being any part art of w walking For good body action stand and fairly erect Weight evenly on the he feet leet back slightly toward th the heels eels This physical case and comfort relaxation are relaxation are necessary because otherwise your body will sway as you swing wing The body must turn with the swing wing not away ay from from- It Copyright John r. r DUll Dill Co Vote Note otel to tD do when iron ib shots bol i ro bloat My Mr Me notion Horton n new v outline of or eor- eor for bad Iron play pIsy till tell yoo Secure thu Ihl ii br by writing him care re ef at jJ hi new papy sod aDd d damped e envelope and aDd one ODe extra edra stamp slump To tide Ude over the Central California i Baseball lea league ue nearly all aU the players donated their services during the first t I I half halt of the season |