Show CULBERTSON on CON CONTRACT CONTRACt by b Ely Ey L Wod Worlds World's Champion Player Py and an Greatest tc Card Cud Analyst A 1 PLOT AND COUNTERPLOT It I is axiomatic with all military authorities authorities au au- au- au that defense eventually counterbalances attack attack As soon son AS ASa asa asa a new weapon of ot warfare is devised no matter how deadly it may mar be be scientists tel tel- and engineers immediately set setto setto to work to find fid some means of coping with the new menace Bridge in its structure bears a close analogy to war The cards are the i armies The players who hold them are arc the staff and commanders So It ItIs itis Is ii interesting in a game to watch wath the of attack and defense It I was particularly interesting both bothIn bothin bothin In the bidding and play of the hand hant below which I saw played In i a rubber rubber rubber rub rub- ber game in a aNew New York bridge club cub recently East East Dealer Dealer East Eat and west wet vulnerable A 4 S A 10 9 7 1 1 J Jo 0 o 1 10 8 S 1 1 19 i. S Z 6 S S 5 2 3 2 C 3 2 N id JS 6 4 14 4 aS w w. c Q o 02 KJ k J t E. E S O ST I 4 7 4 J i J 5 C K KZ 5 X 0 C S 44 4 The 7 Bidding after bids In tabe tN refer to numbered explanatory p paragraphs aph 0 South Souti Sut West Wes North E 14 1 Pa Pau P Pass Pa B 6 53 3 Ra as Pass DbL Pane P Pass P Pass 1 While 1 I While it i may not prove effective eec eec- tive south's psychological bid of one no trump can ca do no harm Possibly it may obscure the hand patterns patters so 50 far as the opponents arc are concerned He has a reasonably safe escape In bidding diamonds If U that course coure later seems advisable 2 West 2 West stretches his holding to bid four spades but holding five trumps trump and barely one half honor honor trick short I of an a Immediate Jump to game ame h he decides to bare south's psychological bid to his partner at once 3 South 3 South now is between the well Wei known devil devi and ad the equally well wel known kown deep blue sea He elects tc take a plunge into the salty saly waters out out unaware of at exactly how it i will wi turn turnout turnout 4 As 4 As south fears and hopes West Wet paused for some time before passing the penalty double but anticipating anticipating an an- that south had ventured far fu beyond th the trick taking possibilities of his hand he elected to let the double stand and opened his fourth best spade This was ruffed rufed in the dummy and nd south then took stock of the situation Obviously to play the hand to ruff ruf out two spades must result resul in a set of one one trick but south thought he could see another way of playing the hand which if i the fates were kind kid might give him his contract Therefore af after atter at- at ter lr winning the first trick with wih a trump In dummy a small smal heart was led Trouble appeared in the oUn offing when east played the queen quen which seemingly was marked as a singleton singleton If I this were true however the situation sit sit- sit sit- was desperate in any event and south decided not to let it i interfere inter inter- fere er with his plan of at play He let east hold the trick hoping for the return of vf f a trump East however had oth other r pl plans ns in mind and md kowing knowing hl n ncr ner could read his hi play of the i qu P as a singleton now the seven i seven queen of clubs clubs South th forced to follow suit sit west Sout won returned a heart which east et trw tn East now led another club but bUho o put a stop to these tactics by nil rl and drawing the adverse trun South however suffered a P pen n of points point which was counter by his honors and fa far fa rr than offset in the r tha subsequent p t mortem by the revelation ion of the that east and west could have a m five spades and were anI only able defeat south's five diamond coat cont through eminently accurate cot tactics de I I TODAY'S POINTER Bridge is m mimic mic warfare an and maneuver for position between betwee contending forces bears a Clot close e i a c cig to the tactics of ogy Og contending j eral Attack Atack and defense when J f forces are arc well wel nigh equal fur fun fu many opportunities for fine atraL TO TOMORROWS TOMORROW'S S 'S HAND The bidding and play of h printed below will wi be discuss discussed morrow t East East Dealer Est Dealer f Both sides vulnerable I 5 AU 0 o 4 4 A Q j i i. i i K v. v p 14 4 Q 10 10 9 r KJ 7 73 3 S I 4 2 IQ K J Jl t 2 0 1 w c I 0 K Q 10 O A 1 10 3 5 4 2 7 A 4 V Q 7 I 0 J 9 7 SJ K 9 6 C 2 I i Study the hand decide how would bid and play it and pare the results you obtain those thoe shown in i tomorrows tomorrow's art Copyright 1932 Ely Culbertso a Copyright Culberto 0 I |