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Show Roman System of Figuring. Counting on the fingers was a regular system for the young Romans. They would make eighteen movements with the left hand for the num-ber- s below 100, and eighteen with the right hand for those above. Two kinds of counting machines, called an abacus, were also used. One was a board strewn with sand, on which geometrical figures were drawn. The other wag a frame, with balls moved n grooves to represent figures, with a special contrivance for doing fractions.. As teachers were not very in those days, arithmetic might be said to have been learned less by rule than by ferrule. MISTOOK PLAN OF CEMENT SMOKE HOUSE. SON-IN-LA- Latter at Last Found Out How Relative Was Loved. was a confirmed dysAldrich Judge peptic, and noted for his asperity on the bench. He had a daughter married to a prominent lawyer in Boston. On one occasion, when the Judge was on the bench in Boston, a case was to be tried where his , son-in-la- Natures Way Is Best. AWFUL PSORIASIS 35 YEARS. i Terrible Scaly Humor In Patches All Over the Body Skin Cracked and Bleeding Cured by Cuticura. "I was afflicted with psoriasis for thirty-fiv- e years. It was in patches all over my body. I used three cakes of Cuticura Soap, six boxes of Ointment and two bottles of Resolvent. In thirty days I was completely cured, and I think permanently, as it was about five years ago. The psoriasis first made its appearance in red spots, generally forming a circle, leaving in the center a spot ajiout the size of a Silver dollar of sound flesh. In a short time the affected circle would form a heavy dry scale of a white silvery appearance and would gradually drop off. To remove the entire scales by bathing or using oil to soften them the flesh would be perfectly raw, and a light discharge of bloody substance would ooze out. That Bcaly crust, would form again in twenty-fou- r hours. It was worse on my arms and limbs, although it was in spots all over my body, also on my scalp. If I let the scales remain too long without removing by bath or otherwise, the skin would crack and bleed. I suffered intense itching, worse at nights after getting warm in bed, or blood warm by exercise, when it would be almost unbearable. W. M. Chidester, Hutchinson, Kan., April 20, JUST WHAT FCRM Can Be Erected at Little Cost for Material and Labor, Give directions for building a smoke house large enough for smoking twenty flitches of bacon. What quantities of material would be required? The accompanying plan is for a smoke house 10 feet by 10 feet by 7 x Chinese Court Fashions. A Pekin newspaper published the following as to court fashions at the Chinese imperial palace: Ermine robes were first worn this season In the palace on the 22d Inst. Squirrel skins are the next on the list, to be followed by fox, and lastly sable at the new year. Record-Breakin- EXPRESSION RHEUMATIC Front Elevation. feet high, and is to be built of cement concrete 8 inches thick. It will require five barrels Portland cement, 2 yards small stone, 3 yards clean gravel and 2 yards clean sharp sand. These should be mixed in the proportion of six parts gravel, four parts External applications are of nse only in securing temporary relief from pain the cure for rheumatism lies in purifying and enriching the blood. Mrs. Frederick Brown, of 40 Sumpter street, Sandy Hill, N.Y., was a sufferer from iuflammatory rheumatism from the time she was sixteen. She says: It first appeared in my knee joints, then in my hips and waist. It became a regular thing that I would be laid up all winter. The rheumatism affected mostly my hnnds, bipe, feet and shoulders. My hands were all puffed up and my feet became deformed. 1 lost my appetite, couldnt sleep and sometimes 1 was compelled to cry out, the pain was so intense. For several winters I was under the doctors care and while his medicine relieved tho pain for a little while there seemed no prospert for a peimaneiit cure. I was confined to my bed, i ff and on, for weeks at a time. My linilw swelled dreadfully at. times and I was reduced almost to nothing. In the spring of HK4, npon the advice of a friend, I begun to use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At that time I wasn't able to do anything and could barely eat enough to keep alive. I felt a change for the better in about a mouth. 1 began to eat heartily and I suffered less pain. Of course I kept on the treatment, using cure in my diet, and in about three months 1 was cured. I am entirely well today and do all my own work. Dr. Williams Piuk Pills cured Mrs. Brown by driving the rhenmatio poisons out of her blood. But you must get the Pink Pills, sold feuuine Dr. Williams' and by the Dr. William Medioino Co., Schenectady, IT. T. off certain poisons. 1008-pag- paper-covere- Cloth-boun- The completely arranged shelf Solves Domestic Problem. Worcester, England, has refused to give the government a site for a cavalry barracks, though one of the city councilmen used a strong argument. He urged that the presence of 1,500 soldiers in town would end the prevailing scarcity there of female domestic servants. Cross Section. sand and one part cement. For the woodwork there will be required: 4 pieces, 2 inches by 8 inches by 10 feet. 15 pieces, 2 Inches by 4 inches by 13 feet. 50 feet lineal, 1 inch by 8 inches surfaced. 50 feet lineal 1 inch by 4 inches sur- con- tains In it the drooping curve element Tonlo for Wornout Horses. characteristic of the informal curved The Germans give wornout horses pediment shown in our first drawing. a tonic of roasted coffee beans mixed The extreme right and left of the with honey. shelf present massed vases and shell Deafness Cannot Be Cured uprights. The center of the shelf has by tooal application, m they cannot reach the die Its vacancy accentuated by the orn of the ear. There la only one way to eased portion Cure deafness aud that la by constitutional remedies. Deafness la canned by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the fiuttachlan Tube. When this tube (a Inflamed yon have rumbling sound or imperfect heariug, aud when It la eutlrely dosed. Deaf neat Is the result, and uuleaa the tuflammatlou can be taken out aud this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine canes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured Dj Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hena for circulars, free. P. J. C1IENKY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Balls Family Fills for constipation. A GUARANTEED CURE FOR FILES. NUNS FIRST TO POWDER HAIR. s AT NOME FOR EMERGENCIES And for the Stock on the Farm . I The Great Antiseptic 1 1 Important to Mothers. of CASTOR1A, every For a wall built of concrete under Examine carefully and sure remedy for infante and children, safe a a house 20 feet by 26 feet high and and see that it 1 foot thick, with kitchen 12 feet 4 13 feet high and 1 foot Bears the feet, by thick, there would be required the Signature of following material: Portland cement, In XJee For Over 30 Years. 12 The Kind You Rave Always Bought. barrels; gravel, 16 yards; stone fillers, four yards; labor, 4 men 3 London Boys Pathetic Suicide. days, or 12 days in all, building the .stone wall. A wall one foot thick will Sent to bed In punishment for a little ,be sufficient to carry the size of a naughtiness, which, It transpired later, louse mentioned, and the - concrete he did not commit, Harry Ambler, a London boy, hanged himblocks can be laid on wall at any level desired. Concrete for walls is self. usually mixed eight parts gravel to To Get the Best Out of Life! one part Portland cement. Order the life habits to. conform to the laws of hygiene, take proper rest, Mixing Concrete in Cold Weather. Can concrete be built in cold food drink and exercise, have plenty weather by putting salt in it to keep it oflikht, fresh air and sunshine, and from freezing the same as Is done taker a cup of Garfield Tea dally. This mild laxative insures Good Health. with lime and sand? Druggists sell Garfield Tea. Some brands of cement will not Chrysanthemum Old Favorite. stand the use of salt to prevent frost Chrysanthemums, It is said, were to any extent without injuring the cultivated in China before the elevstrength of same. A better way is enth oentury. . to heat the gravel, either with steam i pipes running through the pile, or with Hr. Window Boothtof Sjrnp, red see an old boiler laid on the ground and Tor children teething, softens the gum, oolic. feo a bottle ill pela, core covered with the gravel, will heat 1L Then use hot water and by doing the Cane Buildings In Peru. work in this way it will set very quickI Peru, there are still many Lima, ly, and will not have to be protected from the frost except covering for beddings which on account of eartha short time. A little salt used when quakes, are constructed of canes set upright and liberally plastered with mixing would not be obiectlonable. clay, then painted over. bottle ii.WEi..i TREAT and CURE CATARRH u4 all curable dii.aiea f the eye, car. aeac, threat, Ivajs, atom-ae- h, livar, bowels, kidneys, bladder and ell chronic, aorvoua and private diaeaaoa of both him. and diseases of children. Bom Treatment Cura. Write (or (roe symptom llot If yon cannot eaU. Consultation Free. sb. a. r. Special Offer in Private Diseases DR. O. W. BHORBt. e TTnfortnnatf , of both mzm. who are nflrlnf from PrlYat Diseases whether cause hr and ftrir of oontagioo have always been looked urod ae legitimate prey by the Shark Dftfl. CtmrU'aa wttt poee at flpedallss" and rob the enfferer for worthies treatment. TO UN iHOBaa ifnor-enn- So& sy po TOT aPK TOU PAT TBBtt DOLLAR UMTIL CCBED UITLBdd DM. 8 HOBBS KNOw'tIimY CAW CUB AMD DO CURB PEITATl DISEASES IX BOTH XXB9 PEBMAJniNTLT. and to PROTB their skill. In this elan ef aliments, they treat and sore eneh oases before the patient la required to pay Dra. Shores one dollar. Or shoes who prefer, in emaU weekly or monthly lnstalimeate ae the sure progresses. THIS HONEST nsr payOPtheDKfeeA LING WITH THE AFFLICTED, deale a death blow to the Quaek and Fakir whs PLAN demands aU Casta, la exataaoze for empty promises. Did yon ever hear of a Fakir refnsdlnp a Take no ohanooe yon cannot lees your money tf yon don't pay It oat. penny to a duped patient OP MBW are slmp'y the reanlt of enlarwed or Wiae-tontof so nailed "WEAKNESSES rs. GLAND-DShores new LOCAL TREATMENT for each eases. LNVaBJ-AML-T Inflamed PROSTATE CCBSd ask other Doctors bow many eases they enre under the old and eastern plan ef amatment for tnls trouble. We ears LOST MANHOOD. Seminal Weakneea. Spermatorrhoea, GONORRHOEA, 8TPH1LJ3, VARICOCELE and kindred troubles, la leas tine and for lam we never nee a earns or betray Money, than any Institution In the west, every earn Is oonddeatlal a secret. Consultation, Examination and Ad.lna FREE by null or at the offloe. OFFICE HOURS: t e m to p m; Xvenlnfs I to li Sundays and holidays 10 a m te II. Main lleaoL DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 South Salt Laka City..Utah. HALLS CAHKER AND POM TMB MOUTH. TMXOAT. BTOMACM AND BOWBLS.... Ksiden-J'Jdso- n n . NFVFR "LILIl DIPHTHERIA Fill I AIL i. Drug Go., General Agents. f MB - BY OlNflHAL REMEDY AU. BRUHWBIW BTOftBB.. Sait Lake Gltj, Utah. J. V IT j Custom Quickly Spread to Women of Fashion. The custom of powdering the hair dates back as far as the sixteenth century and was first Introduced by the nuns In French convents. Those who had occasion to leave the dels-ters for any reason were wont to powder their hair so as to make it appear gray and give them a venerable look. The fashionable dames were so struck with the novel effect of white powder on dark hair that they soon appropriated the device as one of the arts of the worldly toilet. Out of this grew the use of tints In the hair. The Roman women often used blue powder, and later, In I860, Empress Eugenie set the fashion of using gold powder, Rome under the emplr and Greece during the time of Pericles were seized with a mania for golden hair. The belles and fops of the day devised several method black locks might be whereby changed to golden yellow, but bleaching did not always succeed. Consequently quite a trade was established with the tribes beyond the locks to Latin who their sold Alps, merchants to be worn on the heads of Roman Indies. Then Irlv-vUo- three-eighth- PAINS Disappear When Dr. Wllllame Pink Pllle Purify the Blood and Heal Inflamed Tiaeuee. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood, caused by the failure of the body to cast o Itching, Blind, Bleeding Protruding Plies. Drug-gig and His are authorized refund mono? If FAZO OINTMENT fall to cure In 6 to 14 days. 50o. Ride? The story, briefly told, is this: WalChinese Consume Pork. ter Scott, the Death Valley gold miner, The natives in China eat very little made the trip from Los Angeles to butchers meat, except pork. Poultry Chicago last summer on a special is abundant; also game. faced. less in than Fe train over the Santa 50 feet lineal 1 inch by 6 inches surThat whirlwind train cost 45 hours. USE THE FAMOUS him more than $6,000. It was the faced. Red Cross Ball Blue. Large package S TO CURE A COLD IX tXE DAT mounover 175 feet sheathing. oents. run Kuss Company, South Bend, Ind. distance The fastest long Taka LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablet. Draff. any W. tains and plains ever made on One door and frame 3 feet by 6 feet st refund money If it falls to cure. ROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Chance for American Editors. American railway. It demonstrated 6 inches. The Hanover Artisans Gazette dispute that the Santa Fe beyond in should Two walls men the put up Seven Years Dogs Average Life. track, equipment and employees are of wants an editor. He must be a man The average life of a dog la about the dependable kind. Probably you two days and do the carpenter work in who is more. two competent to remove all diff( days seven years, although some live to be wouldnt care to ride so fast. You preiculties and misunderstandings befer the luxury of our three trains from much older than that. tween every branch of Industry and Strapping For Wail. Utah and Colorado to Everywhere in strapping hollow cement blocks every description of craft, and to re- East and Southwest. DONT FORGET rates and litera- must the wall be plugged, or cai& . ftHsh all unfavorable trade oondiA large me for ticket Ask package Red CroshBal Blue, only t cents. The Kuss Company, South Bead, IncL ture. on a sound and satisfactory strip be laid in? Could plugs be C. F. WARREN. basis. over not in with the wall joints Dog Aids Burglars. G. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry. inches thick? 5 Tons Grass Hay Free. Burglars who have a dog to keep 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. $ to Everybody loves lots and lots of foffde watch for them and give the alarm The usual way is to build in the for hogs, cows, sheep and swine. when danger approaches are operating Big Oyster Shells. The usual size of the shell of an bed Joint on inside of wall a in Alameda, Cal., with success. The or half inch by three inch police have & description of the dog. oyster Is three to five inches, but of bond timber, allowing wide times in strip there back away tertiary A round trip rate of $50 to California were of an inch, In California that had it to project out at least oysters will be in effect all winter via the new shells thirteen inches and seven so that the strapping will not touch long The enormous crops of our Northern See and popular Salt Lake Route. and' the blocks when being nailed on. The Grown Pedigree Seeds on our seed farms nearest agent or write for information or eight inches wide The animal 20 30 in from to are inches put strips the past year compel us to issue a speto J. L. Moore. D. P. A., Salt Lake City. shell doubtless weighed fifteen or inches apart, according to the height cial catalogue called twenty pounds, since the shells were BILZERS BARGAIN SEED BOOS. The chair used by Napoleon at St five Inches thick. These oysters have of the blocks, care being taken to and This is brim full of bargain seeds at bai as two them keep plumb, fossil nearly their in but been London was sold extinct, Helena recently long feet apart as the course will allow. gain prices. shells are abundant. St. Nicholas. for $58. SEND THIS NOTICE Lay them on blocks dry, and bed the free sufficient seed to grow 5 jnext course on top of them, as they and receive tons of grass on your lot or farm this will not jar or pull out when done in summer and our great Bargain Seed Book 'this way, but if bedded in the mortar with its wonderful surprises and great they are liable to be loosened when bargains in seeds at bargain prices. Cosadd a package of Bmit 4c and we mailing to them. Plugging a well for mos. most fashionable, serviceable, the strapping is all right but 'more ex- beautiful annual flower. Lock drawSeed Salzer A. pensive, as the joint has to be drilled John Co., or dug out, and with the top of the er W--. La Crosse, IV is. Jbarrel or sink slightly below the line NOTHING EQUALS You Are No Exception. of the stream. This receptacle would Rest is absolutely necessary to serve to catch the water. A pipe everyone. There must be periods of jfrom the bottom of the receptacle, .with a good fall to the house, ought relaxation moments when the mind to carry practically all of the water an'soul and body gather force for continued activity. The thing one . which the spring furnishes. should guard against is taking rest at the wrong moment. Herein lies most Foundation for House, ! of the success of life rostlng at the I wish to build a foundation under a house, 26 feet by 20 feet, with a right time. Great accomplishments have been 'kitchen 12 feet by 13 feet adjoining. The concrete Is to be 4 feet to the given up because one wanted to take Price, 25c., 50c. and $ .00. level of the ground with blocks above. rest at the wrong minute. After a ' Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, What width should the walls be? large duty is done large relaxation 5 Albany St., Boston, Mass. How much gravel and cement would should follow. it require for the four foot wall? Ever Hear of Scotty ROOM . Would Not Consoling. A young man had enlisted in an English regiment for India for fourteen years. Seven years after he had been in India his old mother In England wrote to him saying that if he did rot send home some money at once she and the old man would have to go to the workhouse. The son wrote back saying that if she could hang on for seven years he would come home and they would all go together. Judges Magazine of Fun. A e QP LIQUID? Seem Something Stronger Than Water. Was Needed. Coming through the railroad tunnel the other day one of the passengers, a lady strongly opposed to the smoke evil, began an eloquent denunciation of the nuisance to a prominent citizen sitting near. Do you know, she said, there is a man living on the street just abpve this tunnel, ad he declares that the smoke is not an annoyance to him at all in fact, that it is rather conducive to health? Now, what do you think of that? Just this, my dear madam, said the prominent citizen, with a twinkle in his eye, you know that cinders and a little liquid make a very good Baltimore American. lye. TO GIVE Th function strengthening and tis Simple Arrangements of Draperies building Juan of treating chronic, lingerHat G(.td Effect. cases of disease as pm ing and supd by Dr. Pni'ce, is following after We all remember how we formerly datura 8 plan of restoring health. drew pictures of very angular men He uses natural remedies, that is xtracts from native medicinal roots. and women. A circular line reprePrepared bv processes wrought out bv sented the head. Two dots made two expenditure of much time and eyes. The mouth was a line. But this money, without the use of alcohol, and was when we werd very young. by skillful combination in just th right For very soon we gave an upward proportions. to the mouth to represent Joy. curve of Dr. Pierce ingredients Golden Medical Discovery. Black downward curve represented a But Cherry baric Queens root, Golden Seal root, lilood root and Stone root, specially exert grief. Our crude art had struck the thfllr influence in cases of lung, bronchial keynote to expression the same keyand throat troubles, and this Disco s, notes that gives a room expression, therefore, a sovereign remedy and without which the room be it for bronchitis, laryngitis, chronic coughs, decorated ever so well lacks soul. catarrh and kindred ailments. One element which can best give The above native roots also have the Strongest possible endorsement from the character to a room lies in treatment leading medteal writers, of all the several schools of practice, for the cure not only of the top trims of doors and windows, ffthe diseases named abov but also for because these are salient onand frequent the walls. details looming largely Indigestion, torpor of liver, or biliousness, obstinate constipation, kidney and Usually these trims are plain, bladder troubles and catarrh, no matter where located. straight, horizontal, and the horizontal You dont have b take Dr. Pierces line is neutral, with an inclination alone as to this; what he claims toward severity. In the average home Jy-sfor his "Discovery is backed up by the these ungainly horizontal top trims are writings of the most eminent men in the medical profession. A request by postal hidden so far as the windows are concard or letter, addressed to Dr. R. V. cerned, by a gathered valance of drapPieroe, Buffalo, N. Y.. for a little book ing not possible in the door. of extracts from eminent medical auExpression In a room is not necesthorities endorsing the ingredients of his medicines, will bring a little book free sarily confined to the shape of the that is worthy of your attention if top trims of doors and windows. needing a good, safe, reliable remedy of known composition for the euro of almost Height has always been associated with stateliness, and informality has ny old chronic, or lingering malady. Dr. Pierces Pleasant Pellets cure conbeen associated with the reverse or stipation. One littlo " Pollet is a gentle merely moderate heights. Therefore laxative, and two a mild cathartic. less way to simulate height The most valuable book for both men and itscostly reverse may be achieved by and women is Dr. Pierces the use of movable plaque shelves, Common Sense Medical Ade made at small expense, and such as visor. A splendid volume, with engravings we Illustrate in this article. and colored plates. A copy, The double shelf adds to the height will be sent to anyone sending 21 cents of the door and gives dignity. The in one-cestamps, to pay more complicated single shelf shows the cost of mailing only, to effort to successfully give the apartDr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. ment a cozy and Informal air. 31 stamps. Y. was counsel for the plaintiff. Jle wrote to the lawyer for the defendanL supposing that he knew of the relationship, and suggested a postponement on account of Judge Aldrich being the presiding judge. He was somewhat surpglseik to say the least, to get in reply the followI hate the old cuss as bad as ing: you do, but will try the case just the same. pa-tie- 1905. INTENT OP Use of the Valance with drooping curve pattern in living room doorway. mentation beneath. The variation of height in these three details gives the curved element of joy. These elements are influenced by juxtaposition and environment. They are only details in giving a room expression. With them should be harmonious arrangement of walls, pictures, draperies and furniture. The color scheme of the room has its inNew fluence. Interior Decoration, York. KNEW ALL ABOUT D. fair-haire- d TOMPKINS. Man Had No Secrets Hidden from Farmer. You say you live at Stony Brook? asked the man who looked like a lawyer of the farmer who occupied a seat with him in the smoking car. , Yes, sir. Then you probably know Daniel' Tompkins? As well as I know my own son. Just what sort of a man is he, according to your ideas? Thats according to what you want of him? How do you mean? Wall, if I was goin. down to ask Dan if he wouldnt run for the legislature If a gas company would pay all the expenses and give him $500 to boot Id expect to find him full of Christian resignation and willing to do anything for his country, but if I was goin dbwn to trade hosses with him Id expect to meet a feller whod beat me out of my eye teeth and let me and the country and everything else go to the devil. I see. Im Just going down to Bee Many-Side- d 1- -: . Death in Sight of Wealth. Just after he bad discovered the richest vein of tungsten ore ever found in this country, George Spart-Iea veteran prospector, was killed Dy an explosion of dynamite in his claim in Boulder county, Colorado. i y, FOOD AND STUDY A College Mans Experience. All through my high school course and first year in college, writes an ambitious young man, I struggled with my studies on a diet of greasy, pasty foods, being especially fond of cakes and fried things. My system got Into a state of general disorder and it was difficult for me to apply myself to school work with any deI tried different gree of satisfaction. medicines and food preparations but did not seem able to correct the difficulty. Then my attention was called to Grape-Nutfood and I sampled It I had to do something, so I just buckled down to a rigid observance of the directions on the package, and in less than no time began to feel better. In a few weeks my strength was restored, my weight had increased, I had a clearer head and felt better in every particular. My work was simply sport to what It was formerly. health was badly run MMy sister down and she had become so nervous that she could not attend to her and music. She went on Grape-Nut- s had the same remarkable experience that I had. Then my brother, Frank, who Is in the postoffice department at Washington city and had been tryFull of Christian Resignation to do brain work on greasy foods, If I can't collect a judgment against ing and all that, joined the Grape-Nut- s cakes him. I showed him what It army. Oh, thats It? Then you wont find was and could do and from a broken-dow- n all. man Hell a sort of at him any condition he has developed into set the dog on you and make for the a hearty and efficient man. woods. Besides these I could give account s who of of my numbers Discovered Freak Clam. visible made have improvement menWhile engaged In shucking clams reand physically by the use of cently Enoch Townsend of Saco, Me., tally food. Name given by Postum this found a specimen which had nine disCo., Battle Creek, Mich. Fishermen heads. and tinct perfect Theres a reason. Read the little pronounced the find a most unusual book, The Road to la Wellville, freak. pkgs. s fellow-student- r |