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Show You a Mining Bureeui? Wsvnt Do Sunday. February 25111. in the Salt Lake tbo'jtr' .the little boys and Till out thi. blank and return t. the Ativriiau Mining CoTisre. si me bir ones thronged the auditorc,,io. to n echos by promium and h uohi-inent citizens. The talk.; wore in thr ami the House of Ro pi ' s ntatlves of the United Stales. To t he main good ones, calculated to inspire A NEW DEAL OR DEFEAT. de The undesigned, believing that the Federal Government should accorrect tin lights and instill proper whole the proceedmaking portments. cord to the mining industry that iccognition and assistance which it so great- A series of -- opcnt events liavv lonl- ing highly commendable; lint there from some were propriety !y needs, and to which it is so chaily entitled, lespectfully petitions your departures cd to emphasize n situation which lias we hope will not he repeated. existed for some time and been point- that honorable bodies to provide by bgislation for the creation of a Department ed out In those columns more than uncertain of Mines and Mining, with the executive head a member of the President's Jftries are proverbially once. That situation Is the absolute factors. Imt the Ogden, biand is surei rec.blnet, and r i this end respectfully urges your support of H. It. Bill No. 2.11, and pressing necessity for the reor- ly funnier titan any other in this gion. With about half its city council ganization of the Republican party in tinder charge of grafting, one of them entitled A Bill to Establish a Department of Mines and Mining, introduced Utah. Uy this we de no not mean that is tried and convicted; then another by Congressman C. Van Du7r of Nevada, December 4, lOOii. there should lie a change of principles case, with an almost indentical array Name or a departure front an thing in the of facts, is tried, the verdict being not guilty, that sort of thing is if is what way of basic propositions; P. O. Address- satisfactory to Ogden, the rest of ns ( s i upution meant, is a realignment of forces by have no cause to complaint. means of which the rank and tile will The defense in the Smoot case is have a little more say regarding set for March 20. This definitely measures and men, and a with the time already had ought to MEN. a little less. It has been the lie sufficient. There is a desire that case here for no matter how long a comes deep down in many people's ended time, lnit altogether too long that con- systems to have the matter us ferone wav or the other, and let ratito ventions have amounted only promoted by the late P. A. II. FrankMAHYSVALE MIXES vently hope there will he no lurthir lin, has acquired A vast acreage of min-- i fication meetings, and the majority of post ponomeiits. r.tlized territory, including the Log The Annual Showing of Gold Mountheir memberschip to so many stalk(Mbin mine, and has been prosecuting A man who as much has probably tain and Other Districts. ing horses, each saddled and bridled a very vigorous campaign of exploraas the assessed x ablation of in readiness for whatever canter and money t tion with favorable results. The work in Salt Lake City, all tie proper! of this companys operations has been (Continued from our last.) pact' tne taskmasters may have seen was in town a few days ago, and conducted upon a much broader scale fit to act. Tho result of all this is, as made less of a ripple tiian a cowboy tears out this statement. On the than any other concern in the camp. in the a ten with dollar his north of bill Providence jeans. has been frequently observed and companys Geologically, the Marysvale section of groups are the Silver King and Golden the Mf. Balily district is identical to The mail was Jacob Sciiiff. mentioned, t hat what should be an Oue. ii mines, both of which are rethat of Gold Mountain, and there is no honorable and effective arm of a great very agreeably to the stock- reason to doubt but that mines of Three Dixie hoys got a setting up sponding of holders that corporation. a of Importance will in time be deis merely national organization as it is, by properties of mer- great iinprisonnu nt Bite and cost for there. veloped e white eye without having it, and within ouo.and a half miles making piece of mechanism used for tho was first undertaken in the Mining license. Compelling a bom the Annie mine, the con-- ( vicinity of Marysvale as far back as of securing a good positions for a Cioverument is lusion to take a drink of the stuff readily reached that the bG8, when a few old California placer i hances for the the favored ones making tip the ring culprit Providence are deiided-l- y miners drifted into the country1 and would he a punishment worthy of In ight. undertook to separate gold from the of bosses, and preci- tin dark ages. The management of the company gravels of Bullion creek. The men met ous little else. Ail of which should lias decided to Inaugurate a very vig-- with only scant success; jet they did record-smasThis lie to a ous ought of in campaign the he changed, tot Indifferently, but altonot despair; but afterwards located the development when it is the intention to com- property mg year in the agricultural departapiing. now as known the Webster. gether must lie if tin re is to lie any in' nt of Ctali. The prospects are for mence the driving of a new tunnel A p mill and a donkey engine more winning worth the name at the an abundance of water and that gen- whiili will tap tile ledges within a dis- weie imported from Chicago and the tune,. ni i.,oo feet a sloping impossible task of reducing ores carerally means an abundance of pro- huik of at least 400andfeetgive polls. on the vein. rying a combination of metals was unducts. There are f the municipal election The result already two tunnels on the dertaken. A crude smelter stack was property, one 2A0 feet, the other tJUO thin erected and its operation, too, here last fall Wits not merely a defont feet ill Is a There talk of length and both contain a wry proved a failure. Democratic papei it was a blow so crushing so comlaiorable of ore. in Salt Lake, having in view the inAfter successive failures the Ml. The i ompany owns some valuable Baldy region settled down to a scene of plete in diameter that nobody hut the ducing of prodigals to return to the tmibei lauds and a splendid rniilsitc. inactivity. Some of the miners who KI On J EDITORIALS. j. ABOUT MINES. MINING AND MINING d, pur-jxts- 1 oi two-stam- :S es BRAINS SAID TO BE INHERITED. Gold Mountain diMiict durF.tt'i The proper; ifi of Cold MiHlU,ain luiVo SlllJell cage! y to iiiaitiain lb itvciJ'O' output, :md result.; have Lilly row aided these ef- of tin- - ing the tear Nut Merely Their Quality hut Their Form Handed on From Parents. The Inheritance of bodily characteristics, both by man and the lower an imals, is too well known to need comment, says Colliers Weekly. In the tame way we are accustomed to think of mental attributes as being more or less hereditary. From a priori consideration we have every reason to expect that the organ which is the physical basis of the mental faculties, the brain, should show in Its structure the influence of heredity. It has rarely happened, however, that any comparative study of the brain structures of near relatives has been possible fine opportunity for A peculiarly uch observaefbns was afforded when the brains of three brothers were given to a competent observer for exam-'natloThe brains were those of Villi, Burton and Fred Van Wormer. 'll of whom were executed in New erk state. All three brains showed -- arVed .similarity in general form, of size. iering chiefly in the matter 1oT'e unusual features were present r, n all three; one characteristic in which is of great rarity, in all throe. These facts lend -- ch support to the idea that of brain strfleture are inhered as well as peculiarities of face nd figure. In the case of these three rotbers no attempt was madtj to the configuration of the brain -ith the nature cf the crimes of ths I forts. The bVvief Consolidate I lias been actively engage 1 during the year developing the magnificent resources of its ground, and to its possessions it has added 1,000 acres during the year. The mill with which this company will complete Us equipment for the handling of its ore will soon be fully prepared to grind 100 tens per day, and with tho improved power and water facilities the Sevier Consolidated will be in readiness within the next few days to start upon its career of usefulness and profit. Good Results Registered. A large number of fine ere todies have been opened up by the Madsen Gold Mining company and the company in all probability will soon join the other properties ,in providing the most complete facilities for the handling of its output. The Providence Holland, Annie Laurie Extension nd Signal Peak have achieved results these that have fully compensated companies for the amount of development work done during the year. Annie Laurie Company. The Gold Mountain mining dis'rict holds many likely prospects aside from the great Annie Laurie mine, which, during the year, has been far from idle. Many ore bodies have been opened up during the closed year, in the lower tunnel below any point here tofore reached by the management. Tne shaft' that connects the tipper workings of the mine with the lower tunnel was completed within the year, and a great deal of money has been expended in the older portion of the property to connect all the various levels with the shaft, so that the extrac tion of ore might be more economically performed than through chutes formerly used for this purpose. Is a Permanent Camp. The permanency of the camp has been established most completely by the developments in the Annie Laurie, as the ore bodies encountered at the low levels show a future of deeper mining than ever before definitely con- templated by the sponsors of the cam i. The character of the ore at the n. par-c'tla- oc-'lrr- ed te ten. Sleepless Creatures. There are several species of fish, reptiles and insects which never sleep during the whole of their existence. Among fish it is positively known that pike, salmon and goldfish never sleep at all; also that there are several others in the fish family that never sleep more than a few minutes a month. There are dozens of speeie3 Of flies which never indtige in slumber, and from three to five species of yerpents which also never sleep. DEAR. READER! Will You Assist the Business Men. of Sex It S A for Greater Utah? Boosting to Build Help rj Lexke City in S up GREATER SALT LAK CITY! DONT USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From a. UTAH DEALER! THIS IS THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER UTAH. fool or No sooner does the mud in Salt 55 have Lake's streets get so one can cross 55 used the name and mechanism of the in snow-fal4 V safety than another V Republican party in their own narrow comes along and puts them hack 4A V were. where A they selfish way received a rebuke which A V to people who are both sensible and Postmaster Thomas has succeeded 4 Vf pensltlve would he the means of mak- in getting a renomination and need A ing them see a new light and taking m figure on much further in the way V against the petty tycoons who Additions Made in 1305. l s'eim electrical plant was v Sk erect-'- d the comp my during u.e at evier station, and power is year trans-m- i ted to the mine from this point twelve miles distant. A new rock by BOOST! er- - ikor of a of sixtv tons and immediate stops toward rectifying tho il add4 V 55 more ed to which th bitterv of three already in I, s , mils and imperfections 4 "O 55 use. A full complement 11 of new screens than anything else caused the party 4 was installed in the mill, which has 4 V to he shot to pieces. Instead of that 4 V 55 been steadily grinding nil the ear 4 they scent to he more 2 The new machine shop wm complete 4 Vo -2 'v 4 7, than ever, to look upon thenisehes ns Z.v 2 by the company,, id mimerou ; other A wer improvements 'V'V the 2 and assure 55 tj the modern Colossus great urn 4 1 during 19'' 4 2 During the n w . "a, w"body of the party as only .fit to crawl V 4 ear ,b offin' wd' It will mu father to sate his own mother's life, 4 between their huge legs. 52 of h n ilia.r t minimim tonand they tint him in jail. A good many 4 V AVj, . 'Ai, Op tyfj C vX. n ll e do. ilv. nage of 39) has to ask. what 55 mvi'le will he dispo-oheen a steady shopyi r compiny Three-fourth- s dur ng" the of the Republican f a ?' 55 year, employing 3ho cens'anty party f this portion of Ftah at least (Continued Ne'tNWebk.) 5 March came in like a lion all right; are now in the American party, with hut titter the record made by Febru- ,8 v not one thing done, cue line of policy v CLIFT HOUSE. CA ary it is idle to figure on what tho suggested, or one word of conciliation latter part of this month will be. Third South and Main Streets, Salt c 9t offered looking to their return to. the i55 Lake City. The god of day will please accept fold. The campaign is net so far off All New But the Name. 55 4 occasional tor thanks the of glimpses This centrally located and well that the situation can he ignored r his tace lie has vonehafed unto us. 4 V 4 time wasted in masterly inactivity. 4 .known hotel has been thoroughly Th.is has. been the snowiest winter Eleventh-hou- r novated and refurnished throughout. bids for restoration A. 444444444'44444444444444444K'44444444444'4444l4'4r4'.T' Under thf hew management reasonwill he utterly Ineffectual. The stakes cut recorded in these valleys of the mountains. And it isnt over yet. with ample Witter rights. went in there in the early days retired able rates and first class accommodafor the race next fall are valuable and The capital stock of the to the farm. In late however, Rut. companypiesent Shako. Postmaster Thomas is t.OO.oeo shares of the par attention has been givenj'ears, important, and to those who have the to mining, and tions will prevail. it have lt how could of else lesuited? table cents then, in with are at each: but cause heart the to order aid of outside capital the welfare of the Can be reached by street cars from replenish the treasury with a fund of country is being developed. a mighty deemed worth making "An official of the Gold Development all depots Tlie coal famine is over, hut the stork to lie sold tor development purposes, i; is planned to increase the company recently informed the writer struggle for. As things stand now the money tamine hasnt quite let go. MRS. A. L'. MASON, 1apit.1l stock to 6')0,Oot shares at the that his company had made such headRepublican party could not with cerProp. pur value of $1 each. way that the installation of mill faciliTHE LAST CURTAIN. ties in 1906 is now practically a certaintainty count on electing a constable THU MARYSVALE SECTION. To be assured of a pleasant trip ty. in the smallest precinct of this counIn Marysvale section of the Mt. The cheery face ami hearty manner lhildy the ty, not because there are not enough mineral belt considerable The Salt Lake Tribune had this to east, purchase your tickets via the if John S. Lindsay are no more lor work has been done Republicans, but because the say of Marysvale and God Mountain earth. On Thursday morning the year. The R. IV. i H. and dU'ing a Railfv bulk pf them are either uisafiected ot 22. after a lingering il'ness others hate Sent some ore to maiket. in their New Years edition: hill no the reason see and lie with camp, times at is why indifferent, generally speaking acute, suffering, Nothing has been left undone that ami peacefully yet in the prospective stages. they should continue work for a cause! hade the world good-bcontribute to the general uc- Development company, which was 'nu'IVlt ,!u' fr'nl the success of which moans sung for the part- returns. tratclor Except places for a few leaders" who. hav- ing with his taniily and the separation soon idden to higher walks in the ed by sympathizing friends. May his ing got the said places by such and trom friends, there con'd have been a decided honor then rest be sweet. theatre other means, dont seem to care the no pangs at leaving a condition of big am! at times intolerable, things utterly beemerging finally into the ranks ashes of a small sharing what The Germgn government profited and these relatites ami friends have cf the professional, where he gained or those last year over $16,000, Out) by its postal, comes of the organization the thoughts to soothe them in the a high station. who do the real work in every con- midst of much sorrow that he has at The funeral ceremonies were ap- telegraphic and telephone systems. least ended his sufferings. test. from Omaha to Chicago. propriately held on board of the First-clas- s The deceased was in his GGt h year, Salt Lake Theatre, where j for so War Devastation. service also between To the masses, not to the bosses, hut he looked and acted much young- many years his voice had rung ,ana In of the visit Fredand Minneapolis and Chicago Carlyles 'maha of story down Turn syco- er. He came to Ftah in 1S59, his na- his this appeal is made; characterizations admired. The erick to the devastated provinces at nd St. Louis, as well as all points In get you to- tive countiy being England, Here he floral decorations were numerous and the close phants and of the war we are told that soon entered the methods dramatic and of business, me was a the finest elegant; existing gether, change harp, this hard-ho- c ried M'nquaror was mov- ho South and SoutheasL reconstruct your aligfinment, or count having become associated with others presented by Manager Riddell of ths ed to teats at Gmes For full Information call on or write s.t what he was similarly inclined and forming a very Grand Theatre and the Larch DraJ. A. FOLEY, to behold and could yourselves out for a long time to promising amateur company; obliged promonly but matic adcompany. Appropriate Commercial Agent. to ise and mend. oniPi try John outstripped them all and was dresses were made and music render help No. 75 West Second South Street. t & capacity A farmer living near Marseillea, France, has discovered that by "watering his melons with milk they will grow to twice their ordinary size; He carries off all the melon prizes at local agricultural shows. httr was instilled, two ir addition large dryers were et p- -r t cOVu 1 -- - j h ilPY-d-- j -- If , j ti v tti ij in I U n j Tip-Gol- d self-seeker- s; I Illinois Central road GEO. H. FENNEM5RE g Physician and Surgeon. Milford, Utah. Official 'surgeon of the San Pedro Railway. 3X$ TMt S1S$SS33 DENVER iogwwesIIE TIME CAEZX Stations. Eastbound. At. P. m. A. IL 6:80 10:8 City 6:48 1:4? Murray Lv 5:30 Bingham Junction 9;9 6:28 9iZ7 Riverton Westbound. pm. A. M. Lv. 8:00 8:00 Salt Lake 5:11 6:20 6:28 6:60 6:66 6:2 6:33 8:07 8:30 f0:10" 1:25 4:27 6:15 8:11 8:20 8:S0 8:61 8:57 9:21 9:30 Lehi American Provo 6:01 6:54 4:21 Fork 9:04 8:67 89S 8:1?. 4J0 Springvllte Eureka Ar. ilyer City Lv. rk.'stle , Mantl, Lv. Richfield 9.25 Marysvale. Ar. NO. 1 TROUGH TRAIN. 6:16 Ol 1JU &. m. 7:46 Leaves Thistle , m Leaves Provo 3Sr3 a. a. Leaves American Fork ..1 J:4Q a. m. Leaves Lehl a. Leaves Bingham Junction .... ldJ p. m. Arrives Salt Lake City 1:88 D. in. Leaves. BINGHAk BRANCk. ArrieS A. M. P. M. M. p. v 8:10 8:00 Salt Lake City 18:60 8:83 3:23 Bingham Junction 10:27 6:17 8:48 8:46 Revere 10:40 9.97 8:57 Lead Mine 9:50 6:4$ 9:20 4:10 Bingham 9 40 I. A. FENTON. Gen, Ant.. Ftm D.tp.e i. |