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Show .T S W I LTrITW"L EN PARTY '( : . - 4'Mt& mmmm 111 IWi f . i brisk hammering will drive thorn into pr- sition on I ho board. , A pretty effect i-,v sjVOI1 rn ,,.,,, bad cups hr l.iyinj o, f, OI. on ,(,,. ,,,, turned fiii-c of an oli llntiroo mid pound iui: I ho edges with n nniull tick hammer " This should, of course, be done before it i p:imtcI or gilded. ninll live cent fun L, ncl. painted or gilded to match, may hi subf-titimd as nn extinguisher, j In fn't. any mum board may l. ku!- sfitutfd. nml nuKlle cup nro by no n-.or.n-n U.-vcs-jly. Jf i)1P ,.n, 0f n f)l(jr (, pspo.M'iJ to n lining for an insinnt it ivi'IiV in-lt milliclciitly to mlhoro to tho stirf.-ico. if .. on th. board for n V s''-cndj!. If tb.. candle nro plnrod in tho i' o l a fw hour b, foro nsim' thoy will hnr.!, n mid not bum down ho nnlckly. ' Li-simple Li-simple precaution is alw a prrvcmivr nsainst undue drippin;, which In drslmblo if no cups rtrc ucd to cntch lh- ovrr-(low. ovrr-(low. I A Hiiczi'Mion in lino with this, and"" ; which niny Ik ucj by thp. jrir for her111 Mvoct Nlxtrrn party. i to utili? a rrnl or ..artificial row for a candle holder. riuct?C i fsr petals from the centre, ponr in li'ftli Imr. wax or dripping from tlioj inndlc cxpo'd to the flame, and set th-id ruddle linnly in tin? heart of tho roM-.ly The s.teni should be left intact and twiKted h in shape for o handlo. CM Thi idea U nn artintic aimolntlon ofjl the old fashioned candlestick without ant shade, nnd tunny mirh set around the diu-;t Ing room will add to lu decorative cffocti:(r also boarim; out the idea of "an cnrly.j randlelight affair." j' Such n cnndle board will do duty forrr more than one birthday party, and it will also korve gracefully nt ThanltHglrins nnd ChriKtrans dinnerx and other festal occasions. occa-sions. It ndoiita of all sort of floral dec.K(j-rations dec.K(j-rations holly,- myrtle, K&rlands 0f rowK, swfet pesK, morning glories and it willj. add much to the joy of many home fetes, d .So "sweet uliteen" need not think chp" enn monopolize it for her own, bot then.''" of courxe, she would not wih to do so, for nhe has already learned that ''it is morv1 bleRsed to give than to receive." A Rose "Pic" for Dispensing Favors ORIGINAL ideas for parties are always welcomed by the girl who never enjoys herself iuite so well( as when, In the rOle of boMr:.-,, I ghe extends hospitality to hf-ri friends It in needlem to svp- it f tnph n pirl oTrrN'Htnlv tiAmtla. I :.vV-A Huge Pink Creps liillliilitl pmipwsi A Rose Setting of Tissue Paper for Candlestick .an dianJce Cup and that ber pre.sence U eagerly wjught liy tlwr young hostesses, who cn-j- liennrrrn-Aial liennrrrn-Aial originality. For Kucb a girl who appreciates a brood new Idea and who is sure to ga.r-Lo ga.r-Lo It according to her own individual uy on ber natal day, the dugvostion for a "sweet niiUen" birthday affair Is offerf d. Nor does this mean that she must bs "jecommodatingly jimt sweet fiitojen, for ven though ber age falN below or exceeds ex-ceeds thin numeral a little spi-e may bo vidii to tb occaRlon by Kueh an announcement. an-nouncement. If the birthday unoWigluily comen on funday or a w-kday which Juterfev-N with lessons it may be planned as an "early candlelight affair," announcing thi tact, of courn, in the invitations. For instance : "You are invited to n 'Swet t Sixteen' party an early candlelight affair February Feb-ruary 23. at five o'clock." If possible to limit the. numbrrof guest. It Is better to confine the number to sixteen. six-teen. In order to cArry out thr idea in iTi'im? p.'Uer rose totals, a simple t rick j my girl can leadily leani by practising hi one. These ice cups or "ciisest" may !e bought at any caterer's or crfie paper :.hop. or they may be innde of pastebourd it home. I.nce pap..-r doilien are alo for .-nil-, nnd they are exeellcut imitations of real Irish crochet nnd olh.r choice hues, illhoiigh, of coiirS..-. rinlliln; can' ever take I he place of hand made one.. I CAMH.E l onr.N are ohl time acres-1 sorl. and but few of these hoirkiii are to U se. n to-day. but nny girl who 1m handy with a saw cau make one. Or poriuips I here is n father or brother v, ho ran be ralii d iutii .Ui -i t i u-. If not a CtrpeJlTcr" will -r.t n r-ir-nlnr t-inrI fnr a few cents. It should Ik- nlwut half an iurli thick am eighteen inehi-s in lianietei'. rilinary pine takes au excellent tain I mahogany, Flemish oak or any shade desired de-sired to match tb'.- dining room furnishing';. furnish-ing';. Candle pins may lx punhaed at any eatererV bhop. ,or wild the niil of a pair 'of shears tliry may be rut from nheet lead jilt the nhiipc of a f.ur leaf clover. Tlirs "raps" f-hoiild be dip-d iu n paint mad.; lof dry lnhlpliliM'k mid thin t-hellac. r I gilded. After the e imJIc ( Ins are painliil or gilded they can be puiiehed throueh llle "four leaf clocr," which will serve as a cup to cutrh the candle' drippings. A A Home Made Candle Board Photo by TUlcn D Van Eaton- angel (ake, with one pink candle sur-ni(iiiniing sur-ni(iiiniing it, which ni. :iit "one to grow on,'' the hostess afterward explained nt the candle board ceremony. Just alhe the table, nuspcndcd from the chandelier, was n liuuo pink crf'jie ! paper mn' really K wrn J, fn n wire fltiie was Idled 1lth IjoI'lMjrls, Mien covered cov-ered with er.'pe pup.T nnd the ro-e 'built ' n it petal by petal. Kuuners of pink and white, sat in ribbon extended from the rose bomb to the plates, wh.-re they terminated termi-nated in "sweet Mlcin" eni hi t fiuoK Kail) Jiehel liad IllilltV loops and .sixteen end-, from ivlll' ll Were sllpelldeil MH(I hearts with I he usual .sentimental lilscrip-tioiLs. lilscrip-tioiLs. (hie end of the ribbon had painted lijuu iu. ' a iv Kiljtj but mini." When cake time came around the hostess host-ess arose and invited her guests to arise also, wliercupnn rnrh one was n ipicptcd to MiulT one candle with the old silver cxiiuuulnher, whieli had oucp upon a time Ik-cii great-gr.iiidmamina's and whl.-li Hail-iel Hail-iel Webster himself had lwed wiien a cm st in i heir home. When the sixteenth candle dickered ""it under the littlo silver .-ap i be hustess; was privileged tn pnuff out the extra candle on t.jp of the cake the "one to rovi' on" after whieh she served ft sii.v of snowy rako to each guest. At a Mcnal from the hostess the ribbon runners were pulb-d siiiniltuui-ously, when the rov? bomb burst in a shower of bonbons bon-bons river tin table. 1 iverythiug break-aide break-aide had, of course, first becu removed. Such a party can be easily given by any cirl. Five hhccLs of tissue paier will make the bomb, rose nud all. The latter is fashioned of large crumpled petals, glued on n pasteboard found ition. An ordinary or-dinary baking pan may bold th? gifts and have the rose attached to the cover. In other words, a rose .Tack Homer pie may be inverted and suspended from the chandelier. chan-delier. Three bolts of ribbon will miiko the ruuners iUid "sweet sixteen" sachets. Or if yon do not wish the expense of ribbon nmie rs twist strands of pink and white crepe paper and utilize them instead. You hive no idea bow effective sixteen of the llor.il rop.-i may be made. Ileal ribbon s.vhrt.s. how ever, should be given as souvenirs, souv-enirs, unless you think of n cleverer itb-xiitnte. itb-xiitnte. The ice cups were ulso coMr.d with shapes and sizes, keeping in inindrthe girl's fuce euch one is u franc. For example, there Is the pink and wbit chocked tjunlKMiuet with pink ribbon tifv, nnd u giirbind of tiny jirnk rosebuds for the plqunol facd girl. There is a Gainsborough with a rwf--ring white "willow" "wil-low" plume for tin; ttntey girl a pink crepe paper foundation, with a v, bite I crepe paper plume. j wry rrticnlar. Upon arrival the guest chould be precntd with a furor, indicat-lnjf indicat-lnjf ber plane ot the uMh. Cacb fiavor Siay be dLffcreut, but ail thou Id harmonic la tho color Mcbetno chosen. Nothing could bo more charming and tniggentive of a robud jrarden of girbj than pink and white uDd flower hats mado by artibtie finyers. These may be urchascd or fnibloned nt home In all I'icture hats in all .shapes and sizes, cinbcllishi'd with pink and while ros.-K, I large and small, in w reaths clusters nnd I sincly, will be suiv to delight the gmtsl to whom they arc pnsenled. And nothing noth-ing could be mo re attractive than s'it..'.a sweet girlish faces frumed in such Moral iluipeaus sented about a rose decked table. If the month Ls June, tho ldei is imb-cd H-rfect Wire fr.uuoR niay be used, or paste-bourd paste-bourd foundations will answer cverj' pur-iios-, usiuc wire to Kluipf;. It is astonish-ing astonish-ing T.biit a pot of glne, a dozen sheets of crepr- paper, another dos'ii of tissue, and i r.j outfit will ticcowplinb. The result ill 1 an infinite variety of creation; biaided. corded, uhlried, plaited, and all row bedecked. Full instructions for in-ik-ing tvill b; yiven otic at any bhop v. h"re crepe papers sr kept. Luip shudes in hexagon, dome, Finpue or princ-ss effects, nnd candle bhades rose petull-d and in all share's, or electric libl scnxiis of I'OtM-ri oi;iy be fa-hiued. The jilac card, that mo-i necenryi accessory to n well apioiulM table, should I b attached to either a full blown real! rose or an .nrtifieial one with foliage. The white card may U- further embellished, if desired, by cutting rotes from i re'ie pajiers and aipliiu.iii tlri them. A beautiful couci'it which uiay be carried car-ried out iu the dining room by deft lingers is that ot a rose bower. For this purpose one end of the room, or a huge srrceu, should be latticed with white ribbon of broad tipe. a (simple trick whh.h will not lojure the background if Muall thumb tacks are used. Tissue paper roses, I It rambler, for iustance, ami their green leaves should be twined in nud out of the latlicu to give the bower effect. SVCH a party given in nn old ( Sara-lo.-n mansion counterfeitnl such a lower by using two large folding sns'us nrrntts one vomer of the dining rof.m, thus helping lo carry out the piuli and white effect. Grandmother's old mahogany ma-hogany table was polished uutil It shone, and plates wero laid fur sixteen on the best rr.tch' ted doi'ies. Ou the large rr rheted centre piece was a caudle N.i.ird, with sixteen pink lighted candles. In the centre of the lJiird was a snow white I |