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Show K s h FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. The Lond Distance Record. Paquin, this model shows a draped break off a few of the finer sprays of belt having a round, slight dip In the Boston fern, arrange loosely in a front. low glass bowl with water, and the In this class comes delicate green sprays will last for a the new polo or pony coat, of which week and make aAdainty centerpiece. more anon. A glue which will resist the action d of water is made by boll'ng half a Directly in contrast with the styles are the longcgals, pound of common glue in one quart of closely fitted as a rule, and severe skimmed milk. Another method Is and revealing in their lines. to soak the glue till soft in cold water, and then to dissolve it on the stove in linseed oil. French Fancies. girdle of black very panne velvet hooks In the back At Over Mountain and the top In the front. It Is cut down and 2,265 Miles Plains in less than 45 hours, demon-Itratln- g two shallow points at the top In the that Santa Fe track, equip center. It Is embroidered very light-Jaround both edges In silver, and fnent and employees are 'of the demedallions are appliqued on filver kind. pendable each side of the center front, there be- three Inches of the plain velvet In Probably YOU wouldnt care to ride Ing these silver appliques. so fast. You prefer the luxury of 3 the back a single large meda'llon hooks Regular Trains from Utah and Colo, over from side to side, concealing the rado to Everywhere East and South-wes- t Joining of the belt at that point. Still another girdle shows down the center front a row of tiny French bows of velvet, each having a tiny Ask me Ticket Rates and Lit- rhinestone buckle In Its center. Another has little rosettes with silver erature. buttons as centers. C. P. WARREN, General Agent Girls Dress of Red Cloth. The skirt Is made with a narrow The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe tabller, trimmed with straps and loops of black velvet, fastened with steel Railway Company. THE SCOTTY SPECIAL. A deep-pointe- d short-waiste- y 411 The new 1906 models of the COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONES embody all of the latest improvements in the talking machine vorld and are the standard of perfection. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT In exchange for the latest types, and don't forget that A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Backed by the Largest TalHmg Machine Company in the TVorld (does With the Machine. d short-waiste- oudoir Confidences Salt Lake City, Utah - NOTHING IS CONCEALED. i ''! vt? personal THIS buckles. The blouse, opening over a lace chemisette, and the short bolero, with large bertha, are both trimmed with the black velvet, the ends finished with loops and Bteel buckles. sleeves are finThe ished with cuffs of lace headed by the velvet, and the belt Is of velvet Colors In Harmony. Certain browns and pinks consort most harmoniously and with much distinction, but one must choose the right shades. A pink broadcloth frock of tint, trimmed In creamy brown velvet, worn with brown furs and a big pink tulle hat trimmed with brown plumes and a touch of fur ground the big crown, excited much enthusiasm at a recent tea and the polor scheme should suggest charm-linpossibilities to any clever artist An dress. The finish of skirt Is three applied bias tucks. A vest and collar (of brown velvet, with a gold embroidered line, fills In front of coat and the Ibelt around sides and back of coat Is cloth piped with brown velvet. The cuffs are similarly treated and fastened with two gold buttea-ros- 4 BEAUTIFUL d 0R6AN i! tons. Tailor-Mad- e Coat and Skirt. of coat and skirt, The tailor-madto be worn with differing fancy blouses and bodices, maintains all of Its modish consideration to a remarkOne shows the short able degree. and a Eton with just velvet collar for embellishment and a deep girdle of panne velvet adds to the smart effect. The skirt Is one of those extreme patterns with Inverted Invisible plaits on the and well-nighips and just overlapping rows of strapping on the hem for trimming. e W have Just completed ar- with the largest rangementa In the manufacturer of Org-anHats for Spring. world, whereby we can now offer As to colors of the hats which are to our many patrons here an In- -. being worn now and will be worn, . strunient delivered at your own . the Millinery Trade Review's Faris station for what has ordinarily been known as FACTORY COST. correspondent says: Variety In color This Is an arrangement that is a particular feature of the new . should be Investigated thorough-straws and hair weaves. All the lead. ly before you look elsewhere, as we are sure It will appeal to you. ing series of shades adapted for the season are represented, but particular REMEMBER we gave you from .. . . $26 to $75.00 on one organ. This Is prominence is given to the new moss .. certainly worth saving. and spring greens, and to the lower-toneEASY TERMS. You can send pinks, to the orchid mauves, .. us $2.50 to $5.00 per month, to suit .. your convenience. sky and pale hyacinth colors, to the bright light wood browns and the "I willWE PAY THE FREIGHT. We deliver one of these organs at lightest of terra cottas. any R. R. station In Utah or lda-ho without any additional charge Individuality in Dress. a-- to you whatever. Do not lmag- With the wide latitude which fashlne that It Is Impossible for us to do as we say. Our system of ion now allows in the various lines of handling our outside business is dress, it is not a difficult matter for .. so that we can without niiladi to follow individual ideas In .. anyperfect trouble whateer make de- her gowns and dress accessories. Inlivery to the smallest town in this western section. deed 'individuality' has become the WE BUY IN CARLOAD LOTS T slogan of the well dressed. SomeX and are thus enabled to make the Is not which but " only becoming, thing iow prices that we ' ridiculously 'her her taste, her indido. YOU GET THE ADVAN- expresses e. TAGE OF THIS. viduality original ideas adapted to Write us at once If Interested. her particular style. see that your friends hear If not. Sarah Bernhardt, with the authority of this great money saving op-- .. of a great artist, who studies every portunity. point and with the inherent Instinct REMEMBER we have been in here for FIFTY YEARS pf her country to please In appearance, JX business the oldest house in the State. dwells with emphasis upon the point 4- OUR GUARANTEE on an in-- 1 and one's instrument ts absolutely good. We $ pf preserving That enhancing one can do this dividuality. 4 warrant fully everything we sell If you doubt our financial r.t- - 4 and submit to the doctrine of imperious fashion is a paradox. tng look us up. We refer you to The extremes of styles are most any Banker or Commercial agan- cy In this State. marked at the present mernent, not only In materials, but in mode of conMusic jj struction as well. Simplicity walks T hand in hand with an elaboration of Leading Music Dealers. S. Main Street, Salt trimming which quite bewilders the 4 Lake City, Utah. eye. d effect is conspicuThe H-ous In Paris. Exploited originally by . . L A. BENTON, O. A. P. out-of-do- RAILROAD .r.T.L H S. 1 1 Clayton I . Co., 109-11-- liinilch' short-waiste- THE OVEBLAKD BOOTH w WWCH TH1 rOHLAX SOWS TO AU 201 KAT ACIFIC MAIN ST. LU1 KOm SPEED COMFORT SAFETY or am era ROCK CITT. (THE OVERLAND ROUTE) VTML Effective Street Costume. Rather showy, but in good taste and delightfully effective, is a model in dark green broadcloth, and it Is admirably appropriate for street costume for the debutante. Applied pieces of cloth trimmed with tiny gold buttons and set on bottom of skirt at stated intervals, making a unique foot finish. The short eton jacket is also trimmed with cloth bands and buttons, the former making the front lapels, which open over a vest of dark tan kid. The small revers at neck are green velvet. COSTUMES FQOM PARIS. 44 TO CALIFORNIA 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 44 AND ITS FAMOU8 WINTER RESORT8. 44 44 44 44 44 44p&iatlal Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:30 p. 44 m. daily. servatlon, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist Dining Car. 4-- FREE RECLINING CHAIR CAR. f4 Ob-- 4 and4 4 4 4 Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, Y)r 4 write to J. L. Moore, Disk Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt g 4 Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. 1. i44444 4 ?-4- 4444444f ?44-t4-4444- ft THE DOCTORS WHO CURE Noe and throat itl Nervous Diseases, Bladder Liver Disease. Kidney Troubles, Heart Diseases, Diseases of tha Stomach and Bowels, Piles, FisFemale tula and Rectal Diseases, PATASDU and Complaints, Chronic Diseases of Women and Chifldren. Spinal Rickets, Skin Deafness, Diseases, Troubles, TrouAsthma, Bronchial and Lung bles. Rheumatism, Hay Fever, Neu- a ralgia, Hysteria, Eye and Ear Goitre (or big neck). Varicocele, Lost Manhood, etc.. Blood Diseases, Scrofula, and all Private Diseases, forms of Nerrou and Chronic Diseases. (that are curable.)' We cure the liquor habit In S days or no pay. 1 1 1 UNION PACIFIC SPENCER. A.6.r.T.i SALT VHH THS THS EOSCT COfffGCTDM U. E. BVRLET. 4. 1 BALT LAKE CITT, UTAH mmm Chicken Mexican. One chicken, two small onions; one egg; half a green pepper; two teaspoons of salt; one teaspoon of spearmint; one small clove of garlic; one teaspoon of lard; three tablespoons of flour; one teaspoon of black pepper. Remove the meat from the bones and chop very fine with the garlic, one onion, and mint. Mix thff other ingredients, and roll In balls about the size of a pigeons egg. Mince the other onion, fry It brown in a saucepan, add two quarts of boiling water, drop In, and let them boil for an hour. These may also be made of veal or lamb. Spar varnish is the liquid to 'use on use, as and lasting. A few pieces of glue tucked Into the earth around house ferns and palms will furnish the soil fertilizer in an inoffensive manner. The southern laundress ties a lump of arrowroot in a thick cotton cloth and boils It with the fine white pieces to give them a dainty odor more delightful than from sachet powder. If there are no flowers for thtable. XX Oregon Short Line d i SLEEPERS HmwumKB, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE The turnover collar and cuffs are ot caracul. The other costume is of ruby red cloth. The princess skirt, witty narrow breadth or panel In front, 1$ encircled at the bottom with two rows of braid. The short bolero is also trimmed with the braid and with buttons, and has little embroidered revers. The waistcoat and collar are ot velvet. all furniture for it Is both weatherproof s TOURIST Froa Recl Loin g Chair Oar. Dining Oar Berviaa a la earte oa all through train. For Folder, 111 era tad Booklet, eta-a- dd . Care of Street Gowns. " nothing which tends to lengthen the life of a good street suit so definitely as taking it off as soon as you come In, brushing It and putting it away on its hanger. Lounging, as youre bound to do in a measure in your home, plays havoc with tailored clothes. Its rather a temptation to sink into an easy chair when you come in, just tired enough to enjoy the prospect of Idling for a little while, but those very times take the life out of the sort of cloth that tailors sell, and probably lays fine little creases which result in Incorrigible mussing. Its lather a temptation, too, to hang it up and postpone brushing and putting away properly to a later time, when youre rested, but it pays to do it at the time, for dust should be got rid of before It has time to settle into the cloth and give It that dlngv look which mars so many otherwld-lookin- g suits, and careful hanging prevents forming of bad lines. WINTER AND TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS g jdeep-turne- 1 e ( FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE Theres MATHEWS & FLEGAL. Psychologists and Phrenologists. Consult Prof. B. N. Matthews. He gives you name and tells yoq what you need and wish to know. Hq asks no questions and confines himt self to the truth. Prof. Matthew holds the secret of power and Influence. He reveals your post slbllltles and enables you to realise them. Everybody he reads for Is ast sured of success. His advice on love, marriage and business Is sound and reliable. He settles all disputes anty helps you to get the money or property that Justly belongs to you. He tells you when to make Investments and what to invest in. If It is not convenient for you to see him, it will pay you to write. This gentleman is truly gifted and the wonders he has accomplished form the topic of conversation in every city he has visited. The sceptics and the helpless are especially Invited. He locates friends and relatives and anything lost or stolen. Reading. $1.00, Room 25, Gladstone Hotel, 119 Main St., Salt Lake City. ! PULLMAN THROUGH rain-cape- s, r'; . CO., GEN'L. SALT LAKE CITY. CHOICE OP ROUTES. steel-studde- d vv COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH Both Phones. So. Main St. 9 Parisian Skating Costumes. The costume at the left Is of dark green cloth. The skirt Is trimmed with bands of the material, forming loops at the ends fastened with but tons. The jacket, with yoke and bo lero fronts, Is trimmed to correspond The revers are of light cloth, orna. mented with buttons and buttonholes A belt of peacock feathers, with a silver mounted bag to match. Is novel. Have you seen those smart little braided loose coats, just reaching the hips? It takes a murderous array of hatpins to keep the modern chapeau in place. The traveling cloaks are smart enough to make any woman pine for a Journey. Many of this years coats boast of a cozy high collar, often luxuriously lined with fur. Babies of six months old are shod In boots of buckskin with soles as soft as a glove. The elastic belts are general favorites and by no means insignificant in price. Auto hoods of rubber, lined with silk and provided with wide are not really horrible. Scarfts of tinted liberty silk are worn again with street suits, their long bright ends fluttering from the coat front. Dooly Block. 327-32- DR. A. J. OUR MOTTO: A low fee, quick cure, mild and painless treatment SHORES. CURES The first illustration shoals Vtailor-madcostume of striped cloht. The skirt is made with a group of stitched plaits on each side of the front, and with a is trimmed at the bottom shaped band of the material, the ends turned up in front and fastened with buttons. The short, jacket is also made with a group of $laits on each side of the front, and shaped bands from the border and the odd yoke. The collar and cuffs are of Persian lamb, the latter finished at the top with little plaitlngs of silk matching the gown. The muff Is also of Persian lamb. The other Is a palllsf cos e half-fittin- g tume of violet cloth. The new and odd skirt is made with 10 gores mounted to a fitted the gores at the top with points of velvet of a little darker shade than the cloth. The bolero is made and hip-yok- trimmed to correspond, and is ornamented In front with passementerie The knot, edge and brandenburgs. girdle are of velvet, the first ornamented with a gold buckle. The collar and cravat are also of velvet, the chemisette of linen. The sleeves are plaited and draped and ornamented with points of velvet. They aie finished with deep cuffs trimmed witty bands of the material DR a W. SHORES. or by letter free to 11. Call or write. Consultation not despair because you live at a distance HOME dv mmia city. Drs. Shores new system of HOMS TREATMENT makes It easy to get expert advice and treatment at home.e of disease which enables them to dlag-noeTheir new symptom blank covers every symptom be done for you. and what your case and tell you whet your trouble Is, what can eannot call, for their new symptom list and the cost of the cure will be WRITE If you EXAMINATION. Whether take treatment or not. you FREE of the take advantage the advloe coeie you nothing. In person DW m Mill N contagion YOU ARB THB VERY WE WANT TO TALK TO. We bar. proren our .kill In curing th. 61m. by publishing CHRONIC many voluntary taatlmoniala from homa adand names, picture people, giving w W CANT PUBLISH OUR CURE IN PRIVATE DISEASE Beeauae It wool betray oonOdenc Henoe of w. hare to prove our .kill 1b this claa, trouble, to another way. Thii la our plant Pay When Cured Weak Men If nffar from .nr of th., weaknem.or nettPKR-BOor ilMUH cauMd by lgorwic-- We cure you first and then ask a REASONABLE FEB when you are cured. Tou can depend upon our word, thousands of patients have Indorsed us. NOW WE WANT TO CURE TOU with the distinct understanding that we will not demand a FEE until we cure you. This applies ts Lost Manhood, Seminal Weakness, SperVaricocele. Diseases of the matorrhoea, Prostate Gland, Unnatural Losses, Gonor- etc.. Contagious rhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Blood Poison and all WEAKNESSES of men. Consultation and advice free, ts I; Sundays and Holidays, U n. k 1) Maln Salt Lakt City, Utah. a. ts I p. bl Evening t & SHORE3, Expert SHORES DRS. Office hour a, a Specialists, Plea.se mention this paper. |