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Show J "vx cT - x ,' 'C-- A 5. Ottt LPN Vol. I. Marysvale, Utah, Saturday, March 10, tt-t- t O No. 25. 1906. San Francisco Diego, Los Angeles. and took fn China Town and other places of enriosity. The Piute Courant. Marysvale Mines--I90- 5 Every Saturday at The Local Office of Publication Work on the Buckeye, Beaver Lake, (Continued from our lust.) The Pines Hotel, t owned by Ambrose Hodges et ah, will AGRICULTURAL of the Following is the write-uOF COLLEGE On the 1st inst. 13G5 shares of ti MARYSVALE after a hard struggle Satur- commence in a few days, it requires UTAH camp in the Salt Lake Herald of DeUTAH. day. It took nine hours to make the little courage to conduct the work of Iambus Con. stock sold lor $6,734.75. COURANT PUBLISHING CO. cember 31, 1905; The Department of Horticulture will development on such property as the Jilp. reThe great tram at Alta will be Dont buy of your borne merchants: Buckeye, the ore of winch is a gener- use thirty or foity acres of the Central ' NEW MINES COMING TO THb paired and in commission again very Ihoy don't pay any license taxes, nor ous vein in the bottom of the shaft farm ut Lehi for experiments in fruit L. H. GRAY MANAGER soon now. $15 growing. Watch the results. donate any money to nn thing. Send eighteen feet deep and assays FRONT IN GOLD MOUNTAIN Mn. ft. M. F. Deefcer... .Local Editor 0 per cent copper and 19 per The Agronomy staff are planning a gold, DISTRICT. David P. Howells, formerly princi- east to mail order houses; they are cent lead to the ton. Work on this series of experiments for the coming boys who do lots for us; they are pal of Tooele city schools, is going jthe season on the rotation of crops and METAL MARKET. The record for 195 in the Gold to cuir friends and show it l.y selling us property will be continuous. New Zealand on a mission. rn torage crops. Special effort will be h 20e. article tor S2Lo; Mountain district and the contiguous lrom buy of made to determine the alue of peas .lost ph A. Leggett, postmaster Mt. to the them. which Thursday 1: Silver, belongs great region $5.55; copper, 17 That the properties of the Colum- Troy, N. Y.. accompanied by .I. C. and corn as forage crops. Baldy mineral belt, the greater por2. .The experiment station lately re; in 17(6 Silver, C5!i; copper, Piute Friday, bus Con. Mining company at Alia are Brownfield, managing director of the tion of which is located lead. $5.35. with an extension of miles numbered the bonanza with the big Wasaten King, situated in Betty er ceived a variety of hulless barley county 3. Silver,' C4 lead, into Sevier county, has not been an Saturday, array tor which the bonanza chaser is Lake, lrom the cast for the purpose grown in Llano at an elevation of of inaugurating the season's campaign foot. It is believed that it will prove re-Power and J5.35; copper, 17 The one Utah of been has one. Light It County reaching out. and of which preliminexciting A steam hoisting a profitable variety for conditions in ; Monday, 5. Silver. G4 ; suits, however, as the future will company will construct two plants, a ary examination luis been made with of development. copper, 17 most tawuable results, comes ns a plant will be put In place at once and Flail, both on the irrigated and the bear witness. The importance of the steam plant at American Fori a sntlb'ient force will be put to work dry farms. The station will determine C4 6. Silver, lead, Gold Mountain-Marysvaldistrict as a water power in the canyon. Tuesday, positive assurances from one of the to pttoh the development of this val- its value bv experiment this summer. $5.35 ; copper, 17 been has section most New of brokers. oYrk prominent gold producing a Hilo uable respected Anderson, highly property with all possible igor. Prof. Hull lectured on spraying beas several to the story from that years, just preached for was buried last Wed- According LOCAL MINING STOCKS. fore the Salt Lake Horticultural sosource those has Bingham with reference to its citizen of Lehi. of control the exorcising was Mr. William Cook and wife passed of death All ciety nt Salt Lake City on Fob. 24th. the properties have declined until furthat, has nesday, the 28th. Cause copper possibilities. through Millerd on their way to BeavSeven members of the faculty left Monday, April 28. 100 shores sold been said for the latter lias been veri- Bright's disease of the kidneys. ther work lias ben done upon the er Monday, from Michigan, where they the college Feb. 22d to hold Institutes at $4.92 a share; G'h) at $4 02;;, and fied maav-fol- d All that has and it is demonstrated that at have already. ledge of New The Stockton, Stockton, Mr. mother Cooks been visiting Iti various districts of the state. Presiion at 4 90. been and is being said for the Gold shpped four carloads of excellent ore depth are to be lomul its main whom he lias not soon for fifteen years dent Ke.-5 and Professors Northrop ,, Friday. 2: 1.000 shares of Sacramen Munta'n - Varvsvale country will just V U, will This mine dunnK February. asked about the and McLaughlin will visit Nephi, and before. When to sold at iiu certs, and 5.500 at as be verified by the men and be on tlie dividend list no doubt. surely weather in Michigan the gentleman later bold meetings along the line as 15cents; 17 shares of Columbus companies who are now pouring their saiil to our reporter: Weaihei! Why far south ns St. George, where they Con. sold at 84.90; 75. $4.95; 200. Much and there. the of Some the gulches canyons ground poi.ey into n in'irr gets cold in Milford. You will hold forth for two $4.98: 100. 4.99; 1.200 shares of !ri in on ncpomplLhed already, but around Alta and the Cottonwoods, days. Profeess-cr-- i of the Groat to must the go legion Ttve Miltord Con. Mcreur sold at 65 cents. Times. AmeriJenson, Clark. oGtey, and Director V' vevt two years will so far change snowr is piled tip 20 feet deep. Lakes in Michigan. There yon will Yoder will spend two weeks in SanGO 3. Columbus Con., Saturday, of things down there can Fork canyon i,s in the same condihe cold, pete and Juab counties. shares sold at $4.97 a share; 250 that complexion LI ml; e Peter Lochtie is visiting Salt find weal hot- t.mt is weather; the miner cf today will hardly tion. is cold! that at $5.00; 100 at $4.99; 400 at $o.0., Professors Stewart and Jardine and Lake. of miles and F0 because the miles 50 at $5.04. Mr. Crockett will lecture before the and picnic The annual reunion Avenues that hav pierced the maun- OF LEFT OUT LAST WEEKS ISSUE farmers1 institute workers nt Smith-fielof the Black Hawk Indian War Monday. 5. 2 200 shares of Colufnbus - jn aml opcned tile ledges are now party Ralph Bailey was down from t lie T 400 on March 1st. Con. stock sold for $11,519; Itarriugton-IIKory this week, G. 11. Fennemoro was called Doctor commission appointed by .the The I shares of Con. Mercur sold at' G5 to Now house on business Mrs. G. H. Fennennire joined the governor to investigate the duplication cents; 1.000 Sacramento sold for Oilier of Rebeccas Monday .gilt. $150.00; 500 shares of Con. Mercur .'udge ad to treat it within the time Mbs Sadie Atkins came down from of work in the University and Agricu.T. J. Jackson of American Fork, is ltural sold in Boston at G9 cents a share. college visited the college on New bouse to attend the Eagle ball. hct1' Feb. 10th. It is hoped that tho report again confined to his home with be-a Superintendent ingalls, of the Ma- Tuesday, G. The Sacramento stock ver severe attack of rheumatism, this District of Extra Merit. jcktie, visited Beaver this week. sold at 14 cents. 7,000 shares Harry Cartwright and wife came in of, the commission, which is to he filed Mr. Jackson has attack third the not Columbus ing is at that this country figure. from the north on their way to with the governor on July 1, 1906, will going The Bingham, F. R. Bailey and Jos. MoGurl have Beaver. head- - had ttiis winter. Con. reached $5.37. suggest a feasible plan to settle the been initiated into the order of Ka.les. thus avoiding the unnecSi. The average values of the controversy, DaL. South Jones of Madison. J. AT THE SMELTERS. H. Billingsley left tor Salt Lake essary time and of not high enough for that, fiiicagiu-expenditure cota, was a recent visitor to Stockton, Ben Thompson, of the Iten Han Ison Cltv the other evening where he will mono) , at, each recurring session of ain oo the man and corporation of lie was looking after mining interests mine, was Mend: a visitor Milford y. the legislature, In useless contention. stay for some time. hour.$brains and energy, it uTors at the New - Stockton. Monday, April 2S. The Pioneerj The gentleThe Agricultural college has Just Sampler released two cars of Alta siifir-ix-1 turns on the money invested man returned home well pleased. All the secret orders in Milford are Is just about over reached the position where it can efThe ore. than any farming or manufacturing in a healthy condition and still grow- with nosmallpox more new cases, so far just fectively aid the farmers of the state, guarantee. the safely E. E. Buster, Thursday, 1; Pioneer sampler re- - enterprise can representing one house quarantined and that is and it would indeed bo unfortunate for leased one car of Alta ore. There is no longer any mystery con- Hastings Industrial company of Chi- ing. nor was 1 formations 3. Stockton just a little white house on the hill thorn to have Ihe rgowth or usefulness car the of ledge Saturday, cerning cago, was in American Fork for the with Ralph Pitchforth and William of their institution in any way curreleased and 1 car of Alta ore. their general form of mineralization. purpose of organizing a company to Jenson. tailed or retarded. Monday, 5. Stockton, 2 cars; Alta, 1 The preper methods of treating the build a combined canning factory in Mrs. George Wilson entertained a , car. ores, which carry nothing but t gold our city. Messrs. Rosses. Miss F.vlvn Slaugh few of her closest friends at a Mias Lennie Harris, of Beaver, is ter,- - John Tuesday, 6. Stockton, 1 car; Alta, 1 and silver, to speak of, has been pretSlaughter, Frank Osborne bipiHhi' yarty , An. elegant car. , v ty thoroughly worked out by the An few davs with Miss Mabel jvijrtpg-and-wi- te,L W. 'Bally W. 'll.' Tildes; ' was servoo, after which the inwas sold la Peter JI stock crine jb.'tiA supper Sevier Lhii'hi nie Cpui.,'!. .- , Maxwell, Mrs. Kiler, James Raima. vited guests spent' the evening till companies. It has rest them not a lit- - of Los Angeles, the other .day Daniel, James and Henry Slaughter the wee small hours of night at a soThe stock belonged prin- of tie to work out this important factor $314,000. asatch King property lV; of Frisco, were Milford visitors. ciable game of cards. who Y. F. to those disposed and is business or Snyder, for of the companies cipally being surveyed county shares. to 02,000 these of his follow pioentire interest tent. and men who are MILFORD. Utah, consisting of 1405.3 linear feet of neers will be able to profit by their the vein, lode or deposit on the Minnie; with matter is amount AVhat Fank the tremendous The was as follows: ball Frisco PIUTE COUNTY OFFICERS. experiences. game 12S4.J linear feet along the lode, vein Who says Huzfter? Hes all right! cf development work that has now or deposit of the Minnie No. 1; 1498.6 Milford Team. a. house S. D. L. at held the meeting 7J so has Everybody!" placed lode, vein or deCommissioner: Chas. Skougaard, been done in the camps Bert Loeklmrl, c. ;i diaries Lind- linear onfeet along theNo. A large 2, and surface Minnie the posit them where it is now possible for Tooele, Tuesday afternoon. E. C. Bag'.ey, J. B. Peterson. James W. Beaveriield has returned front say, p.; Slants Atkins, lb.; concourse of friends from Stockton of COO feet wide on all of ground j Frank District Judge: John F. Chidester. rmital to step in and know just what to the last Ney. York", where he has been for the Rollins. 2b.; fins Lessing. 3b.; the claims being survey No. 5392, the it is buying. That being true, the accompanied the remains Hunter, ss.; Dos Hickman, If.; Harry veins, lodes or deposits ln all said claim County Clerk: Horace Morrill. i two months. pat-Jplace. resting is which the region justly E. E. Sprague. boom to bear gold, silver, lead and other valuKeates, cf.; John McKeon, if. County Attorney: able minerals, said claims being deentitled cannot be long delayed. of Treasurer: R. A. Allan. C. H. Doolittle, superintendent One new case of smallpox reported Frisco Team. reln the field notes and plat of scribed of this not the is purpose It Morrill. r Canefiild Charles Eureka-OphiSheriff: mine at Dry of Mrs. the The little Blanch, the official survey on file in this office, in Milford. Myers, c.; Davidson, p.; of the detail such into to view go Lake City. Htrrry Pitchforth is the victim. Recorder: Lura J. Stark. 3b.: with magnetic variation at 16 degrees lb.; Peterson, 2D. ; Hamilton, read- yon, spent Friday in Salt Charles J. Helnhold. years accomplishments that the Assessor: He was unable to get up to the mine Ponders, rf. 40 minutes KE as follows: if.; ss.; Osborne, Lay, Columns wearied. er will become Minpat Ryan has returned from DuSurveyor! George T. Henry. Thursday on account of the deep Vith H. Hanks as umpire Milford Beginning ut corner No. 1R.of E.thecorner could be written concerning the show- snow, but succeeded In making a pas- luth. The gentleman went east to won. nie claim from which the score 3. 15 The was, to Milford, of Sec. 12, Township 27 S It. 5 W., A telephone line is one of the pos- ings tint have been made in the doz- sage attend the funeral of his brother. Saturday. 15; Frisco, 3. bears N. 77 degrees 29 minutes E. 5690.6 ens of properties that have been unsibilities for Panguitch in the near After tho ball game Washingtons feet, them e N. 28 degrees 24 minutes W. developTht?" snow was so deep on the grade der steady and intelligent Silver Crown, of Beaver Lake, The line S ment. If it is possible to convince the going to Gisbom (Dry Canyon) that wild soon be provided with bunk birthday was celebrated with an Eagle 144.1 fi et to1 intersection with 70 degrees ual), which was $2 per couple. Dance Minnie No. (laini, thence S. investor that this is a twa.s impossible for the mail carrier hotce. boarding house, etc. The There is plenty of snow in the would-bAbout one hundred and 40 minutes E. 1231.5 feet to corner No. of southern Utah and theifjmate and afe field in which to to reach the latter place from Stock-to- n the utmost confidence Ln the and supper. were out to see the F. 2, Minnie No. 1, (lienee N. 49 degrees exno which people fifty succeedin a and or bright have good cause to rejoice. 34 minutes E. 600 feet to corner No. 1 ate, Friday, regirn Thursday s property. themselves. O. E. spread of Minnie No. 1, from which the S. E. pert can be placed at work without orchestra as well as Geo. At- lorner Kec. 12, Tp. 27 S., R. 5 W., Salt his being Carrie J away b) its fhe roads between Milford and kin's. Lake meridian, bears N. 74 degrees 19 The corner stone was laid unities, then the Herald will ieel that g Begver are in a frightful condition in Eriiison minutes E. 4159.5 feet, thence S. 70 deDr. Fcnnemore. Clarence u;h fitting ceremonies on the 27th ult. its duty to tbe camp and those who any tonnage desired. The first unit some places. Somebody's attention 40 minutes E. 214.3 feet to corner The worst and Gits Lessing were Hour managers grees have spert their time and money in of this milLis now nearing completion, is called to this tact. No. 2 ot Minnie No. 2 claim, thence themselves. is to run time and it the O. Wiser of Kimberly, is at Gold the and done. enjoyed been everybody by ready degree 34 minutes E. 608 feet to corner bringing it to the front has pla tes are near Beaver and Milford. mining The crowd included Milford, Frisco. No. 1 of Minnie No, 2, from which the examining power plant, said to be one of the Butte, Nevada. to Bonanza. From Gulch. the the Prospect in be Kimberly owned by Newhouse and finest the state, will Popper S. E. corner of Sec. 12, Tp. 27 3., R. ready to properties Mrs. Mathews, of St. Anthony, Mines are seldom made in a day supply the energy for the mill, mining Vine Evans ami I. Banks and 5 W.. bears N. 76 degrees 58 minutes vrdicate. by her son Howard feet, thence N. 69 degrees 57 or a week or a year, and it is usual machinery, sawmills, and all other and her have been visiting Misses Furgeson, of the .Moscow, at- E. 3381.1 W. 1487.5 feet to corner NO. 4 minutes ball. John E. Myers, of Panguitch, has v the rule that where a longer time equipment necessary to the handling Milford. daughter ,' tended the to 34 S. 4' They have now gone of Minnie No. 2, to make a mine its life, of such a proposition on an extensive secured the contract to carry the is reqw.-e- d Sevier county, to visit Mr. minutes V. 0, !)..' to corner No. 3 of Min55 to HICKORY. is OLD Panguitch, from mails correspondingly scale. During the present season ;MalPW-Marysvale after being made, nie No. 2, Identical with corner No. 4 mother and sister. Ezra Skinner and Ralph Christian, of Minnie No. 1, thence onward 563.7 miles, for $2 000. longer. It is now six years or so since the company has spent more than! . . Lulu Davis, feet to the Intersection of line of the th" Annie Laurie company was organ- $100,000 in providing this new equip-- 1 Charles C. Kizer and J. D. Attley Mbs Sherwood, Miss wife. Minnie with line 4 of the Minnie No. Wanted 10 men In each State to travel, ized. The property was just such a ment, and when spring opens it will Los Ang les where Ralph Daily, Roy Baxter and from arrived XV. 24 2 minutes 1. N. nee the degrees and Sam Price aim post signs, advertise and leave samples prospect as are numerous tollers in be in shape to begin its career as a jiave been for the past two Charleyof Lindsay 409.3 feet to eorner No. 2 of Minnie came Old of our goods. Salary $75 per month; $8 00 the camp todav when P. L. Kimberley dividend earner of the first rank. Hie Hickory, weeks. While on the trip they visited wife, claim, tin me N. 79 degrees 29 minutes per day for expenses. Royal Supply Co., and his assocates pan! $21fl,(t0n for it as .follows: San down for the concert yesterday eve. XV. 1105.3 fiet to turner No. 3 of the cities, Be the (To Continued.) Iprincipal Dept. W. after having spent $30,000 cr move Minnie, tin nee S. 28 degrees 24 minutes under their bond. E. 6(8) feet to torner No. 4 of the MinNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Wanted. Information of the where- - in development owners have more nie, I hence S. 79 degrees 29 minutes E. the then Since No. 5757. formerly abouts of Jerry Harrington, 1105.3 feet to comer No. 1 of the Min ms el yes back the ( the than Ofpaid him Land been left of the Interior, of Mercur. a legacy has Department nie, the place of beginning. Excluding ha e, an.l ot cost lnal property th.e 5, fice at Salt Lake City, March and exeptiiig, however, from the above by his landlady, the total sum of this front the No. earnings, opened up miles lfltlG. area, the following conflicts: Survey surlegacy being $4.50 room rent. built ore new bodies, of miles and mining claim andMine. Notice is hereby given that the fo- 5139, "Letoj powNo. mammoth 5170, vey milling plant, "Klondyke all con- District Managers to post a town, Wanted llowing named settler has filed notice S. Treasury Mine, roads, etc., until hiii intention 'to make final proof Minshould of No. 51S2, Some the of signs, advertise and distribute sam- er plants,istramways, reasons you with survey tliethig phy the biggest mines one Gold said 1: survey No. 5170, that and with us. trade rles Pa'arv $18 00 weklv, $3.00 per todav it No. his of claim, in nie support with survey No. 6392, We ask only live and let live prices state age and in the state and ready to begin earn-pre-in davfor pveersea proof wil! lie made before the clerk Minnie eoul'icting No. 2 claim; survey No. 5126. and give live and let live terms. Tdeal Shear ing bigger money ttihn at any time in and for Piute Court employment. District the of "Red Roy" conflicting with survey No. it career. The Annie Laurie is no Absolutely guarantee', correct proofs St., Chicago. Co., county, Utah, at Junction, Utah, on 5392, Minnie No. 2. and measurements c;nd handle no better and no worse than numerous WilApril 11th, 1960. viz.: Nathan imitations. Net area applied for exclusive of all It Manager S. M. Levy of the Annie other properties in the district. liams. N. E. 14270, for the south V2 said conflicts 48.421 acres. Said group liberal- with tbA trade. Always by th been managed of has condition ; aggressively Laurie reports the nw. Vtisw 4 no U and tie Vi sw '4 is situated in unsurveyed part of Tp. RIEGER & BINDLEY, men who knew its worth and who The Whisk y Merchants. properties throughout as very gratifySee. 27, Township 27 S., Range 4 W., No. 27 S., U. 5 W., Salt Lake Base and the to money spend Meridian. ing, with the new rolls being added were not afraid Sait Lake meridian. The nearest known claims or locato the plant to go into commission in necessary to make it what it is. The witnesses names the He ioilowing 5139 tions to said group are survey-Nocamp is right now in need cf mere the next thirty days. residence continuous his to prove Little No. 5126 "Red Boy, survey just such combinations. viz.: said ot land, upon and cultivation survey No. 5170 Klondyke 2. Leroy; A magBlfiwmt steel engraving of Sevier Consolidated Operations. Miles Durkee, John Richards, JereIf. S. Treasury and Gold Reserve; famous the rtjost pass, Hagerman miah Dennis. John Williams, all of Bell No. 1; survey No. 4665, Apex The Sevier Consclidated is a powermountain pass in Colorado,' has been isFraction claims. Marysvale. Utah. sued by the Colorado Midland railway. ful combination headed by Seymour The location notices ore recorded in FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. e .This engraving is 26x40 inches and W. Tulloch of Washington, D. C.. and office of the County Recorder of rwsrrFrrP!rrrrFPFFFFystvVrri'ys,,rt';?.,s,v',Ys,.P,P3; the I,. H. Gray, Claimants Attorney. The founsuitable for framing. It will be sent Captain H. C. rtute county, State of Utah, as folSi 190G. 15 in cents First publication March loth, to any address: on receipt of which the company was dation g.i upon lows: stamps by L. H. Harding, Salt Lake formed was the Sevier mines purLast, April 7, 19UG. Minnie mine, recorded in Book 14 of 2 City. Deeds, page 477. chased from Charles Lammersdorf. it 2 Minnie No. 1, recorded ln Bock 15 of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The property had been productive A CHEAP RATES TO MEXICO. Notice No. M. A. 4063. Deeds, page 49. and, from surface workings, gave the AA 8 ;?TO p. W. M.nnle No. 2, recorded in Book 15 of APPLICATION FOR PATENT. ore The fortune. owner a States Land Office, United Deeds, page 50. Daily until April 7th, the Colorado original ' was which UTAH. I direct that this notice be publiihed Salt Lake City, Utah. Midland wil sell tickets Salt Lake was treated in a small mill MARYSVALE. plant by AY January 12, 1906. in the Piute Courant, Marysvale, Utah, to City of Mexico and all points north later replaced by a larger Notice Is hereby given that the Apex the newspaper published nearest the company. W4thin a year, AY thereof for $44.00. Through sleeping the present was AY Gold Mining company by its authorized said mining claims, for the period of seen that still greater A car to Denver. Beautiful illustrated however, it FRANK D. HOBBS, AY TRAVELERS made Comfortable and Happy at thi agent, Qideon Snyder, has made appli- sixty days. books on Mexico and it3 people free. provision must, be made to handle the A Y X Register. cation for a United States patent for bodies that ore developmammoth AY General Agent, H. L. Hostlery. Harding, Write Snyder A Snyder, Claimente Attorthe Minnie group of mining claims, AY to was wrnrk ment causing informa?3 constantly further Salt Lake City, for consisting of Minnie, Minnie No. 1, and neys. to A Y First publication January 1$. 106. Minnie No. 2, situated in Gold Mountion. This line assures you the best grow larger, sq it was determined nioda and a erect large power plant tain mining district. Piute county, Last publication March 10, 1204. and scenery. p 1 7-- 1-- 1 ! lead,-$5.35- ., 1-- e 7-- r Beaver County Items - i d - - f f T Wash-.i.bUK'U'- a. a r e oper-farme- Grim-shaw- b'-n- e. N-4- Elsi-iiior?- s i -. - I e, - K . Law-rcnc- n The Grsoid Hotel, 1- |