Show LIVESTOCK MEN SHOW OPTIMISM A much more optimistic outlook has been taken by livestock producers o of Utah and the west during the past few weeks due to the thc marked improvement improvement improvement improve improve- ment of the ranges and livestock tock and the slight upward trend In prices ac according according according ac- ac cording to Frank Andrews federal agricultural statistician The condition of the ranges has show i marked Improvement since spring pring Most ra ranges ore are n now w in better bet bet- ter er condition than since 1925 Mr Andrews Andrews Andrews An An- drews said Both cattle and lambs have lave shown marked improvement and are arc now equal to the year five-year average The spring loss of ewes and lambs Iambs has las not been as heavy as anticipated with the result that a large percentage of f fat lambs is expected to come of off the he range this fall he said Prices for fat cattle and fat hogs have lave increased during the past two months J. J H H. Manderfield 1 general manager of the Salt Lake Union stockyards stockyards stock stock- yards reports Lately prices have ad advanced advanced advanced ad- ad as h high h as 2 a hundred pounds which Is the best Dest news that the he livestock men ipen have had in many months he said Lamb prices have been een holding their own 1 |