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Show FIRST HAD CATARRH THIRTY YEARS. For His na Recovery. ROOT CONGRESSMAN PRAISES MEEKISON Hon. David Meekison, Napoleon, Ohio, of Congress, Fifty-fift- h District, writes: have used several bottles of Peruna and feel greatly benefited thereby from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that if use it a short time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of David Meekison. thirty years standing. 1 j J J Jacob L. Davis, Galena, Stone county, I have been in bad health for thirty-seve- n years, and after taking twelve bottles of your Peruna I am cured. Jacob L. Davis. If you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. ANOTHER SENSATIONAL CURE: Mr. Mo., writes: OF WOLVES ARE HARD 1MAGINATIOH Written by Ennana of Thebee for Egypt's Crown Prince In 1300 B. C. The Tale of Two Brothers," written 3,200 years ago by the Theban scribe, Ennana, librarian of the palace to King Merenptah, the supposed Pharaoh of the Exodus, the oldest work of fiction extant. apparently ror thallt taleVi was written , crown Prlnc who subsequently reigned as Setl II. His name appears in two places oA the manuscript probably the only surviving autograph signatures of an Egyptian king. This piece of antique fiction, written on nineteen sheets of papyrus in a bold hieratic hand, was purchased in Italy by Mae. d'Orbiney, who sold it n 1857 to the authorities of the British museum, where it is now known as the dOrbiney papyrus. Other specimens of ancient Egyptian fiction have since come to light, which appear to prove that the Nile valley was not only the birthplace of the arts and sciences, but was also thi cradle of romance. Stray Stories. Congressman Meekison Gives Praise to Pe-ru-- STCRY OF ALL HUMAN SUCCESS Struggle of the Race to Get Away from Poverty. The struggle to get away from poverty has been a great Had every human being been born with a silver spoon in his mouth had there been no necessity put upon him to work the race would still be in its infancy. Civilization owes more to the perpetual struggle of man to get away from poverty than to anything else. It is not poverty itself, but the effort to get away from it, that makes the man. We are so constituted that we make our greatest efforts and do our best work while struggling to attain that which the heart longs for. Power is the result of force overcome. The giant is made strong in wrestling with difficulties. It is impossible for one who does not have to struggle and to fight obstacles to develop fiber or stamina. To live without trial is to die but half a man. Success. AND first-clas- over-eatin- g, -- WANTED. To - Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis From Omaha or Kansas City -- Limited territory only left. Our list of special representatives is nearly Answers must reach us immediately, with best of references. complete. Chicago Great Western H. S. HOWLAND, I Madison Avenue, New York City. Pailway. Unequalled Equipment on All Trains tor Full Information Writ T. A. STARKWEATHER General Agent - 68 W. 2nd So. St Salt Lake City, Utah W. N. U.. Salt Lake-N- o. 9. 1906 PRICE. TO CURE THE GRIP :;INQNEDAY y pare tg tfr Both Symptoms of Orgamic Derangement In Women Thousands of Sufferers Find Relief. Greatest Cold Yet Known. In the northern hemisphere the greatest cold seems to have been observed at Werchojansk, In Siberia, where It is stated that the thermometer goes down as low as 93 degrees below zero. However, according to the Information which has been brought by the Russian artist Borrissoff, certain parts of Nova Zembla seem to show at least as low a temperature as the above. The bulletin of the Societe Astronom-loustates that In an excursion which M. Borrissoff made lately in the strait of Matotchkln he discovered a box containing two thermometers, one a maximum and the other a minimum recording thermometer. It Is supPromotes Personal Liberty, posed that these instruments belonged A British Constitutional Associato Hofer, an Austrian geologist, who tion has been formed for th purpose made an expedition to this spot In of proipoting personal liberty and 1872. limiting the functions of governing One of the thermometers was found bodies accordingly. to have registered the temperature as 59 degrees as a maximum, while the second Instrument showed that the greatest cold had been 94 degrees The better class o! druggists, everywhere, are men of scientific attainments and high integrity, who devote their lives to the welfare of their fellow men in supplying the best of remedies and purest medicinal agents of known value, in accordance with physicians prescriptions and scientific formula. Druggists of the better class manufacture many excellent remedies, but always under original or officinal names and they never sell false brands, or imitation medicines. They are the men to deal with when in need of anything in their line, which usually includes s all standard remedies and corresponding adjuncts of a pharmacy and the finest and best of toilet articles and preparations and many useful accessories and remedial appliances. The earning of a fair living, with the satisfaction which arises from a knowledge of the benefits conferred upon their patrons and assistance to the medical profession, is usually their greatest reward for long years of study and many hours of daily toil. They all know that Syrup of Figs is an excellent laxative remedy and that it gives universal satisfaction, and therefore they are selling many million of bottles annually to the well informed purchasers of the choicest remedies, and they always take pleasure in handing out the genuine article bearing the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. They know that in cases of colds and headaches attended by biliousness and constipation and of weakness or torpidity of the liver an bowels, arising from irregular habits, indigestion, or that there is no other remedy so pleasant, prompt and beneficial in its effects aa Syrup of Figs, and they are glad to sell it because it gives universal satisfaction. Owing to the excellence of Syrup of Figs, the universal satisfaction which it gives and the immense demand for it, imitations have been made, tried and condemned, but there are individual druggists to be found, here and there, who do not maintain the dignity and principles of the profession and whose greed gets the better of their judgment, and who do not hesitate to recommend and try to sell the imitations in order to make a larger profit. Such preparations sometimes have the name Syrup of Figs or Fig Syrup and of some piratical concern, or fictitious fig syrup company, printed on the package, but they never have the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package. The imitations should be rejected because they are injurious to the system. In order to sell the imitations they find it necessary to resort to misrepresentation or deception, and whenever a dealer passes off on a customer a preparation under the name of Syrup of Figs or Fig Syrup, which does not bear the full name of the California Fjg Syrup Co. printed on the front of the package, he is attempting to deceive and mislead the patron who has been so unfortunate as to enter his establishment, whether it be laree or small, for if the dealer resorts to misrepresentation and and deception in one case he will do so with other medicinal agents, and in the filling of physicians prescriptions, and should be avoided by every one who values health and happiness. Knowing that the great majority of druggists are reliable, we supply the immense demand for our excellent remedy entirely through the druggists, of whom it may be purchased everywhere, in original packages only, at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle, but as exceptions exist it is necessary to inform the public of the facts, in order that all may decline or return any imitation which may be sold to them. If it does not bear the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package, do not hesitate to return the article and to demand the return of your money, and in future go to one of the better class of druggists who will sell you what you wish and the best of everything in his line at reasonable prices. AEJThGQIPinE GRIP, RAD C3LD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. o to d.aler who wont Qn.rnntoo I wont 12 BACK. IF IT BO.VT CUKE. It. CtlliXou(HONII IF, J Oiemer, Jf. It., Manufaoturer,j-- f ngfield, Ha. A.tl-Orlpln- The Blues 99 backache, Only an Instant, They Seer to Melt Into the Landscape. The wolves now found in Jackson county are in size between the cojott of the western plains and the big wolves found in the Ozark region. In general appearance they bear a re semblance to the Scotch collie dog. ; They live in unfrequented places. .generally in the timber or along the 'streams, and a favorite abode is in caves or under overhanging ledges of stone. Scratching out a shallow hole in the , ground they line It .with small sticks and dry leaves. Here the mother woll takes care of her young, while the father Js scouring the country fox miles around in search of food. He Is rarely seen by day, and then only for an instant, for he seems tc melt away like a mist into the weeds or brush, his tawny hide making It easy for him to disappear from sight His skill in eluding his enemies, especially human, is remarkable, and this Is one of the most aggravating things about him. If a hunter succeeds In getting within gunshot of him the chances are 10 to 1 that no damage will be inflicted. His hide is so thick and tough and Is covered with such a heavy coat of fur that an ordinary discharge from a shotgun has little or no effect. With au ease that Is exasperating he simply lopes out of danger and Is soon lost In the brush, Kansas City Star. OTHERS. Take The Right Road SHOOT.' Seen for An Old I TO How often do we hear women say: It 6eems as though my back would break," or Don't speak to me, I am all out of sorts? These signifleant remarks prove that the system requires attention. Backache and the blues" ore direct symptoms of an inward trouble which will sooner or later declare itself. It may be caused by diseased kidneys or some derangement of the organs. Nature requires assistance and at once, and Lydia E. linkhurn's Vegetable Compound instantly asserts its curative powers in all those peculiar ailments of women. It has been the standby of intelligent American women for twenty hams Vegetable Compound, menced tubing the Cotnpot everything with backaches, headaches, and female troubles. I am completely cured and enjoy the heat of health, and I owe it all to you, When women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful periods, weakness, displacements or ulceration, that bearing-dowfeeling, inflammation of the female organs, backache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion and nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleepyears, and the best judges agree that lessness, melancholy, all gone and it is the most universally successfeelings, blues ful remedy for womans ills known to and hopelessness, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, medicine. Read the convincing testimonials of Lydia E. Iinkhams Vegetable at once removes such troubles. Mrs. Holmes and Mrs. Cotrely, No other medicine has such a record Mrs. J. C. nolmes, of Larimore, North of cures of female troubles. No other Dakota, writes : medicine in the world hus received this Dear Mrs. Phtkham: widespread and nnqualifled endorseI hav. suffered everything with backache ment. ltefuse to buy any substitute. and female trouble I let the trouble run on n Com-.xmi- id until my svstera was in such a condition that 1 was unable to be about, and then it was I FREE ADVICE TO WOMEN. commenced to use Lydia 1iiikbain's Vegetable Compound. If I had only known bow Remember, every woman Is cordially much suffering I would have saved I should invited to write to Mrs. Pinkham if have taken it mouths sooner for a few weeks treatment inudo me well and strong. there is anything about her symptoms Mrs. link-haMy backaches Rnd headaches are all gone ami she does not understand. is the daughter-in-laof Lydia E. I suffer no min at mv monthly jieriods, Whereas before I took Lydia E, Finkhains Pinkhain, her assistant before her de- Vegetable Compound 1 suffered intense pain." cease, and for twenty-fiv- e years since Mrs. Emma Cotrely, 109 East 12th her advice has been freely and cheerfully given to every ailing woman who Street, New York City, writes: asks for it. Her advice and medicine Dear Mrs. Pinkhain: I feel it my duty to tell all suffering worn have restored to health innumerable of the relief I have found in Lydia E, Pink- - women. Address, Lynn, Moss, Ask Mrs. Plnkhaiu's Advice A Woman Best Understands a Woman's Ills. m Letter. An old, old letter of days gone by. With words of love on each faded Words which have made women and sigh; Words which have served sinner, and sage. Words oxer which blight eyes have Or flashed In scoin, as the case be; A treasured letter carefully kept In a sacred corner where none see. Belgian Women Hard Worker. In Belgium horses often cost more .saint than the peasantry can afford, and so many of the women .often trudge wept miles with one heavy basket slung might over their shoulders, another on their and a third balanced perfectly might arm, on their heads. They tramp along In But why does her face shown signs ol the glaring heat until they reach the ire? neighboring market. They they find Is the writer false? Is the writer cold? no time to rest. They empty their Not so. He calmly sits by the fire. And she holds him as dear as in days baskets, never thinking tjiat In carof old. rying such a load they have performBut she cant quite foigive that luckless ed a hard days work, so eager are note, to sell their flowers, fruits, and Though years have vanished since first they read. vegetables. After vending their wares He had to go out of town, he wrote. all day they return with three empty And he went to a gay stag racket Inbaskets, one strapped to the back, stead. on the head, and tbe third on to In his home He returned the rosy another their arms. morn He doesn t know yet what became of his hat; Standard Time. And though gramhhildien have since been born Standard time was established on He hasn't yet heard the last of that. principles first suggested by Charles F. Dowd of Saratoga. The United Jimmy Wanted to Know. Jimmy was riding In an elevator for States, beginning at Its extreme eastthe first time. He wasnt more than ern limits and extending to the Pafour, and be was a bright youngster, cific coast, was and Is now divided The trip to the fourteenth floor was nto four time sections, eastern, cenmade In safety and excited no com- tral, mountain and Pacific. ment. Jimmy and his mother caught an express elevator on the downward journey. They had slipped past four or five floors when Jimmy caught his mothers hand. Mamma, said Jimmy In an excited tone. Yes, Jimmy, answered the mother, What makes the pavements go up I never saw pavements go up likn that. Where do you suppose theyre going, mother? And of course she couldnt tell. page; smile Egotism a Great Power. , Egotism Is the natural temptation of all those whose Individuality Is strong; the man of Intense desires, of acute perception, of vigorous preferences, of eager temperament, Is In danger of trying to construct his life too sedulously on his own lines; and yet these are the very people who help other people most, and in whom the hope of tbe race lies. Meek, humble, timid persons, who accept things as they are, who tread In beafr en paths, who are easily persuaded, who are cautious, prudent and submissive, leave things very much as they find them. Suburbanites Secure Peace. The "Silence Clubs membership la limited to ten, all of whom are season ticket holders on a London suburban railway, and the subscription is sixpence weekly. It was established solely to enablt the members to read the paper on the way to town. The revenue derived from subscriptions Is handed to the guard every Saturday morning, and he reserves a carriage for the members. BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Much More Serious. He What? You cant go to the You promopera with me ised to. She I know, but it is Impossible. Ha! I see It all. You love another. O, no no, indeed." Then you have determined to trample on your own heart and marry some man for his money. Aha! You shrink! You expect him to call this evening. Perfidious Please, please, dont. It Is not so. Then why wont you go? I I cant get my coat on over the sle&ves of my new dress. Stray Real Cause for Worry. "Yes, I am concerned about myself. You see, of late I have got Into the habit. If one may term It, of talking in my sleep, said the man who had been waiting to see the doctor. said the doctor. And Ah,, yes! you want to stop it in some way? Really, it Is not a cause for worry. I should give It no attention If I were Is Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Utilize Victoria Falls. Steps are being taken to utilize the 600,000 horsepower of the Victoria falls for industrial purposes, care taken wot tc mar the scenery. be-ln- g . Sold by all Druggists. Young men to learn Telegraphy and Kail roid Business Sal ary of operators $60 to lOOpr morth Write today for catalogue and full informulinn. you. But it bothers me a great deal, Tut, tut. You neednt feel any alarm over talking In your sleep. But I am afraid my wife listens In ' . her sleep. Stray Stories. a Quick and Permanent Cure for t WESTERN TllEGRAPH INSTITUTE SALT LAKE CITY Commercial Bid. PATENTS for PROFIT Invention. Booklet and Desk Calendar FRkE. Highest references. confidential. Rstahllshed 1861, Communication Hason, tfenwiek k Lawrence. 'Washington, . 0. DR. COFFEE'S OEYE 0L W. 0, COFFEE. i ifasns Eximcis VjJtYriTsi. iiflErT sT 80 -- PAGE BOOK FREE to cure eye diseases vkitlng a Dm.tx -- wnu to JtO. Centsry Bldg., Dos Nloinet. la. When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper. |